MEMO OF DENIAL OF SIDEWALK WAIVER - , , Septe~ber 6, 1977 .MEMO TO: F.lI.d; of'ROM: Aath..,. L. Shoemak.r, City MI._.er Copt.o. to: Mr. J. .w. Bo...r, Harlta.o Utite. Methodi.t Ch1ll'ch 945 "Oth Aye., North, St. Pete, 33703 Mr. Ed. 8la__, Bv.1141., Dir.ctor .Mr. R. G. Wldtohoad, City CI.rk............... SUBJECT: .MJi:M.O OltUa. - Wa1v.r of Sld.walk la.taUatlOll, Mr. J. M. Boo...., Hor1ta,o United MethCKUat Church, S.R.JIO aDd Landmark Drive, HW Corner of the 8E 1/4 of SectloD 29, Twp. 28S, Ra. 16 &. In reapon.. to a requ..t fIoom Mr. Beo.or for a waiver of City re,u.1l'emollt 101' lutaUaUoa of a .lel.walk at the above-de.cr1bed property ill colljuac:tioa ..,Ith Dew coutructloa.. requ.1red by City OrcUu.aco, 1 have .alD1aed thl. property au the loUowi.. are my flDdlnS.: 1. Tllere ar. .idewalk. ....tlaS wWUa ZOO feet of the 8ubject property. z. A .1dewalk oa till. property would &Ot form a part of a ro.e 1eadiaa to a .chool. 3. Tho ab..ace of .Ka .ldewalk woulcl pro..nt a pedo.trlaD usaI'd by rea.oll of it. fro.Un. .a very heavUy traveled S. It. 580. In my jwt.meat, the above ftad.lq. clo eot meet tIlo coRdlt1oa. pre.cribed In OrdJ.Daace '1624, SecU_ I, para.raph (4) (a), alld therefore a waiver of la.tallatIoR fit tho .idewal k i. dealed. .i;XHlBIT A. "" ' " " -;... "" , , " 'it ",,,,;, ' " ~., () 1- 0 ~b-{()[D