FRANCHISE AGREEMENT .' I I RECEIVED" mn GEnERAL TELEPHOnE COmPAny OF FLORIDA MAR 9 1979 CITY C~ March 8, 1979 ~'2l':~~1 DEIH -)..SSOCI/';Tc G Mrs. Lucille Williams City Clerk of the City of Clearwater Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 Re: City of Clearwater - General Telephone Company of Florida Franchise (Ordinance No. 1873) Dear Mrs. Williams: I would appreciate your forwarding to me the following documents in connection with Ordinance No. 1873 adopted by the City on February 1, 1979, granting a franchise to General Telephone Company of Florida: 1. Duplicate copies of the Ordinance as finally adopted, conformed to show execution thereof, and certified to be true and correct by the City Clerk. 2. Duplicate copies of the minutes (or excerpts therefrom) of all meetings of the City Commission at which action was taken upon the Ordinance, showing that a quorum of Commissioners was present at each meeting and giving all entries at each meeting dealing with the pas sage of the Ordinance, certified to be true copies by the City Clerk. 3. A certificate of the City Clerk, in duplicate, relating to publica- tion of notice of the proposed enactment of this Ordinance in accordance with Section 166.041 (3) (a), Florida Statutes, and the receipt of the acceptance thereof. :.:., :'8:--< ~~- :?g;-s.-::: Electf'on ics ,~ I I Mrs. Lucille Williams -2- March 8, 1979 In order to assist you in complying with our request, we are enclosing duplicate copies of a proposed certificate (item 3 on the preceding page). You may be assured that we will promptly pay any expense incurred in preparing the documents requested, and would appreciate your submitting your statement therefor, if any, at the same time the requested papers are forwarded. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. Enclosures am GEnERAL TELEPHOnE compAnY OF FLORIDA I , j :<'-, '-, - ~ .: ~ - ;::: --:\',,-,.:... February 16, 1979 Mrs. Lucille Williams City Clerk of the City of Clearwater Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 Re: City of Clearwater-General Telephone Company of Florida Franchise (Ordinance No. 1873) Dear Mrs. Williams: Enclosed is the Acceptance of Franchise by General Telephone Company of Florida, and it is requested that this Acceptance be filed with the records of your office. On the copy of this letter, please acknowledge that the Acceptance was re- ceived by the City of Clearwater within the time specified therefor in Section 10 of said Franchise. Sincerely, ~~~~~ arb Enclosure cc: Thomas A. Bustin w/enc. City Attorney Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the Acceptance of~ranchise by General Telephone Company of Florida, this the 'Y. day of Feb- ruary, 1979; said date being within the time specified therefor in Section 10 of said Franchise. oe.. .J~..- , L,~, . ,~~ City Clerk of the City of Clearwater /'\ part of Genee.= - c c hone c" - ics I I ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE BY GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF FLORIDA General Telephone Company of Florida, the corporation named in and to which a franchise was granted by Ordinance No. 1873, adopted by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, on the 1 st day of February, 1979, hereby accepts the franchise thereby granted. This the 16th day of February, 1979. GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF FLORIDA J I Excerpt from City of Clearwater Commission Meeting Minutes of January 18, 1979 ITEM' 35 General ielep The City Attorney pr.esented Ordinance #1873 forpfirst reading and requested an amendr.lent. Commissioner J-lartin r.loved to amend Section 3~ the last sentence, to read as follo~s: "Local service revenues are all items nm, or hereafter included in the uniform system of accounts in the FCC accounts." COmJ'lis- sioner.DeBlaker ;econded ~he motion which carried unanimously. - Grantin Commissioner Hartin moved to delete from Local Service Revenues FCC Accounts 500; Subscriber Station Revenues and 504, Local Private Line Service,and to add 506, (Other) Local Service Revenues, Commissioner Tenney seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The City Attorney presented Ordinance '1873 for first reading. Commissioner DeBlaker moved that Ordinance #1873, as amended, be read and considered by title only on first reading by the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tenney. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": "Nays": Absent: DeBlaker, Martin, Tenney and LeCher. None, Nunamaker. , I Ii I' ! The ordinance was read by title only. Commissioner Martin moved that Ordinance '1873, as amended, be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tenney. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": "Nays": Absent: DeBlaker, Martin and LeCher. Tenney. Nunamaker, Motion carried. I, Lucille Williams, duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Clearwater, Florida, certify the foregoing to be a true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the City Com- mission meeting of January 18, 1979. Witness my hand and the corporate seal of the City of Clearwater this ninth day of March, 1979, City Clerk nr. ., -, \ (, I I Excerpt from City of Clearwater Commission Meeting Minutes of February 1, 1979 - Grantin Commissioner ~(artin moved to amend Section 4, Subsection (g) of Ordinance #1873 on Page 6, to add the following sentence at the end of the subsection: "If the COl!lpany fails to pay for such removal, the City, at its option, may cancel this franchise." Commissioner Nunamaker seconded the motion which carried unanimously, The City Attorne;' presented Ordi.nance ~1373, as a;;J.pnded, for second reading and stated he would read by title only unless there was a request to read in its entirety. The ordinance was read by title only. COi:lmissioner ~Iartin moved to pass and aciopt Ordinance '1373, as amended, on second and final reading and to authorize the appropriate officials to execute same, Commis- sioner Nunamaker seconded the motion. Upon roll call the vote was: ' "Ayes": "Nays": Absent: DeBlaker, Martin, Nunamaker and Tenney, None, LeCher. I, Lucille Williams, duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Clearwater, Florida, certify the foregoing to be a true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the City Com- mission meeting of'February 1, 1979, Witness my hand and the corporate seal of the City of Clearwater this twelfth day of March, 1979, Clty Clerk f..,' .. -' ! I (;,'- \ {I'~" I 7) ..,v/ C 1, / \ ( I' ( j: \ l. :.' \' i '..1 n 1 CM t^" r/ March 13, 1979 Mr. James V. Carideo Vice President-General Counsel General Telephone Company of Florida Post Office Box 110 Tampa, Florida 33601 Dear Mr. Carideo: As requested in your March 8, 1979, letter, the fOllowing are enclosed in duplicate: Certified copy of excerpt from the January 18, 1979, Commission meeting - Item 35, First Reading, Ordinance No. 1873. Certified copy of excerpt from the February 1, 1979, Commission meeting - Item 35, Second Reading, Ordinance No. 1873. Certified copy of Ordinance No. 1873. Certificate of Notice of Proposed Enactment of Ordinance 1873 and Receipt of Acceptance of Franchise by General Telephone Company of Florida. Your invoice is also enclosed. If you need further information, please let us know. Sincerely, llmj Encs. Mrs. Lucille Williams City Clerk ____-.-r- I I CER TIFICA TE I, Lucille Williams, City Clerk of the City of Clearwater, Florida, do hereby certify: 1. That I am the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of said City. January 16, 1979 ,said date being at least 2. That on seven days prior to the adoption of Ordinance No. 1873 by the City Com- mission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, notice of the proposed enactment of said Ordinance was published in Clearwater Sun , a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Clearwater, Florida, in accordance with the requirements of Section 166,041 (3) (a), Florida Statutes. 3. That an Acceptance of General Telephone Company of Florida, dated February 16, 1979, of the franchise granted by Ordinance No. 1873, was received by the City of Clearwater on February 20, 1979 , and placed in the official records of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this twe 1 fth day of March , 1979. Lucille Williams, City Clerk City of Clearwater, Florida ~. , '. .' , .~'