SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (249) .~~..t\\S ~ ~CA~ , ~, ,-' 740,41~64 AGREEl\lENT ~.,~ - Pcu.d u.R11152 PAGE 1:J..DO 34 3 -no -7'" v/VlC!. ., THIS AGREEI:viENT, made and entered into this 20t4 day of March _ 19 74 by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDAAamunicipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as IICity"; and William R. Johns & Shirley;' Johns, his wife hereinafter referred to as 1I0wnerll; WITNESSETH: I~I i> ~ II / ;}~f " WHE$,EAS, Sectio!l1 7 -6 of the Corle 01 Orainancerd> of the City requires that all land ~thatuabutsa._publicright.,. QL.,..waY,uwhicn is to h.aveneWuiC<<:rJlstr~tion{}nit, eitherforrE'si- dential, cornmercial, industrial or ot::h1~r purposes, sbaTl hc.~~ sidewalks constructed by the owner on, across 0]' adjacent th~:r;e!to; ;and WHEKTEAS, the Owner owns the following described City of C1ean''v'ater, Pinel1as County, Florida, to wit: Lot 4, Block D Bonair Hill Subdivision 1555 Levern Street real property situated in the ./ ana W:iHJEREAS, the- Owner is'e:Jr(e'<::"t'irr:lig certain newc;mstlr'Mr.tion on said property and has requested: ifue City at tTIidstime nc~l ito; req:U1:r:e the iImnecll:iiate O:mtstallation and co nstruction of sidewa:Jilis in conne.enon therew7it1lJ; ;andl WHEREAS, tlhe <Owner h@.s ,agxB<f'cli that:if in the f1JIture~ 1t.lhe City, in its sole discretion, determi:ri~s that it is :ardvisable a1JJlFd It'1tEiC1f;$Sary to have s:we:h Siu.antewalks installed, that the Owner will, upon notmcation by furneCiittw.havoe s:idewal!}--,,;$ irrr1Ilffi<('~diate1y installed at his ex- pense, and if he shomficdl fail to dID. CS1Glltlln.en the City may .J:t;a;:we IsaEd installation made and impose a lien against the des;cribed real :p:ropxe.rty :for the cost Il''erreo\f; NOW, THEREFORE, in, ,c:Gl:ru:s.fit.dleration of the f(jrl~,;g:;oing:premises and other gOOQ and valuable consideratiCIllll between illb.e p,:a::rities" :receipt of which IS; hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto coven,a1ll;t and agr~,e al.ffi; jf(l!Jil1lws: 1. The City 'will not at iti1u.iLs 'fr:1imne require the installation and construction of sidewalks as part of 1!b-e erectiG'l!L '01 1th.:eihuHding and imp!";'()vern"ents by the Owner on the above des;;'cribed real :p:roperty. 2. The City rnay at any'lrmJte ]111 the future notify the OVIner, his heirs, personal representatlives, suc<eessors 01' assigns that the City in its soLe discretion has determined that it is a\'iIvisab1e al1\'d necessar.y to nave sidewalks installed iii1 connection with said described r:ea1 property. ,A,v "\-,:~7 3. 'The Owner OT his he:hs,. personal representatives, successors or assigns shall at his expense within ninety (90)> days from the notificatinH by t he City have sidewalks in- stalled for s;aid described real property in accordance with City specifications and standal'ds as establish~d. 4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal represenILatives., successors or assigns shall fail to have !:;idewalks installed for the described Teal prfDperty in accordance with City specifications and standards within ninety (90) days frorn~he n(otification by the City, then the City may have the sidewalks installed and assess :and ji,mpose a lien against the described real property for the cost of the work. 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant rUHh-:1ing with the land regardles s of whether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveYo;..nce subsequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal representatives, I.' ~~cessors or assigns. ~ i: ,~ "Q ~ l-~ 'ro ~., () 6. All notices pursuant to this agreement shall be furn:ished to the respective 'arties 6 ~~~Pi~ following, addresses, until receipt of written instructions, notifying the other party ~ ~ eJedifferent address: Po. . ~~: :~ ~ ,'-= Vc "-:..r., ~ r~ :: ..; I,' ~ ~.:: .;; ~ ,'~ ~ E-<6~ J:t::.....~ ~jt City: City Manager PO Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida ~gCRu~v ,utEUAS co, fLi1RIOt ;\ . . ~ <t('f-AJ-L-. ~ERll CIRCUIT COURT MIIl6 . 12 '" '1~ -1- r IlO o~ ~- . Owner: William R. & Shirley JOhh~ ~ :, 4708 Michael Court. 10 ~ ; Ta,mpa, Florida 33614 l>l ~ ~ , ~O~ o .:- Cl.o... ~ <: ~ l- e. / , bl-OtO-CX)(::;": 33518 ... ",;"" .4 IN \'V' '1"1' '\:' 'I:' C' l..' ':: Tnn 'i,YI ",11""\ 17' t] t' h 'h 11th \ _" I ....:hJ \\ ,Jl,"'-~".J.[", : 1(' p:11' les creLo aye caUdee esc executed the (l(~y' Gtnc1 YC,d hls-t above written. u. R. 4152 PAGE 35 presented to be Attest: ~ '..~,L~ DepU~ity Clerk . , ',' .' . ~ ".,/~~:... (SEAL) ~A~J (SEAL) 1- f- Owner STATE OF FL(Q11tlDA ) COUNTY OF PDNELL.AS } I FEERE;ffi))f CE:lE,''ll''IFY, Hrarit (~l1'djhis 26th day of Mareh , 1974 before me perilMc.macHy ,il.Jil'pea:red beot. B. Fl?yd, Herbert, ~. Brown ,Ma~ Lamkin and H. Everett Hougen , re'speci:!lively CIty Manager, CIty Attorney, 1 y ?>ierk and 1,.~fuyor-C()im~:m:m]issiio!1IleJt of the City of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing under the l~?J:Ws '[)elf dle:2~1:J;te c:f FIlorida, i),a m~& )mow'll to be the individuals and officer s de scribed in and who exce;cufrcd1 the foregoing Ag:teement and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free a;d and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of saidi muni;cipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said AgreemerLt is the act and deeill of sa,id corporation. My Commission E:h."pires: Notary PublIc, State of Florida at Large MvC.nun/ulon Expires Sept. 29, 1977 8oMa" br · ~ . F' ~ - CU6.jI uw &. C:OSUQUY ~o.. WITNESS Jr.ny signature and official seal at Clearwater in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year,last above written. '~o'~'''";,, , ~L~~~::,:",l<"~>>,,~~ ~a+-"!:i.~ ",:4- fi! \f ~~-' "" ~ ~~ \~"' ~_.~ vOi~~~-'1 ~I(jJ ::;-:c:: ~ j '-"-.) I.:) : ::, I.' i 'c, · (y \.0, \, \ : ';:. '(\~, ",., v ..L "::..1' l~ '\~c'1."',::,..,.. ".,: ~~c Notary ubhc .. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) ,\,;.,' . /.. ~ ~'. Before me personally appeared William R. Johns and Shirley A. Johns, his wife, to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing agreelnent and acknowledged before me that they executed the san).e'.f~orth~ purposes therein expressed. . '~' WITNESS my hand and official seal this c:? 0 -u.-. day of. ;31 ~~.:-.-, ' , 1: -11~_ . a~ 91v~/~1'} z Notary PubLic My Commission Expires: -( ~-r-~ f F\ o~1D~ at tAM NOTII;W PUtlU~" vIOl,I'"O; sEPT. 27, 1971 MY CO:\~:\\\SS~O~! cKI:;P 'B"AcJ\<J,RS INSURANCE CO. B611B[B iY b,,},-R\, I il -2- "'j,"