PURCHASE ONE MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG FOR CLEARWATER POLICE DEPARMENT CANINE UNIT , J U L - 1 6 - "'" 6 T 1.1 r 1 '") : -;-; :~: ,-, T T ',' ,-, Ie ,-. I 1.11 I" F'I,' '-', F' [1'.,0 t.- ,~, :~:: 1 -~:. ..:.:.1_(:, ::,', .;. 1 ~:._.~;:.__._. P. n-;. I I AGREEMENT BY AND BETWE~'N TIlE CITY OF CLEARWi~TER AND YOM KA TZENBLUT SHEP;'ERDS, INC. This agreement by and between the City of Clearw:der, Florida, a municipal COrporation (hereinafter "City") and Yom Katzenblut Shepherds, Inc. (.I~reinafter "Seller") is for the purchase of one (1) male Gennan shepherd dog. Whereas) the City desires to contract with the SeHer for the purchase of a dog to be used by the Clearwater Polic~ Department Canine Unit for the tracki.'1g and apprehension of criminal . suspects and for the detection of controUed substances; and Where,asj-theSeUerhas~'v'Ziilabkadog thatappean:tohave the potential to be trJ..ined for canine use; Now, therefore, in consideration of mutual coven an s, and promises set forth below, the .parties hereto agree as follows: 1. TIle City will purchase one (1) black and red male German shepherd dog known as Kovacshazi-orzo Kvando from Ule Seller for 'he purchase price of $2.500. 2. The Seller agrees that if the dog fails to coml"'ete successfully the drug detection school scheduled for August 1996, or fails to ~raduate successfully from the street patrol drug school, scheduled for early 1997, then the Seller, at the City's discretion, will return the purchase price of $2,500 to th,~ City upon the City's return of the dog to the Seller or will provide the City a replacenent German shepherd of equal quality. If the City chooses to obtain a replacement dcg and if the replacement dog fails to complete successfully either the drug detectio/l school or the street patrol dog school, then the Seller shall retum the purchase pric.(~ of $2)500.00 upon the City's retum of the replacement dog to the Seller. 3. In any civil actiOl1 to enforce the covenants c')ntained herein, the preVailing party shall be entitled to a reasonable attorney's fet and all court costs and expenses. 4. The City and Seller further declare and represent the no prom.ises, inducements, or agreements not herein expressed have been n ,lde, and that this agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto. ~~ ..iJ" JJfl 1 <F ~ :1 '., j~.;;~~9:f ;;:e;:n;::j'::~i; ~LWTR/RECORDS , Yo'mKatzenbJut Shepherds, Inc. 8134626168 I ...... P. ~33 .... _ ~o IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this i.nstrument to be executed as foUows: CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA uBY:ElJz.ab~~:~~ . -Jj;sjY~-_. Date BY~~f~~;~j~ President Date. Yom Katzenblut Shepherds, Inc. AtteSt: Attest: '. .. -::.~. /~ - ~ - z. - ~J:i. r: iJ. ^- Cynt 1 B. Goudeau City lerlc.. . _ ;,; ~ .otJ Secretary Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: 2 .. ' . .. . , I ~E~~~'\i~D i CITY OF CLEARWATER !:)!:"roC!\iL''''''''' Interdepartment Correspo'n'dence Sheet ~JLJL 111996 . 'r ,.- .',' ...... ( ,,; I ''wlr\.,r,ucH :~96 v Ct:;'-::;: r:::; C ..J. .(i:"l.>~r.:~ ~;.;: TO: Betty Deptula, City Manager Sid Klein, Chief of Police 01'1 t... c. r' N FROM: c:> ;7l -~- '--'" --0 =c COPIFS: fTi ' "'T1 W Carrie Bjarkman, Senior Accountant; Fmance Department; Capfiilh Wayne R. Meissner, Support Services Division Commander; Lieutenant Robert W. Repp, Special Operations Commander; Sergeant Doug Barry; File SUBJECT: Expenditure of Special Law Enforcement Trust Funds - Purchase of Canine DATE: June 28, 1996 Consider this memorandum as my request to expend an amount not to exceed $4,000.00 (in the reporting category of -Other S.PNia1i7ro Equipment") from the departmental Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund. Said funds are for the purchase of one (1) police canine dog replacing one recently retired due to age. Funding is available in the current quarterly budget appropriation under the category of "Other Specialized Equipment" for this purpose. Subsequent to your approval, I will forward this memorandum to the Support Services Division to proceed with the purchase and return of a complete copy of aU attendant paperwork including the original of this memorandum. I hereby certify that this request for expenditure of Special Law Enforcement Trust Funds complies with the provisions of Florida State Statute 932.704(3)(a). ~~/~ SID KLEIN, Chief of Police