ORDERING DOCUMENT - TIME AND MATERIALS SERVICESOI?l?CLE' ORDERING I??3C?JMENT City of Clearwater, Florida l CIO ?. Myrtle Avenue, Thi?•d Floor Clearwate?•, FL 337'SC Grade iJ??,, Inct f9I0 Gracle'?'ay Reston, VAS 2Q190 oR?CLE C?N?TRACT ?NF?R?ATroN Agreen?ent? [Iacle Services Agreeme?i# Nun?be?+: US-??S?b5-GSA-I?OCT-?QOS ?rder•ing T?acument Number: U?-??5????UII-IS-OCT??OCIS This ordering doc?rr??ertt ir?corpor•ates by reference the terxris? af,`t?i?` a'gr•eernerjt specified above and all arner?drrrents tl? ereto the "agreer??et?t"?. As used rn this ordering document, ?`ryau" or "your" shall refer to tl?e customer as defined rn tl?e agreement. A. ?ER?CES Yau knave ordered tl?e services listed below in the table grid detailed ?n tl?e attached exhibit?s?, which are irtcor orated l? l?erern by reference. Akl fees ors this ordering document are in U.S, dollars. Services Reference ? Fees 'Time a?xd Materials Services E?;l?ibit ?-TME-3002?C)45S 5?5,?SO.OC1 ` Total Fccs _ ?Z5???0.00 Fst?mated Ex eases ?3 520.OQ Tats! Fundin S??,DDO.DO ?E?;penses are in accordance with the ?•eferenced exhibits}. All fees payable to Oracle are due witl?ir? a0 days from tl?e i??vaice date, lrtvoices for services performed under se a,•ate p exhibits may be provided separately. lees for any time ,and .materials engagements listed above are estimated fees as detailed in the referenced time aid material services e?laibit?s?. '.? ' ?. ADDITICINAL TERMS I . S??c??er?tatio??. You ackr?owked?e tklat tl?e services were bid by ?i?acle separately from any ?r•acle pra ?•a?n licenses. Yau u??de?'stand that you have the ??rght to acquire se??vices witk?otrt ac?uirir?g aay ?r•acle program licenses, and that you Dave tl?e r?gl?t to acclu?re the set??rces ar?d any Oracle progi•as?? licenses sepa??ately. ???? ? Page 1 of ? ?racfe Z??it?a? ?? Contact Infor???ation. tJ?dGlG l,t.?Illidl:l5 ?Vtcllld Cr-i??m,n?stratot': Nar??? H ?abr«l?e s r??once ? ?........ .. . .... .,. ..? ........................?........ ?.......,.. ?...?.?.?..?.?.,? Address; ' 1910 oracle ?Vay Mf5 415D .. .......... l?esto??, ?A ?0190 .... .... ? ????n? ..,..u ...............w..?.... ?? =? ????????.,......... ,...,.??.....,.....?....?.............?............. : ?o? .,...;.................,..??.... .. Fax. .. w ,,.......4?....?...?..............,.......,..,.,,.................,..,........r..,... 7?3-?G?-4375 ?,??all: ? Cral?r-relle.fi`oa?ce?a oracle.co??? Your` Billzn Accat?t?ts Pa able Contact: ........ Na,??e: ....:- ? _bnn a?ly._.... ........ ? ?.......?........... Add?.ess : . _.......??...,?.....?..?....._,............,,,.... 140 ?. Myrtle Avenue 1 Third Floor .......?..u ........................ .. C?eal??vater, FL 3376 Phone. . ,? . ? 72?-? ??.4???.......w?..r.._ ............................?........?.........,?............... ? ? .. . ........... .... .?..........? ..w ...._..w? ...............,,.,.,?w?..............?.?...?..,.,._.,..........,?...,..w ?n7ail: ban.rnayer?r?,??yclear`water.cacl? .......... 3. Urdel` of Precedence. ?Il the event of any i??cans?stencies beh?eer, ?i} the a.greel?lent and this o,•de?•in docucl7ent this or ering acument shall take precedence, and iii} this ordering docu,??ent ?excludin? exhibits} and a??y attached exhibits, tl?e exl?il?its shall take precedence. 4. Clan e Control PI`ocess. Any ?`equest for any change in services ???llst be In v?riti??g} this i,?cludes re nests far ?1 changes ,n project plans, scopes specifications, schedule, designs, requirements, service delivel`ables, software enviranmer?t or any other aspect of your order. Uncle shall not be obligated to perform tasks related to than es in g time, scope, cost, or contractual obligations ??ntil yo?? and Uncle agree in ?uz•iting to the proposed than e in an ai??endment to this ardcrin? docu,??ent andlor applicable exhibits}. b?5? L Pale ? of`? Ura?le I,?itial ?1 __ P?r?Itase ??'???` ?xc???or? C?r?c#c p??acassee Maur order nor receipt of a purchase order. r?yau ?r? t?neb#a to #? arder?d #?er?xo for a?? ????ount up to the total feae s ?c?f ied in ???ti s?? u ?urGh?s? v??d??? f?t? t1?? ?a??viG?? F , an ? shave, pie?t char?? the eppra riate hex hc# ?. P ow; ? ?it? Q!" ?rcat?w?tnr, P`?orlda does riot ieeu? purchase ara??r?, Cif of ?ie?R?wate?; F?o?da dare not require ? urcha?e ardor fa P r the servloes ardcz`?d i?reta, ? ? T#tie ardor niu?t ba b#ii?d to the ?illitt? atid?Aess r?terettced in Sectlan ??? ??? " , da?u?ent. ? fact ?nfa?t??on, of tltls arder?n? ?} You wlil riot lie ?r?nted a ???edlt Mama o?? a ??bill of ir?voic? ? issued due tQ ina ?} Thf a ?ec?[at? nxUet b? a?g?ed b? ah eutharh?ed e? ' uta ? ?r ortcCt infQrm?tian pra?t?d?d #?eretn, ? ? t?m'?au? l?uauua d?pa?ntaa#? Author°?xeed ?i r??tt nutho??ty t[tl? i?cludr? Purcba?ing Matu??c?•! ?,euvUnte Fsty?b? Mona ?r ? ? ?iraatar of ?'u?rcbasln?,' af?'inAno?, ?' o?`?'urahae ? s fah#raller} ?lneuee I?lrec?ar, fn?? ??'C?, ?x??dertt, ???. T[?e ir?fa??mot?o? prdrrided above #? eccurel? and Gos??p##cs w#tlt Maur h?tSirt?s? raGkiaa ? " . alatafn#rtg aft necessary Rpp?aaEs to etc#ees? Rho funds f ? , a in rrt?tRn? ti??s Purc?esei anc#ttdia?? or kt1?? p?tr?hase 1?8?sr s?gnetur? aff?t ??s yQur co??m?ttttent to far tl?a services vrdcred in aceardnrice with the terr,?s of thce ardert? dac?ttne?t, PoY Cl? a? Cleai???a;ter, ??arlda Autk?orized F'#nence [?epre$cntat[ve Si?na?ra: ?lnnte ?priuted); ?'??? Title ?prf?ated?? ?z?nanu?e L?at?? MyMMII KMMMMi1 w MMMM.+i•41it? w.hl.ll+?wwrwrl.Mi?w.r rrr.w.aw?.A ?""rMwr?+.rwn..rr wraFwwr}.?r MNw ¦rrwr rr rr?.MMi rw.u.r ?M?rwwwwsw?rrr??w w rrr.??1 M?rYM+Arw?w This quote is ?a#id thrau?h I?avan?be?? ??? ?0[x?, and sltali become ?Inditt u are exeou ` ??recle. ? p ?o?? b? you and acce??nce by City of ?le?rws?tet+ . Authar#?ed ?igneture: ?? name; ? ? ?`itle; r` ? ?i?tet?trn f??tc; ?rderin? ?©o!?rt?ent llffect#?e ?atc; ??to?ier i 5, ???? Oracle ???, Inc, ?? ??tltl?e??i?ed ?igr?nturc: ' l?#?n?e; Robert Wheatle ana?er, ansu tng ? ? T#tle? ?i??etu??e date; G5531 Page 3 nP? Oracle initial '?^? Of?/?CLE' TAME ANA iVIATE??ALS FXH?BIT ?RA?LF ?t?NTRACT???NFORII?AT'??? Custan?cr Name: pity of Cleat?vuter, Florida [??•dering ?acu?t?ent Ny?nbe??. US-??5Gd5w??-?]?'T-?Ol?? Fx?ibit CYurnber; Exhibit ?-Tl?L-3?a??445$ This exhibit incorporates Coy referen?;e tl?e te?•n?s of tl?e ordering dac?u??ent specified above. ? . ?eSC?;lp?Ca?1_D? ??I'Vl?eS. Oracle will praVide pra?ect n?a?lage?7lent, technical and functional services to assist you with yau?• Oracle Utilities dark and Asset Management ??IIAM}application eversion C.?.l 5.?). Such assistance wiCl be at you?• direction and ???ay be provided in support of any or all of the act?v?ti?s des??•ihed i?elaw: a. Emple?t?entation of the SAM Bar Coding sa??tion? These services inolude configuration of tl?e bar calling solution, appCicario?7 k??owledge sEtaring session and creation of ba?• code labels. b. Facilitation of cor?figtrratian workshops as it relates to the O?•acle W?,M application. c. ?evelopn?ent of extended conf ?guratian. d. Facilitation of knowledge sl?a?•ing wa?•k:shops. e. Facilitariozz of b?isiness process evaCuatian and r?-engineering. f, rdentificatior?, trauhlesl?aating, replication or docu???entation of issues related to the base software and ir?teracrion witC? Oracle support to facilitate .the r?sa?urion of rl?ese issues. g. Upon mutual Written agreement of the parties, UracCe will assist you in desi nin , develo i?? and testin g g P ga g extensions, as requested by you. C?. Other tasks as mutually agreed to by you and Oracle. ?. Your ObCi atia?ls and P?•o'ect Assu??i Lions. You acknaWledge that yQU?? ti??nely provision of and access to office acca»?n?odations, facilities, equip??ent, assistance, cooperation, can?plete and accurate info??i?ation and data froth your afficex•s, agents, and ea??ployeesy and suitably cot?f gored computer pt•oducts ?callectively, "caopet•ation'?} are essential to the perfat???ance of any services as set forth in this exhibit. Oracle Will not be responsible far any deficiency in perfornxing services if such defciet?cy results from your failure ra provide full caaperatian. You acknowledge tl7ar Oracle's ability to perfc?rn? the services and any related esrin?are depends upon your fulfilCn?ent of tl?e fallowing obligations and the fallowing project ?tsisttit?prians: 7 + 1; ? ' A. Your ObCi atians. l . Maintain tl?e propet'ly configured l?ard?vareloperating systet?? platforE?? to suppnt•t the services. ?. Obtatrt licenses undet• separate contract far at?y necessary Oracle prograt??s before the catnt?tencen?ent of SCt"V1Ces. 3. Maintain, ann?ral technical support for the Oracle programs under separate contract tht?artgl?aitt tl?e te?'m of the setvtces, 4. provide Oracle with full access to the relevant fu'netivnal, technical and business r'esaurces ??vith a e d quote skills and knowCedge to support the perfot•tnance of services. ?. Olatair? any consents required for Oracle to perform services under this exhibit, ???? 1 gage 4 e?6 Oracle (r?itl?l 6, ?Ilaw Oracle to post, at any site at which se??+ices are perfar?r?ed, any documents necessa? fo?? ??• ? acle to prav?de services i?? con?pl?a??ce with the law, 7. Provide Oracle staff access to your V?AM solution envi??anment to perfa?-r?? the work. 8. Provide Oracle, at na cast to Oracle, with direct network access in the far?a? of anetwork-to-network ?'irt ual Private Network ?VPN} can?aection to an acceptable develapnacnt envircanr?1ent, a licatian data racers . pP , P i?afor???ation, tl?e software, and related third party so?ware, 9. Purchase and rt?aintain any and all software foals that rl?ay be a?- nosy beeo?ne necessaz to develo and or ? P ?r?nplement any services requested tinder this exhibit. (a. ??astal! tl?e inf??astructure needed to support the wA?f $a?? boding application. (l . Pracu??e I?ardware needed to support the wAM far fading applicatio?a fro??? a third ar handheld units access pants, label printers}. 12. Procure software need to support the wAM far i??aing applicatia?a fros?a a third ar RF .y ?rlrv ;;,F p ry ? BEN softwa; e a??d Laf?ware Label Printir??}. B, Pra'ect Assum tiaras 1. On?site support will be provided at a location designated by you. 2. Oracle will pZ?avide a copy afspecificatians and documer?tatian, if applicable. 3. bates Estimated Fees and Ex eases. ''?? ` - ,, The services specified above are provided on a ti?xze and ?a?ate?•ials ?"TAM"} basis; that is, you shall a Oracle for all py of floe tt??te 5p?ilt perforn???ag 5UCh 5???1?eS, plus ???aterials, taxes and expenses, Far a period of one year fra?al the effective date of the ordec•i?ag dacunaent, the ser?viCes will be provided at the rates set fartl? below. Consultant ?evet date ?l?au?• Practice f "Cecl?nical Managed $745.0 All fees and expenses will be invoiced ?nolathly, The fee estimate far labo?• pe?•fortaaed under this exhibit is twee eve thousand, four (lund??ed e? la dolla?•s ?7S 480:00 ? the estimate ? ? ? tY ( y ?, fay tt avel and out of pocket expenses ?s an additioExal tlt??ee thousand, five (aundred twenty dollars ?$3',S20.DU}, These estitaaates and any atlae?? esti?a?ates related to this exhibit are intended only to be far your l?udgetin? and oracle's resource sclaedulin ur oses? these a ti g p p s r??ates da not include taxes; Oracle will invoice you for actual tizate spent performing floe services, plus n?ate??ials, taxes and expenses; such ?t?vo?ce ?azay exceed the total esti???ated amount documented above. Once fees for services reach tl?e estimate, Oracle will cooperate with yatr to pray{ide continuing se?•vices an a ?C?? basis, Tl?e parties acknowledge that teraapor•ary living reinabursen?ents to Oracle provided consultant?s? niay lac deemed car?apensatary under federal, state, and local tax laws if a consultant's assignment in a particular location will exceed ar has exceeded one year. where reasonably passible, Oracle will plan with you to limit the duration of a consultant's assr?nment ??? a particular location to less than one year, if the Cequi?•er?ter?ts of the services are such that it becomes necessary for a coi?su(tant's set?rices in a particular location to ca?atinue far a year or rt?or?e a??d as a results tlae reirnburseraaent ofsuch consultant's livrng expenses ar•e deeri?ed corrtpensata?y for tax ptrcpases, then, you a ree to g pay Oracle tl?e araaount afadditional compensation provided to such carrsultant to cor?nper?sate for taxes i???posed. ?. Project N[ana??n?erat. . _ ?.?. . You and Oracle each ag??ee to desi?;nate a project manager wl?a shall work tagetl?er with the other party's ra'ect p? ??aarrager to facilitate an efficrent delivery of services. F G553 ( Pale S of 6 Oracle I??ltla? CHANGE REQUEST FORM Change Request Fot?m ?CRF} Number: /-t Customer Warne; Customer Reques#? {Check ?n??; Date Raised; Date Resolution Required: C]YeS [? No Functional Area: Requested by ?Custamer?: Prn?ect Number: Prepared by ?Oracle?: Ordering Document Number; Agreement dated: PhaselPrncess: Priority: Check one} ? I-ii h ? Madit?C11 ? SOW Status (ci?eck ones; ? O en ? Assi ned ? Investi ated ? Resolved ? Deferred j? Ap raved ? No action re wired ?x fired Reason far Chan e: Investigation and Findings: Details of Change: Impact of Change: I????;t??t {fn ??r??ir??? ? Yes ? NQ ? None at this pint, -{ ;;?. ?. If Yes, estimated cast impact. ? , Recommendation: ? Agreed ?-Ordering document amendment rer?uired ? services associated with the change will not commence until an ordering document amendment is executed ? Agreed ? rta ordering document amendment required ? Rejected - na further action required Recommendation acknawled ed b : Customer Oracle This change request farm is intended merely #a document offers for proposed changes and is not intended to amend the Ordering document, Any changes to time, 5cape, ar cost must be specified in an ordering document amendmen# signed by you and Oracle. Associated Associated Disk and Issue Form; Problem Rep?art: b?53 [ Pale ? o#` 6 Qracle Initial Deliver to: Information Technology City of Clearwater 100 S. Myrtle Avenue 3rd Floor Clearwater, FL 33756- Supplier: ORACLE CORPORATION 1910 ORACLE WAY RESTON, VA 20190- Attention; 24 Hour advanced notification required on all shipments to the City of Clearwater locations. Page 1 of 1 Purchasing Division P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33758-4748 Florida Sales Tax Exemption Certificate No. 85,8012740095C-1 Federal Excise Tax Exemption No 59 6000289 PURCHASE ORDER ST104755 Required Date 10-September-2008 MAIL TWO COPIES OF INVOICE TO. CITY OF CLEARWATER 100 S. MYRTLE AVE. P.O. BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33756-5520 Direct all communications on this order to: Terms: Net 30 days F.O.B.: DEST Order Purchase Line Quantity Unit Description Price Total Price 1 29,000.00 DL ORACLE CONSULTA $1.00 $29,000.00 Oracle Consultation DISCOUNTS: On any Discount. time will be computed from date of satisfactory delivery of all items of from date correct invoice is received, Total Amount $29,000.00 which ever is the later date. The City of Clearwater may cancel this order, either orally of In writting, at no cost to the City, if any items do not arrive by the date required and/or If any Items do not conform to specifications. Non-conforming items will be hold for thirty (30) days, pending receipt of disposition Instructions from vendor, after which time they will be disposed of a surplus city-owned property. Purchasing Manager '40