AGREEMENT - IMPLEMENTATION OF OPERACION APOYO HISPANO AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on the 13th day of December, 2001, by and between the YWCA of Tampa Bay, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", and the City of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City", hereby incorporates by reference the City of Clearwater's "Standard Requirements for Requests for Proposals"; Exhibit A - Insurance Requirements; and Exhibits B & C - Scope of Services. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has been awarded a grant from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program, in the amount of $86,666, including a cash match in the amount of $21 ,666, for the implementation of "Operacion Apoyo Hispano;" WHEREAS, the Contractor has agreed to implement and administer Operation Apoyo Hispano in the partnership with the City; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants contained in the Agreement, the Contractor and City hereby agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on the 13th day of December, 2001, and shall terminate on the 30th day of September, 2002, unless earlier terminated by either party hereto. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice. 2. CONTRACTOR'S SERVICES. The Contractor shall furnish all material and perform all of the work for administration and implementation of Operacion Apoyo Hispano, which provides interpreter, victim advocacy, and crime prevention services to Hispanics in the City per the attached Scope of Services (Exhibits B and C). 3. CONSIDERATION. Upon execution of this Agreement by all parties, the City will pay for costs, including cash match, associated with the implementation of the program as specifically indicated in Exhibits Band C. The Contractor shall submit monthly billing to the City, including all invoices, receipts, copies of payroll checks, and other documentation of expenses for which the Contractor seeks reimbursement pursuant to this Agreement. Such monthly billing shall be submitted to the City no later than twenty (20) days after the close of each month. Financial reports shall be filed by the City of Clearwater with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) on the first day after the close of each month; /~ upon receipt of reimbursement from the FDLE, the City shall reimburse the YWCA. The City's maximum liability under this contract shall not exceed $86,666 - the total amount of the grant, including match. 4. THE WAIVER. Failure to invoke any right, condition, or covenant in this Agreement by either party shall not be deemed to imply or constitute a waiver of any rights, condition, or covenant and neither party may rely on such failure. 5. NOTICE. Any notice or communication permitted or required by the Agreement shall be deemed effective when personally delivered or deposited, postage prepaid, in the first class mail of the United States properly addressed to the appropriate party at the address set forth below: A. NOTICES TO CONTRACTOR: Mail to: Peggy Sanchez Mills, Chief Executive Officer YWCA of Tampa Bay 655 Second Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33701 With a copy to: Sand ra L yth Deputy Director YWCA of Tampa Bay 655 Second Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33701 B. NOTICES TO CITY: Mail to: Sid Klein, Chief of Police Clearwater Police Department 645 Pierce Street Clearwater, FL 33756 With a copy to: City Attorney's Office City of Clearwater P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33758 6. ENFORCEABILITY. If any provision of the Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be impaired. 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENTS. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof, and replaces and supersedes all other agreements of ~ understandings, whether written or oral. No amendment or extension of the Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by both parties. 8. BINDING EFFECT, ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Contractor and the City. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to permit the assignment by the Contractor of any of its rights or obligations hereunder, as such assignment is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the City. 9. GOVERNING LAW, SEVERABILITY. In the performance of the Agreement, each party shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, ordinances and regulations. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the date first above written. Countersigned: Bri?~\ Mayor-Commissioner APP~foJ~ Robert J.Su e Assistant City Attorney /y - . ~. -., .. .:-' ..,. ~ -..: ~.""":- ~,.......:"-. :--':"".:: EXHIBIT ~ INSURANCE REQUlREMENTS- Tbe bidder will procure aad malawa tbe followiDl iasaraace COYeral': I. Works' Compensadoa aad Employen' Llabllity-tlae bidder sban procure aad maintaia ror lbe life of ibis parcbae order. Workers' ComptDUtloD IDsunDce coverial all employees with limits meetinl all applicable stale aDd federal laws. nis covenle shaU iaclude Employ~rs' Uability with IImitlmeetlDc aU applicable state aDd federal laws. 2. Ceaeral LIability-TIle bidder shall procare .... maiDtaiD for tb. ute of tbis parcba. order. Ceneral Uabllity (asarallCL nas CGft..... sW lie... aD 'Ocearreacet basis aad sball iDclude: Premises aad Opentioas; ladepeadeal CoatndOn; Prodacts .1Id COlDplete Opentloas aad Conlnctua' LlabiUly.CoveraP sbaU be DO mon .....tricdY. dlaa llaelatest edilioa of tbe Commercial Gnema LiabIlity poUcils of tile lasaruce Services omce. This poUe)' sbaU proride awenp for datil, badlIy IDjary, plnGlIIIllDjary or property "mlCf Ibat could arise dlncdJ or iadlncl11 tram tile perfonuace of tills parclwe onter. The miaimam llaaitl 01 cannp shall be S5OO,ooo per Occurrence COlDbiDed Slalle Umit for Bodily lajary LiabIIitJ ... 'ropeny 0aaI. UabWtJ. The City sban be iDcIaded and ldeadW .. aD AddWoul Iannd under tile polley certificate of iasuraace. 3. Basinal Automobile Uabllity-'nae BIdder sIIaII procure aDd ...iataia. for Ibe Ilte of tile parchae order. ........ Automobile LIability lalanace. The miaimam JbDitI 01 .,oyerap.... be S3OO.ooo pw OccarreaCL Comblaed Siade Limit for BodIly lajary LIability _d ~.....nr 0.... Liability. TbIs coverap sbaD be aD II ADy Auto" type poIiq'. a...... slid be _ ..n ~~ dIaD tbe latest editloa oflhe Business Aatomoblle PoUdes oItJae IasDnDceSerYiasODlce. ... lademaity-De bidder sIIaII d~ llldemaify, sue and hold tile Oty urmless. from aay aad all claims. sales. jadreaD aad UabIIItJ tor....... pena....lajary, badDy iDjury or property dama,e arislal dIncdJ 01' iadlncdy froID pafo....... of'tbls pan:lwe order by bidder, Its ...ploy..... subcoatl'adOn or ....,... iBcIadI8& Itpl rea, court COlts. or otber ..-. npeaHL 1'Iae bidder ackaowIedps tbt it II...., I'ISpODSible ('or colDplyial witb tbe lenDS of tbe pardi... order. s. SUDolemeata' ~ a) De iasunace wWUIpS aad CODdittoas aft'orded by tbls poUcy sban aot be suspeaded. voided. caacelld or aaadmecl acept after tblrty (30) days prior wriltea notice by certified maU retara nceipt reqaesttd .... been pell to tile City's RIsk MaPlemeat Omce. b) Ceniftcates ollasunace meetlaa Ibe speci8c nqaind iasuraace provisions specified required insurance proYtsioas spedfied witbia tbe purchase order sball be forwarded to the City's Risk MaDaleDlCDt Ollke aad approved prior to starc 01 aay work. After review. the Ccrclnate will be med with tbe 'urchainl Ornee a apart of the orilinal purchase ordu. ~ .Y".-........~...,:--.'"'=:..~.., Esbibit A (COnlillaed) c) Receipt and acceptance 01. bidder's Centfleaa. 01 lasuranee. or otber silDilar doculDtIIt. docs not constitute acceptance or approYaI 01 amounts or types 01 coyeralcs wbicb may be Ins tbaa reqaiml by tbe parcba. order. d) Tbe City .ay at its option reqain a copy or tb. bidder's iusuraace policies. e) An Jasunan policies reqaind witb ebb pucla... order sball premde laU covenle Ira. tile first dollar 01 'spoIaR aalas otIatnrise sUpalated. No dedacdbla will be accepted withoat prior appnmal fro. the CIty. 6. Sarety and Hnltb Requinmeats a) Sare and HeaJtbful Work Eaviroamtnl-tt Is die bidder's IOle duty to provide .are and kaltbrul workiaC ~adltlo.. to its employees aad tIaaIe 01 the City OD ud aboat the project site. TIle oay ..aIDes DO duty for supervision of tbe bidder. Slap Work Orden- n. Oty .ay order that tile work stOp if a condition of Immediate danpr to City eaaployea. equipmeat or property dalll8l' aistL nil pl'OYisiOD sball aOl sb1R rapoasibiUty or risk or lass ror injaria .. dim. sustain'" frolD lb. bidder 10 tb.Oty, uti tile bidder sbaU mui11lOlely rapODli"" for COIDP"''' with aU ..rety requlmaea..aad for salety of aU persoas aad propel'tJ at lb. project sttL c) COlllpUaDce witb Sarety aDd Health Replatlou-Th. bidder sball comply witb tbe Occapattoul Safety aDd Healtb Admiabtrattoa (OSHA), die f10rida Department of labor and ElllpJoyIDat Security .... all odIer appropriMe federal. .....loaJ replatioas or Oty safety ud bealth staadardL ~ EXHIBIT B YWCA OF TAMPA BAY INTERPRETER PROGRAM SCOPE OF SERVICES Program Components The Interpreter program was initially funded through the Executive Office for Weed and Seed, U.S. Oepartment of Justice, in the 1999-2000 fiscal year. This scope of services represents a continuation of the elements outlined in the earlier contractual arrangement between the YWCA and the City of Clearwater. 1. Supervision . Fulfill the functions of supervisor for interpreters and any volunteers or other staff that may be connected with the program . Maintain an on-call procedure which meets the needs of the Clearwater Police Oepartment (CPO), revising and improving as necessary. . In collaboration with CPO, maintain a protocol for working with the police and the courts, in various settings, including interviews, the scene of a crime, and in legal proceedings, revising and improving as necessary. 2. Recruiting . Maintain a group of approximately 12 trained interpreters, who are fluently bilingual in Spanish and English, to act as interpreters between Spanish speaking residents of the City of Clearwater and the police. . In collaboration with the CPO, continue to recruit, screen, and train interpreters, as needed. 3. Training . In collaboration with CPO, deliver a training program two times per fiscal year for interpreters. The training program includes orientation to Criminal Justice processes, the role and responsibility of an interpreter, protocols for working with the police and in legal proceedings, stress management, and other related elements . Identify any needs for on-going training that the interpreters may have, and develop suitable training or support mechanisms required. ,~ 2 4. Information Management . Maintain an information management system, including reports written by the interpreters following a call-out. . From this information, maintain a data base of critical information, including descriptions of the incidents, the participants, time of day, etc., which will be developed into a formal evaluation 5. Reporting . Provide reports to the CPO and the CEO of the YWCA as required. ~ EXHIBIT C YWCA OF TAMPA BAY ADVOCACY PROGRAM SCOPE OF SERVICES Program Components 1. Outreach . Contact individuals and organizations in the community, providing information about the advocacy services of the YWCA of Tampa Bay . Provide direct information to victims and potential victims of crime through notices in Spanish speaking businesses, churches, public speaking, and word of mouth 2. Intervention . Provide advice and counseling with the objective of having the incident(s) reported to the police . Provide support and assistance during interviews, legal proceedings, and related processes 3. Referral and Support . Assist Hispanic victims to gain access to services that may be required by the victim as a result of a crime, such as alternate housing, financial aid, medical care, and services for children, as needed . Refer the victim to agencies and services which have a Spanish speaking capability, according to the needs of the individual . Assist the victim in maintaining a working relationship with the police during the process 4. Liaison with the Clearwater Police Department (CPD) . Provide information to Senior Officials and Officers of CPD regarding obstacles faced by Hispanic residents in reporting crimes and seeking redress through the legal system . Provide training or orientation to members of the CPD regarding the program ~ 2 . Work continuously with representatives of the CPO to improve the awareness of Hispanic residents of the services available to them through the legal system. 5. Public Education . Attend meetings, give presentations, and perform other functions which will enhance the visibility of the needs of the Hispanic community, specifically victims of crime, and the needs of Hispanic women and girls 6. Outcomes . The Coordinator of Hispanic Services will maintain records of activity and case by case outcome on all of the above responsibilities. The Coordinator will prepare a monthly report, to be reviewed by the Hispanic Services Advisory Committee of the YWCA, and the Clearwater Police Department. ~