.u.._R~ 4268 PAGE 724
TlIl~; M;l{j';EHlmT, Inaclc and ellll'rcd into this ____?JJ:~___day of. Februa.!:.L-_______,
lCJ 75 fry ilncl bctwc('J1 the CITY OF CLE!Il{WATER, FLORl.UA, a liIunic1pCll corporaLion,
her(~inaft~r referred to as "City"; and Willi~~_-p~_Stone__a~d Fedna.Z.Stone Shis _'.'1..!i..~L____
her('inilfter re[e]~red to as "Owner";
WIIEI{,EAS, t}w Owner owns the following described real property situated in the
City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, F10ri_da, to wit:
385 Elizabeth Ave.
M & B 17-29-16
WHEREAS, Section 7-6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land
that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for resi-
dential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by
the owner on, across or adjacent thereto; and
WHEREAS, the Owner is erecting certain new construction on said property and has
requested the City at this time not to require the immediate installation and construction
of sidewalks in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, the Owner has agreed that if in the future the City, in its sole discretion
determines that it is advisable and necessary to have such sidewalks installed, that the
Owner will, upon notification by the City, have sidewalks immediately installed at his ex-
pense, and if he should fail to do so then the City may have said installation made and
impose a lien against the described real property for the cost hereof;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and
valuable consideration between the parties, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:
1. The City will not at this time require the installation and construction of
sidewalks as part of the erection of the building and improvements by the Owner on the
above described real property.
2. The City may at any time in the future notify the Owner, his heirs, personal
representatives, successors or assigns that the City in its sole discretion has determined
that it is advisable and necessary to have sidewalks installed in connection with said
described real property.
3. The Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall
at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have sidewalks in-
stalled for said described real property in accordance with City specifications and standards
as established.
4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns
shall fail to have sidewalks installed for the described real property in accordance with
City specifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the notification by the
City, then the City may have the sidewalks installed and assess and impose a lien against
the described real property for the cost of the work.
5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant running with' the land regardless
of whether it is specifically rnentioned in any deeds or conveyance subsequently executed,
and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal representatives,
successors or assigns.
6. All notices pursuant to this agreement shall be furnished to the respective
parties at the following addresses, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other
party of a different address:
City Hanager
PO Box 47/~8
Clearwatej., Florida
fir~GAPEL .
t'i"'f.~ b.A$ eo, FLORIDa Owner.
Qk~"K UI\':I;IJ CC';J~1
Mr. William D. Stone
Mrs. Fedna Z. Stone
385 Elizabeth Avenue
Clearwater, Fla.
~~H IZ 25jPH'15
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IN W1.Tr~E~;S ~JlII':l:{FOF, the part ies hereto have caused thesE'
the dilY and year lClrJt above wri.tten.
.o.J. 4268 PAGE. 725
presented to be
Approved as to form & correctness:
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As to City ~
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Own e r
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this
before me personally appeared
and ~L~ ~~~ , respectively Cit M nager, City Attorney, City Clerk
and Mayor-Commi ioner of the City of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing under
the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described
in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally acknowledged the execution
thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto d~ly authorized; and that
the official seal of said municipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said
Agreement is the act and deed of said corporation.
WITNESS my signature and official
and State of Florida, the day and year last
. d_ I.; \',! 11 ! I 4 i, ~ t
,t~'-'-, ", 1 II"
seal at Clearwater in the,.o'f..4>am'&nas
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above wrltten. 1:"/ '.) i '; n ""./;~:,
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My Commission Expires:
Notary Pubn", Stale of Florida at large
My Commission Expi.... Sept. 29. 1977
Bonded by Amencon fl,.. /to C........II') (;e.
Before me pcn;ona 11y appeared uJIL.Lh9M D. Sral'lE ,. ;:Et>NA 2, S7Z)NE
to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the
foregoing agreement and acknowledged before me tllnt they executed the same for the
purposes t.herein express(~cI.
HITNEf;S my hand and of[ ic ia 1 sea 1 this~z:d day of
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My Commission Jo:xpl.rcs: ~,. ~ETURN1't).
CITY Cr.J-"Ti1{
NOTAlr/ pUBue ~TATE OF FlORrOA AT tAi!C~ per ^,.
M.j COMMiSSION EXPIRES JAN. 25, 1977 ..."'c .,. .'
~n""'T ""'U -'..OLeA C'f.W" "P.1
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'/'1 ;'l .\":';jfney
Citye;f :', .i. c;. Lux <748
Clo<1l'wat0l', Florida 3:.>S18