PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CONCERNING CLEARWATER GAS UTILITY SYSTEM STUDY FROM R W BECK AND ASSOCIATES RWB-206Q il ", ' R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES Engineers and Consultants I PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Date December 5. 1986 P. S. A. No. FF-'i261-GGI-AX CLIENT Ci ty of Clearwater 900 Chestnut Street ADDRESS P.O. Box 4749 Clearwater, Florida 33518 PROJECT Clearwater Gas Utility System Study Part I~ope of Services R. W. Beck and Associates (the "Consulting Engineer") will furnish pro- fessional consulting and analytical services to the City of Clearwater, Florida (the "City" or "Client") in connection with a study of the Clearwater Gas Utility System (the "Study"). These professional services shall be carried out in accordance with this Professional Services Agreement FF-5261-GG1-AX and the Statement of Work attached hereto and made a part hereof. As is set forth in Part I of the Statement of Work, the preparation of the Study shall be provided for under this Professional Services Agreement for a fixed fee of $33,370.00. Additional Services requested and authorized by the City, if any, would be compensated for by either an approved increase in the fixed fee or through authorization and execution by the City of a new Professional Services Agreement for such Additional Services. Part II-Payment For services furnished, the Client shall pay R. W. Beck and Associates. Consulting Engineer. a total amount of $ 33,370.00 Payment shall be made by the Client to the Consulting Engineer, upon submission of invoices, at the rate of $ 10,000.00 per month during the first three (3) months that services are rendered by the Consulting Engineer. The final payment of the remaining amount due shall be made within thirty (30) days after submission of the work to the Client. Part III-Standard Provisions (see following pages) Part IV-Special Provisions (Attached Speci,1 Provisions III. F. and IlI.I. Dated December 5, 1986 Approved for CLIENT By: Title: Approved for CONSULTING ENGINEER By, 0/PIL~;iJ Title: Principal Engineer BY.~/~$- Title: Partner By: See Attached Signature Sheet Title: FF . Q~ " F0n ~/'u.t...) 'I: Of..2V a7fton~ tjtq if 7 0:;- 109-00 Q J R. W. Beck and Associates I PART III - STANDARD PROVISIONS III.A. Consulting Engineer's Organizations R. W. Beck and Associates is a partnership and R. W. Beck and Associates, Inc. is a corpora- tion owned and controlled by the partnership. Both entities are organized and operated und,er the laws of the State of WaShington. It is expressly agreed that the partnership may be changed by addition or reduction in the number of the partners or redis- tribution of the partnership interests and this Agreement may be assigned to the partnership or to the corporation. The Consulting Engineer may as- sign the compensation from this Agreement to any other entity. III.B. Professional Services 1. The Consulting Engineer shall be consul- tant and advisor to the Client as an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of the Cli- ent. The Consulting Engineer shall not be an agent or representative of the Client except that the Consulting Engineer may act as the Client's agent in providing construction management services to the degree specifically authorized in Part IV - Special Provisions of this Professional Services Agreemen t. 2. The Consulting Engineer represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be in accordance with generally accepted professional practices. Any estimate of cost of equipment, con- struction, ownership or operation furnished by the Consulting Engineer shall be the Consulting Engi- neer's opinion based upon its professional judgment and experience. The Consulting Engineer makes no other representation or warranty, express or im- plied. III.C. Change in Scope and Delays 1. If the prOV1S10ns for payment in this Agreement provide for a fixed fee or a maximum payment for services, such fee or maximum is for the Scope of Services described in the Agreement. If the Scope of Services is modified so that more or less work or time is required, and such modification is accepted by the Client and the Consulting Engineer, the fee or maximum and the time shall be equitably adjl1sted. 2. In the event of delays in or failures of performance of the Consulting Engineer caused by circumstances beyond its control, the Consultinf!; Engineer's fee or maximum and the time allowed shall be equitably adjusted, and such delays or failures shall not constitute a default or give rise to any claim against the Consulting Engineer. III.D. Relating to Payment 1. The Consulting Engineer's "Salary Costs" allow for basic salary and personnel benefits, including: life, accident, disability and medical insurance; sick leave, holiday and vacation pay; social security, workers' compensation, unemploy- ment c01llpensation and pension retirement contribu- tions; and similar employment-related costs. Basic salary per hour shall be twelve times current monthly salary for employees or current monthly drawinf!;s in lieu of salary for partners, exclusive of overtime, bonus or other profit participation payments, divided by 2,080. 2. The Consulting Engineer's "Out-of-Pocket Expenses" are those expenditures made by the Consulting Engineer, other than Salary Costs, costs of reproduction and computer services and costs of Special Consultants and Subcontractors, which are directly chargeable to the project and which would not otherwise have been incurred. Such expendi- tures include, but are not limited to, transporta- tion, lodging, subsistence, communications, liability and other insurance premiums when required by the Client in addition to the types and amounts currently carried by the Consulting Engineer, taxes other than those levied on the profits or net income of the Consulting Engineer, equipment rentals and repair, and special mailing, forms, materials and supplies required during the progress of the work. Reimbursement for out-of- pocket expenses shall be an amount equal to the cost thereof. 3. "Computer services" as used herein shall mean the use of electronic computing and informa- tion processing equipment, word processing equip- ment, data communications equipment, computer software, and related facilities and services of personnel necessary to operate and maintain such equipment and facilities. "Reproduction services" as used herein shall mean the use of printing and copying equipment, photographic equipment, and similar facilities and services of personnel to operate and maintain such equipment and facil- ities. Charges for computer and reproduction services shall be at the Consulting Engineer's established rates therefor which are in effect at the time of such usage. 4. In event of the inability or failure of the Client to pay as agreed, interest commencing sixty days after the date of invoice shall be paid by the Client to the Consulting Engineer on the last day of each month on all unpaid amounts due the Consulting Engineer at the interest rate for borrowed funds then currently available to the Consulting Engineer at the Rainier National Bank of Seattle. III-l .- 'I CLEARWATER GAS UTILITY SYSTEM STUDY F.S.A. No. 5261-G(1-AX Approvedfor CLIENT: Cl:TY By ". ~ C~f;t&i).o. ~~ --./( ..~- ----- '- .. -- Count-e~~igned; .~'7.. //.... ~;f." . . :. . +.'~. .'.. ~ ').. ~ . /! . ~ j' ,.,~f /..' ;8/?'l '"'. ;.. . I t [, / . f' 'I<t J / .' '- Mayor-Commissio er:' " Approved as to form i correctness: ~i1n~ , 2A J l I , STATEMENT OF WORK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FF-5261-GGI-AX Part I - Clearwater Gas Utility System Study (the "Study") General In order to prosecute the Study, using historical data and ana- lytical techniques, the Consulting Engineer will undertake two major tasks as follow: Task 1 - Evaluate the Clearwater Gas Utility System (the "System") and compare it with similar systems. Task 2 - Project the future outlook for the System for a ten- year period (1987 through 1996) under differing assumptions regarding future conditions and future actions taken by the City. The overall goal of Tasks 1 and 2 is to provide the information necessary to allow the City to develop an initial plan for the System. Task 1 develops information on where the System currently stands, and Task 2 develops information on where the system could be in the future under differing action plans or conditions. Prior to undertaking the work involved in Tasks 1 and 2, the Consulting Engineer will work with the City to develop a prioritized list of the major future general goals that the City desires the System achieve. These general goals will then serve as the basis for direct ing the Studies and integrating the results of Tasks 1 and 2 into the Consulting Engineer's findings, conclusions and recommendations. Task 1 Scope of Services Under Task 1 the Consulting Engineer will develop a series of comparisons between the System and three similar municipal and/or investor-owned Florida gas systems. Where apppropriate and useful, certain of the comparisons may also involve national average data or comparisons with several major gas systems in Florida. An initial overall comparison of the City's Gas System with other gas systems in Florida will be made by the Consulting Engineer to choose, in conjunction with the City, the specific comparable systems to be used in the detailed comparison. Once the comparative systems have been determined, detailed analyses and comparisons will be made to allow a comparative evaluation of JD8jor aspects of the System including its earnings, rate levels and structures, financial position, efficiency of operation, and staffing levels and functions. It is currently expected that, subject to the availability of suitable information on the gas systems involved, the following types of comparisons would be made by the Consulting Engineer: I I, Page 2 (A) Net revenues (earnings) per customer and earnings to investment ratios. (B) Rate levels. rate structures and types and levels of ser- vice charges such as installation, turn-on and bad check charges. (C) Service extension policies and pay-back criteria. (D) Financial position indicators including debt/equity ratios, and investments per customer and per unit of gas sales. (E) Operating efficiency indicators including expense to reve- nue ratios by major expense items (purchased gas cost, A&G expense, customer accounting, maintenance cost, etc.), total gas cost analysis by major expense item, and system loss ratios. (F) Personnel and administration indicators including man-hour ratios by major functions, customer/employee ratios by major functions and an overview comparison of the organiza- tional structure. For those items that indicate additional review should be under- taken, several years of the System's data will be analyzed by the Consulting Engineer to determine historical trends and possible reasons for the current situation. In addition to comparisons with other gas systems, a cursory review of the management and organiza- tional aspects of the System will be made by the Consulting Engineer to determine if there are any significant problems associated with: (A) The organizational structure; (B) the information available to management for evaluating the System's performance and for decision-making purposes; and (C) operating methods and procedures. I I Page 3 Task 2 Scope of Services Under Task 2 the Consulting Engineer shall perform the following analysis over the study period: (A) Proj ect the residential, commercial and industrial consumer growth for firm and interruptible service in the System's current and anticipated service area and the resultant total potential gas market. (B) Project the cost of alternative energy sources which include No.6 oil, No.2 oil, propane and electricity. (C) Project the cost of natural gas on the System. To project the total potential gas market, an analysis of available county, state and federal population and business proj ec- tions will be used to determine the total number of potential new customers by major energy application (i.e., residential, laundry, asphalt production, etc.) in the vicinity of the System. Typical energy usage by major application type will then be used to develop the total potential new gas load. The potential for long-term oppor- tunities in new natural gas applications such as gas air conditioning and gas cogeneration systems will also be discussed. In addition to evaluating the potential gas market, con- sideration will also be given to the expected general location of the new loads in comparison with the location of existing major gas lines to form the basis of estimating the cost of providing service to potential new customers. Based upon the 1986 Annual Planning Hearing projected fuel costs provided to the Florida Public Service Commission and cost trend pro- j ections for Florida Power Corporation previously developed by the Consulting, the Consulting Engineer will develop the projected costs of energy alternatives to natural gas in Florida, to allow com- parisons of these energy costs with the projected cost of gas for the System. The City's existing aarketing and incentive programs for natural gas will be reviewed and compared with other systems that the Consulting Engineer has previously reviewed. Estimates of the programs' future contributions to System growth will be included in the evaluation. I , Page 4 Based upon the proj ected total potential gas market, the pro.... jected cost of alternative energy resources, the assumed effects of marketing and incentive programs, the assumed effects of steps taken by the City to achieve the future desired System goals, and other factors, a series of projected operating results for the System will be developed. These operating results will include projections of operating and maintenance costs, purchased gas costs, capital invest- ments, the number of customers by major customer classes, and gas sales and the average cost of gas sold by the System. Four projected operating result cases will be developed by the Consulting Engineer including a Base Case, which case would be predi- cated upon the most likely assumed future conditions and occurrences, and up to three sensitivity cases to be agreed upon between the City staff and the Consulting Engineer. Based on the projected operating results, and the principal considerations and assumptions used therein, the Consulting Engineer will address (i) the extent to which the future economic and financial goals of the System can be met; (ii) the relative importance of the different actions that can be taken by the City; and (iii) the effect on the City's abUi ty to meet the System goals if future conditions are different than those currently expected. Reports and Presentations Upon completion of the two major tasks described above, the Consulting Engineer will develop and report its findings, conclusions and recommendations regarding the continued operations of the System. The findings shall summarize the strong points and weak points of the System as it currently stands and as it is projected to be in the future. The report shall include discussions of (i) any proposed alternative solutions to System problems in the areas discussed above prioritized by the need for or economic benefit of the suggested change; (ii) the various steps that could be taken by the City toward achieving the overall future System goals; and (iii) any other poten- tially beneficial changes I.Dlcovered during the study. In addition, the Consulting Engineer will address in general the potential bene- fits and detriments associated with the sale of the System. Developing a final report and presenting the results of the Study will include the following: (A) Preparation of a draft report with submittal of five copies to the City staff for review and comments. (B) Finalization of the report by incorporating any comments or recommendations. I....... . . I , Page 5 (C) A workshop session with the City Manager, the City Commission and other City staff to present the study, the findings, conclu- sions and the recommendations. Thirty copies of the bound final report will be provided to the City. If requested. a brief summary of the results will be presented at a City Commission meeting. Schedule It is currently anticipated that the proposed Study will be completed within approximately four (4) months after the date on which the Consulting Engineer is authorized to proceed. The actual schedule. however. wil1 depend upon the timely receipt of required data and information. Part II - Additional Services The services to be provided by the Consulting Engineer do not include the following: (A) An appraisal or valuation of the System. (B) An evaluation of the potential for or effects of major customer "bypass." (C) Performing any of the data collection or other tasks to be per- formed by the City staff as set forth in Part III hereof. (D) Any other analyses, investigations or other professional services not specified in Part I. Additional services requested and authorized by the City, if any. shal1 be compensated for through by either an authorized increase in the fixed fee set forth herein or through the authorization and execution by the City of a new Professional Services Agreement for such Additional Services. Part III - Services to be Provided by the City The City will provide to the Consulting Engineer when required: (A) Information pertaining to the City's Gas Utility System including but not limited to all reports, official statements and bond reso- lutions, maps, books of records and accounts, operating records. data, audit reports, budget reports, reports prepared by others. contracts or agreements, policy statements and other data about the City's Utility System deemed by the Consulting Engineer to be necessary to perform tbe work contemplated herein. " " . ,I I Page 6 (B) When and if required and as authorized by the City, services of City's auditors, consultants and financial advisors "for con- sultation regarding the City's Gas Utility System. (C) When and if required and as authorized by the City, those legal services required to be performed in connection with the work. (D) City staff time to coordinate and work with the Consulting Engineer to determine the basic assumptions to be used in devel- oping costs. (E) City staff time to compile and summarize data determined to be necessary by the City and the Consulting Engineer to perform the work contemplated herein. (F) Data pertaining to other Florida gas utility systems, which gas utility systems shall be jointly selected by the City and the Consulting Engineer, to be used in the comparisons. The data to be obtained by the City shall include but not be limited to (i) system data (e.g. customers, employees, purchases, sales, line miles and organizational structures); (ii) detailed financial data by FERC account number (e.g. assets, plant account balances, liabilities, revenues, expenses); (iii) rates and charges and (iv) customer growth, payback criteria, and line extension policies. (G) Gas Utility System maps setting forth existing customers and planned growth areas recognizing projected land use information to be obtained from local governmental planning departments. (H) Information and data pertaining to Florida Gas Transmission Company's long-term (10 years) projected cost of resale firm and interruptible gas and any anticipated changes in rate design. .1> ".l '. I , R. W. Beck and Associates PART IV - SPECIAL PROVISIONS City of Clearwater, Florida Gas Utility System Study FF-5261-GGI-AX December 5, 1986 Page 1 of 1 III.F. Liability 1. Delete existing Paragraph III.F.6. 2. Add a new Paragraph III.F.6 as follows: "6. Nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver by the Client as to any defense or limitation available to the Client pursuant to the sovereign immunity waiver law, Section 768.28, Florida Statutes." 111.1. Disposition of Documents Add a new Paragraph 111.1.3 to Section 111.1 as follows: "3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Consulting Engineer understands that the Client is a municipality of the State of Florida and that all documents as described above which are delivered to the Client shall be deemed public records which will be available for inspection by the public pur- suant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Accordingly, the Client shall not be liable to the Consulting Engineer for any loss, damage, liability or expense arising out of the public inspection of any such records, directly or indirectly. " Q I I, R. W. Beck and Associates ~, "-. --:--...._--:-:-~ PART III - STANDARD PROVISIONS '~ --- '~~ lILE. '~--------. Insurance The Consulting Engineer shall maintain in effect, to the extent that sucb insurance is avail- able at reasonable cost, employer's liability, pro- fessional liability, comprehensive general liabil- ity (bodily injury and property damage) and compre- hensive automobile liability (bodily injury and property damage) insurance with respect to employ- ees and vehicles of the Consulting Engineer assigned to the prosecution of work under this Agreement, with each policy having maximum limits of not less than $5,000,000, and statutory workers' compensation protection. Upon written request, the Consulting Engineer will supply to the Client a description of each sucb insurance policy currently in effect, specifying the amount thereof. The Con- sulting Engineer will obtain and thereafter main- tain in effect, if reasonably available, such addi- tional insurance as may be requested by the Client, the cost of which shall be reimbursed by the Client. lILF. Liability In partial but specific consideration of the execution of this Agreement, the Client and Consulting Engineer agree as follows: 1. The Consulting Engineer shall indemnify and bold harmless the Client and its governing board, officers and employees from all claims, expenses and liability, following operation of applicable rights of contribution, arising out of negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Consulting Engineer and its employees, including claims made by employees of the Consulting Engineer; provided, however, such indemnification and hold harmless sball not exceed (a) the proceeds of any applicable insurance required to be maintained by tbe Consulting Engineer under tbe provisions of this Agreement or (b) $250,000, whichever is greater. 2. The Client shall indemnify and hold harm- less tbe Consulting Engineer, its partners, offi- cers, employees and subcontractors from all claims, expenses and liability, following operation of applicable rights of contribution, arising out of negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Client and its employees, including claims made by employees of the Client and claims related to construction, use, occupancy" ownership, operation, maintenance or control of facilities related to services to be performed under this Agreement. 3. The Client sball limit any and all claims of the Client against tbe Consulting Engineer, its partners, officers, employees or subcontractors arising out of the performance of th is Agreement, to an amount not to exceed (a> the proceeds of any applicable insurance required to be maintained by the Consulting Engineer under the provisions of 'tiii3 Agreement or (b) $250,000, whichever is greater. 4. For amounts in excess of any proceeds of the insurance required to be maintained by the Con- sulting Engineer under the provisions of this Agreement, the Client shall indemnify the Consult- ing Engineer, its partners, officers, employees and subcontractors against all expense or liability of any kind arising out of any claim for 10s8 of life, bodily or personal injury, property damage or other loss from any cause related to the furnishing of the services covered by th is Agreemen t; provided, however, this indemnity shall not apply to the sole negligence of the Consulting Engineer. 5. The Client and the Consulting Engineer shall not be liable to each other in any event for interest (except as otherwise provided); loss of anticipated revenues, earnings or profits; in- creased expense of operations; loss by reason of shutdown or non-operation due to late completion or otherwise; and consequential damages. 6. In any and all claims involving an employee of the Consulting Engineer or the Client, the indemnification obligation under this paragraph entitled "Liability" shall not be limited in a[lY way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable under workers' or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. lILG. Suspension or Termination of Services The Client or the Consulting Engineer may suspend or terminate any or all services covered in this Agreement at any time upon written notice in which event the Client shall pay the Consulting Engineer upon submission of invoices for all services rendered and expenses incurred to the effective date of such suspension or termination. llLH. Construction Contractor's Performance and Safety The Consulting Engineer shall not be responsible: for safety on the Client's premises or project site, except for the safety of personnel of the Consulting Engineer, its Special Consultants and Subcontractors; for providing or assuring a safe place for the performance of the construction contractor's work; for safety precautions, programs or equipment; for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures; or for the construction contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. llI-2 Q J R. W. Beck and Associates - ---=-~_/-~~ I '.. , . PART III - STANDARD PROVISIONS IILL Disposition of Documents 1. Upon completion of the services providl!.d under this Agreement, the Consulting Engineer shall deliver to the Client one copy of all Reports, Specifications and Contract Documents and one transparency of each of the Drawings. The orig- inals of all Reports, Specifications, Drawings and Contract Documents shall be retained by the Con- sulting Engineer and upon ,request by the Client, the Consulting Engineer will furnish copies to the Client at actual cost of duplication and mailing. If such Reports, Specifications, Drawings or Con- tract Documents or reproductions thereof, or any other items relating to the services of the Con- sulting Engineer are changed in any way or used by the Client for any other project or purposes, the Client shall inde1lD1ify, defend and hold harmless the Consulting Engineer from all loss, damage, lia- bility or expense arising out of such change or use. 2. Except as specifically provided to the contrary in th is Agreement, all computer programs, computer code and documents related thereto ("computer software") deve loped by or used by the Consulting Engineer in conjunction with the Con.., sulting Engineer's work hereunder shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Consulting Engi- neer, and the Client shall have no right or title to or' interest in such computer software. In the event the Consulting Engineer releases any such computer software to the Client, the Client shall protect the confidentiality of such computer soft- ware and shall not release or divulge such computer software to any other person or organization or let any other persons or organization use such computer software. In the event Client uses any such com- puter software or allows such computer software to be used by others, the Client shall inde1lD1ify and hold harmless the Consulting Engineer from all loss, damage, liability or ,_expense arising out of such use. III.J. Equal Opportunity The Consulting Engineer will not knowingly discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment becsuse of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital or veteran status or physical handicap. The Consulting Engineer will take affirmative action to the end that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without such discrimination. IILK. Severability and Headings l. but not clause, If any part of this Agreement, including, limited to. any prov1.s1.on, paragraph, phrase or words, is found to be in conflict _/~--. ~applicable laws, such part shall be in opera- //tive, null and void insofar as it is in conflict with said laws, but the remainder shall be given full force and effect. 2. The descriptive headings used in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience of reference only and shall in no way modify or restrict any of the terms and provisions of this Agreemen t . III.L. Notice All notices relating to this Agreement shall be in written form delivered in person or by Express Mail, Registered or Certified United States Mail, postage prepsid, to the Consulting Engineer or to the Client to the attention of its chief executive officer at the last business address of the principal office of the addressee known to the sender. - END OF PART III - 1-1 !-, .. 'no...~ ' II:&J3. )"">'f J.,8