SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (298) J,. v' AGREEMENT '1 O.R. ~ 792 PAGE 622 .::., -( ,A, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Owner owns the following described real property situated in the City of Clearwater, Pinellas Cotm.ty, Florida, to wit: - , ., "'{-IE WC='5T (oS. \"3 F-r. or-rl-\t WeST ONE-HAL~ of hoT ,0 -F A I H, D u tv C A ~ R ~ sue. S> f \J l S' 'OM A 5 R EC. o~ ~ E 0 I N P 1...1'- T 6C)D~ 5. PI4-~E 2 G. (,/r PCJ(31.IC l~l>LO(2...().s OF' PiN.6Ll...~S LuU"rrr FlO\'-lP~. SEc.-Ti "J... '- -r~P. :Let S- tc.C2::ct=( (S't= . and" l 5" 0 I S G C2.ES{Wvo_f.) AVE, ~REAS, Section 7-6 of the Code of OrfR"~""ces of the City requires that all Thnd that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, cOmInercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, acros s or adjacent,thereto; and . WHEREAS, the affected property owner has appealed requesting a temporary ri ver ,?f the side-..raJ.k installation requirement; and ~ . E ~1 o~ . ~ ~'~ WHEREAS, the City Manager pursuant to Section 7-6 (4) (a) has found the ?>~ ~!followi:ng conditions exist, as set out in his findings attached hereto as Exhibit A, a 0 ~)such as warrant the granting of a temporary waiver; and ' z~'S::: 8 ~f~:1 WHEREAS, the owner of the property described herein understands that the .. rg ~ ~waiver granted herein is only temporary in character and that this agreement must ~ ~ ~ provide a reasonable period of time for the waiver to be effective; - as ~~ ' ~ ~ Jot' ~~.; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other ~ S;' Q good and valuable consideration between the parties, receipt of which is hereby ~~i5 acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: lE-H ~I 1. The City in light of the facts found as set forth in Exhibit A attached ~hereto andtnade a part herein as i! fully rewritten, grants to the Owner a temporary ~waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement imposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code o ~ ~ j of Ordinance s of the City of Clearwater. (-oP;<'O:fJ:t.t ~>< ~ d 0 ~ 2.. The temporary waiver granted shall commence on D€c- 41' (178 ::> ~ ~ ~and rcl until the condition or reason for granting the waiver a.s set out in Exhibit A t;j ~ d ~s removed or otherwise changed. "uo.:~ ~ ~ 3. The Owner unc:lerstands and agrees that the waiver gra.nted herein is &emporary in character and that it does not excuse the Owner or successors in mterest from the sidewalk requirements Unposed by Section 7-6 of the Code of Orn;""~""ce8 of Clearwater. The OwDer.further agrees that should the condition set out in Exhibit A which presently exists on the property and which was sufficient to warra::J.t granting the waiver be corrected during the perioci of this waiver, then the Owner will inunediatelycomply with the requirements of Section 7-6 as it relates to sidewalk insta.ll.a.tion.. 4. U the Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or a.ssigns sb.al.l fail to have sidewalks installed for the described real property in accordance with City .pecifica~ons and standards within niDety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City may have tbe sidewalks installed and as sea s and i.Inpose a lien against the d~scribed real property for the cost of the work. sequently executed, and this agreement shall be' binding on all parties, 01 Cas tJr~ina.l representatives, sUCcessors or a"ssigns: 40 Rec :5 Ou 41 St 42 Sur 43 Int -"""'--- Jot 13,0 J ~ - 1 - DEe L \ '.',:.,;,._f 0' "t ~ .:)1.\0 n"\ It: --"-,,~. 07-0/~-ol (u.) '1 I, " II. '.f I I D.H. ~ 792 PAGE 623 6. All notices j?Ursuant to this agreem.ent shall be furnished to the respective parties at the following addresses, .'\!I1til receipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a different address: ". CITY: City Manager PO Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 OWNER: Wi LL I lifl/l 'E, Bc=ClL IS-o ( S. tt.te..eENWOOO Ave, CL6.tl{LWAT~(L( Ft.-A. ~:3 rtl, 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be exeented the day and year last above written. " CITY.I[. ..K '.C~.'.".'""""".".",'..R...........<w.........A........,..... '~..' ..:IDA .... ." By "'. . Vt~) C~1:y'M '. 'ger '.. . . . ' ,~--','" -'- Mayor-Co ,-,~,,'."",-; j, Attest:- ;:.;'; ok'.' .... . '~;.."..IL.."."..);.'... '.' .._ ,/~''''''_' .:" /:. , t , ~ ...Il!A-", , ~ ~ City Clerk. , / " , I-;.~' ,~,~ ~ ' CITY ~ If/~ ;;:: J&r.4:... (SEAL) As to City ,._~ )1/. ~~ :S ~"') AAJ ~ 5iJ , As to Owner (SEAL) OWNER ' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this lSthda.yof December , 1978 L . b~for.elme personally appeared Anth'ony L. Shoemaker, Thomas A. Bustin, uCllle. Wl.lla1IlS t. 1 C'ty M C. Att C' ano... r'h<Jr19i F I9Cp~r ' respeclvey 1 anager, lty orney, lty Clerk and Mayor-Ccnnmissioner of the City of Clearwater, a municipal corporatiOl existing tmder the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally acknowledged the e%ecution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers the%'eunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation i, duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreem.ent is the act and deed of said corporatio: WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater, in~~"C~t;y .of Pinellas and State of Florida, ~e day and year 1 at above wri~~~J:',J,~:,'. ." :! ~ '~: ~,:'_. '"" .....J ,.-:, '"," .. :.. ~:::_'7' My Commission Expires: Na!ary ?ubk State oj florida at Large My (ilmm~,~jc) [xpire:; Aug. 28, 19&2 DOt':_!2'~ ~'i A':h.ri "d', r~le'& Cas:..;;;;:'.... ComDanY ~ '. o "'~'~>;,"1:':;~:~~;' ..~ ,~,~ -2- .. ..; - A' I' I Q,R. 4792 PAGE 6 2 ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) Before m.e perscma.lly appeared Wi L Ll *^-L E.... ~ G-C- K-..... to m.e well known ~d known to' m.e to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing agreem.ent and acknowledged before m.e that they executed the SaIne for the purposes therein expressed. 19 WITNESS m.y ha.nd and official seal this '4=tf:l- 76 . ' *~rvc;~~~5t~lrei~~~res : My Commis:;:.:.!1 fJ:iJ;re;; f.kt. 11. 19&\ nor-clod F.y l,rn3ric.:m ri!e &. C'::':':L,;:,lly C~m~."11 .. /?- to . kt Notary Public -~- da.y of t:)~~ GIJ- / """'. 1.:-<,.:./ . /...; u '"'if' ... , . '<....:' : .v:l " \~~. ... ./ __ ,/ ....... \J ": r 1 - 't December 11, 1978 .. Q.R. !i 792 PAGE 6 2 ~) MEMO TO FILE Anthony L. Shoemaker, City Manager~ FROM: Copies to: Mr. William E. Beck, 1501 South Greenwood Avenue Mr. Ed. Blanton, Building Director Mr. Keith Crawford, Traffic Director Mrs. Lucille Williams, City Clerk SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER - WANER OF SIDEWALK INSTALLTION Mr. Wi~liam E. Beck~ W 105. 13 ft. of the W i of Lot 1 of A. H. Duncan Resubdivision, Plat Book 5~ Pg.JJ26 In response to a request from William E. Beck for a waiver of require- ment for installation of sidewalk at the subject property in conjunction with new construction, as required by City Ordinance~ I have examined this property and the following are my findings: 1. There are sidewalks within 200 feet of the property. 2. Although a sidewalk can be installed at this time and a sidewalk is needed~ the City has plans which involve the installation of sewer and curb and gutter along this area. This'::C'onstruction VI) uld result in damage or removal of the sidewalk if it is installed at this time. 3. The sidewalk should be installed by the property owner when the street and sewer work is completed. Therefore, a waiver of installation of a sidewalk at this time is granted. Exhibit A FROM: I I CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Anthony L. Shoemaker. City Manager - Through the City Attorney M. J. Paroby, Asst. City Mgr.l~R9' / TO: Mr. COPIES: SUBJECT: Request for Waiver of Sidewalk Installation - William E. Beck, 1501 So. Greenwood Avenue DATE: December 11, 1978 Recommendation That a stipulation be ~de in the waiver a~ree!llent, or attached thereto, that the property owner ~ill install the sidewalk upon notification by the City Engineering Department that the street and sewer work has been completed. Sign the waiver of installation of sidewalk and initial the attached Memo Order. Background See the attached Memo to File. I I CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: Mr. Mike Paroby, Asst. City Manager FROM: Keith Crawford, Director of Traffic Engineering COPIES: Ed Blanton SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waiver - Greenwood Avenue and Woodlawn Street DATE: December 8, 1978 The property at the southeast corner of Greenwood Avenue and Woodlawn Street was recently developed. Sidewalks were installed on Greenwood Avenue in accordance with the code requirements. A sidewalk can be installed on Woodlawn Street at the present time; however, the City has plans which involve the installation of sewers and curb and gutter along this area which undoubtedly will result in the damage or removal of the sidewalk if it is installed. Although this does not come under the provisions of the code, it is mY belief that there is a financial benefit to the City to grant the waiver until such time as the street and sewer work is completed and require the property owner to install the sidewalk at that time. In view of this, we are requesting that the waiver be granted with the above stipulations. ~0 KC:gb I I December 11. 1978 , MEMO TO FILE FROM: Anthony L. Shoemaker. City Manager . Copies to: Mr. V(!lliam E. Beck, 1501 South Greenwood Avenue Mr. Ed. Blanton, Building Director Mr. Keith Crawford, Traffic Director Mrs. Lucille Williams, City Clerk SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER - WANER OF SIDEWALK INSTALLTION Mr. William E. Beck, W 105. 13 ft. of the W i of Lot 1 of A. H. Duncan Resubdivision, Plat Book 5. Pg. #26 In response to a request from William E. Beck for a waiver of require- ment for installation of sidewalk at the subject property in conjunction with new construction, as required by City Ordinance, I have examined this property and the following are my findings: 1. There are sidewalks within 200 feet of the property. 2. Although a sidewalk can be installed at this time and a sidewalk is needed, the City has plans which involve the installation of sewer and curb and gutter along this area. This construction VI) uld result in damage or removal of the sidewalk if it is installed at this time. 3. The sidewalk should be iristalled by the property owner when the street and sewer work is completed. . Therefore, a waiver of installation of a sidewalk at this tilne is granted.