SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (54) .' RECORoeo PIME.LL.AS.~FL.. .LOORR..! 1.00...'. ~~~~.~ OLE"\( CIRCUIT COURt 72029403. I ~ ~I 1f \'if ~. . (. , ~. ~? j ?' '3"7'18 (:03' , :Ci.R. " v PACE U '. .~ .AGH.EEI'lI:IIT TIlIS AG1U:L1iDIT, made and entered in to thi s 11th dc:lY of January ,197 2 , by and bc"th'een tIle CITY OF CLEAI\\'lNl'ER, FL01UDA, a-i':ll.wICipul corpor'c~orl, hel"einafter referred to as "City"; and Wallace R. St<<;wa~t, Alma M. Stewart -(lIis W~' llcl....cinafter ref~rred to as lfO\vnci"l"; & Don C. McCracken & Ruth M. McCracken (His Wife) \H'l'NESSETH ~ WHERE^S) the Owner owns ,the followinQ described real property situuted l~ the City of Clcarh'ater ,Pincllas County, Flo:cida: Lot 3, Druid Grove Replat, 1580 MagnoU:a Drive, Clear,water Florida and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the Citvrequires that all land tIlat abut~ a public right: of HC1Y, ,.}hich is to have ne~'J- constl'\uction on it 5 ei thcl" for residential, commerci~l, industric:ll or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the owncir on, across or adjacqnt thereto; and \~HERE^S, the O~.mer is erecting' certain ne~-] constJ:'uction on said propert:! and has requested the City at this time not to requir'e the, immediate instalL::- ticn and construction of sidewalks in connection therewith; and HHERE/\S ~ the O~,mer has agreed that if inth(~ futu.re the City ~ J.n its sole .discrction~ determ~lle~ that it is advisable and neccessary to have such sideoalks instaLl.ed) that the O~.mer \.Jill,. upon not~fication by the City) have sidewalks immediately installed at his ex~ense, alld if he should fail to db sc then the City may have si.i:i.d installa.tion made wand impose a lien again~..:t:~,t-he descT'ibed real proper-ty for the cost th,ereof.; _n_ . - NOH) THEREI'ORE, in. consideration of the foregoing premi?es and othCl"l goc= and viluable consideration between the p~rties, re~eipt of which is hereby __ ackno\-1ledged) the pal"lties her'cto covenant and' agree as, fo110\-18: .1. The City will not at this time ~equire the installation and construction of sidewalks as part of the erection of the building and improyements by the O\-111er ~ri the, above d"es'cr-ibed real property. -- . 2_. The City ~~y at any time in the future notify the Owner, his heirs, per~9n~1 representatives, successors or as~ighs that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessarv to have sidewal~: installed in connection with said described real property. 3. The Owneior his heirs, personal represenative~, successors or assi~~, shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci ~:': have,sidewC11ks installed for said described ,real property in accordance with City specifications and standards as established.' . 4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall fail to have side~'lalks installed for the described re<11 prope:r>t:: in accordance with City specifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the not if :Lca t ion by the City, then the Gi ty May }ldve the s id~\O]cl.lk s . installed and ~sscss and impose a li~n against the described real p~opcrty fo~ the cost of the work. r,. ,This agreement i:-; to be rer.:urd.ecl as a covenant runnin~ Vii th the lar:c1 ~ regardless of wllether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds OP convevancc~ subsequently executed, and this ar,reerrient shall.he hinding on all parties, -C::t' heirs, personal representati0es, successors or assiBns. .' G. All notices pursuant to this a~reernent shall he furnisherl to the rcs-pecti.ve parties at the follO\.Jinr!. addresser,) until receipt, f I,olritten - instruct ions, notify inr., the other party of il' di f f er(~nt addrc:-; s: Ci ty: O\-1ner: Hr. lkrrett R. S'tierheim City Hanar:cr P.O. Box '17118 Clearwater, rlorida 33S10 ~! it ~i RETURN TO: " CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 4748 rTEAI~WATER, FLA, ;;~"lR 07- DI~- CO(rlf) g -.:t, O.R. 3738 PAGE 604 . these pr'c'~:";riJ,~). tr) 1,t. " ","'.lH H:r.Tlll::;~; \oJl1J:]~[Clr, fhe p(Jl..,tir~s hereto htl.ve 6):ccu~i: cd the d~lY and Y Cllr la s t above \\If-it ten. . j ^PP~d as to .orm & cOl'rectncss:. ---;0.... ~ ~(ty ~ . - ' witnesses: ~..~~.~ . .Ac~C ~... As to City . . c1nit~q~u./ Lh~~/,I. ~ tt::t:6 O\mel"' As to 11 owners STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) I HEREBY CERTIFY ~ that on this 7-r1. day of /Y;~ ~ A. D. 197~, 'before me pei"'sonaJ.ly. appeared 11errett~ StierYlerm:- liepber-t H. Br>O\.m, R.G. Whitellead and H.Everett Hougen, rGspectiv~ly 'City Manager, City AttOl:'ney, City Clerk a.nel Hayor-Commissioner.'o.f the Cj:ty of Clear\.!ater, a municipal corpol"ation existing under the 'l'fl.'dS of the State of flo:L;HIa,-.to me kno'~m to be the individuals and officer's'descpibed in and h1ho executed tn-2 'foregoing Agreement and severally ackno~ledied tJ1e execu~ion tllereof to be their'free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that . the official seal of said municipal corpor~tion is duly affixed thepeto, and the said agreement is the act and deed.of said corporation. . WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwate~ in the County-of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year ~ast above written. . /lJ ck ....'Y(7 No ....::~ -: \l1~,J~'1.,C;_, . .:/.,0 ~.....'H", ,.,~,:.:" .... .:.:- ~ -, j ::': t-, _ . ..... ;' f ~ 4 - --. ". --- My Commission Expires: NotaryPuhlic: 'St,,\~ of Fbrida ~.~ large ~" C l:linis!I i.)7r-- "pI ?fj 1973 WI' ",all . -'.." " , Bonded By AmeflC:::'ll .-iie ..;. CasLOjJlty Co. - ~ .:';1 ,,~;' '. v ((...... . ~~; "- --;'~ '-t' "......\ ~)"'~~\.''c..~ ~ 'J. ,J \'If ~oI" 's>, - ~.. ... ""'~V'e .....,.....".. ;'1 .. " .., ~' lill, '. ..... .. r. :0 STATE OF FLORIDA )' COUNTY OF PINELLAS) " ~~ '. .' >" . c. . Before m~' personally appeared (.vaJ. r O-<:c::~,So\:e.l~)()". '.'~-\-. 3 00 N)........\2_. ~\C{,C- c k~N '~11- m "strWA-R.T< ./fu..,r.,4 /YJ-~~tuJ to me \olell K110\.m and J;no\.Jn to me to be the 'individuals descl."'i!~~d in ilnd \.rho cxecuted the fO'l:'eGoin~ ag.r'ee~ent and aC,knO'.'11cdr:ed hefore me:'.~He;~...they c)=ecuted the saine for the purposes therein expressed. - ." .'<.f:>. tI-> . .' . ':'" Ii \:,c . WITNJ:SS my hand and official seal this .LL..day 6fJ<i..ltJv..oY'~A. 11. ~_ :!~7 2-- · " :-: ~ .~ - ~{1 ' 7 ~ -, :>"! \.~"tUHlj'll" . As to A1maM. Stewart and:'~~tlt, M.~~Ct:acken ,'~ , ., . , ." I ,,J . ~.. . , "-.,. -... ( 'I ~ . - -r'" J.... ... .' ' : -~ ~gttM~~~N sl~~~~s F~~~DA AT LARGE . . ('., BONDED~~,u ~~to W. DIESTElH~~sl973 <: /"1 ,:: :,;~ \~,\ (~'~. .My COmmif;Sion r:xpires: This i11strument 'v\'as prepat-tlc1 by: I-IERI''<'pc;' 1\/], c.T'r.....'''- C ,:>~~<.. lVJ.. j' ".:.~, "~,.ty i\:torney City of C1;;Ul';i2,:C', 1'. 0, Box '4H8 Clearwater, Florida 33518