Interoffice Correspondence Sheet
To: William B. Horne, II, City Manager
From: Mike Quillen, Engineering Director
CC: Tina G. Wilson, Budget Director; Glen Bahnick, Assistant Director Engineering
Production; Robert Fahey, Utilities Engineering Manager; Robert Maue, Engineering
Project Manager; Stephanie Sansom, Senior Accountant, Engineering
Date: May 8, 2009
RE: Administrative Change Order No. # 1
Reservoir No. 2 - Test Production & Monitoring Well Project
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Administrative Change Order No. #1 to Thompson Well &
Pump, Inc., of Deland, FL, for the "Reservoir No. 2 - Test Production & Monitoring Well Project" (06-
0055-UT), increasing the contract by $68,420.50 for a new contract total of $858,946.81.
BACKGROUND: This is for the purpose of decreasing contract of unused items; increase contract
with overrun items; increase contract with additional items; and increase the existing contract for an
additional 45 calendar days. This change order increases the original contract amount.
I recommend approval based on the administrative change order criteria:
1. Increases do not exceed 10% of the Council approved amount on a cumulative basis.
2. Change does not change the scope of the project.
3. Price increases do not require additional appropriation to the project.
4. Contract price decreases may be approved without limitation.
5. Completion date is not extended more than 60 days.
o C,
ina G. Wilson Date
Adm. CO #1 - Reservoir No. 2 Test Production & Monitoring Well Project
PROJECT: Reservoir No. 2 -'l'est Production & Monitoriue Well Project
City Clerk G3 Of rye
'ATER, in
City Manager
Thompson Well & Pump, Inc.
700A West New York Ave.
Del.,and, FI 32720
April 28, 2009
DATE OF CONTRACT: September 18, 2008
CODE: 0376-96767-563800-533-000-0000
To decrease contract by unused items/To increase contract by overrun items/To increase contract with additional items/To increase the contract an additional 45
calendar days - sce attached sheet for details.
ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $790,526.31 Thompson Well & Pump, Inc.
Administrative Change Order # 1 $68,420.50
..terry Thompson, Presiden
Cynt to E. Goudeau,
William B. 11orne, IT
Reco}?i ended By: City of Clearwater
'Robert Maue, P.E.
Project %anager t
Michael D. Quillen, P.E
City Engineer
Decreases Code 0376-96767-563800-533-000-0000:
4. Potable Water Dilution
4 Potable Water Dilution at Kapok Park
5. MWb - Production Zone B Monitor Wells
Kapok Park
MWb-6 Drill out cement plug and drill nominal
8-inch diameter pilot borehole to f700
feet bls using reverse air method
1 LS $3,000.00 ($3.000.00)
10 FT $14.37 ($143.70)
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MWb-7 ` Develop open borehole between -+60 feet 8 HR $137.93 ($1.103.44)
bls and +700 feet bls with double tube
air lift
MWb-12 Ream pilot borehole to 12-in diameter 33 FT $25.04 (!5826.32)
from -+60 ft to 1425 ft bls using reverse
air method
MWb-13 Furnish and install 6-inch 1D 25 FT $11.67 ($291.75)
(minimum) Certa-Lok"m PVC from land
surface to ±425 feet bls
MWb-16 Drill out cement plug and clean out 5 FT $22.99 ($114.95)
borehole from -+425 feet bls to -+500 feet
bls using reverse air method
Sub- total (decreases ) Kapok Park ($2,4811.16)
McMullen Tennis Complex
MWb-6 Drill out cement plug and drill nominal 13 FT $14.37 ($ I8G.81)
8-inch diameter pilot borehole to -+700
feet bls using reverse air method
Ed Wright Park
MWb-3 Furnish and install 12-inch diameter 60 FT $45.98 ($2,758-80)
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to -+60 feet bls
MWb-4 Furnish and install centralizers on 12- 3 SET $80.46 ($241.38)
inch diameter casing
MWb-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 40 FT3 $1724 ($689.60)
-+60 feet bls to land surface
MWb-6 Drill out cement plug and drill nominal 384 FT $1437 ($5.518.08)
8-inch diameter pilot borehole to ±700
feet bls using reverse air method
MWb-9 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 30 FT3 $174.33 ($5,22990)
bottom to -+625 feet bls
MWb-11 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 50 FT3 $45.97 1,$2,298.50)
±625 to -+500 feet bls
MWb-12 Ream pilot borehole to 12-in diameter 240 EA $25.04 ($6,009.60)
from ±60 ft to 4:425 ft bls using reverse
air method
MWb-13 Furnish and install 6-inch ID 195 FT $11.67 ($2.275.65)
(minimum) Certa-LokTm PVC from land
surface to -+425 feet bls
MWb-14 Furnish and install centralizers on 6- 6 SET $51.72 ($310.32)
inch diameter casing
MWb-15 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 114.5 FT3 $27.86 ($37189.97)
-+425 feet his to land surface
Sub-total (decreases) Ed Wright Park ($28,521.80)
Total (deer-eases) 5. MWb - Production Zone B Monitor Wells ($31.,188.77)
6. Production Zone A Monitor Wells
Kapok Park
MWa-6 13 FT $22.17 ($288.21)
Drill nominal 6-inch diameter borehole
to -+200 feet bls using reverse air method
McMullen Tennis Complex
MWa-6 Drill nominal 6-inch diameter borehole 17 FT $2117 ($376.89)
to -+200 feet bls using reverse air method
Ed Wright Park
MWa-6 Drill nominal 6-inch diameter borehole 45 FT $22.17 ($997.65)
to -+200 feet bls using reverse air method
Sub-total (decreases) 6. Production Zone A Monitor Wells (51,662.75)
7. Permanent SAS Monitor Wells
Kapok Park
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SAS-2 Furnish and install 6-inch diameter flush- 15 FT $16420 ($2,463,00)
coupled well screen and riser. Cost per
foot includes complete well
construction, all required labor, well
development, equipment use and
material (i.e. solid casing, slotted screen
casing, concrete pad, filter sand pack,
bentonite pellets, grout, etc.)
McMullen Tennis Complex
SAS-1 Drill boring to f35 feet bls, continuous 5 FT $9.77 ($48.85)
split spoon sampling
SAS-2 Furnish and install 6-inch diameter flush, 15 FT $164.20 ($2.463-00)
coupled well screen and riser. Cost per
foot includes complete well
construction, all required labor, well
development, equipment use and
material (i.e, solid casing, slotted screen
casing, concrete pad, filter sand pack,
bentonite pellets, grout, etc.)
Sub-total (decreases) McMulle n Tennis Complex (511,511,85)
Total (dec reases) 7. Permanent S AS Monitor Wells (54,974.85)
8. Temporary SAS Monitor Well
Kapok Park
SAST-1 Drill boring to f35 feet bls, continuous 9 FT $9.77 ($87.93)
split spoon sampling
SAST-2 Furnish and install 2-inch diameter flush- 19 FT $43.02 ($817.38)
coupled well screen and riser. Cost per
foot includes complete well
construction, all required labor, well
development, equipment use and
material (i.e. solid casing, slotted screen
casing, filter sand pack, bentonite
pellets, grout, etc.)
Total (decreases) 8. Temporary SAS Monitor Well ($905.31)
9. Production Zone A Production Wells
Kapok Park
PW-2 Drill nominal 28-inch diameter borehole 13 FT $59.63 ($775.19)
to t80 feet bls
PW-3 Furnish and install 20-inch diameter 16 F'r $173.11 ($1769.76)
Sch. 80 PVC casing from 3 feet als to 80
feet bls
PW-12 Daily rate for continuation of aquifer 1 DAY $1,609.20 (51.609.20)
pump test beyond initial 7-day period
not to exceed 14-days.
Sub-total (decre ases) Kapok Park ($5,154.15)
McMullen Tennis Com lex
PW-1 Furnish and install 28-inch diameter 5 FT $374.23 ($1,871.15)
steel casing from 3 feet als to ±40 feet
PW-2 Drill nominal 28-inch diameter borehole 5 FT $59.63 (.$298.15)
to 180 feet bls
PW-3 Furnish and install 20-inch diameter 6 FT $173.11 ($1,038.66)
Sch. 80 PVC casing from 3 feet als to 80
feet bls
Sub-total (decreases) McMullen Tennis Complex ($3,207.96)
Ed W ri ht Park
13W-1 Furnish and install 28-inch diameter 1.6 FT $374.23 ($5-987-68)
steel casing from 3 feet als to +40 feet
bl s
PW-2 Drill nominal 28-inch diameter borehole 8 FT $59.63 ($477,04)
to f80 feet bls
Page 3 of 6
PW-3 , Furnish and install 20-inch diameter 9 FT $173.11 (S1.557.99)
Sch, 80 PVC casing from 3 feet als to 80
feet bls
Sub-total (decreases) Ed Wright Park (918,022.71)
Total (decreases) 9. Production Zone A Production Wells (S16,384.82)
Total (decreases) (558,116,50)
Increases Code 0376-96767-563800-533-000-0000:
5. MWb- Production Zone B Monitor Wells
Kapok Park
MWb-1 Furnish and install 16-inch diameter 2 FT $130.75 $261.50
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to t40 feet bls
MWb-2 Drill nominal I6-inch diameter borehole 10 FT $76.92 $769.20
to _+60 feet bls
MWb-3 Furnish and install 12-inch diameter 10 FT $45.98 $459-80
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to t60 feet bls
MWb-4 Furnish and install centralizers on 12- 1 SET $80.46 $80.46
inch diameter casing
MWb-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 6 FT3 $17.24 $103.44
±60 feet bls to land surface -
M Wb- I 1 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 11 FT3 $45.97 $505.67
nL625 to 1500 feet bls
Sub-total i ncreases Kapok $2,180.07
McMullen Tennis Cam lex
MWb-1 Furnish and install 16-inch diameter 2 FT $130.75 $261.50
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to ±40 feet bls
MWb-2 Drill nominal 16-inch diameter borehole 12 FT $76.92 $923.04
to ±60 feet Ns
MWb-3 Furnish and install 12-inch diameter 12 FT $45.98 $551.76
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to f60 feet bls
MWb-4 Furnish and install centralizers on 12- 1 SET $80.46 $80.46
inch diameter casing
MWb-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 14 FT3 $17.24 $241.36
f60 feet bls to land surface
Sub-total increases McMullen Tennis Complex $2,058.12
Ed Wright Park
MWb-I Furnish and install 16-inch diameter 65 FT $130.75 $8,498.75
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to ±40 feet bls
MWb-8 Conduct downhole geophysical surveys 0.696 EA $5,747.13 $4,000.00
for the following parameters between
t60 feet bls and 1700 feet bls: a)
Static Conditions: temperature, caliper,
gamma, short and long normal
resistivity, fluid conductivity, and fluid
velocity b) Pumping Conditions:
temperature, fluid conductivity, and
fluid velocity
MWb-10 Conduct downhole single packer test 0.3625 EA $27,586.21 $10,000.0()
Sub-total increases Ed Wright Park $22,498.75
Total increases 5. MWb- Prod uction Zone B Monitor Wells $26,736.94
6. MWa- Production Zone A Monitor Wells
Kapok Park
MWa-1 Furnish and install 16-inch diameter 2 FT $100.57 $201.14
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to t35 feet bls
MWa-2 Drill nominal 12-inch diameter borehole 13 FT $80.46 $1,045.98
to f60 feet bls
Page 4 of 6
MWa-3' Furnish and install 6-inch 1D 13 FT $13.98 $181.74
(minimum) Certa-LokTM PVC from land
surface to t60 feet bls
MWa-4 Furnish and install centralizers on 6- 1 SET $119.54 $119.54
inch diameter casing
MWa-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 8 FT3 $27.01 $216.08
-L60 feet bls to land surface
Sub-total increases Kapok $1,764.48
McMullen Tennis Complex
MWa-l Furnish and install 16-inch diameter 2 FT $100.57 $201.14
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to t35 feet bls
MWa-2 Drill nominal 12-inch diameter borehole 17 FT $80.46 $1,367.82
to t60 feet bls
MWa-3 Furnish and install 6-inch TD 17 FT $13.98 $237.66
(minimum) Certa-LokrM PVC from land
surface to ±60 feet bls
MWa-4 Furnish and install centralizers on 6- 1 SET $119.54 $119.54
inch diameter casing
MWa-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 95 FT3 $27.01 $2,565.95
t60 feet bls to land surface
Sub-total increases McMullen Tennis Complex $4,492.11
Ed Wright Park
MWa-l Furnish and install 16-inch diameter 65 FT $100.57 $6,537,05
(minimum) steel casing from land
surface to t35 feet bls
MWa-2 Drill nominal 12-inch diameter borehole 46 FT $80.46 $3,701.16
to ±60 feet bls
MWa-3 Furnish and install 6-inch ID 45 FT $13.98 $629.10
(minimum) Ccrta-Lok'T' PVC from land
surface to X60 feet bls
Mwa-4 Furnish and install centralizers on 6- 2 SET $119.54 $239.08
inch diameter casing
.Mwa-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 58 FT3 $27.01 $1,566.58
±60 feet bls to land surface
Sub-total Ed Wright Park $12,672.97
Total increases 6. MWa- Pro duction Zone A Monitor Wells $18,929.56
7. Permanen t SAS Monitor Wells
Kapok Park
SAS-1 Drill boring to ±35 feet b1s, continuous 4 FT $9.77 $39.08
split spoon sampling
.Ed_ Wright Park
SAS-1 Drill boring to f35 feet bls, continuous 17 FT $9.77 $166.09
split spoon sampling
Total (inc reases) 7. Permanent SAS Monitor Wells 5205.17
9. Production Zone A Production Wells
Kapok Park
PW-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 141 FT3 $56.70 $7,994.70
80 feet bls to land surface
PW-6 Drill using reverse-air method nominal 13 FT $34.00 $442.00
18-inch diameter borehole to 200 feet
bls using reverse air method
Sub-total increases Kapok $8,436.70
McMullen Tennis Complex
PW-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 141 FT3 $56.70 $7,994.70
80 feet bls to land surface
Ed Wright Park
PW-5 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 141 FT3 $56.70 $7,994.70
80 feet bls to land surface
PW-6 Drill using reverse-air method nominal 1 FT $34.00 $34.00
18-inch diameter borehole to 200 feet
bls using reverse air method
Sub-total Ed Wright Park $8,028,70
Tota l 9. Production Zone A Production Wells $24,460.10
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Total Increases $70,331.77
Additions Code 0376-96767-563800-533-000-000(1:
9. Production Zone A Production Wells
McMullen Tennis Complex
PW-14 Back fill from 200' to 175' using I LS $650.00 $650.00
aggregate and bentonite
PW-15 Furnish and install 175' of 12" Certa- 175 LF $130.00 $22,750.00
Lok pve well casing
PW-16 Furnish and install centralizers on 12- 12 EA $74.71 $896.52
inch diameter casing
PW-17 Furnish and emplace cement grout from 230 FT3 $56.70 $13,041.00
175' bls to land surface
PW-18 Drill out borehole to 12" diameter from 75 LF $25.04 $1,878.00
175 ft bls to A-250 ft bls using reverse
air method
I' W-19 Develop open borehole between ±175 8 H12 $59.77 $478.16
feet bls and 1250 feet bls with double
tube air lift
PW-20 Furnish and install 300 gpm (minimum) 1 LS $4,431.03 $4,431.03
test pump and discharge line to required
drainage feature
PW-21 Conduct 6-hour step-drawdown test at 6 14R $136.02 $816.12
rates of 100, 200, and 300 gpm
PW-22 Conduct 7-day (minimum) to 14-day 7 DAY $1,609.20 $11,264.40
(maximum) aquifer pump test at 300
Total additi ons 9. Production Zone A Production Wells $56,205.23
Total net (decreases)/increases/additions $68,420.50
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