MORTGAGE SUBORDINATION/BETSY R. ROGERS ~- . --.,.!;.""'- I t 0,1(. J r'- z- 'PiIt It!. 'II (J - '1-/1 :J..- 7 -(, ~ MORTGAGE SUBORDINATION WHEREAS, the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporati on, has heretofore executed and del i vered to BETSY R. --.....,~-.-, ...... ROGERu;;~, _~ fC_l_f'}'l_!:~fl t:.r_, Florida its Promissory Note and Mortgage -"---~----~--;"~ ~.- ---::.;;.:=--::~---- dated November I, 1960 in the original princlp,lI sum of OIW Hun- dred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($135,000.00) recorded on that date in Official Record Book 1026, page 209, Publ ic Records of Pinellas County, Florida, encumbering certain property of which the property hereinafter described is a part; and WHEREAS, the City has conveyed u portion of sdid r'r'up'~ erty hereindfter described to CLEARWATER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Cledrwater, Florida, and has requested sdid RETSY fL ROGERS tu subordinate the I ien of her aforesaid Mort9d~le to d MOI,tq<l'l<' ,LIt, ,j December 31, 1963 from CLEARWATER CHAMBER OF COMM ERC E to TH E F 11\ S1 NATIONAL BANK OF CLEAI\WAYER,---l~t:~~;t,,~,--'FT;-wi,Ll, Tr;'~tlll' r'r'itl\ II'dr" sum of Fifty Thousdnd Dolldrs ($SO,lllW.\'\); dll,j WHEREAS, tJw unders i ~JIH'd, BETSY R. l,l'l~ERS, 1st 11l i'I' ",It Ohner dnd holder' ur sdid Promissor'y Note dnd Mur'l~l<llJl' to her r"llfll C I T Y 0 F C LEA f, W A TE 1\ , F L 0 f\ I [) A ; NOW, THEREFORE, In ..'()nsidl'I~<lt'I()ll ,d tl1<' SIJIII III "111 [1"li,1t', i " hLlnd pa i d by L 11 Y ('f CUAI,WA fER, H ('I, IDA t () RllSY 1\. 1\~',~L1~S{ t h,: r e c e i p tor w hie his Ll C h- now led ~J e d d S (' (: II S I ,I e r d h () r I f I H' r h 1:-' ::-:: 1I I ) () I ' ,I i rld- tion, BETSY R. ROl~ERS, for hel'o-,,~If, h..'l' Ill,ir',,; <111<1 dSSI'lns, ,j"..,,~ h,'I"/'\ \ I) v..: n Ll I It, II \ '! , I 'I I' t' . ' t f \, I t t I I, , It' ( ) r' .' s, Ii, I "1, 'i' ! (I' I ' :' ' :" I, \ ' I", !, (' r ',' ~ I:, I j , -li(~.-s-(-:'-r-.ttje-(l;-~ :-;-r--, zti (-h-t! d n,d I S S lfh-j ("-c-+-r--'-~ ,-; b ~-~-i~~ -f-'n n-~l_. ...i--~1,t-~ --r n-4.~~" --;._",'-_~."-._,_-L_~_ __L,L~.__,- Ii ('ll of d Cl'r'td i n Mor,tq')~J(' ddh'd [)eCt'llIlwr 31, 19(13 from l'l EAI\WA 1[1\ (~HA'v\REf\ lH \','MMfRCI t() fHE FII\.:31 NAII,''Ji\l RA~~K ()f CIII\I\\III\III, , , ~ ! ~ \,,1"'1', Floridd, in the amount of I i I t\ If">lI",'I\,1 1',,1 i,l!'> ,>,,' " e OO-/7/~OO (; Ji) ~ '----" J, I 'J "~~.... ..., (.' n cum I H' I' i n q t h l' f 0 I I 0'" i n 9 des C I' i he d pre m I s e s I 0,-: d 1 · ,j I I, p", l': I County, Floridd which <Ire d portion of tht' PI't)f'l't'ty 11I(>I'III.1lj,>,' I. her: ReDin ut the northcdst CUI'net' uf ~l".t 1 ,)1\ 16, Township :29 South, RdWJl' I) ld::d; t h l' n c e Sou t h ~ ~ 0 5 Q, , 40" We s t, d Ion ~] t Ill' ,- -1'foT',t'I'l i ll~~ (,f S,11 J.-6~~'~{7n H:""'7":-r;':<~-=------'----- I ~ I' I' t~; t h.. J1 (,' l S " \ I t h 1'\" I ()' I 7" E d c; i Iii " the We s t r i ~J h t - u t - W d )- I jIll' U I N () I,d. ..\ S I l '( I " Avpnllc 50 feet for d Point of RI'~Jlrillil1~J; thence South (''''It)'17'' L~st cllol1q tfw W('st right-l)f-"'dY I inl' of NClrth Os,'('I\\,l A\l'l1dl' I\'(~ fl'l't; thclh-l' South ",-":":;~'-+~'\" Wl".;t I"~ f.'et; lh..nc.' Not,th (,"lc)'li" WI'S! :\',' 1"1'1,' tllt,,,,,,, ';,wth """1-"4(1" LI:~~t i"C; 1""1 t,) till' POll1t ()I~ 8l"III1I1II\'1 I "i W IPHSS WH ER l,'F / hl'rl'l.illt ,,,.. t~ III' 1:.I",j e11,,1 ";!,,,I 1 I C, ,':~ \ J...-}A L) \ uti d , \ II d r) l I 9 () 4 . ::;ldlc'.j dild [\el PP('S('J1ce oX: / ~j ,." V . -~' .,~. """r iVl'I'vd yO' \ ,~ --~.~---..- Rl' t s Y l'~r ' }' ,L... 1 \ .-,:~'r r:l ,.~~,Il. ~,~~t't,-,,~~,~~_.._--'_::':"--i'f~--~ , H \ r;; u ~je r' s \j l ~. ! I \.~. lJ i 'II rhe /" ,/-' . -"~-- I .//"~,-""f0,, I '/1 /''/ /' .._~..,...,.. -._-~""'- -, " '-........ ) -7 , _..~.,_,__,.._Ellj;:2:,~,(;.:.:.~-==:~:~__J.r:~',i ,f\ I L \' 1 i i ,) R 11'11 ) S~. ",) 1 J r y '.' i i' i H F tb I I' ~. i 1< I I f t , d ( I) I ~, : , ~ ."\ .. Ii I , L' .. 1 I ,', I \ I " 1.1 , i , , , . ' r ( I f 1, 'q 1 'j \'0/1 TN f:;;; s i !::IPd t\W (' d",j "It i I: In) I \ ~ ! , I', ~, 1, ~, AI )