BID- EXCHANGE LEASING INCORPORATED FOR VARIOUS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT I ~ Exchange Leasing, Inc. I ,,-- January 29, 1981 City of Clearwater Purchasing Division P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33518 RE: Bid No. 19-81 Dear Sir: We are pleased to present the for your consideration. This will not become binding until following municipal lease purchase proposal proposal is not a binding offer by us. It approved by our Senior Credit Committee. LESSEE: The City of Clearwater LESSOR: Exchange Leasing, Inc. EQUIPNENT: Various captial equipment LOCATION: 711 Maple Street Clearwater. Florida COST OF EQU!PMENT: Maximum $549.999 This bid is subject to the interest income accruing under this transaction being exemot from Federal and State Income taxation bd on the provisions of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 195q. as amended. TERM OF LEASE: 60 months RENT AL : It is anticipated that the lease rentals will be based on a rate factor of 2.08q, which is the equivalent of 9.5% per year interest, payable monthly in advance. (See the Attachment to Bid Response Form for various cost and rental schedules.) Cl~en.t,.a~-;:orate-.f..acr-6r~e:;:fbcerl ~~.;:tlte--t~.o""'f~2.6chel}u:re-uiiOer ~e:-mast-er~~-wi-i-l~eo::e:Sl:ab."tish_ed" et':Jt~~~gui.pmenM..s~ccept:e. . Due to ant~ipated fluctuations in interest rates, the applicable rental rate for equipment covered by each tC ' (),' rJ..1/1..~~1 ~ -/ . 'f I. ..t.<2..1 \ ~ -7J J., /0 .'1 I ~11 If ~ A Wholly Owned Sub~idiary of Exchange Bancorporation Inc _ Post Office Box 3227. Tampa, Florida 33601 Telephone (813; 224 5513 o g~(XJ?--- ""- The City of January 29, Page Two Clcan-lalr 1981 I schedule under the master lease will be subject to periodic adj ustment by the lessor. However, the rental rate w~ll never exceed the equivalent of the maximum interest rate permitted under Florida law for governmental obligations, which maximum rate is 1.5% in excess of the 20 "bond buyer" Average Yield Index. PURCHASE OPTION: The Lessee may purchase the equipment at the end of the initial lease term for the sum of $1. 00. COMMENCE~ffiNT DATE: The equipment shall be purchased in .fu1l by Exchange Leasing, Inc. and the lease activated on or before December 31, 1981. NET LEASE: This proposal and the subsequent lease agreement are considered a net lease, therefore, all fixed expenses including, but not limited to, maintenance, insuranc~, attorney's fees, etc. are to be paid by the Lessee. IN SURAN CE : As set forth in the attached lease. VARIATION IN THE COST OF EQUIPMENT: If the actual cost of the equipment varies from the cost as stated herein, the rent as indicated will be adjusted to reflect such variation in the equipment cost. However, we shall have 'D:O~J;'.:!.;gatiOll to lease when the ~~etli-=:ask;ex~e,rlsttli1!' f;O-Sra)""f.'rPqll1l>me,IJJ:=.Show.n;be-:i;e."jD dipnO~ ~Zm, SPECIAL COVENANTS: Lessor shall provide the following: - Termination for non-appropriation - Title to rest with Lessee Lessee shall provide the following: The tax exempt nature of this trans- action is to be provided in the form of Counsel's Opinion for the City of Clearwater's attorney. ~ .. The City of Januar~/ 29. Page Three cleaJater 1981 I If the equipment has not been delivered to the above described location and accepted by you, and if you have not executed the necessary lease documents, including an Owner's ~aiver, prior to the above commencement date, then, at our option, we may terminate any obligations we may have and you shall pur- chase from us, at its cost to us, such equipment as we may have purchased or have become obligated to purchase. All vendor warranties will be passed through to the Lessee. This proposal is not a binding offer by us. It will not become binding until approved by our Senior Credit Committee. However, before submitting the proposal to the Committee, we must know if the proposal is acceptable to you. If so, please indicate your approval by ~eli-vering.....t<>~s~:i:1jri.~al::1W::iiiay:s ~~~.::i-e~ and initialed copy of the lease. Thereupon, your approval will constitute an offer to enter into this transaction which will be~ome binding on us upon our notice to you that the transaction has been approved by our Senior Credit Committee. Documentation on the transaction must be satisfactory in form and content to Exchange Leasing, Inc. Thank you for considering Exchange Leasing. Inc. and we look forward to an early and favorable reply. RFT:ps Enclosures We hereby agree to enter into the leasing transaction described in the fore- going letter to us on the terms and conditions set forth above and in the attached lease. THE CITY OF CLEARI-JATER BY: ~I.~ , ~~ ~ l4\~C(r\. DATE: Mlv\t"-lt,Jjf I