SIDEWALK WAIVER DENIAL (3) , ~. ~. I I ..... .5, 1.11 , \ II "J J.. f -f ,'..~" ,. .," " ..,.. " ICj,~P-lt Kr. rillotby J. Ker:w1a, h..Ueac TU lent. Cellpuy P.O. lox 6775 Cleanater, n. 33.511 Dear Hr. Earv1ll1 Your r.._t for a .U...ll1 _!.fJal".,~t Cd.tei" Caatre (3271 U.S. Btshvay 19 Nortla) bu 'It... r~ ill "oorclaa.c. rith tJM c0Dll1tiou prucr1becl for ..h a ..1...1' vlW:l:a ue CODU't.... ill tlae C1t, of Clear- vater Code of emu...... -le... 18 a -- to fila .t..... .., Ci~ ~M"" A. L. '.'-'"1' wh .,~~~.. 7wr r&4u.., I... . wi...r aM .tat.. tile r....u for ...1Il .'l!: SiDe.re1y, B11aab.th B. Baeaaker A..ulant C1t)' Huaau cc: Max :aatt1., Director of r.t.lie Verb lloy.,qr.., h11d1q Dk...... 1cIiIcil1. Wll1iau, Cit)' Cl_k Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer 'llECElVED MAR 6 1981 CITY Cl...ERK to" ..:~ 07 OL/3-C() (I) --------.------------....' I I '..nary 18. 1"1 ~'fO ntJ!: ..... ....., L.a_ ~_. Gi&7 "'f'''!T''' DIy ........... ~ ~ ....n1 ran.. (~ I. ..... "'..'1 a. Kuwla e..pa.,) !fa ....1.. ......... ., ...u..... ..,. ..,.... "'Ll4~ .......... will. trUl.... corus TOJ ItmJiCT: 1mfO OIDD.-Wuwr .f lu..1k Iuta11atloa . nIT 'aflM".. A J'laotcIa .....&1 PutMl' Clot....."..... 3271 V.,. ......., l' 8eI'Ua III 1'...... to . 1'e4l'" ,_ lIT ,.....c.. a I'lod.U Im.,ra! ......lai,. foZ' a vdwl' of .f.clwa1k ~.....u tor Criten.a Cetn. in cOlljUDCtioa vith laW .-autZ'UCt1cnl .. ...u.. ~1 City o11f:l.aaDee, t ha.... ...... I1d8 Pl'opert7 aa&t the fellotrl... U. IIIJ 'f....., 1) Then ia 110 pIaJaiMl, ~ .. ... .......t.... of .....~1U. 2) !bu. 1a - ........ ..411:1 l1r."'" 200 f... vIdU CRl. b. COIII'IMt" to. I. ., j......-t. ,lie .:I...I.....t .... tlae co1UU.U.... '1'''.1'1McI ia 'MU.. 7-6(4) Ca) .t aMCiQ' ., Cleuwatel' eM. of OHiIIaM_ aM '_ufo.. · vat...... of 1Mu' I.,1ft .f.W-.J.k at W. t-ij~r' 1 RECE1VED MAR 6 1981 CITY CLERl< (" t"Q~( ," ~c.<<::)G _ d