SIDEWALK WAIVER (3) t r' I,,'#I'~"J# .,f to Iol -~- 1.,'1 C)\.... 'ft"'6-~_ "~L~~?J..;:~ ~~ '~~'~ $c...J ..".'.....'::-...I....'...'.....,l \~, ~ ~r-, ~--" <~ Ii\""': .. . .. ..... ~ "..... ... .... --, ".t. - ...... - :-... ~ ";.~..:_..._... -'~~ "'7'~: ....... .r~ ,l ...~.;ryA r=-t9. ~I/ ""''''':'''..r..""~,,,'lj II I I C"'J T Y o F CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 3351 B City Manager CERTIFI ED MAl L RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RECEIVED February 2, 1990 FEB 8 1990 Workman Enterprises, Inc. 1230 S. Myrtle Avenue, Suite 405 Clearwater, Florida 34616 cr fY CLERK Reference: Property at 505 Howard Court Dear Mr. Workman: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Si nee the above-referenced property is not part of a schoo I wa I k route, there are no sidewalks along Howard Court in this area, and the absence of a sidewalk does not create a pedestrian hazard, this location meets the requirements set forth in Section 138.09. Therefore, a temporary waiver of the sidewalk requirement is granted on the above-reference property. Should it be determined that a side'vlalk is requlreer-at this location in the future, it will be installed by the assessment process. Very truly yours, -ti ?I 611 Ron H. Rabun City Manager - cc: Al Drake, Owner1s Representative Spring Engineering, Inc., 1100A-12th Avenue, Holiday, FL 34690 Victor Chodora, Building Official Keith Crawford, Assistant Public Works Director/Transportation Cynthia Goudeau, City Clerk "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" {) ')~ /" (,Ii - {/,{~" \ ,'>-- < " ;2 J I;;,l-~ / J <pI ~31./ 6"/000/00...)(;). I J 909/DC' ~ $, , r .::e Date pc:..id C~TY OF CLE;.R\v~\T~R J Receipt. lb. ;.pPLIC;'.TION FOR SIDEWALK Hi.IV~R 01- 3138 .5Cf5 - S.:J. (p :.f:fot.oa..A..d- CJ , ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) Howard Court at South Fort Harrison Avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, Subdivis ion) . Lots 3, 4, 5 South Park as recorded in Plat Book 60, Page 65, Public Records of pinellas County, Florida. OWNER I S NAME Workman Enterpri ses, Inc. PHONE 461-5666 ADDRESS 1230 S. Myrtle Avenue, suite #405, Clearwater, Florida 34616 REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS REASON FOR REQUEST No'source of pedestrian traffic in the area. No sidewalks in the are~. Heavy vehicular traffic on South Fort Harrison ~iscouraaes pedestrian activity in the area. -- Section I-:38. 09 of the Code of O:::dinances of the City requi:::es that all land that abuts 2. pubIic :::ight-of-way, which is to have new construc~ion on it, either for residential, co~~ercial" industrial or other pur?oses, shall have sidewalks const:::ucted by the Owne::: on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees tha~ if the waiver is granted,' the City may install sidewalks at a futu:::e date and asse~s the owner for the full ccs~ of said sidewalks. wor:yyan Ente)trises, Ine. /;);1 Me ift&iev; r 7lL Ownet or Owne:::'s Repre~en~a~ive President _~q~' 2b} li89 I Da~e ~ Subsc:::ibed and sworn to before me this 26 Seote.rnber >/' ) ~'.~ '-....-.. ,,/.4,,/2"--.... ~-' / . 1989 . day of No~a:::y .. %/ :'--// . . , , ,- . ,/ /y". ~....-.,-../:...--- ./' ."'~~-- ?\:C],.:..c / My CgrurrJ-ssion EX::Jires: jt,;:;e NO,A"Y?UDLlC STAT" Q'" FL".P'L)" r,~Y COMM:SSIOI~ EX?lR-E5:' JUI\'-~ '25:.1993'. eONOE:,;; THRU NOTARY PUlSl...IC Ui"JEFO"."RITERS,' ?r:: '- ...." ~ 100 ') . ~ ~ -' ?.e:v.5/33 1910-62