PIME.LL.AS.~FL.. .LOORR..! 1.00...'.
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TIlIS AG1U:L1iDIT, made and entered in to thi s 11th dc:lY of January ,197 2 ,
by and bc"th'een tIle CITY OF CLEAI\\'lNl'ER, FL01UDA, a-i':ll.wICipul corpor'c~orl,
hel"einafter referred to as "City"; and Wallace R. St<<;wa~t, Alma M. Stewart -(lIis W~'
llcl....cinafter ref~rred to as lfO\vnci"l"; & Don C. McCracken & Ruth M. McCracken (His Wife)
WHERE^S) the Owner owns ,the followinQ described real property situuted l~
the City of Clcarh'ater ,Pincllas County, Flo:cida:
Lot 3, Druid Grove Replat,
1580 MagnoU:a Drive, Clear,water Florida
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the Citvrequires that all land tIlat abut~
a public right: of HC1Y, ,.}hich is to have ne~'J- constl'\uction on it 5 ei thcl" for
residential, commerci~l, industric:ll or other purposes, shall have sidewalks
constructed by the owncir on, across or adjacqnt thereto; and
\~HERE^S, the O~.mer is erecting' certain ne~-] constJ:'uction on said propert:!
and has requested the City at this time not to requir'e the, immediate instalL::-
ticn and construction of sidewalks in connection therewith; and
HHERE/\S ~ the O~,mer has agreed that if inth(~ the City ~ J.n its sole
.discrction~ determ~lle~ that it is advisable and neccessary to have such
sideoalks instaLl.ed) that the O~.mer \.Jill,. upon not~fication by the City) have
sidewalks immediately installed at his ex~ense, alld if he should fail to db sc
then the City may have si.i:i.d installa.tion made wand impose a lien again~..:t:~,t-he
descT'ibed real proper-ty for the cost th,ereof.; _n_ . -
NOH) THEREI'ORE, in. consideration of the foregoing premi?es and othCl"l goc=
and viluable consideration between the p~rties, re~eipt of which is hereby
__ ackno\-1ledged) the pal"lties her'cto covenant and' agree as, fo110\-18:
.1. The City will not at this time ~equire the installation and
construction of sidewalks as part of the erection of the building and
improyements by the O\-111er ~ri the, above d"es'cr-ibed real property. --
2_. The City ~~y at any time in the future notify the Owner, his heirs,
per~9n~1 representatives, successors or as~ighs that the City in its sole
discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessarv to have sidewal~:
installed in connection with said described real property.
3. The Owneior his heirs, personal represenative~, successors or assi~~,
shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci ~:':
have,sidewC11ks installed for said described ,real property in accordance with
City specifications and standards as established.'
4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or
assigns shall fail to have side~'lalks installed for the described re<11 prope:r>t::
in accordance with City specifications and standards within ninety (90) days
from the not if :Lca t ion by the City, then the Gi ty May }ldve the s id~\O] s .
installed and ~sscss and impose a li~n against the described real p~opcrty fo~
the cost of the work.
r,. ,This agreement i:-; to be rer.:urd.ecl as a covenant runnin~ Vii th the lar:c1 ~
regardless of wllether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds OP convevancc~
subsequently executed, and this ar,reerrient shall.he hinding on all parties, -C::t'
heirs, personal representati0es, successors or assiBns.
G. All notices pursuant to this a~reernent shall he furnisherl to the parties at the follO\.Jinr!. addresser,) until receipt, f I,olritten -
instruct ions, notify inr., the other party of il' di f f er(~nt addrc:-; s:
Ci ty: O\-1ner:
Hr. lkrrett R. S'tierheim
City Hanar:cr
P.O. Box '17118
Clearwater, rlorida 33S10
P. O. BOX 4748
07- DI~- CO(rlf) g
O.R. 3738 PAGE 604 .
these pr'c'~:";riJ,~). tr) 1,t.
","'.lH H:r.Tlll::;~; \oJl1J:]~[Clr, fhe p(Jl..,tir~s hereto
6):ccu~i: cd the d~lY and Y Cllr la s t above \\If-it ten. .
^PP~d as to .orm & cOl'rectncss:.
---;0.... ~
~(ty ~ .
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As to City .
c1nit~q~u./ Lh~~/,I. ~
tt::t:6 O\mel"' As to 11 owners
I HEREBY CERTIFY ~ that on this 7-r1. day of /Y;~ ~ A. D. 197~,
'before me pei"' appeared 11errett~ StierYlerm:- liepber-t H. Br>O\.m,
R.G. Whitellead and H.Everett Hougen, rGspectiv~ly 'City Manager, City
AttOl:'ney, City Clerk a.nel Hayor-Commissioner.'o.f the Cj:ty of Clear\.!ater,
a municipal corpol"ation existing under the 'l'fl.'dS of the State of flo:L;HIa,
me kno'~m to be the individuals and officer's'descpibed in and h1ho executed tn-2
'foregoing Agreement and severally ackno~ledied tJ1e execu~ion tllereof to be
their'free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that
. the official seal of said municipal corpor~tion is duly affixed thepeto, and
the said agreement is the act and deed.of said corporation.
. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwate~ in the County-of
Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year ~ast above written.
. /lJ ck
No ....::~ -: \l1~,J~'1.,C;_, .
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My Commission Expires:
NotaryPuhlic: 'St,,\~ of Fbrida ~.~ large
~" C l:linis!I i.)7r-- "pI ?fj 1973
WI' ",all . -'.." " ,
Bonded By AmeflC:::'ll .-iie ..;. CasLOjJlty Co.
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. Before m~' personally appeared (.vaJ. r O-<:c::~,So\:e.l~)()". '.'~-\-. 3 00 N)........\2_. ~\C{,C- c k~N
'~11- m "strWA-R.T< ./fu..,r.,4 /YJ-~~tuJ
to me \olell K110\.m and J;no\.Jn to me to be the 'individuals descl."'i!~~d in ilnd \.rho
cxecuted the fO'l:'eGoin~ ag.r'ee~ent and aC,knO'.'11cdr:ed hefore me:'.~He;~...they
c)=ecuted the saine for the purposes therein expressed. - ." .'<.f:>.
tI-> . .' . ':'" Ii \:,c .
WITNJ:SS my hand and official seal this 6fJ<i..ltJv..oY'~A. 11. ~_ :!~7 2-- ·
" :-:
.~ - ~{1 ' 7 ~
\.~"tUHlj'll" .
As to A1maM. Stewart and:'~~tlt, M.~~Ct:acken
,'~ , ., . ,
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-~ ~gttM~~~N sl~~~~s F~~~DA AT LARGE
. . ('., BONDED~~,u ~~to W. DIESTElH~~sl973
<: /"1 ,:: :,;~ \~,\ (~'~.
.My COmmif;Sion r:xpires:
This i11strument 'v\'as prepat-tlc1 by:
I-IERI''<'pc;' 1\/], c.T'r.....'''- C
,:>~~<.. lVJ.. j' ".:.~, "~,.ty i\:torney
City of C1;;Ul';i2,:C', 1'. 0, Box '4H8
Clearwater, Florida 33518