CONSENT AND AGREEMENT TO HARRISON M. ROBERTSON JR. t' ,'If ,'I ...... I I (f) w;." ,,'... ~ CONtENT AND AIRElMENT , t 1 ~ 11 + Ta. ""de.. a i gned, C I TV Of CLEARWATER, , lOR IDA, her-.by CIOn.llnt. to the ..I. by CLWWA TER CHAMBER Of COMMERCE to HAR.,SON N. ROBERTSON, JR., of the property on C 1.v.I.d Street. e a....tMt.r, f I ori de , 1Inowl'l .. ' CHAMBER Of COMMERCE BUilD ING on the term. and condit ions cont.ined in that Gertain Receipt For D.p..'t - Off... to Purcha.. and Contr.ct for Sele, dated M.roh 15, 1963, and ...... te ~. en" de, Iver a R.le... of R.v.rte.. or Join In the De.d of Ex.outlon for that purpo.e in ord.r that ..id ..1. ..Y b. oon.ua....d free of Reverter ~ovi.- ion. contained in that certain Oeed of Conveyanoe d.ted Dec..ber 10, 1956, and recorded in Official Recor4 Book 338 at page 342, Publ ic ReQo"d. of Pinel I.. County, Florida. ,.,_;\ "r\ ~/ /ti,\.,: .....- \., ,) IN W I TNEiS WHlleOf, th I. Con_nt .acl Agr....t .... been ...cut.d on ~hatf .f ..ld City by and through it. proper authorized official. tha. 15th "y of April, 1963. '...."--'.... CITY Of CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ~Q,~~-;~ y n.gar .SI.QNfli, .-~LED ANI) DELlVWO IN THE ,..ISINCE Of: Approved .. to form and c_~ ~ "'~ ty tto~.y l.~eaoo OO-/7/-0D (/0)