QUIT CLAIM DEED (2) , I II.. .-' V.-6 z Z I.U a.,(j ,- 1~ iL <i '0>0.: <U ~ _ +-' d ....J Z :E CLAij.- L.. iL U) Q.w~x~ ~~Oro Q) 0 I u.. EOI-(V)Q; 2Zo/llflro ~ en (r ~ ~ .- 0 W ro (Ila::>- III :c~:g 1-0 0: .~ 'FORM i13l Florida QUIT CLAIM OW' '. '1'3017494 ~ (From Corpora ~ . jf~i~Jn ~,c ....1 .- TUTBLANX REGrSTEF?EO u.s PAT.~F"fIC~. ~~ ,:.:2'\, ,. Tuftle Law Pt'~nt. Pub/lshers,1i'lIf/aIYt.JI!. "(:~) tntUl~tGE1093 Wherever u"sed herein, the term ({party" shall include the heirs, personal.representa,fil~es, slucessors and / or assigns of the respective parties hereto; the UlW of the srngnlar '~nmber shall include the plural, and the plural the singular; the nSB of any ff~ndpr shrill mclurf(' all gende,.:j. and ifused the term "note" shall include all the nate:i herein described if more than one." , Made this 7th day of February , A. D. 1973 Between UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, a corporation existint under the laws of the State of Delaware party of thejirst part, and CITY OF CLEARWATER, a municipal corporation, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida, 33518 , of the County of Pinellas and State of Florida party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR apd pther valuable considerQ,tio.:g.. }j[jniiroms, in hand paid by the said party OJ the secona part; the rece~pt wnereoj ~s hereby ackno~l- edged, has remised, released and quitclaimed, and by these pres~nts r1,oes :em~se, release and quitclaim unto the said party of the second part all the nght, t~tle, ~nterest claim and demand which the said party of the first part has in and to the following described lot , piece or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the County of Pinellas, State of Florida, to wit: See legal description shown as Area E and Tract C attached hereto. , ,-' " '..,--,.~-.--..T'--- I : ~:;T t)..T~ ~~;.F LS~A)Rf,&~9b I: ~[ff~;f~CE~E!~~I~f{~);~~ I~' I: = =,,~(, ~;~,~, ~ Ii 0 3 0 I: :-:- PB ::: FEB-G';3 ; <e'i.;ij- .., I: == 10534 ~:~:":;;;:y · = <.D If) ~- -'z w.:> ~o co a.'-' ~ = ,,;"',.\ ~-..r\ r' (- ('UME~'TAR\!- ".;;~.'>\ ~_~ LJ ) " '1 1- , -, - ,;;' - '. . ,....--:-,'." ~:--i .,..- ~ '. _ ~.... I "_,) h IV;")' , 1-' ::~'I fE3n3 ] .~\ I~ 0 O. 551 PEHNUE L_,_ 11047'\ - u: <:0 ....::<::- -~~ r- _.J ;z ...~ .:> 0"> ~o ,,) 0:> ...."'.I'V'\,i\/"''v''v''_~..f'. .........."',...,"~ 'v"v'^'-~'-"'-""'^'^"'v"v.'w"'''/'v-''vv''- ___:>_'~^^""J"^_"'-~~""".~"~ . ~~^^^,A./'/'/'#~,.A..._.-.,~j""V>../\.""/'oJ\,~_'_" - Ilt;CCiWEC PINELLAS CO, nOR/I)" ~.........;... ;no J (. ,~l~ CLERK CIRCUIT COURT FEI 8 4 &41 PH '13 To Have and to Hold the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part. officer ". (:Corpp.rate c, '.,,' ~eal) In Witness Whereof, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be sitned in its name by its~~, and its corporate seal to be a~ed, attested byitsAssistant Secretary the day and year above written. ;....(1 ~~ <6Ot; , ~~ ;... UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION ByJf(~ . R. Dembeck re8ident SS Realty Development Division S.. ,C," ',\ : "'''-'ii .:,At tits t;} t./ -' ' ..:~ ~,. unt't'e:a~)~tat:es 'Steel Corporation ..Si ' ed, Sealed and Delivered in Our Presence: IJ ....... j" " RETURN TOI CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 4748 1 ,(/) 17 i./1 1/ CLEARv~,T~ r;'T~? 17'r -~ 9 ,. ,,", ,.. . . . . "'---.. ... ->- o. R.3991 PAGE1095 ,,) , ,," , ----". UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATIoN TO CITY OF CLEARWATER Area E Sand Key .' That part of Sa~d Key in Section 17, Township 29 South, Range IS East, lying North o~ followlng described ,line: From the southwest corner of Section 17, Townshlp 29 South, Range 15 East run N 890 10' 31" E 843 47 f t I o I II " - , . ee ; t 1ence runN42 13 31 E, 1,983.25feet;thencer"unN470 46'29"W, 50. 0 feet; thence run along a curve to the left having a radius of 1 859 86 f t, d' . , , . ee , a cor bear~ng O;N ,;10 47' 00" E and cord distance of 674.17'; thence run N 6~ 39 32 W, 200 feet; thence run along a curve to the left having a radlus of 1,659.86 feet, a cord bearing of N I70 08'32"E, and a cord length .of ~43. 07 feet; thence run N 120 56 I 36" E, 11 0 feet, to the Point of Begmmng; thence N 770 00' 00" W 1 00:; feet + to th h" h . . '. ' ,.... _ e meanlg water Ime of the Gulf of MexIco, and Point of Ending; containing 10.47 acres more or les s . T r.~.~J. C ., Myrtle Avenue Right-of-Way Begin at Southeast ;corner of Northeast 1/4 of Section 21, Township 29South, Range 15 East, and run North 400'+ along East line of said Section 21 to the easterly extension of the South line of Lake Belleview Addition, as recorded in Pla t Book 9, Page 141, of Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida; thence run Westalong said extension and the South line to the East right-of- way of Seaboard Coast Line Railroad; thence run Southeasterly along said Railroad right-of-way to a Point of Intersection with the South Line of the Northeas t Quarter (~E 1/4) of said Section 21; thence run Eas t along said . South line to the. Point of Beginning. .AND Begin at the Northeas t corner of the Southeas t 1/4 of Section 21, Towns hip 29 South, Range 15 East, and run South along the East line of said Section 21, 660 It; thence run West 115'+ to the East right-of-way line of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad; thence Northwesterly along said right-oi-way line to the North line of the Southeas t 1/4 of Section 21; thence run East along said North line of Section 21 to the Point of Beginning. AND Start at the Southwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, and run North along the West line of said Section 22 140' for the Point of Beginning; thence run East 660'; thence run North 260'; thence run West 660' to the West line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22; thence run South along said West line 260',::. to the Point of Beginning. ..~