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• ; ,Z''` WHE;iiM it is desirable that the City of Clearwater install a 411 vast
iron pipe within a 10" cast iron or concrete ouivex^t, crossing under the
`' ^' • . '?.,.,? .:,,,, - track and property of the Seaboard Airline Railway Company in Clearwater,
Florida near the Easterly line of Betty Lane and at a paint 2, 593 feet
more or lees Westwardly from Hite Post No. 873 at the location shown in
red on copy of the Railroad Division Engineers s Drawing No. 1425, dated
October 24th, 1951, attached to a certain License Agreement dated 16th
day of November, 1951, which License Agreement has been prepared by the
Seaboard Airline Company and submitted to the City of Clearwater for
.y`Y= ?` af•;
5yt4,y,?.' i execution by its proper officials;
NOW TfiERMRE BE IT RMOLVID by the City Comninslon of the City of
fi•'r' ??f? F'irb-r,?.,i,;,;3.b??':e?';;.:;t ?::,^tia;,
i r tti~?
Clearwater Florida in meeting assembled this 19th day of November, A. n.,•
P: 0
1951, that the proper officials of the City of Clearwater are hereby
authorized and directed to execute said License Agreement in behalf of
fi S•S ??yt??lFer?:.rr 1?;",'F`ist trsxw. (.. ?'.. r.
the City of Clearwater, a copy of same being hereto attached and by
preference being madd a part of this Resolution.
THE FOREGOING Resolution was moved by Commissioner
-x's?r??M• ?'?"?,r? {:,?..,;,'.;?>_., ,? >,_ ':--?;`
„3 4.tr ;•rl :fit n'?`'"i`t!:5,;,
a"' Blanton seconded b Commissioner Black
{?! r t v1 1. sac, aj??•..r ?s ?:?.
} i l yA??,_.7.. i ?Fr`'Jy'•.s?' i i'.'•.•1,.r1:
rtii??.xr and upon vote being taken game was unanimously passed this J%h day of
' _????,?rxr ;'?i . r, #<`••>•i''? 'fir November A D 1951
3. All
hF }?C+??S?hhhsss'''__?FS?i '!"?'S'•??rx'1.'u~ .?,}?,,??r. .
'`i?',5 's„?r ,???v?lt•?'i... r. rj r'';°?i _e, •,
a?yor-Commisaiane G C-7
{ E '``'3x City Auditor and erk
rr, 'r < =rM+au -'.'?" a 'l?f?1?R?" ' 4 ? Y •,.<r1„?.,._,.,} ?:; .,• t?,,. .,,-rI,',: +saw!.n,'aw;.r; ?.«'e?:+,}°' ".
t. „??f"'tt t[r