SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (171) hI J .. l j , 74108165 u. K.4203 PAGE 527 T~'IJ,r'; J\(;n.J::J-:;d;';Jrll' 111;Ldl' ;Ind l'llh'J'l'd illto thi:; 19th c1;\y uf July 19 7~ h'y ;.'1(1 ))et\\'l't'1l t ,(' ~l'~'Y OF ~W1~\~~>>3~~~k~Y!~~ ~;Jsl~~~~^p~r;~dN,UIA~'rJ~-;,~I.~~~af~~j~.., ShCl'~':'llla{'il'l' rdprrcd to a" IIC:::l}:"; alld ~1n91~ person. uon C. IVIcCracken and Ruth McCracken, hcrein:1J.:!l0.r referred to as \'O\'1llcr"; 1S w1fe WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Ovner owns the following describeu real property situated in the City of Clearwater, P~,,'d~'as County, Floriua, to wit: Lot 1, DRUID GROVES,BLOCK C, together with 30 feet of vacated street on West side of said lot 1 accordina ta.thelmaPCor OlatFthereof as recorded in Plat Book 15, page 46 of the PUl'il1 C I<ecoras of 1-'1 ne I as ounty, fon aa ana WHEREA.S, Section 7-6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all L:'~::C: that ahuts a pubEc right-of-way, wl1ich is to have ne\v cOllsh'lJction on it, either for re::::- deniial, COlnnl.C rcic.:ol, industrial or other purposes, s:ball have sidc\valles constructed by the owner on, aCl.OSS or adjacent thereto; and WHEREAS;. 'dhc O\vner is erecting certaiJ2 new' construction on said prope rty .?_~c .:::::. ~ reqpested the City :ii:t this time not in require the inH11cdiatc installation and constructio:: of [j.:i.de\valks in cr;;c'llection therew-:..t!'J; and VfHEREA,;S" the Owner ha'J- :agreed th2~t i11TI the future the City, in its sole discr-et:::::: detennines that Ie- is advisable a:J:Jd necessary to ha've S11Ch sidewalks installed, that tI:e Owner will, upon notification by tihe City, have sjdew<llks hnmediately installed at his ex- pense, and if he should fail to del ,~'o th(:m:the City :may have said installation made and 1:::-:::::::: a lien against the des cribed real: ].'1J'Operty for the cost hereof; NO'\\T, THEREFORE, it: cousideration of the :foregoing premises and other gooe 2.::c valuable considcl"ation between f1h.e parties, receipt of \vhich is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree ;:!!s follows: 1. The City will not at tJhi.E, tiIne require the installation and construction of sid~e\valks as part of the erection' oJ. the building and improvements by the Owner on the above described re;al property. 2. The Ci1.T may at any hhri('!. in the future notify the O\'{ncr, his hcirs, pcrs anal ,representatives, SUI:cessors or 2s,s~gns that the City in its sole discretion has detenninec 'that it is advisabh~ 2nd nccessar~,~ te' have sidewalks installed in cOill1ection \vith said described real propc'Tty. . 3. The Owner or his hei::i3, personal representatives, successors or assigns s:::o.~~ at hili expense within ninety (90) dayS' from the notification by the City have sidewalks ,~ stalle,d for said described real property in accordance vnth Ci'~y specifications and stanc2.::-~:: as es'~ablished. 4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representative:::, successors or assigns c"-, fail to havc sid,::walks installed for the described real propcrt-; in accordance with City speciDcatiol1s and sto.ndards within ninety (90) days from the ratification by the City, then tbe City n1ay havc: tllC sidewalks installed and assess and irnpose a lien against the descri:)cd real property for the cost of the work. 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant ru!~ning with the land rcgarcllc::::; of whether it is specifi-cally mentioned in any deeds or convcy~ncc subsequently exccute:cl, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal representati\"es, SUCCC~isors or assigns. 6. All notices punmant to this agreement shall be fm:;dshcd to the respcctive pa:-t:i:': at the following addresses, until receipt of written instruction:,; notifying the other party of a diIfcTcnt addl'cs s: i{E,C;UlHiEO tt..E&.US co, flOAI!)/: ~~.-~I..~ CLUJ{ CIRCUIT COURT City; : City' Manager PO Box 'l7-1B Clea :lwater, Florida Owne~: Wallace Stewart & Alma M. Stewart 1641 Illinois Road Clearwater, Florida 3:)518 _! 4 2' fH '1~ h .;,.~,:'~.i.:'r:~'J'~' ; \:.:" ',' .~. ~ 11, .... ..., ........:1 1,,:r'i~:',I':'-"I"'(:,lt,'I'-" ;'"'", u, . M' ',~..., ,.,,)_ "'-', "~ .t.c.~h2:...!2rOLunr . P.W0.,b;S "ep.,'~x ,~/iy /}Ifor'Jeyl_ Clear~ 335lC ' Re..\-urn b: tit'! of CI~nu~tt.y , . I P, (), &> X t114 ~ 01 0'3 (J:)(~'" eArwo-\~3s ~L. . u. ~. 4203 PAGE 528 till':;.' pn':;I'III,'(1 :\.1>(' / " " ,'IN \'\'IJI'H;~;~) '.\I!\'~I'~I':"')l" lh.' pal'til:; 11I'rd,() 11.1\'(' C~lll";('d cxccllh~d tlll~ dd)' :\nd )'(';11' 1;1;( ;L1'II\'l~ Writfl'lI. _ 4., << ' . ::r;y O;;E^R~'~ J;)FLOlUll^ City l\jnagc Attest: ' ' ",< ~:. ~.d! .d~~SE~1J. (SEAL) ( SEAL) (SEAL) Witnesses: as to all parties: 4zw.~~ J/pff2(f :2~~:;;~ ~CJ) U) 1'}4FYl) As to ~ airy' .t . Owner S TAT E OF F ]L.,OJRIDA COUNTY (OFPIl~]:;LLAS I I1E::RE'BY CERTIF1Y, thC'\.~ on tbis 7th day of Au~ust , 1974 beforcrDejper:3"cmallyapp(';.;~J.:red Picot B. Floyd, Herbert M~ Brown, R. G. Whitehead and H. Everett Hougen , r'cspcctively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Jv~ayor,-.corrn:C),issioneJ: of th,~ City of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing uncle::' the la'\vs,:li ~r1,[;, 5"!ate of F1D:1:1;cla, ~:o rne known to be the individ,.<lls and officers described b. and who executed the foregoing Agree1Dcnt and severally ar::kn(lwledgcd the execution thel'cc: to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly a,.1thorized; and that the offici21 seal of said municipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreer:ilent is the 'act and deed of said corporation. vrr'SNESS my signature and official and State of. }"'lorida,the clay and year last seal at Clearw'ater in the County of Pincllas ,,'~;~""Il~J above written .>"':'., I ';', . Ati,,",\.\j \ ,-: (, " 1~~~ "~''';'-,','','.:.',,'''' ':', 'v 1.......L'1 {.,;.., , ~ ...'-- """" 1..' f ! c Notal' Pub;ic ! ~ ';'\':i',~'-; .:' ' '.'.. " W "-"J,... :: "'j:.. ~~ .{- ~ , , - ~; \" .... Q ~," l C:: ',.,,: My Cornmi~,sion E)q)ires: Notclry PublIc:. Stohl of F1orido <It Lorge My Commlssi... Expires Sept, 29, 1977 land.. !:ly A-ricon F..... .. t"~'''QI" Co ~", ' .'j (' ~<fi.'l....- '" , , , STATE OF FLORIDA COUN'ry OF PINELLAS , Wallace R. Stewart, single, Alma M. stewart, single, Before me personally appeared Don C. McCracken and Ruth McCrackp.n. his wifp. ' to IDe well known and known to me to be the individuals clc~~cr;bed in and who executed the foregoing agreenl.cnt and ac1alOwledged before 1De that they ex<:cuted the sanl.e for the purpos e s therein expr cs sed. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 19th day 'of July , 19 74 My Comnli~sion Expires: J,'", Notary Publrc, Slale of Florida at targe My Com ' , mISSIon Exnire. n<t 19 J 917 ----,ronded b A . . . Y , merocan Fire & Casu..l!" C~ . ....- , -~ (:'1 ~::-(,,>, '. :~ <;'"..,",' .... 'j... ~ ';' :,'.\\." . -2-