.., .
DEED f711 FA Gf191-
. .
THIS AGIlEE)lE}IT Ilade thiS'~ of December,
1934, between W.R.Wolfe and Sarah Rawls Wolfe, his wife, of the
. county of Pinellas, State of Florida, a.nd Clearwater Chamber of
Commerce, a non-profit corporation organized and existing under
Dbe laws of the S ta tt of Florida,
WITNESSETH' That whereas on the 11th day of
December, 1934, the said W.R.Wolfe and his said wife executed a
warranty deed conveying certain property in Pinellas County, Flori-
da to the said Clearwater Chamber of Commerce, the said warranty
deed being recorded on December 11th, 1934 in deed book 709, page
546, publiC records of Pinellas county,Florida, and
WHEREAS the said Clearwater Chamber of Commerce
on the 11th day of December, 1934, executed a purchase money mort-
_ gage on the sU1eprope~,~Y' .~s des~ribed in tl'lA '!S 1d --d.e-ed. arOP&aa1d-,--...
the said mortgage being recorded on December 11th, 1934, in mort-
gage record 425, page 61 pUblic records of Pine11as County, Florida,
the same error appeared in the description of both of the above
described instruments~ and it is the desire of the parties hereto
to here correct the said error and properly describe the property
intended to be described in the said inst~ents,
NON, THEREFCRE, in consideration of the sum of
Ten Dollars and other good and. valuable considerations, and in con-
sideration of the mutual advantages to the parties hereto, the des-
cription in the said two instruments above referred to 1s hereby
; corrected to coverthe-f-o-llow1~""1tel:n:~r-tb6d property Ii tuate -----_ .
in Pinellas County, Florida, to-wit:
1 .
DEED ~11:l fAGlt92
That part of lots five (5) and six (6) in block'
n Bit ot John R.Davey et al resubdivision of "Earll 'Mumford,
Ross & Starr's Subdivision in Clearwater, Harbor", accord-
ing to the plat of said resubdivision as recorded in plat
book one (1), page eighty-seven ,(87), public records of
Hillsborough County, Florida, to-wit:
Beg1nni ng at the northeast corner of said lot
five (5), and running thence west along the northern
boundary of said lot five (5) ,to a point which is eleven
(11) feet two and one-eighth (2-1/8) inches west of the
northeast corner of said lot five (5), for a point of be-
ginning, thence west along the northern boundary of said
lot five (5) and six (6) to a point which is five (5)
feet eight and one-eighth (8-1/8) inches west of the north-
east corner of said lot six (6), thence southerly to a
point in the south bQl ndary of said lot six (6), wllich
point is eight (8) feet eight (8) inches west of the
SOl thwest corner of said lot five (5), thence run east
along the south boundary Of said lot six (6) and said
lot five (5l" to a point in the south bound.ary of said
lot five (5 , which point is fourteen (14) feet two
inches (2) est of the southeast cOrner of said lot
five (5), ~ence northerly to the point of beginning.
IN WrrNESS WHEREOF the said W. H.Wolfe and Sarah
Rawls Wolfe have hereunto set their hands and seals, and the said
Clearwater Challber of COI1merce has caused these presents to be
s1gned1n its n&me.b7 Us P~-es1dent.J--aDd.-lt8corporate seal to be'
affixed, attested by its secretary, the day and year first above
Signed, sealed and delivered
in 1il~ presence of
1ft/: ff J(~ ' (SEAL)
DEED ~(11 PAGfr93~
State of Florida,
County of Pinellas~
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this "3 /;J.Jday of December,
A. D. 1934, before me, the undersigned authority, personally appear-
,eo. W. H.Wolte and Sarah Rawls Wolfe, his wife, each known to me and
known to .e to be the persons described in and who executed the
foregoing instrument, and severally acknowledged the execution there-
of to be their free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein
And 'the said Sarah Rawls Wolfe, the wife of
the said W. H.Wolfe, on an examination taken and made separately
and apart from her said husband, acknowledged 1hat she made
herself a part~ to the said deed for the ~~rpose ot renouncing
and rel1n<a1shing her dower and rights ot dower and conveying
her separate estate 10 and to the lands, tenements and heretita-
:.entsthere1n descr1bed.and t.a&Peb,. granted and released, and
that ahe executed said deed freely and voluntarily, and without
any compulsion, constraint, apprehension Or fear of or from her
said husband.
Witness my hand and official seal the
,,\\\Z~\~,,~.:.~.~,/~ aforesaid.
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otary Public, state ot
Florida at ]a rge.
OXPi~k If' -I 'f 3 7
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DEED 711 PAG~94
.. .
State of Florida,
County of Pinellas~
A. D.
personally appeared
. ;)/~
this ~ day of December,
IF (f ~
respectively, President and Secretary ot
Commerce, a non-profit corporation organized
and existing \Ulder the laws of the state of Florida, to me known
to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing
instrument, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to
be their free act and deed as such of tic ers, for the uses and
purposes therein mentioned, and tba t they atfixtd thereto the
otficial seal ot said corpcration, and the said instru.ment
1s the act and deed of said corporation.
WXTNESS .., signature and official seal at
. Clearwater, in the. County of Pinellas, and state ot Florida,
the da7 and year last aforesaid.
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