CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (2) INSURANCE FROM C'NA . . I CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE I The Policy identified below by a policy number is in force on the date of Certificate Issuance. Insurance is afforded only with respect to those coverages for which a specific limit of liability has been entered and is subject to all the terms of the Policy having reference thereto including for Umbrella Excess Third Party liability Insurance a provision requiring the maintenance of underlying insurance or self insurance. This Certificate of Insurance neither affirmatively nor negatively amends, extends or alters the coverage afforded under any policy identified herein, In the event of cancellation of the Policy the Company issuing said Policy will make all reasonable effort to send notice of cancellation to the Certificate Holder at the address shown herein, but the Company assumes no responsibility for any mistake or for failure to give such notice, NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED Wi lliam H. Heinemann, Inc. 3621 - 49th Street, N. St. Petersburq. FL 33710 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER I DATE OF CERTIFICATE ISSUANCE: CITY OF CLEARWATER P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, F L 33518 I 25 1977 ~ Attn: R. G. Whitehead, CMC L ~ City of Clearwater, Florida is an additional insured as respects the property at 815-25 Court Street Clearwater, Florida. THIS CERTIFICATE IS IlsuED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE HOLDER LIMITS OF LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE R. S. HM~MERSCHLAG & CO. TYPE OF INSURANCE IS DESIGNATED BELOW COVERAGES EACH PERSON I. 0 Comprehensive Automobile Liability o Basic Automobile Liability Bodily Injury Liability $ Property Damage Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Combined Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Liability Property Damage Liability $ $ $ o Uninsured Motorists II. llCI Comprehensive General Liability o Owners'. Landlords' and Tenants' Liability o o Manufacturers' and Contractors' Liability o Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability o Beauticians' Malpractice Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Combined Bodily Injury Liability Property Damage Liability III. 0 IV. 0 Workmen's Compensation Employers' Liability V. 0 Umbrella Excess Third Party Liability A, Statutory Statutory Locations: B. Bodily Injury $ t The Excess Insuror's Limit of Liability is (Complete one) (a) $ in excess of a Retained Limit (b) Up to $ in excess of a Retained Limit and in excess of various underlying Insuror's Limits of Liability t each Accident Complete below, by designating company by number in the box and entering policy number and expiration date in the sections corresponding to the type of insurance indicated above. I. II. BP 378 61 59 III. Policy Number 0 III 6-15-78 0 Expiration Dote IV. V. Policy Number 0 0 Expiration Dote IT] Continental Casualty Company W Transportation Insurance Company m National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford m Transcontinental Insurance Company [I] American Casualty Company of Reading, Po, m Valley Forge Insurance Company G-32343-J , \, '3 I I R. S. HAMMERS PANY: INSURANCE 1840 NORTH FARWELL AVENUE. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 53202 . TEL: 276-6295 (414) LIFE. FIRE. CASUALTY. GROUP. ..\rARIXE . EXCESS AND SUHPLUS LINES. LLOYDS August 25, 1977 Mr. R. G. Whitehead City Clerk City of Clearwater P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, F L 33518 Subject: Wi lliam H. Heinemann, Inc. Mr. Whitehead: This wi II acknowledge you r lette r of August 19, 1977 re lati ve to the Heinemann property at 821 Court Street, Clearwater. My apologies, I was under the impression that the insurance company had forwarded you a Certificate of Insurance some time ago. Obviously, this is not correct. I now enclose an appropriate certificate reflecting the fact that the City of Clearwater has been named as an additional insured as respects the property referred to. I trust you wi II find the enclosed satisfacto ry. Ve ry",tn:i'i;?ou rs ;/ /' ,/"- ./'/ ~ ARK:ds Enclosure cc: Mr. Ted Cox MEMBEH: MILWAUKEE . WISCONSIN . NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS OF INSURANCE AGENTS - ...... I I AuJUs't 19, 11" Hr. Arnold R. KelleDber,e. Vice Pre.ietea't R. S. Hammerschla. I Co.,any 1"0 North Farwell Avenue Milwaukee, Wi.oo.ain 11202 Dear Hr. X.li.Db.Pler: Reference ia .... 'to your i.~~er of Ap~il 1, 1'7', 1:0 Hl". 'led Cox, Se1 Aire ae.l,y, ando\U' le'tter'to you dated May I, 117',botb ot whieh oo"o..n insuranoe coy.rale tor Willi.. B. Heinemann, Inc. W. have re- oei.ed no responae ~o oU' l.~er of Kay a, and we note in your letter of April 1 that insurance oovera._ .xpired on J~ 15, 1977. w. .uat a.ain ask tor ..14_noe of inaurance oov...ge, with the City of Clearwater lis~d aa aft additional in.ured .. relat.. to the four p1an'ter-pylons affixed to the roof ot 'the bu11ctinc at 821 COUPt Street. Clear- water, aDd which extenet into tbe rlpt of way on Prospeot A"enue. Unless we Noel.e such e.ldenoe of ooveraae within a rea.onable ,ulodol t:l.Jae. we shall b. forced to turn the matter o.e. 'to our Le.al Depart.ent for po..ible cano.lla- tion of the AlNe...t uneter Seotion 111 of the Ci'ty Code. Very truly your.. R. Q. "i~.head. CHC City Clerk .1 cc : City Lelal Depar'tIHnt Mr. Ted Cox. Bel Air. ie.loty I I Hay 3, 1977 tiT'. l\rnold R. Kellenberger Vice President R. ~;. HamJ.lerschlag & Company 1840 North Farwell Avenue i'Iih;aukee, '.lisconsin 53202 Dear : Ir. Kellenberger: l~eference is made to your letter dated P,pril l, 1 g 77, to ;;r. Ted Cox, 3el l\ire i~etil ty, Inc., Bel Aire l.,luff, Floric.a, S ubj ect: '\\illiarn H. Leinemann, Inc. We appreciate the information provided in your letter; however, the agreement the City has with Mr. Heinemann requires that a regular Certificate of Insurance be provided the City each year indicatin;:: the types anc1 li~its of liability. In order to meet these require- ments, we will appreciate your forwarding us a Certificate at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, ~. G. ~hitehead, CMC City Clerk s1 . -. -' - - ... I PANY: INSURANCE R. S. HAMMERS - 4~4./77 1840 NORTH FARWELL AVENUE. MILWACKEE, WISCONSIN 53202 . TEL: 276-6291({414) ,.,. LIFE. FIRE. CASUALTY. GROUP. JI\RL',E . EXCESS AND SUHPLUS LINES. LLOYDS April 1 , 1977 Mr. Ted Cox c/o Bel Aire Realty, Inc. 2811 West Bay Drive Be I Ai re Bluff, F L 33540 Subject: William H. Heinemann, Inc. 815-25 Cou rt Street Clearwater, Florida ti} t'r~[:~'1 ,('~ ~, i: \,~ lrr..'; :-' :...,.. - APR 13 J.g;'7 Mr. Cox: cny CLL~U(' This will confirm our telephone conversation regarding the liability insurance on the above property. We insu re this location unde r Po Hcy No. BP 296-30-08 in the Continental Casualty Company. The policy referred to has a policy period June 15, 1976 to June 15, 1977. We are providing bodily inju ry liabi lity limits of $500,000 and property damage limits of $100,000. In addition, we have all of Mr. Heinemann's entities covered under an Umbre lla Liability Policy. I trust this wi II be sufficient fo r you r needs. ., - -~'-, '~-----_. ,e/ J ~ //j 1 / 3 </(/1 ,~ Very truly your), /". /// / /./' . . (' ~ ,/....-- ( ;: A:~~\~ rt" K'e~~~e~~r" c/. Vice President 1/ / ,/ ,.. ./'" ARK :ds( \ I MEMBER: MILWAUKEE . WISCONSIN . NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS OF INSURANCE AGENTS .- I ",1" ll, 1:)7\3 iil'. A.rnold ? Kellenberp;er '!i.CF: Pr~si(lent r, S. TTaT:)T1p.rscrlla\~ f. Cr):rtpany , 011 ') ~,rOl~t>, T\.:;rHcl1 .^-V0.nl1e 'i lwaukce, :risconsin 53202 ~;ear ilr. Kellenberser: ....,,(~ liability insu'"'ance ":?~;::.;~es ,Lme 15, 1'.17S. foC' -:i21iaTn I T' " nei F~l'ann, Jpc., ']1~,-,;~ the r'ene\r7al is iSSUe(~, ~2 :"ase send Ll1.s officf? a c?:"tificate of insurance ] istin.f~ the Ci,tv of Clear;.'atel' aSl(~(~;_tional insl)red. V01J~ cooperation is a,pprcci,:.t~.~. Vsr~T t1~~.11': YOllrs, (~~:rs.) Lucille Hil1iaI'1s f\ssistant City Clerk sl