ASSIGNMENT AND RELEASE OF MORTGAGE ---- I , M&LA ... '....~ c 63 PAGE265 .' if ~J..,3SIGNiG[:sIJT ...lW &;L.i1~E Olf' IlORTG.AGE \i1iEREAS w. H. Vi'ol~e, the ovmer of mortgage l'ecol'ded in Mortgage Book 425, page 61, Public Hecorcls of =-')inellas County, ]Tlorida, assigned said .mortf;age and the notes )a~ment of which was thereb~~ secul"ed to Guss Wilder by assignment dated December 31, 1934, filed for record the same date and recorded in M&LA 60, page 273, Public Records of J:,inellas County, ?'lorida, upon the f'ollowint; cle scr ioed land. s1 tua te in Pinellas County, Elorida, to-wit: That part of Lots Five and Six in Bloak "B" of John R. Davey et ale resubdivision of "Earll, MiiLmford, Ross & Starr r s Subdivision in Clearwater Harbor", according to the plat of said resubdivision as recorded in Plat Book one, page eighty-seven, Public Reoords of Hillsborough County, Florida, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast aorner of said Lot Five, and runnln.g thence West along the northern boundardy of said Lot Five to a point whiah is eleven feet two and one- eighth inahes West of the Northeast corner of said Lot Five for a point of beginning, thence Hest along the Northern boundary of saiQ Lots Five and Six to a point which is five feet eight and one-eighth inahes \iest of the Northeast corner of said Lot Six, thenae Southerly to a pOint in the South boundary of said Lot Six which~point is eight feet eight inches West of the Southwest aorner o i..' said Lot Five, thence rilll East along the South boundary of said Lot Six and said. Lot Five to a ,point in the ()outh boundary of said Lot Five, which point is fourteen feet two inches West of the Southeast corner of said Lot Five, thenoe Northerly to the point of beginning. (This is the description as corrected by agreement of the parties to said mortL,age). as aollateral seourity for the payment of one :)2,000.00 note from 140lfe to Viilder, dated December 31, 1934, and VffiEREAS said Wolfe thereafter on Ootober 9, 1935, borrowed on said mortgage and notes from said Wilder another 01,000.00 and gave (and an?ther as~gt~.of mtg. rec07ded in M&LA_ 61, p. ~25, said public r~cords) . h~s note tnereforj, and aga~n on July l~, 1936, aorrowed another :,?l,OOO.OO from said Wilder on said mortgage and gave his note therefor, all of whioh three notes are payable on December 31, 1936, and .' .~" l-~>,',.,...... --"'-. ..-.-_._".....'" _ _ ' WHEREAS said three notes by Wolfe to Wilder have all been O 7 -11-7/ -t;' \_' ,'" -",. paid by \'iolfe and Wilder has no further claim against said mortgage , now IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and of full payment of said notes given by Wolfe to Wilder, said Guss Wilder does hereby reassign wi thou t reC01.U'se on him sai d mortgage bacl~ to said ';1. H. ;.olfe and the six remaining unpaid notes payment of' which is seaui.'ed by said mort€:age. It being the intention of this instrument that said Wilder shall merely -1- I;t -) {:- ' M&LA 63 PAGE26G .... I I ..... ,... .. ~... ii' Ii' release whatever claun he has against said mortgage so that Wolfe may again become the owner thereof unencumbered by any claim held by V7ild.er. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto said W. H. Wolfe, his heirs and assigns forever. nr WITNESS VillEHEOF Guss Wilder has hereunto set his hand and seal this ~ day of December, 1936. Signed, sealed, and delivered ~rAl~ ~W~SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNT~ OF PINELLAS I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this J.a.Ii day of December, 1936, before me personally appeared Guss Wilder, to me well known and lcnown to me to be the individual d.escribed in and who executed the foregoing assignment and release and aC~lowledbed before me that he executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. \\\I\lUlIJI/I/ '....'\\\ . \"i HI 'r 1111", .;:.' ~. ...-.....01..... S ~ ~ ..",. - .... ..... "-"',," p :..~ ~ ..e" . ',>., .(__.. V f~ ...,. .....A r-. . ~.-:. :i 'J./ .. 0 i rr .1.,.", -:: 3 JI. ~ ()qlIUjlis~~n :::':O:"~..i:,.,''Pt<~ : ..~ ~-<I""" I"",t.=_, -.::. ~',,,, \1..1: <0.: ::: ~ ~ \J'o-J U 8 \,; ........ S ~ ~ ~~~.I:: \: 'Ii::', ".' ........... f ~/ Ck'...~II.~..u"... r. ~ ,.:0 I'l'llt;,f}:'LO R \tl \\\,,, JJfJliIl1llllll\'\ , expires: official seal the day and year first Notary ~ori<ia at Large ~ 5N( ley' Witness my hand and above w~itteD. flED RlulOOlr,4.1 , ~ 11- /t?J~ ~:..-;'"p~ IfDfE BOOK MJ1ED AIIJVE. l1YRJ1.EB.O'QUINN.ClER.'((f!HEClRCUIT COURT,PiNEUJS COlJN. 1Y.fW.U BY. ?72/...7~ ~ --:f ~ CE?UTY CLrm{ "!"' f ' . ( ( PAUL F. RANDOLPH, INC. Real Estate: Bonds : Insurance PHONE 2137 T P . O. BOX 90 { I r o MEMBER FLORIDA REALTORS ASSOCIATION AND NATIONAL AS.OCIATION OF IUAL ESTATE BOARDS CLEARWATER, FLORIDA December 12, 1936. 1Ir. If. R. PaJaer, Clearwater, Fla. Dear PalarJ: Re ;~,..}\er of eo.aerce Mortgage. I am enclosing herewith the tollowing papers in reterence to the JIOrtgage above mentioned, v1z: 1. 5 DOtes, totall1Dg $4,500.00, dated December 11th, 1934, numbered 3, 4, 5 6, ( in the 8JIIOunt 01' $1,000.00 each) and '1 l in the amount of $500.00). 2. Securit,. Insurance polic,. Ho. 15333 insuring the Chamber of COJIIl'leroe in the 8lOlDlt 01' $10,000.00, expiring June 5th, 1937, with mortgage clause in ,-our favor. 3. Mortgage from Chamber, of Commerce to W. H. Wolfe, Recorded in MOrtgage Record 425 pase 61 Public Records ot PineUas Count'1. Plorida. 4. Agree.at between W. H. Wolfe, et we, and Chamber ot COJlDll.eroe. ..oorded in Dee4 book '111 page 191, Public Recorda of Pinellas Count,. ,Florida. 5. Assignment of Mortgage from W. H. Wolfe to Guss Wilder recorded in )[ &: L A Book 60 page 273, Pub- 110 Recorda ot P1ael1aa OGunt,.. Florida. 6. AssigDJllent ot JI'ortgage from W. H. Wolfe to (]usa Wl1der recorded in . &: L A Book 61 page 425, Pub- llc Reoorda of Phellas CO'W1ty, Florida. 7. Blue print of the Chamber of Commerce building made by Leo Butler. 8. Abstract Oampaa7 of Clearwater's Abstract Ho. 13711 cover1ag lot 5 ot Block "B" of JOUD R. Dave,.' a Subdiviaion. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE CORPORATION ,',.- ,;0-', """ , .,. I .. I, Palmer- -2- 12/12/36 . Assignment of JIOrtgage to W. B. Wolfe and further assipll8lL:& ~JtQa~ ,-1i."WoUeto ~. R.Palmer were placed in the Court Ileus. yesterday tor reoording. When these are retU1'lLed to us t:Na the Court Bouse the,. 11111 be forwarded you for your f11es. ptr;_ encl.