ZONING ORDINANCE NUMBER 283 REGULATIONS AND RESTRCTING THE USE OF LAND AND LOCATION USE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURE IN THE CTY OF CLEARWATER :,')',,~~'l A1~ "'~'Il i;f:.'f:..~. ':;i1 ('" :'rA)} ",".'1, ..;,~ -~~'; ;i~+fi _:":~~'-!~ i~~~~ ~~i I,ii:~;~{ ~JJ.,., :,'!tN,' ;j,!i'fi ;~~V'f . <f':t<~:~ j~{'~"~ ';'ltF, ',:,', iX'j'-',' A~:~/ i';h'" :>~Tl:~( , ,dt:~~ -~~, ,'V;~ff; :~{~i\l, I \ ?~~-A': It !h~, NWi~ )t ,:"~'\_; ::,l'!fAt;C,'" ""'''i' ,:>,~'J,'" . ~1;*;1~ ''h'f ~rrM 'A?l~t, .;;~~~; :)1,~"", .._,.t~'''l.':; .,':tr~~: ';'.. },.t!fii.' :j;:~~E t)Sl;it, I ',"~,',""''',.' '.'..i,,' . '~' .' :,i~?i~' . '"f-.:.'t'),.'. :'i;'~r,"" '~~'i,,/'r '''',', ~f,i"i ';~' .'~.:. ~;~~~!\~.. :(~~~,> ':.l1i11' 'at~;: '~:'." ,.",.",':v.J', .~~ ,3j:!:>-~ '.{~~fJ-i.. '~( ';' ::"k'),\f " .:,,'t,,\{~~~C ." "~'i~~y :t~S!~ Jj!t~~~' " ~",'l'~' Uj.' :l~"': i" '11~,\ , , "" i.( " -,:.- , ,:~ '#1 '~~~~"'" :::;/,;\'\ . :,1 . t ~.- , I " :j ''1'" )', ! ,,'.,(1:/1 .:,',. ",li.,\~\t J<;l,,~ '.'?::1'~ ':~~w. h~' !t~ ~l ; -~'.~:i%: ',,\~,"-l'.~"'} <,;l.l,t ;l~~, ~11~k J~1\ .~!~, \r~"'(!(,, . ,!'r-;'.{r:::" i'~~i:\f' . ':~~:: ':::~;~: '~;y'Jl[1 )~i:"J: '.::'~~i~.~ : ~':~~: '. :~'f~~..J\) "~\l.\Jt,.' /R~~ . :4~t;,~; lt~.t!{<r' ~n~~; :";,~i;~:' ~~\. '~~: ,~;,. ..,:,:.~,; I ..!~:,~",: ',;(~~}1'~ .' . ,~~.~4:1.: . .7t~~_r~"l," \\~~H "~<l: ',.;;~~t., ~~~~-~I ',,',f9f:1h '~~~I .',t~:; ,'3b:i 'a~rl ~r.1}~: 2t;,#J..' ,.,:-!XiW.,.. ,;~.g:' -~1i~~r sfti' Ji;~ "~'I.~, '~l" 1 ,.1,(,".1"2, , !f;';. -1t~"'.r'.."o1':-. 'I" . 041.:'- .., ;......+..j1.,~~v,. ~.~,,'!...,_,__._ __~_....-l_""-"""'''''''''''' ~.....,~""'.~_.- < ~-......-.. , . J I ---.----.....'.. ' ZoningOrdinan'ce No. 283 AN UHlllNANCI'J HIWUJ,ATING kNlJ 1U.:STHlCTlNO TilE USI~ OF I,,~NJ) AND TIUD LOCATION AND \.'SI': Ole HUlLlJINUS AND. STItUC- . TUHI':S IN '1'1[1;: CITY OF CLgAR- ""A 'n; it FI~OltlDA, CRIDATING IJISTllIl'TS on 7,ONI~S TIHJHEFOn; nli;nULATING TllI~ INTFJNSITY OF USI'; O!i' LOT AHF:,\S AND THE LO- CATIUN OF' II\JILDIIGS AND HTI\liCTlJIUi;S TIlIDIU~ON, ESTAII- 1,ISIIINn BUILDING I,INIDS: PHO- \'IPINU FOR TIII'J INTmRPRlDTA- 'I"ION. APPLICATION AND EN- )"OItCF:J\II';Wf OF ITS PHOVISIONS ,\NP F[XING PI~NALTIr;s FaIt VIOLATIONS AND PROVIDING ji'()lt A SPIDCI,\!, m,IDCTION TO ])li:TI~RJ\l/NI~ WII1~THr;H OH NOT IT SII;\/,L GO INTO EFFECT, Tn pllr~lInnce of nllthorlty confer- red hv Section ill, of the Charter ot the (;It)" of ClenrwotH ItS amen.led hv ~pecllll oct of the Leglslntu,'e ap- pi'n"",1 the 211th .Iny of" June 10~l, n nd tnI' the pllrpo~e of promotlng the h"nlth, snt"ty, morals, prosperity and /(eneral welCnl'e ot said ,City: and n~ a prellm'no "}' to a more compre- I"'n~h'e 7.onln~ and planning scheme Cor snl,1 Clly: " HI': IT OHDA INIDn bY' the' City Cnl11l1l1.slon of the Clly of Clear- \\':t t.~r'. li'lnrllln. nA follows! Sl'etlon I Thl~ Onllnonce ~ha\1 bo h:nnwJ1 II~ ;'Th~ ?;nnln~ Orrllnl1nc~." S"ct Ion 2. DrJFINI1'IONS. Cer- tn[" words In thl~ onllnnnee ore de- fln"d COI' the PUI'POSeA thereot (un- less tl,,,,'e Is expl'eo~ pl'ovlolon ex- cllldln/:, .lId, construction or the sub- Ject matter or context Is repugnant (hol'l'lo) IlS follows: (0) \\rorrls \lsed In the pre.ent tonsc 11Iclllde the future, the slngu- Inl' .nlllllher Incl\lIles tho plurlll nnd (he pll1r111 Ihe sl"/:,,,Inr: th" wonls "l1!'H~" nntl "OC~\Ipy" In either the pn~1 01' pr"..'nt t""A" Ahall Inclulle t IH' w(lI'(l~ "n rrnn~r.(l. d~,.IR'ned or In.. telll'",l (0 111'. or cnpllble of hclng, u~('Id or n('~ttplf'd" ~ the word "other" .hnll "of h" IImlte.1 to things ,of' ~11)lllflr C'll1\J"nctcr. Ih) A P^ HTMP:NT HOllSI~. A hl1lldl,,/:' which Is \lsed or Intended to h~ \I~(lll nR n hOln~ or rr.eldence for two nr 1110re tnmllles living In eep- nrntf" nnarlrnf"'"tFl. (d Al'XILIAIlY 1JSI~,', A uee cus- tOI11" 1'11)' 1"c1,kn tnl to nnc1 neces-ory to Ih" pl'lnrll1nl UM of fL b"ll<lIng or prol11l."e. nnd 10cntN) on the same 1'.'01111.0. with such prl"clpal UAe. (,1) J1lTIJ,DINI1, A bul1!llnll' Ie n. strllclllre cntlrelY snpnrate,1 f"om nnv of hflr ~tnlcture by apace or by' wn'lls In which there are no com- ','-'~~i!;- ''1i,~' " ,~,:~,~\, ~...<-l,' . ~~.itl,., ,~,~''1' "~ " "$1""""':' 'I'''''' , ~" ','..',~',,~~'. i,:,,',,-':- ":it) " " 'li\,~~1,"',"" ":'~':if ,!'I'~l:r ':I":~I'~~~ . '~," i.l:'" ..." . , . - ' ,.~". . '~' , " .~~... :~:~~'t< 1ll(lnlclltl,,~ dool'8 or wlndowA or A 1111 1111 I" openh,gA; nnd the word shnll Inclu(le thn worfl ",.tructure." (e) DIVI~LLING J10USI~ OIl Hr::SI- DI;lNCg, A hulldln~ usell 11" a hOl11e or 1'''''ldenec tor fL sIngle tnmlly In ',which 1111 IIv[ng 1'001110 nre nec"sslhln (0 ench other (,'om within the bulld- In~ nntl In whIch ""ch IIvln~ roomA nre IlcceMlhln wlthollt ".Ing nn cn- t"nncc ,'.,.lIhlll". .tnlrwny or hnll- Wnv -thnt Ill' df'AIKt1('(l nA n COn1tllOn o"ll'llnce vc.tlhlllo or common "tnll'- way 01' COllUlIOI1 hnll WflY for rnnrc tllI;n one tnmll~'. and In which the ""C "ntl n1l'n/lRement of nl! 8leeplnR <lulll'lel'., nil fLppllnnces for cookln~, \'cntlllltln~, hcnllnl\'. or IIghtlnlf, oth- er lIllln a publIc Aervlee, Ilre un.ler onc control. (0 FAMILY, One or more Indl- vl,IIlAls Ilvln/:', AlcE-plng, coolllng Rnd 'entln~ on lh" "rcm[~cs as a single hOIlAellecpln~ IInlL (g) GARArn~, A pllbllc ~/lrng<1, exe~pt fLS otherwise provided by thl" parn/(I'nph. Is fL blllldlng or premises nlTllnge,l. .1".I~ncd or Intended to he IIsetT (or the Atornge ot motor ve- hicles tor hire or I'nwRrd, or which ,Iocs not comA withIn the <Ietlnltlon of /l, pl'lvn(c /:'Il"n/:'e n" herein /let forth, A pl'lvn(e /(nrng" Is n bullel- In", with /(I'ollnel n,'en not In exeCSA or' cl~ht hlln,lre,1 (ROO) "flllnrC tcet Rrrlln/:'ed. ,1<1.I/:'n...l 01' Inten,led to he l1~ell (or the "(OI"a~e on the ~rountT (1001' ot 110t more (hnn four In.l[- vltlllnll)' ownc,l pns.enger nlllomobllos ,)evoted to the pl'h"nte Uso ot the owncl'. when ""ch /:'nrnge Is 10ente,1 . on the An me premiAI''' with 01111 ns nn ollxlllnn' use to the rCAldenec or npnrtm"nt or thc owncr of ollch Illltn- mohlleA AO storc,l, n n,1 whol'c no fllCl, luhrlrnnls or ncce.sodAS nrc sol.1, (h) LOT, A pnrcel of Innd or pI'emIRe. ol'cllplcII hy onn 11\J1I,lIn,1t with tt" IIsllnl nllxlll"rv hllll.llng" or 1I.CS cUllfomnrll)' Incltlent to It, In- cl,,,lIng "ueh open .pnec" a" n 1'1' 1'1'- Ollfl'".l h" this or,lInnnce nn,1 ,,"ch OI1CII RPneeA RS n,rc" nl'rnn/:'NI anll .Ie-. Allmcll tn hn IIseel In eonnectlen with ,,"ch bull,lln~. "hnll b" ,1ecmcII n lot tor the ,,"rpOAeo of th'" Ordlnnnee I except nil hcreln Apcclflenlly provid- ed. (I) NON-CONFOnMING USF:, A non-conronnln/:, u"e IA fL' use which ,IOCR not comply with the re/:'lIlatlonR of the IIse ,1Istrlct In which It 10 sltllnte'1. (j) NOTIr'I~, \Vhel'e notlec Is re- flllll'ed n}' this ol'llln/lnco to be I\'I\'en It mllY he /:,h'en nctllnlly or by ,1e- poelt ot wrltten:O notice In the mall ;, ~' ~. . .~ . ~~;~~:: " ..,:,'"'I,'~',,,.1'~:". ,. ./. ~; ! -t.: i~l ~1 \'!:,l ~",~;~ <;J! ,iLl ~f~ \1)j .~l'~; .;,~] .;.,) ~@ f;~~ '!!~' ,'~~~ '';J;~ y~\ 1.(1) {rn ~~i ~\t1 .'0~ , .~ln :,~A~t~ ?'~~ ;/ki~ \;t'~ ,;;'#1 "'h if$\1 .: ;:~~.-t~~ F';.~ .'~~~Jt :)~;:~~ ,'~~ \:~~~ ~4 ki~ 'i.:,/:,!~ ',>l\~U ;'~~ ,:fj,"" '~"",- . 'J,,~~{i., ',," .'i~*~ it-'.!F~ :,.,'t' . ,~~' t' ',''''' ,.,'11 ~ ' ',~<;... : ~:li:'~ '~~I: ' :-~~ "'M'" ", ,'''~, ' ~f$:~ I 'S:r',4,'ft ,,~m ;''i~~ .&1:~ ',,\1,/!.ii;, "1, ,.~ ',' ;~~r~ "~'~~~ /':;;"l" :\~~I~,:, ;ft"." .'iir.'~;; ,..\~rJj"" )~$, ,:"~;,I"tl~',", !,~"i,;' "~~~~> ." ",.,; ',""~': ""~"'. ."i,' '..'.' 1'"~ '~','~,"';:. '. .l<:1~', ",~ ::ft..~, :..IJ<;~; 4l ", ''$, ",', :.:.~,l;~~,: , -; ~',~" ...1.... ~~~, ' ...,.,___--,~_...I.,-j,., '" tI.., IUMt known IllhlrcsM of the pel'- MIlIl rcrlul",,,' 10 l>c notlflcd or l>y ud- ""nIMClllollt In llny llully IIcwspapcr l'''l;ulllrly publlshe,l ,In I,thc City of CICurwlltcl' for two consecutlvc pub- IIclltloll "nys, (\<) PJ';IlS0N. Sh,dl Inclu,le COI'- I",ralc an,1 othcr le!:,ul clltltlcS. their officers. I'c!)resenlutlvcl;!, anll ugcnl9. 0) STllI';I,;'f, As Ilctually lulll out "" llroJecto,1 to, be lu"l out or Cl<- tenll~d. Sectloll 3, USI'; DIS'J'lllC'l'S, (11) ]1'01" the lJlll'lWHO ur (:hu~:ilfyln~, I'cgu" lilting und rcstrlctlnl; thc locution or In.l.lleM. Industries und other UdC~1 ullll the location or lJullt1lnl;s use" r",' apcclrlc purposes, tho City of ClellrwutCl Is hereby "Ivl"cd Inlo thc following clusscs or zonoa or IIls- trlds: i(esltlence dlstrlels. lIuslness "Istrlets, Mllnllfncturlnl;' IIlstrlcts. Puhllc Illctl'lcts, ns Mhown In the IlII1P, consisting or un Index sheet an" sheets, aaltl ahl!elR ,lutc.1 April 1Hh, 1932, 11IllI sl!-:lle(\ hy the City Au.1Itol' IIn" CIerI<, I! lIil which nccolnpulllcH allll IH .nude n purt of this OI'llInnnce: un" which 11111 p Is herehy Ilesll;'n/l to,l, un,l ahull h" known us, the "7.onln,; Map of tlln City of Clenl'wntel'." rrho \l~e IUstrlcts del'elope,I on llu"l mup, ul'e 1II'I,..i>y "stubllshe'1. \\'herev"r prllctlcal houn,IIldea or I he sevl!l'Id ,1Ist,Iela herein eatllhJlah- "d ahllll follow "entel' JInes of hlo"ks, slreets 01' 1I1l11YS, IInll Ir Illlll'l;'lnrd Hlnn~ u street nl' tdJ.dl\\'llY, Elhflll l'un tn the n~llrH or the ulnn:;-lnll1 lot~. un,] It rlpurlun Rlndl Include tho uhllltlnA' 1111111 1II111et. wutP.l', (h) No premla"a 0" hlllldlnA' ..h,,11 he U"~I] 01' occllpl,-,I 01' !lny hul1t1lnl;' en~<<:tp.c1. nltel'e1l or nxten.lt~ll to ho u~(>ll or oC'('uptcfl for "flY \lSP. or pur- p"ae olhl'r Ihun Ihnt l""'rl,lttp,ll In fil" ,llstl'lpl In whkh IIII('h hull,\lnl;' I~. or "I'p.nll~(,R (11'~ lnC'n tPcL S,'dlon ,I. 1n:SIDI.:NCI;; D'S- Tn1CTS, (It \ 111 a ltealolpncp. ,11~- tl'lct no hllll,\lnl;' ot' p...."'la"R Rh,1l1 IJl~ llse(1 or oc.cupled, or BUY hul1l1- hll; p.1'P,ct~(1. n)tnl'Ad or P.1I1HI'f!'ntl to ,.., IIse,1 or occuph~.l ~xl'ept for H. "~,,q exduslv(,ly us lH'II'ollHlftcr ,lc- rlnl'd, (IJ) For the pUl'posea of this onllnnnee. H UNes H rc herehY tlf!fhll'cl IHI t1SCH th!HIJ.;"flCtl (n.' unci penn1ltod III Hcsl.lencu Illnll'lctM Itrld COllfol'lIl- Inl;' 10 Ihe pl'ovl~I,,"a r.,llltlng to such dlatl'lcta l'l,apecllv"ll': Iln,l 1111 ll, lIal'M lire dllaMHhH] ulIII Ildlne,l llS fo\h.WM: 1(-1 Uso-An n.1 \lse shall Includo e\'IlI'Y \lae liS a I1wellln~ hOll8e, H-2 Usc-An H-:! usc allllll Inclu,le t~V(~I')' nSI~ 1\.:i lL hotel. 11IH\rtn1t~l1t hOllNe, hourdlnl::' hnUK(~f lotlJ;'lnJ.;' hOIl"". I'hnl'ch. hoa"ltlll, pl'lvllto ~ch"lJl ullloSH opel'llto,l ao us to brln!; llf : i~,'~ "8~4.J . J~A.t nl")...d. I It wlthlll the deflllltlon of u B usc, a \!rlvllte club oxce,ptlng olle the chid llel1l'lty of which Is Il sCl'vlce custolllurlly cUl'ricli on as a buslnoss ulul u. coulIuunlty center, (c) In ull al'eus allocated on lluhl IIIUP to It-I llseM. no prcllllllcs sllllll un uMcd or Olll' bulldlllg occuplcll, I'" uny bullulng be oreeted, altered 01' extcnucd to be u.!icll 01' occlllJled ex- cept for H-l useR exclusively. 101) In all are"s ulloclltell 011 sllhl IHUIl to R..2 uses, 110 prCllliscs 8hull 1J0 used or any bulhlln!; occupied, or "ny bulldln~ lJe erectt:d. ultered or extended to be UMCtl Ol' occupied ex- cept for H-l or H-:! uses, Scctlon :\.1 AllXIJ.IAHY USI~S IN In:SIJ)I';NCI~ DIS'l'JUCTS, Auxllhll')' uses which un not IIlter the charuct.,,' or the premises In respcct to their uso for resldenUal purposes shall be pcrmltted In Heslclence districts. Auxiliary uses llhall Inclulle the fol- lowln!;, but the enumeration of Much usos ah,,11 not bo cleeme,l to (lI'evcnt proper uuxlllnry UMes that uro not referred to; SI!;ns not exeeelllng sll< (1I) feet In ureu, "lIvertlsln!; the premises for sulc or Cor r~nt, atHI sl!;ns not ex- c"edlnq twolve feet In area, stilting- the name of the bull,llng, If IlIl Hpul'llllCn~ houtu) or hotel; )ll'ovhled that neither he prohibited b)' an)' VIII hi Ol'lllllllnCe, Thc office of n surgoon, physielull 01' 11entlst 0" other similar pr'ofcs- slonal, locat~I' In tho dwelllnl; or npnrtn\Cnt used 08 the Ilrlvntc re~l- oIcnco or such person an,l the IIsurd IlIconsplcuolls signs, CustOIlHlI'Y. hOlne occupation lo- cale,! In B. 'dwclllllg 01' apllrtnl"nt, anet curried un only by the IIlClIlhel'R of the househo1(1 of the person oeclI- PY"l!; slleh dwolllnl;' or apartment II~ hi" pl'll'ute I'esldp.nee, pl'ovl,le,l 110 wln,low 0" othel' display or sl!:n h" UM(~ll to udvprtlse HIlCh occupation, Tho renl1n,:: of ono or rnore rOlllnR. 01' the pl'ovlclln!:' of table hour,I In II dw~l1lnJ.t 01: npartlllont ho\t~o occll- plell as u prlvnto residence In nn H.:! area, and the IIsullI Inconspll'II' Oll~ wln,low sign he IIsed to allverllae ..ueh liRe; A puhlle i1lnln~ room 0" I'e"tullr!lnt locllh-d In an hotel. Such ruclll Lies as aro reflll"'c,1 ror the opel'atlor: or 1111 hotel 01' apart- nlent hO\1HI~, or tor thE'! l1~C 01' cntPI'- lulnment or I!'uests or tenanls of tho hol(~1 or Bpartment hO\1He, when con- clude.!. an,l entere,l only frolll within thl' hllll,lIng: provlde,l no atl'""t, wlnrlow or oUlI1r entertlllnlllent ,lIa, plllY, 01' other exterior slgll be IIse,l to 011 vel'lIse such use. A prlvato guruge, with 01' wllhout f:fCl'vn.uts qun"tnrs [lbovc, In eonncc- tlnn with .In It-t IIse. IImlt"d In ,;rolln,1 Ul'N1 to ten (le" cent or the urca of tho Jo~, bllt not In cxeess of , II 2 ';,)\~:,; ;~:J~''': ,;j':~"" ,~ ,~ ,j I ! i I '\ t .. ,'1 'r; ;: :'1 , y i ) 'I', ;~I ,I {: " .) ':,~ ,~ " ~ 1 , ~' 4 1 'I ,\',\ ;l ~ , ~~ "'. ";'~1 ,_:', ''Ji .,} ':(1. }t~ ;l d "1 '~ ~:'~ '::~ d ,'" ~ al . ;1 ,) ,,~ :'~ -.;:j , ~(1 4,~, '~~' ':',:~0'~: '1~1~\ ,(~ll ,:~~,(~-; ,~'i~f,'" ,~~f,.." . . .'~?:~&h:' . "'I,~~, ,:t4i~i ,~~ 1]&, AZt~,'" .'1t1.l'" ~~:{).~~ ~~, ,!.. ' ":;~-':(" ',;,\ --..-,................- -..- ._... .-.---..-'.. }~ll'~, I" tile ground area prc8el'lhed for, or III eX"e~~ of, the CllPllClty limits of a prhllte gurlll;t:. pl'ovldcd., howevl.:l'. lhal U lu.i\'alc gnru.g:e ill connection with llll H-t u"e ~hllll 1I0t ue 10Clltedl Oil the ~allll.: lot wlLh another ~rivntc g'al'uge. A pl'1vule g-urug"l.: 01' guruge lLpn.rt- Inent 111 connection wHh an H.~ use 1llIlIt<:d III gTolllld U I'ell to fifteen (I[j(/(l) pCI' ecnt of the a.-en of the lot. (h) Auxllllll'Y uscs shall 1I0t In- clude: A gll.'age or stuhle In COllncctlon wHh It non-(:onfonnlng lISC, u drive- way or '\'lllk lIso<l for cgTes~ f"OIlI .0" I ng..e"s to Ii H 01' M use. a blll- hoard, !)()HtCI' 01' other advertising sig-Jl or structure, n. store. tl'ullc, 1J1I!'Illle~S, garage 01' stable; except sll"h IlS lire he.'elnhefore speclflclllly III~nltltlel1. Section n. IHJSINI!:SS DISTRICTS. (a) In II BlIsh",ss district 110 bulllllng or pn~nilst~~ shull hc used or any hulldlllgs be erected. ILllerel!. or cn-' lal',;ed to be use.1 except fol' R or II uses "xclllsh'"I}' llS IJ"relnaftcr de- Clne.l. (b) For the pUl'poses of this ol'dlufHH:P, U ll:iI~S nrc !lPl'cLJy defined nM \I~eH lither thnn H. 1\r nnd P ll~C.9, de81g-l)t~d rOl' und IH'l'Il1ittetl In Busi- ness IIlstrlctb and conforming to the pl'o\'ls)OIlH n.lHtil1g to SHch districts, (c) A 11 use 8111I11 Include cv"ry use f}S n: Helal!' Of wholesale huslIWHS. 10- eludlll'; 1II;'ht ull,nllfllcturlng: pl'O- vhh't.J thlll ~llch lJusllwss h~ conductc(l wholly III a "ubstllntlnl building clllllpletcly cllclose.1 wllh walls all.1 II !'oof, nlld provldell tllnt the opcl'ution or eondu"t thCl'IlOf shllll not be oC such 11 IlH t 111'e n8 to lJccOIne offensive or noxlolls to the oCC11pants of nel,;h1JOrllll; 11I'endses use.l for n \1!.;t~S, by re~uwn of the ellllsslon of 01101'8. fUllles 01' g-atW8. 4hlHt. ~nn()kc. lIolse 01' vlhl'lltlolls, alld provlde.I that nil undue fire hazard he not cl'en.lml t1wl'"hy, Ilno1 us Iln office bul'lllng. Seetlon 7, lIL\NUF,\CTllRINr. DIS'I'I\ICTS. (1\) Tn" Manufllctul'- Ing .lIstrkl. Ilny hulhllng 0" premises !Hl1r he occupltHI 01' u~ell or any lllllldlll'; be erecle.l, hltere.) 0.. en- Inl g.ed to be 11cvolt"d to Hny use not prohibited In the City of Clearwlih,.. hy lIn~r nljlf~1' ol'lllnance except n5lo h"relrl:,ftcr o1efllled. (h) 111 Ilhe, For the pUl'pose of thl- ordlnnn"p. an l\l use I" herp.by th~f1l1etl U~ IlIlY u~c (or nn occupa- tion, hnslne"s or lIetlvlty other thnn Illl H, 11 0" Pus,', thllt Illay !nwfully he I'lll'l'le,l on within the City, flnlI shllll in"lud" <'Itrus PI' othp.r p~cldn~ nlalll~, fa('tnl"lt'~, 1111Hhcl' yn 1't1~ nnll tl'\1c1t J.,:"llrdt'IIIIlg' n~ n huslnf's:3. S""lIon R I'll BUr. DISTHICTS, (Il) In It Public dlstl'ict no hull,lInl!' 01' pr(,lnl~(':-; sll:dl bp occ\lJlietl or ',"~~',.'~'" '&ff '~I:'~!'" ~ct"I", ~~~.~': \'i~l :\W~' $~I" '0!"{'1h }~H~; iF; . ,..,l!g'. ~ '. '-, ~"~~';> ~~ / :~;~ '.;'. ilIIl~......~':-_ I'!",:~~~~~ ,,~ ., .j~I"'" fj!ir~;:: ~.. 1--.'---' uscd, or uny hulldlng ue erectell, ..1- tered or elll[lr~ed to be devot"d to UIIY othul' thulI U P UHU exclu::tlvcly, us hCI'elnufter defIned. (b) ~'o,' the pUI'I)o~e" uC tit!" onJJnlLnC~ 11 1-' 1I9~ Is hereu)' lIcflucd us u. UHC dcallfnetJ tor lLlllI pCrJnlllcd In Public districts und eOllf()nlllll~ to the vruvl"lon" reIlitlllg to such dls- tl'lcts: und all l' uses Ilre clusslrled Il~ follows: 1'-1 USK A 1'-1 UMe Hhlill Inelude the public streets and ItI~hwllYs Ilnd ol'ery use as a puhllc II/u'k, puhllc, building, pUbl1c recreutlon gToUlltI::l, avllltlon field, golf COUI'",', bn"ehull fillld 01' t"lilnlng quarterH, 1'-2 USI~. A P-2 liMe SIIl~1 Inch"le evel'Y usc, as a unthln' h"""h, 'amusement park und re :"c'ltlonnl ~II tcl'prlsea. 1'-3 IlSI~, A 1'-3 use shu I Inclnde every usc as n I'nllwu~rl otller than II "treet rallwliY. Pi USK A 1'-4 use shaJ\ Includo all places nf scclllc beauty, culeulilkd lo attract vlslto"~, toul'lsts, IlI1ll 11"1'- manent resltlent,. al,,1 to bull.1 up the welfare llIul proMPcrlty of tho City of Clearwliter, In "uch u,'eas no bulldln~ 0" pl'em- IMeM shall be u"cd or occupied. 01' nllY buIlding be crectelI, nllered, cllltll',;cd 01' l11u.lntalned :10 as to ohstl'uct the view or to rOlll1 the scene OJ' prOR- pcct, or which In any WilY may mlll- tute a~alnst the nttmctlve fenturcs of the 10ClllllY. And In pllrtlculllr. tho' not In 1I11lltlltlon UpOIl tlte Coro- goIng, no ulll'ertlslllg po~te,.s, hlll- boards 0" other signs 01' structures of whatevel' doSCl'lptlOIl shllll he erected or Jludntlllnetl loll sHch Ill'CllS or wllhlll rinn fcet therefrom. Section 0, 'n:lIlI'OHA n Y lJSr,;S, Nothing horeln contulned sllllll hll construed to prevcnt the erection 01' nlalntennncc ot tClllPOl'fU'Y Rtruel\lrl~S Incl.lentnl to the pl'osecutlon nf puh- IIc works or to hulhllnJ; operutlolls.- or, In 'Iny other than Hesldenee .lls- trlcts, for rcllglous meetings, ol",n nIl' gatherings. tent show~ 01' other purcly telllporlll'Y uses or purpO::les; provlde.l that a permit tlwl'dor up. first procured from the Illllldlng In- specto,'. Snch a permit shull he suh- Ject 10 revocation hy the Cll)' 1II11n- ager. Sc(:tlon 10, NON-CONFOHlIlINll lJSr~S, 'I'he lawful use of a bulldln~ exIMtlng on the effective d.lte of th1M onllnance. 01' authorized by a build- Ing permIt Issue.) pl'lor thereto. nlllY be contlnucl\' a1thouJ;h such uso lloes not conform with the 1>I'ovlMlons of this ol'lllnnnce. unu such \lHe lllny be cxtended throughout thc bn11dlng, No non-conforming IIse shn11 he extcnd- ed so IlS to dlspillce a conrormln~ rp.shlentlul use, A non-confonnlng use m"y be changed to II use of the same 01' hlghe,' clssslflcatlon accol'll- Ing to the p,'ovlslons of this ol'llln- a .",1'" r..~-r I ~"'i~'" :tll'~l ' :.' ~t{~!.~.. ,'. . ,}J!i!f~',~': -~ "', " -,...._---.....,-,...".~"., ...,.....-.-...'" ~';' . Vit ~1' '.d.:~~ .1~~:f; if::!) :2% .~~ \lh'.l';; W{"! <~l<:'i i~ -r::k. ',' .(b~;t4}~~ )f~\%1 ~~~i: .II >!:!~\:; ,W~: J~;,r\: ':.:~;il~ -\..~~".l {.~'i-. -1~~1r : 'f!'I.!(' N,r,{" :#f-;'-.1' :?!~~r I I 1~:?Y , "-M"\' ~"\t :j~~; '~~' >~~ ~:li,";', ',;;0<;,\" '~!}{in~ ! ;;\~tl' .~i<<"c ,';W~': :r~ '~~~~ ',',~,~Hii, ':,!:\:~ .' .'" ~ ,It?'./:: .&~1f~~ ;y~'1,t :...,If.,','l:., "! -~~f '",:\.j~,; , :':."'~ ,r(~{", ::lJiW: "I';' W'.l:" ,,~j~ ~~;' .,'- 'QJ .:v,,~. j~0 ';r....j..." ","", ll"",:,.. .:.J:. (~; }, '<t" .....,..' . 111":<'. "'henovel' n lllst.rlcl shull IocrellUer be Clllln!;ed, Ilny tll"n exlst- lug Ilon-cou(ol'llllng \\8lJ" In such cloang-ed lll~lrlct III11Y be cont.lnued or chllllgell tu L\ UHe or a Bhullar or 111"11",, cllls~\Clcntlon, provl<l"d Illl other regullltlolls governing the new US" Ill''' co,"pllcd with, Whellcver (I. Illln-contonnlng uso or n building has )",en dlscontlnucd or chan!;cd to (I. hl"h"r CIUSMIClcutlon or to n con- Cormlng- UMe. such IIS0 stuLll not Ihel'l'nCter he changed to Il uso oC (I. I"wcr clusslClcutlon, No building wh\(,h hus been dUlllllged by Clre 01' 01 her cuuses to t.ho extent oC more lhlln slxly-Clve per centum oC Its "Illue shull b" repulred to rehullt ex- cept lu conCormlty with the regullL- lI"ns oC lhls ordinance, S..ctlon 11. LOCA'fION AHEAS AND \'()ULMI~ OF DWmLLING AND A I'AHTJ\lJo:N'r lIOUSI~S, (n) Bull.l- In~ Lines, The bull,lIng JInes Indl- ealetl un the Buhl Inap are herehy ""I,,hllshe,1 IlS the building- lines In Il..sltlence districts, (hI "'here u' block Is occupied or pllrllnlly occupied by,bulhlln!;s ut IIIl! limo thlH onllnance becomes ef- ["ellvu, tho aVerull'e of tho dlMt.nnces Crolll the Mtr"et line to the front Hlr"d w"lIs oC Much buildings shull be I he est.uhllshed hulhlln!; IIno, J~ols occupied by h"ll<lIn(;'s lleslgnell for ..,,"Idence IIses p"nlllttell III u Hesl- d.",,:e ,\lst.rlct, IInl"ss tho ugJ{,'egute fronlll!:,o of such Iota exceells 1\(1 pel' rcnt. of the t.olal fronlnge In tho hl""k, shull he cOlIsl,Iercd uS tholl~h "lIrllnl for t.ho pUI'pose of f'stabllsh- Ing- the bull ,ling IIno whefll tOCllt",! I n such u ,11 strict. (cl Locution of such Bulltlln!;s, No l,ul"lI nil' sha 11 he oecupletl 0" IIsed, 0" "recta.l, nllel'".l or exlentlel!, or /IllY struct.\lro whntevol' ba er""t"d 01' malnt.alne.! so us to he nenret' to I he st reel. line, or, It on II. cornel' lot. n,,"rer to the street lines, than liS !l0 Inlll.~ntell for the given lot. nor nrnrll" thun three (3) fecI. to 'lllllf'r sl.1" line, 01' rcar line of nny lot. But one llwelllng or npartment. hOllRll Hhlll1 h" orect.e,1 OJ' occu\ll"d' on a sl nl:le lot. (.11 No bulllllllg 'for auxlllnry use In such n .lIstrlct shull bo nearer to Ihl> hulldln", line, 01' If on n corner 101 nenrer to the' buildIng lines In I> It h"r dlrecllon, thnn one ha It of the 1"'11111111(\01' of the II"nt.h of the lot, (c) A"ea and Vohlme. No hullc1- . ,Inl\' shall be' used or occupied, or'~: el'octe.!. altererl' or enlargerl for R" ,lIses, on' prQmlaes less In area than", . twellly.flvll ,(21\) feot, by one, h\1n- ,~ :,lrerl (100) feet, nOJ; shnll any s\1ch'" hulltllnll' contain ,less thltn sixteen .hlln,lred (1(100\ cublo ~eet on the ~ ,!:,roun,l floor for ench 'fl1dlvhlllal oc- "upant, S!'..llon 12, It 1':S'I'1l1CTIONS, MlSCRI,T.A NrnOlTS (a) Blllbonrd~, "i .&,' " " i'",," ' "'~~~~', 'fl.. ' '~'" "iW,1' , -;. f}J:i' . :~~~""'- :~~ . $~I'" ;~~,:;r.,",' '~,"~': 'I'" . t)..', : '" '(~~"':' ~::, . -::. ~ /", l ~.,~, ',~,' H.r.:": 'Rl"'~1 ljiJ: . :~'!(..:t,} . ~1;'" ~.~,?..?,:- " . ~,/.:...~ ~.:'t~... ' I,,~ No blllboul'lls, post.ers OJ' other nd- v"I'lIslng slglls or sll'uctures shull he crect.ed or maIntained In a Realdcncc Ll18t.J'lct except as herein speelClcll]lY \lcl'lllltted or In a Public <llstrlct nlld hi no cuse within (illll teet of lh" Clty'a main Ilpproaches and hlg-hways IlIeludlng Fort' Hurrlson A VCIIUO, Nort.h and Sout.h, }Jetty Lane lIorth of Drew Street, Clevelan(1 Slreel, Norlh East Clevelanll Stl'eet, DI'ew Slreet, TamPIl' BouleVllrll, Parle Street, Dl'uld Rd, west of tho A 1.- Inntlc Coast Line right of way, Man- (Inlay Boulevard, Ilnd the rlgh ts of wny, stations nnd YUl'ds of the At- lnntlc COIlSt 1,lne or the Sea bOil I'd A II' Uno Railroad, nnd none alolll; the approuches to or 011 the Clluse- ,wny, ' No such billboard, poster or olhor nllvertlslng sign or structure shnll exceell thl rty (30) feet In uren, ho neuror thnn sIx feet from any build- Ing or any side lot or In the abs"nce of Il bulllllng line, wllhln flfto"n feet from Any street, or shall be nenrl'!' than thl'ee feet from the groUt"I, or higher than slo< feet fr01l1 the grolln.1. or shall be of othor than flro proot Illnterllll or Incapable ot wlthstnnll- IIIII' An eUecllve wind pressure oC Mil poun<ls to the sQuure foot, nllll It shull rest upon supports Ilnd founlln- tlons not subject to rot or rust or other torms of deterioration aCCed- Inl: or tenrllng .to aUect the socurllY thereof,' . , No Ionn_contormlng structuros of Hllhl elaAs shllll he nltoret1 or extenll- e.l except In conformity with tho \lro' vlslolls of thIs sectlon, (h\ It shall he the t1uty of the, Rulhllng Insp"ctnr 10 examine frolll t.11I1e 10 time all exlslln!!: blllbollrlls, pOHtels 0' other nllvertlslng struc- t.ures to 11etel'mln" whether or not t.hey con Corm to the rCQulremeu t s, h"r'eof an.l If not, he shllll couse th"lr rellloval. (c\ Fllllnl\' Statlons, R"pnlr Shops An,l Pnbll" l1arll!!:es, No bulldlnc: 0" premises shAll be occuple.) or \I!lell, or AIIV hulllllnl(' be Al'ect.cIl, nHuo,1 or enlarl!~,l tohA uBe.1 or occulllcll, AS n A'Anollne flnll 011 tilling or Herv- Ire stAtion, re!jnlr shop or public A'ur- "",e In n Res\llpnce rll~trlet allll III n' J1ualnesA 'or Mnnllfncturln!!: lllstl'lct only wIth the ,wl'ltten connent oC the owners or lessors pC t.he [Jl'opertv Oil hoth shIes of the stl'eet ndjneent to the sahl blool( first procured Ilnll Clleel with th~ Building Inspcct.or: (<1) Ortenslve Business or MAnu- fl\cturlnll' Uses,' No U!lB otherwise permitted by thIs or.lInance shall hA utlll7.e,1 or avallec1 of for pUI'(,oa"s cAlclllnterl to creato Il puhllc nuln- unce, unduly to Inel'ense tire hAzArll 01' traCfle conjestlon, 01' to enllanA'er thp Mfety, health', moralB or gel1"ral wp!rnra of thn City oC r,lcnrwAt",., (e) , A1rports and A vlntlon FIt:hl., 4 .. l :i"\~'" . ~~\ .1 ~,... :-~~R , ,;~~i'~~. .~"p'" ,~~~~ '. '\1':' l' .~l ~,",l if'I,:':(;-. ::~;rr: {.~,~~~ B~ .{~.~~ :Jl\ T' ,t~~, ,.r.,;;"" ('O",~'~" :~1..;'/'~t i'<i~~e :{iJ;W ::~f. ,~:: ",~j(~;' ~ffn ~I ,.~:~~. ~I i11~ l.f}:~t ~:.\:;;;t~ ~\~~*-: ,{Hr'; )~:t~ ' '?~~l; {~;~~~ "'~;:r }"r,I?' ~:,t-"F" \:ifj,; 'l'\tlJ). ...~:;~': ,:<Wifl: ;l~' ;{~ }..\~J' :'fI.'; ..., ',~~~' .,,~~~ ';i':;;,ilk .~~N , '~ft" :~~~;, -51t'1.... ~~'; :',t,~;~l,' .~~~~,. ~1V.-1~. "',' ,..,.~~,;,: ;;~~;~: :;:t1,,,,~\ ./~fil-i "Ji~' :a~< ;~~ "t.fJ-', ~'1K, ,..~:7!{( . ,:J;.J!!"': . ~"~~" . j' '~~.~f-~:.,'., ' , " , , ',' ,'I ~ .~\.:, . :'____. ,', . ~~~~..h!l,.....,.....,..,./ttl~ ,... No SlllUl'e slad., f111gpol", e10vatcd lallk, rndlo mnsls 01' statloll uullll- 11lg- ur OIlICI' strucluro 01' obstruct 1011 10 Ihc opcraLlolI of alrcrntL of a h"lJ;ht ut I1IO/C lhllll fifty (50) fcct ~hllll bc pJacClI wllhlll OIlC thousanLl (1111111) f"d fl'olll lhc ex lCl'lol' boun- lillrle~ of lhe Mllnlclpal A\'lutloll 1,'h,ld III salli Clt)', (t) Mulllple UU1'llgcs, Mulllplc !;uruges shall not be cl'ectod, main- lalnetl or occul)led 01' useu tn any ot' lllr Ul'eus classlflcd by this ol'dlnancc, excepl such as IIIUY be Incldenlal or nuxlllary lo 111 USC8 anLl within thc dl8ll'lel~ ulloculcd on suld map to such uscs, (g-) TUllrlsts Camps, ctc. None of lhc U~l'S r.lasslfled III thl8 onllnuncc shall be deenlCd lo Incllllle u cml1e- tery or a lourlst camp, or cottagc sl'~lenl IlIl\'ln!;' common fucllltlcs, Section 13 ADMINISTHA'I'lON, (a) 'I'he 1l(llIIlnl~lrutlon und cllforce- nlent of ,this ol'dlnllncc shull <lc\'oh'e UIHJI1 the BulhllllJ.: In~peclol' of the City of Clearwuler; 01', III his ab- S,,,":" or ,Usability, upon such other officeI' Ol IlI,e !Jnallflclltlolls as muy b" u)lpol nted ucco.'dlng to law, I"). l;lIch l3ulhUng- lnspcclol' Is hereby "lIIpo\\',,,'e,1, and It shull ue' Ills ,hlt~', lo ndntlnlslel' lhls 01'11111- Hlwe 111 conjunction with the u.lIll11l~ Isll'atlon of tho I1ulhll'nt; Code of the City of Clt~n..watl!" In ~uch 8. nUloner n" lo fncllltHto lhell' JollIl n<lmlnls- trnUllll Fol' the IHU'IH)90 ot elltol~c. InJ; .ltI~ ordinance thc ulllhorlty ve~t- ,'d In hllll un,le.' lhe ~al,1 Building Co,'" I~ hereuy deelarcd lo be vested III 111111 ullller this ol'dlnul1ce, (d In case of a conflict between finy of lhe 1,,'o\'1810ns of lhls ordln- unce un,,1 thoso of thc Illllhllng Code ln n g-I yen InstnflcC, the luore re- strleLll'e of lhc two shnll govern, Sectlun H, CI~nTII?[CATES O}<' OCC'UPANCY,-PJ':HMITS, (a) It shall bc unlaw fill lo u~e or pcrmlt lhe II"" ot nllY bullLlln!; or l)I'emlses or J)lLJ't thereot, heruttcl' cl'ellted, el cel"d, chunJ;cd 01' converted wholly 01' partly In Its use 01' ~t1'ucture, until a certlflcllte of occupancy, lo thc ef- fect lllul lhe bulhllllJ.: or prcllllscs or lhc purt lllereof, conf,..'m to the pro- \'Isloll~ of lhls ordhH,hcc, 8hall have heen Is~ue<l by tile Bulhllllg Inspec-' lor, No penlllt f,l!' excavaLlo/l for, 01' cl'ccLlolI of, uny uulldlng- or val't of a bllll<lIng, or fOI' rep"II's to, or al- UtlOIl of, a uulhUng, 8hull UC Issucd until nrtH a statcment of \Ls Intcnd- clI u~c hus becn flied wi th the IlPpll- caLi on, No cllung-e 01' cxtenslon of use anLl 110 altcraLlons shall be made In Ii nuu-conto...nlng UMe or 1)J'clnlses wllhout a cCl'lIflcate of occupancy ha\'lng- fll'Mt been I~sued by the Build- Ing- In~pcctor that such chunge. ex.. l"nslon 01' IIltel'llllon IH In conformity w!lh Ihc provisions of lhls ol'lllnance, (b) Cel'tlrtC!lles of Qccupancy shall "~~".",,",' ;'1"""';" ..;', .i:', '~~!;~:,:'-, :.:. i . ::'l"I' ,r:' ;~~,.,. :II: ..~~:.:, ~~ ~\ :~'~f : , , " r-----; ~! li ue appllcd (or at the salllc tlmo lhat lhe building pcnnll Is appllcd for 1I11l1 shall be IssueLl wllhln 11) da)'s aft,,1' the cl'ecUon 0" altCf'llt1on of lhc bulllllng shall havc becn con1plcl",1, A record of all ccrtlflcales shall he kept on file In the or fico of lhe BullLllng Inspcctol' nlHI coplcs shall he fUl'lllshcll upon J'e!Juest to allY pel'- SOliS ha\'ln~ a propl'lclnl'Y 01' lenlll"'y Intel'cst In the bulldlnJ.: affect,,,!. (c) I~llch !lppllclILlon for a uulhh Illg pel'm!l sllllll be IIccompllnled hy II plat III dupllcale, drawn to Hcalo nnd In such form !IS IIl!lY UO pre- scribed by the llulllllng IIISpcctol', showing thc actual dllllcll810n~ of thtl lol to Un built upon, the slzc of the uull<lIl1g to be el'ectell, and such oth- CI' III formation as IlIUY he ncccs~l\ry to pl'ovlllo for the enfol'colllcnl of thn rcg'ulatlons contalncd In this ordln- llllce, A cnreful rccord of such "1'- pllcllLlons alld plats sl"lIl be kcpt In the office of the Building Inspectol', (d) Pen,Ung- thc Issuancc ot Il rcJ.:- ulal' certlflcatc, a lemporal')' certifi- cate of occupancy IIlIlY be Issued f,)1' a period not exceeding six monlhM, during lhe cornpleLlolI of nltcl'lltlons or' during partlnl occupancy of II building pending the compll,rloll, Such lempol'Ury certificates shull not he construed as In allY way nlLerlnJ.: the rcspectlve rl~hts, dutlos 01' oh. lIg'atlons of the owners or' of Iho city relating to the use or OCCUIII'- t10n of lhe premises 0" flny olh,,!' matter co\'ered by this Ol'lllnnllCA, and such tempol'lll'y cel'tltlclllc sh" \I not be Issuo,1 except und"r 8\1ch 1'''- stl'lcLlons and pl'ol'islons as will fllk- quately Insure the sllfety of tho on- cupRnts, No temporary cCI'Uflcl1lo shall be Issued If prior to Ils com- pletion the building should t,,1I lo contorm to the provisions of the Building Code or of this ordlnnnce to such a degree as to render It unsafc for the occupancy proposed, (e) Complctlon and Hestoratlon of Existing llulldlngs, Nothing hCl'cln contained shall require any chnn~o In the plans, constl'uctlon 0" IntelHl- ed USO of a building for which a buildIng permIt has been her,'tofOl'o IRBue,1 and tile construction of which shall have ueen dlllgcnlly proBccule,1 within one year of the <lste of such 'permit and diligently prosecutcd to completion, Section HI, ADJUS'rMENTS AND RELIEF, (a) Where, III a parLlcu- lar Instance, there are pl'actlcnl dlf- flcultlcs, unnecessary hardship, 01' IIn Injustice In carrying out the strict letter or application of any of the pl'ovlslons or regulations of lhls ordinance: or whcI'e It be found thllt the safety, health, morals unll gcn-, eral welfare of thc City of CI"IlI'- water would not be subservcd hy a slrlct Interpretation 01' IIppllcntlon thercof; or where a rcnsonllule douut 5 .. ',?;i~~; , i;~~'l;: ::'-1.'1'~ {l'f;.~::;, 'i.f';';' ",',1;! "(~\ 't!~,~ ~~mt u~ ':'s,'& '~~(,Yj~:; W!\~" .'ii".(",'~~ .,~)~: ',iftt~, ;If " ';I~,;" w~\~ ~~"11' ;-, B '>~i,\;:;'. I $~~: ~1'f~', ~iit:tt r~~t ,~tl11' ~T;':$' - ,1\>W ~:~~( ::,,~t~{;f :~~.,.;\t~ . "Hl1',: ;.f~V~~;~ ".1i."!\ ,.~tm);~ ';1'$;' Ak!F ':!r:~') ;r.$~" '~:~{~.:: '/;~~1 'J,",' ,:i:i;'~',""" ~'.,." : it>! ,{~' .,~"tl.~' ,~M.'r ";;:;?ft' ;;~i'~',. .<(.~~'1j:: ('~"~r~ /fj?\'<.1. '"cl'l.f ,;1,~~, !-~.' " ~J!ti ;l~' .,,'~',:.w',',' '. ~'" " ',~LI~' ,j~1X~ ,{title i~&1' ,~:~r.; .-~~-,-. . ;,,!..I,\~',,' ,'~~"; ,:;, 't., ': ,(' ..'.;. ji*,~~ 'I~r~ ?J5j;l!-; '!i.'~ ,"'*'~" II '. '.p~_ (f. ,.,~,(.:~. ::,f'., ...~-..;..~..' . . " duy.. J,:xcellt where the UOllrd 1>1'0- clled. ul the In.llLnce oC the City Manu!;"'" 01' on Il. own ",ollon. lhe co.l oC such publlcutlon .hull h~ uorne hY tht! uPl>lIcunl. (c) The Uoul'll .hall ul.o huve the powe,' to review the, uctlon oC lile Hulhlln!;' I n.p~ctor to dcle,'",I.lP. whelher or not It Is In lIcconlu nce with this ol'lllnunce, ami to Ud<e ul>- pl'upriUlC actluJI. (d) The n.,unl .hall propose to thll City Comml.slon In 01'<11 II u",'e Corm .uch alllendments DC thl. ord- inunce, a~ It 11la.y, f1'oln thne to ilnJl~. dCllII' lldvl.ab1e. Actin!;' throu!;'h Its Chlllrllllln, the UOllrd shull have pow- er to appear beforc the Clly Com- ml~~lon llml shllll be hellrd In .1lP- porl thereof 01' Cor or aglllnsl Ilny UIlICIUllucn L. however p1'OPO~Ct.l, to Ihl~ ol'lllnallee. Scctlon 17, PI.:NAL'fl8S AND HgMI~DlI~S. la) AnY person wheth- er 11" l>r1nCI\.lIlI. agent or employee, vlolallng any oC the, provl~lon" or rc!;'ulutlons oC this ordlnllnce sho.!1. \I\.Ion conviction theNoC III the Mu- nicipal Court of the City oC CIcUI'- wuler, be punished by a fine nol ex- ceedlllg $200.00. or hnprl..onn,ent Bol exceeding sixty days; sllch [tnc 0" hllprl.onment, at the dl""l'ellon oC thA Munlclpul Jud!;'c Illld each dllY oC duration ot such "lolllt,lons Illny be considered as a sep'<I'ule orren.e, (b) In case any bull<1lng or struc- ture I. erected. constructcl1. recon- .tructed. all cred, repulred, convcrt",1 0" 1I111lnlalne,l. or any hulldlng-, slrllcture or lund Is u.e,l, In vlolu- lion oC this onllnllllce or oC uny olh- er ordinance or lawful rcg-ulatlon. the proper authorities DC the Clly oC Cle!l.rwllter. In uddltlon to the relllC- llles herein provhled tor or which Ly Illw Illay be available to It. nwy 111- sll lUte uny aPIJl'oprlate action 0" pro- ceedln!;' to prevent or re"tl'ldn "uch threatened vlohltlon or to Impo.e u penulty Cor .uch vlollltlon. 01' to re- .truln. corred or abllte such viola- tion. In or,ler to prevent the oc<:U- puncy or use of .111.1 uulhllng-, or lunll contl'llry to tho pl'o\'I.lon. hereof. 0" ,to prevent any IlIcgal act. conllud. uuslness or ule In or uuout .ueh (lI'Clnl8Cf:l. Section lit V A LIDI'rY OF OHD- INANCg H any section, parngn,ph. suh,lIvlslon clllu~e. sentence, pro- vision 0" other part of this onllnllnce .hall be ClnallY lulju,!t{e,I by any cOllrt oC COnlpelent jurls,lIctlon to he Invallll slIch jlHlgment shall not l<f- fect, IIIlPulr. IHVIlI"'"to or nullifY the remaln,lcJ' of thl. or.lhmnce, Ullt the eCCed therenC shllll be eonCII",,1 ,to the part Irllllle,lIntely an,l neee.- sarlly Involvel' In the final detcnnl- nation DC such COUl'l. Section III, INT1~l\I'Hl~TATION, 'rhe headln!:,s or captions to the ~ev- eral sections oC the ol'lllllanee Ilesh{lI- IIlllY Clllrly ul'l.e as to the Inlcrpl'e- lullllll 01' u)lpllcUIUh thereot; or whcl'c un ,lIe!;,ullty !Would 01' might I'".ull; the e.lubll.llIld Zonln!;' and I'lallnln!;' Uoul'd oC the City DC Clear- wlllcr .Indl hu \'e power. and It shull ue lhu dilly oC suld llourd. to de- lel'mlne the prO(ler Inlent. Intel')ll'll- lulloll 0' uppllcatlon oC uny oC such IH.uvlslun~ 01 I'cgulutton~. Rnl! lo ~rllnl I'clleC III lht! pI'CII11"8S; .0 thut the .plrll oC thl. oJ'(lIlIunee shall u~ ou.c veil; public suCelY, hellllh, mor- nl. alld !;,ene,'ul welfuro secured, suu- .llllltlnllu.tlce donc und lIt1!;'lltlon IIvoltled, lu) ,\ Pllell\. nuhket to H1.\l~h 1'1I1e>l 0,"1 l'e!;'lIl11tlons a. the CllY Com- IId.~IOII '"(1)' Ullopt (rom tlrlle to time, u rcvlew oC the ,Idel'mlnllllon oC Ihe 1I0ll.',1 hy Lhe City COlllml., Mion lUll)' he hlld III the tllMtlln~e of Iln 8!;'rlevecl pIlrl)'; provlde,1 lhllt \Hllten ItppllCllllolI tlwrt!Col'. .ettlnl{ Corth the groulHls tOI' Ihe IlPpe1l1 an,1 .I!;'ncd hy sllch puny or his .Iul)' I\U- thorl:wd a!;'enl. he flied with Iho City Allllllor lln.1 Clcl'k within tcn (10) duy" u flcr .ueh lletel'lnI '"1tlon, He.:tlon 111. li'UNCTIONH ()\o' '1'1\]<; ZONING AND PLANNING llOAItD, (0) 'rll~ Zoning nnd PIIlIIIIIIl~ noun' "hull "deet from ll. mumuel's. II vlce- chull'lllun, who shall act In tht! uh- scnee 01' dl.Ilblllty oC the Chllll'lnlln, The City Auditor and Cler1( shull ue the Secro~tul'), whOHe dilly It shull ue to att~nll 1111 meetlll!;,S un,1 tul(e and Iwep, subjpct lo tho en II oC saltl 11 0111' d , the minutes or ll. pl'oceed- Inl{s, Such mlnllte". ur a COpy thel'e- oC or of any porllon thereof ut- tesle,l hy the Buld SCCl'etary, shull u" evldenllury DC thll Illutters 11IllI Ihlng-s Iherrllnreeol'Iled. ]t .hall p.'o- "ltle COI' reg-ular. IlIHI spedul meel- III!;'S. Special .neellng. .hllll be clllI- cd upon the I'ellue.t oC not less lIllIn three members, and u)lon not Ie.. limn forty-elg-ht hOlll's notice, Four ru!;'ulur memhcrs DC tho Hounl shall I con.lItut" u quorum und a IIHljOl'lty'l oC tho.e present slmll conlrol Its oC- Clehll oclloli, It .11111l lulopt trom time to time. such I'lIh!" and reg-ula- lion. 8S It muy ,1,~ell1 ncceB.UrY or ,lu>lII'lIUlo tor the {lerCol'lnance oC Its ,ll1tles und tor the COllduct DC Its aC- full'.. (u) 1<:xercls8 of Ilny DC the powers to.' rellet under tho pr"ce<lIng section IllUY ue Initiated bY written UpplICIl- tlon Uy an Interest"'] persoll. 01' by lhp City Munogel'. 01' on motion of thA BOllnl Itself, alld shall bc 11111] on- ly I\flel' II pUhllc heal'llIl{: ul whl<:h 1'",,"lIn. hltel'estell shl\l1 he aftol'lle<l UII opportunity to he helll'I\. Pub II., nollce oC such mecllng-. .tnth",: the time. phlee and purpose, shnll bo I(lv"n by puhllcatlon thel'eof In n .]ully n~wspaper regularlY pllhtl~hetl III the City DC Clearwater, COI' at 1(\lIst two consccutlve puhllcatlon iI, ..'1 6 ;~ ':.1 "~',F' r: "!..<. ''}1' .' .;~~tJ ,';ti~z' ,,~,~U"I'~ "', :~y!~; t',-' }~~'I::r. ;'1ii~, ,-~'f,'~' ~Il" ,:M,:iil.i> ""1':'- :'l~!. ..!oiC..' -,' :\~'tf'. , , l~i~\t '::~t~, '1li~~' , ~F~W1 ...~-~-- -.. - ..-~- ~. --- t' -!: j~ ' '"~ ~'.",~ ~, :~ ,(;]) ,n :J~' ,;;,(,~ ' ':'l~'~ : . .'"t'~:.1 ':J~Ji ,";~ /J~ ;;,~~ , )!~D' I~~~ . , ,.'/,:.1 1,)J..., "'<,t !~~ 'I :";U ~~:;j I ':~~~I I :1 H(~ ',;..; :,'!d; ! \~ I :P!I ",,',','" I, ~,,::~~,i.: S!,~ 'I ..;:",.. ',",'" ( l'-.l 1 :)mt, I ,,~Yf\ : ili'~ ..)~-~~ '1~' t.! ::',g~ ;~ ;:;~~~~ ',\,:;,~ /~, :;'?i . .~.;~ >Hi1. ,~:.~,-\ "'~" I .1" ;..t~. ,~)~ .?,1. :';;.~ "~ ',';:~; ;~;i ,;J~ ~,~~ ;,A~ ,'~ . ,1;,;; " ':'Ii', \\~J ,t] <if,i ,\,,~~ :f~';j .~) :~ " ,x.i~ -I~ ':'a~~~ ",:~;,rl<l,'-",.' :~ .~~( '..~; " W" ",~~~\...,,;, ~f-~I>>'~'}' .,.':1. ': .:;. .,: '" }" ,(, ..'''', ",~"'- ;~it~"i If:.9!' " ,;!?!it, l~~"'" '","'-1,- :~:ir' ,...... ~ .12' ~~ ",:",.1 ' "'"".-. t f~'~"'f,'.:.:t},':~'i' ;' ell lIlorc pfirtlcularly rOl' con\'enlence shull not be construed in allY wuy to IInllt or Cjullllfy the sections to which tlWl' respectlvel~' Ilpply except where incorporaled hy reference or nCCC8- "a I'y 1.llpllca tlon. It Is nut Intenllcd by this ordInance In Ill')' WilY to ubrluge or to sup~r- s(;de Ilny existing anu enforcible covellllntlal I'(;su'letlons running with the land with rcsp~ct to the charac- ter, u"e or locution of blllldlngs, Sect lun 20, \V I IJ~N EI"FECTIVE, This ordinllnce shall take erfect from ","1 aftc,' Its passage Ilnd Its ap- provul hy a maJol'lty of the qunllried elector's uf the City of Clearwater who 111'0 rreeholders within suld Clt)', vutlng Ilt a speclul election to be called Ilnu held at uuch time Ilnd In such manner IlS the City Commis- sion may prescrl be for the I'll rpose of determinIng whethel' or not this ord- Inance shall go Into ertect, Passed and adoptell by the City COlllmlsslon or the City of Clell 1'- wate,', I~lorldll, this H th dllY of AIII'Il, A, D, 1032. ATTI~ST: l/, l/, Basldn, Mayor-Colllllllssloner, J, E:. SATTEHF'I1~LD, City Auditor Ilnd Clerl<. (' 7