05/21/1951 (4) WEREAS . , Joseph O. ..". ._ "':<t~"C""".""~",":II'tt.....~~~tIo~.,.).~'1~ J ,'" h.".' . .{('.'t, ~ ""t '~.'";,.~~~~'l";,!~' I .' ;'. C' \ :','.:' :!':'~;:': ,_,.,'.,: >~;'?;~(~:~';~,~~;iH~~;:~~~\?t;.;':'~,:':, ," ,I '.', J I '.~" .,......... "'1'., ....I..~): ~~'q""f'/ll:1-iJ-.:~~,~..:;.~ ,',; ~': l~~: ::" .,'.: ;,:; \:.., :; <+:1":;'" ~;'~,;/.;:Dt\~:~;;,:j;;}~~tji~,;~dfi~~~i4i;~~:~~r~~'4~i'~;- , ,':- , . \, . .. , ,:, ".. . 0.,. ;" -.., "",:,,"1'1,:" \,< .(,' .,A,c''-''cb !.i~~" ,,}~,};\,:t:,~{ ". "', "~~"~ L':.;;'\t ~.~_~ ~~ 'Jo}, ~ ,'. ::,~. J-.\\;;::- ,~..~:~'J..:il~~r.~r"...;..r:i~i,~~}\"i'-:'~ ..J';;~}~f)i.~;,'V" t",l "" .' ~{'''''''''''', .' 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" 'i 1 ~ ~ ,~ , ,I ,'\'t II k \, 110.-..._ RESOLUTION 'City or Clearwater, has rendered outstanding and unselfish . r,' :. r...I." servioe to our community and has given unsparingly or his time and ef'rorts to the welf'are of' the City and its oitizens; and WHEREAS, Joseph O. Houze bas recently BUr1'ered bereavement in the loss or his beloved wire, Anl':\ Pfister Houze; and liHEREAS, this Commission reels thatit speaks for " every oitizen of Clearwater in expressing these sentiments; NOli , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED' BY THE CITY COMUISSION OF TIm CITY OF CLEARlfATER, FLORIDA, That this Commission expresses its most sincere sympathy to Joseph o. Houze at this time 01' sorrow, and its appreciation for the splendid oontributions made to this entire community by him and by his late lamented wife, Anna Pfister Houze. This Resolution passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater at its meeting held on nay 21st, 1951. ~ and Clerk >' ., ;, '. .1, " ~ , ' ~~~....,;TL.:,:. ~(,;:",,i;<.' ' .., ,', 'loc~'l J.. :';'!:'.\~)i..~;".:) .,; <J-, I~r~ht~ ...~' __ ...;'/. ' \ 'I, .c ''t: ~' ". . " f c . I . . . .i... '/