DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT r,.,. ~~I ~ J:.' .! I I' . -<,?' ~:.t, "'. ,I . ';.l!o. ,.,'.',.,.'h. A';":~ "" E EME N T ::-;~i!'\W;f;:l ,~ : , ;. : I ' ! l: : ' J i '" I tHIS AGREEMENT ent~t"~'~ijinto tb.,. ~13~:~~day of July A.D., 1963. by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER ,FLORIDA, A municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as "City" and WILLIAM G. BLACKBURN and WALLACE W. BLACKBURN, dba BLACKBURN BROTHERS LAND DEVEOP- MENT. a partnership hereinafter referred to as "Blackburn." , ."."'~~.---- WITNESSETH: In cQnsi,de~~tion:.of the mutual covenants and promises here- inafter set for~handthe m~t\la.benefits and obligations running between the pa rtie5 he retoas hereina.fti~l"lIiet !orth, and {OJ' QthC!:r 'good and .valuable con- ._ side.rilhQ.Q.lr;> t "'-pill' t i... k.,I._ t~I,,~_l._Jil i.atliil,.t48 ,~ wi.n g ..g.r~&DUUl~ ;~~---~<""""'"~ 1. Attached hereto i~ Exhibit ~MOrningSide Estates Master Plan for street and lot layout,l~tisiz:~ fi-p.d aJ:'ea zoning for the subject tract. This plan has been reviewed a~4,:("~'~Ov,d by the. appropriate City agencies and is hereby approved by the Cl~~i'Pq~Illi8sioners fot" street and lot layout and zon- ing as specifiedherieon. " . , - ,:,"1'T~-:'",!!! - .i ~ . Deviation from this plan which shows substantial conformity to it. but which is necessary for ~ngineering reasons and approved by the City Enginee r,. will in no way invalidate this approval. .....-_k~....-,~_. / 2. Blackburn hereby agrees to grant the City leases ($ee Ex- ~'hibit B )'to deep'wat~r \velts 6n the subjeCt tract. Sa.iel leases-lulll be for' a periqd of ~our (4) ~alendar years from the execution of these presents and shall be subject to annual renewal und~H the conditions outlined therein. 3 . an ord~ r to. Pf,!,v i~~ ad~'!W't~wate r !>r~.. ure for the increa. e P9P\1lat iQn. ~in__tw.~~~~ tt~,~~g~~~r.,~4r.~~,a.,.~n.!;,w..~..t.~s.$J!~m,Pl~ t_~_d d~... velopment of Mornings ide states, Blackburn agrees he reby to ~-~IL, ease~ent for water transmission main between Belcher Road and Nursery ., oa~nd the City he. reby ~.a..."-.g.' ree.s. to...'....con.-stiuct a ,\!'tate..: tt',,,nsrnission rnain in yI';;,ccol'd:-,nce with Exhibit' CP'aqaCl1.ed hereto. Exhibit f'G" provides for a 12" cast iron water main a:longaar~ BQ'llevard between Nursery and Flu-shing and for the construqtiori'oia. 12i'dc~$t iron water main northclllyalong Flush- ing togethe r with a 8" cast lroni,,\Va.te r maln westerly and northerly along Harn Boulevard to connect to the existing City water main west of the Meadows. The City will construct simultaneously with the main all neces- sary fittings and sufficient sprip.klers and hose bibs so that the City Park Department can properly m~intl!l.in the l~ndscaped parkways along the align- ment. The City will provide without additional compensation sufficient ." water for operation of parkway fountain, watering system and for sprinkling '~>"<";,.'"~ <,~.and"thecmal:rt.t.ena-n(!!a~&~QllII(.Y.J'p"~d.s.Gapi nfL~ --,.-'~'~ ','-~~c~,~--" ;;.;!i ~:' '".,"t. > . <;;q'; r ,,:'i.,: :\: City wi.ll construct main so as to provide water to site on or be- fore August 15, 1963. Should construction of model homes be advanced to the point of requiring City plumbing pres sure tests prior to the date City wate r may be available for these te.sta:, and alternate method of pressure testing by hapd pump will he acceptiiL.ble,to the City Plumbing Department. I ,i ~~t\'" 4. 'City agrees he'~,~by tQ ,~aintain its specifications. requirements and standa rds- as constant t~irou_1aC),~t the development of all units of MORN- INGSIDE. Thcf?:e standa.rdsshaH in~lude all phases of construct (i.e., Water Distribution Syst,~~L.rh$anitary s,',iv~rage!,Col1ection System, Drainage and :' ;~.:, .; 1,':':: :'J,...:... " -', ,,~'; ;'j,~! J AWO# 1180A- P- -1~ .I"'ll! .',,',,',,:.,.! di'I;.;:" I I II II. ! ! 'v.,"'. "I!~ijfi:liir ~ greement ..~laCkbur.t\,:~~~t~~r~ Land Deve lopmf!ntl~ elt'r!~~~fl. d~~al!'rwat~~ July 13, 1963 ' i' , , I Sub4rainage, Earthwork, Clearing and Paving, Sidewalks and Street Lights). Engineers for Blackburnma.y submit within one month of the execution of these presents a master plan for each of the above systems. Once approved these plans shall befollo~.d throughout subsequent development and shall not be subject to crange, utll~~8 Blackburn fails to file a plat for any period exceeding e ighteel1!WQnth~~ 5 .Blac~burn m~y for three hundred and sixty (360) days, without further issuance of permi1i.c~~at and burn anyipo,rtlon of the subject otra.cJ;...,~ Vr~'" Sil' )l~.jBi,~il~K~~S~u;.;.rr:-16.-1iHa.t!-k~ '''8~H '----"p -, ,.,~. exercise normal care and shall do said clearing under proper supervision, and with proper equipment. 6. .Attached h~lt~~o~r.'i'Clstrictions for MORNINGSIDE EST A T ES UNIT 1. Paragraph Qfithe~~ire$trlctions provi4~s that four foot (4') s ide- walks shall beconstructe~)bYiAuilders Oll each lot within thirty days of the coxnpletionof any residente. ... (See Exhlbit "R" attached). '? ,. I 7. Blackburn has granted easements for construction of sanitary transmission main per contract dated 11 March 1963 . City will construct sanitary sewerage transmission main as construction progress permits, granted however, that Bla;ckburn may construct a fractional sanitary sewer- age collection system as required to deliver sewage collected to the align- ment of the Clearwater East Interceptor. If said collection system is con- st ructed in accordance with City Specifications City agrees that it will be promptly accepted by the City of Clearwater for maintenance and sewage collected therein will pe the responsg~iHty of the City . Blackburn will not ~e,.re !'lPC?~~_blc~!or:.e.~..2!~~~~~fu!~!t()1e~_9 ~t~.~E.9.!V;;jb.!.~, fOl-tp.e con- struction of a pumping station or temporary treatment plant. 8. In order that the City may provide fire protection for the rapid urbanization of th~,~o~theast Clearwater Area, Blackburn hereby agrees co deed to the Cityf~fClearWater a site for the Southeast Clearwater Fire Station.Saidlilit~ maybllt Eu~i1ected by the City from either s,ite A or site B, as shown on E~ibit A'.1Utachedhereto. This deed shall be subject to a reverter clause which rea[Js as follows: "Should City fail to construct a modern fire station on this site within four years of the execution of these presents then this site shall revert in fee simple to grantor. II (See Exhibit F). ? ,9. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their legal representatives, su<;cessors and assigns, of each of the parties hereto, IN WITNESS WifE E F the parties hereto set their hands and seals this ~y of ,. , A.D. 1963. , ,WIT'N~~S~S~ c ~'c.4([,.,,<~~~~~,RIJlJ\CKBURN_BROTHERS LANa . ... e~:.t . ,II DEVE'LOPMEN"I' o II f) _ _ 7- P}JIJ .~.....:- - . csr.: ~~ ~. f'S1SA U --0~/'J~ Will,.,. G. Blackburn, Partner ) .1AI~td/~~AL) Wallace W, Blackburn, Partner / JAWO# 1180A-700 P -2- I' '~ ,~, ,__. ~:.! ";f(~;1 .. il ."~'...., . z:.~ ~~~.~, .1' ?~q(~'~~ .: .. ! . 'Iti;;ii:rt!ilii"l; ::t~~_...~..,. - -, ,.:....:~""I--~'~~~t~ ~:~ ~ .....~":.~:.m.-;> I, !., '~~~ .~~t;>...:;:':~:~:J~~~q; ~ 1Si-~.~ ''[ .......-..:~-.........~'---<"..--~~..---. ""-- ~~,~~.,~ . ,; ~.......: .:" ':~,'.; (SEA L) . . .' " " I "', ,~ f: ~ " Apptoved as to form .,.'.:...a......n,~..,o..rre.c,.t ess ~~~ ~- (l .. . .. y, t cft'ney ~ ,i :<ii'" ,.....'-~,-~~~!-~, J_ . ..~rI~-__..-l"'<-....1"~-......~- ..~....-....--.___.4__ .._.-.._,~_. ~-""""""~~~;"~'_ ._.~. i'~,.'"<-' ,. -'."!,~~:,'...,_~~J!~~~'-"~~~~_.~,-- _~ -c""'-- '--. '--.--',,-,,-::~:~-------- JA WO# 1180-700-CWA p-