SIDEWALK WAIVER APPLICATION-REVIEW AND DENIAL (2) "'; ~ III"II"'~ l'\\~L"'~a~_ l~8:1-"\ ii::i ".~ I" e l ~c-,_~= <~ \~:=~=-.- ~$ ~TEl~~'" -'""",11 , I C I T Y OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 33518 City Manager March 29, 1987 CERTIFIED MAIL ~~!~~~_~~f~!f!_~~g~~~!~Q Mr. William J. Geyer 2009 Magdalene Manor Drive Tampa, Florida 33613 Reference: Lot 6, Block 51, Mandalay Subdivision 939 Eldorado Avenue Dear Mr. Geyer: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. The above-referenced property does not meet the requirements as set forth in the aforementioned Code, paragraph (e), because an existing sidewalk is located within 200 feet of the property. Therefore, I cannot grant a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement on the above-referenced property and your request is ,denie d. cc: Elizabeth S~ Haeseker, Assist~nt City Manager Keith Crawfor~, Traffic Engineering Director Cynthia Goudeau, City Clerk Andrew Onufer, Building Director I\ ".. '. ".'. .. Jl., '~" ':- ":i-r T1 D " t" '. .<....iI .', .l:.lJ: APR 6 1987 CJ'l'Y C"T T~'-R';'-~ ,......L"l.b.., liE qual Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" 0100\ 00[7) ~ I CITY. OF CLEARWATER I AP~ICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER Fee - $/5 ~oD Date,paid . ~~ 4t 1, Recelpt No. ~-=_ - _ 8b ," ; ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) 939 CL dO/-4l5o Aut: LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, SubdiVision) Lc-l ~ 2?/~ck. 0-) /hQ"Z,;:>L?7 J"-.hcl.uiJ/(.."--. OWNER'S NAME 4...1A1 ,.....7- ?~t:r~ PHONE 9~2-C96? ADDRESS ~6 PJ /""Yl,.q-6- !J4L61()c- M !4-IVD/L lJ...e, '//'h-n,o;+ Fe 3J~/J REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS REASON FOR REQUEST ....v 0 eS/ lJ,6 ~ "'9"-:-~ 0 ..v ~ -e ~ L ..f.,lr.z. 6- 6--~ A )S ,.T rl- G..J f .Jv "5'3"" ~r&-dv , ~.--~- !J ~r- ~y ...r 1c.U 4/ JqH~ ~t:U ~J'~-I . Section~8.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, corrunercial" industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of said sidewalks. ~~~ Owner or Owner1s Re ese tive d // f- /J'7 Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this I'D day of /YU;t "ck , 19K:!.. .. ". "() ..'"" . if~!ryt;b~1~ My Corrunission Expires: Notary Mlic, S!ct~ [If fbwil :/,. (~';;I!';s~:r:" Exn;~"s fJ,~", 1~, E83 B;.nJc~ rL~u r~')'1 rl'i;; -'~.;!.:r&Il':~. In::. 1910-62 Rev.6/83 I CITylOF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: Elizabeth Haeseke~, Asst. City Manqge~ FROM: Keith C~awfo~d, T~affic Enginee~ing Di~ecto~ COPIES: Andy Onufe~, Building Depa~tment Di~ecto~ SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waive~ Request - 939 Eldo~ado Avenue DATE: Ap~il 7, 1987 This memo is to cla~ify an e~~o~ in our memo of Ma~ch 20, 1987, which stated the subject p~ope~ty has existing sidewalk along its Aurel Street f~ontage. The existing sidewalk is actually along the p~ope~ty's Eldorado Avenue f~ontage and the waive~ ~equest is fo~ its Au~el St~eet f~ontage. Since the new sidewalk along Au~el St~eet will butt up to the existing sidewalk along Eldo~ado Avenue, it is my ~ecommendation that a waiver riot be g~anted. Ou~ ~ecommendation against the sidewalk waive~ was discussed on April 6th with the applicant, M~. William Geyer. 1J;? R ..... C .,..., T ""7 or' n L c:, J, ',,' .:C: ,,,- APR 9 1981 errx CLEEK I I CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet \, ' /.j 1~_:: 7 TO: FROM: Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City Manager- Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director COPIES: Andy Onufer, Building Department Director SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waiver Request - 939 Eldorado Avenue DATE: March 20, 1987 This property is located on the southeast corner of Aurel Street and Eldorado Avenue with existing sidewalk along Aurel Street frontage. It has been our policy to not grant a sidewalk waiver if the new in- stallation will butt up to an existing sidewalk. It is therefore, my recommendation that a waiver not be granted. ~ Attachment (copy)