SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (135) ~III_- A~l"~~ '~M'.7.' s~ .....'~.!, III ,!:! ..~C_~. !IiC ~ 1.-- ---.. ~:U \W"=~~,_ ~l ~J.,,::=-=. ~.,~ ~~TEl~,,/ ~#"""II I I CITY OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 474a C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 33518 City Manager 11. :e c :e 1 V' .,.. r...D July 29, 1987 &16 .2 1988 ! The Babcock Corporation 1700 McMullen-Booth Road Building D-3 Clearwater, FL 34642 .ClTY . CLE.11K Attention: Augustine P. Flott Reference: 1700 McMullen-Booth Road CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Since the sidewalk required to be installed at McMullen-Booth Road would be destroyed by the widening project which the County will soon begin, your request for a waiver of the sidewalk requirement is granted until the completion of the McMullen-Booth Road widening project. At that time, if the sidewalk has not been installed by the County and you are unable to produce evidence of your obligation being transferred contractually to the County, you will be required to install the sidewalk. Very truly yours, ~ ~ tllk,,- Ron H. Rabun City Manager cc: Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager Vic Chodora, Interim Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Cynthia Goudeau, City Clerk "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" (:20) c.1)iO?:D cr> .' I CITY tF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: FROM: Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City Manager Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director IJUi 2 6 J,~ SUBJECT: Vic Chodora, Acting Building Dept. Director Sidewalk Waiver Request: 1700 McMullen-Booth Road COPIES: DATE: July 22, 1988 This property is located on the northwest corner of S.R. 590 and McMullen-Booth Road. The sidewalk along S.R. 590 has been constructed and this waiver request is for the section of sidewalk along McMullen-Booth Road. Widening of McMullen-Booth Road between Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Sunset Point Road is schedule to begin next month. Arrangements have been made with Pinellas County for the sidewalk along McMullen-Booth to be constructed as part of the widening project. Attached is a copy of the agreement between the Babcock Company and Pinellas County. Since installation of the sidewalk is included in the roadway widening plans, it is my recommen that a waiver be granted. ~ Attachment (2) "--..... - -.... -_..-..-~-........\,.,,:_....._..."\. .'"- . ~ _ .., ~~./ f ''-1 --j l ../ -:; I '2>0 I g ~ $Z~ ,:. ." ;~PL1CA~ION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER I P.DDP.ESS (Sidewalk Location) /7oe> /lle/f(,,/,,{wooJll! e LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, Subdivision) 111 tf- f3 ~ ~ f!J!' 0--5 se ( n5"" -t<.-U r> '2 q /9~ ,I ~ ~. , // mn~ER I S NAHE .. /:;!G ,-6~I:?eo(.? e (i' ~~ .___-7 ;.DDRESS /;7&0 //t; 111(/~tE/u C'c- ~ :;5Lpd,~ .P-.!3 REPRESENTATIVE (If any)~ ho-zr- ~#.I'Ad.-c'/#' {'(s~ /ll?,e:, J1.DDRESS 1") ~Af~ dFYC A ~'p/ e:- PHONE 7ft - 2cJ/3-- A' REASON FOR REQUEST 0~-. ,&yd~....~/U!& f~0 I- L > ,~7~. // ,'/ '/ ~?/~; -- Section~S.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, co~~ercial,. industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of Representative FlO-r-f- ~4r / Da1:.e Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bo c.ay of [)uhj/" (/ ~a. . f) Nocary ?Ubl~ ., 19? R l'1y Commiss~on Expires: 1. .-~ ., Rev.6/S3 1910-62 QU'l CU.1M D"E.[\ ..~ ,T'r9_ CQ'p.o,atwa j 01 CAS~. 40 Rce 41 OS ......: 43 ,~t ~~ Total ~ .Had t' f hi... ~ .... ~ ~ , t- Z \- ::> ZO ::..:U C'V u< . :.r. -I <..:< -.V :.J L oJ 70- :::V'l c- .~ .-~~ \ I \: \ I \ 1\ i\ 11 1\ \1 1\ !\ UUUOJiJl I Ofi \) - J OJ \c \ ~hbllln~~niurtt I \ .) \ \ \ I To Have and to Hold the same, tOQether 16th all and sil/Quiar the a ppurl enD n ce.' I Ii am n 10 belon gi n g or in an !I,,.;se 0 I'f.erla i" in :f. ",,,I all ih I" ,.,<1,1/ e. ri gill, IiI/e. i" teres I a" d c loti In II"Ii a I ,<ol"rer 0" Ii,,' sa i.l f""ly ,,/ I h" ]i ,..,1 f'<' rl. I" it h.... ill lau: or t.'qu.ity, to the only /J,'upcr use, bflleJif elnd beJuJ'Jl vl flit' said /Jartl' of till. St'Ct)/ld pel rt. 1\-':'" ,:,,' J "j";' ,:r 'J I .. ; ,1,,10/ , ...~ - . t:.. ~ ,r, ~ .. ."-,.. >- = ~ :e..j: ~ i ~ It! -i" I -; .t -:..~' II : ~t . 1;;~111 I I .,.,....... ...04..,...... ... '""" .,..,.., ~ oI<wJ.ll ,,", ~ ... ......... ...,......l .. rue' 14A.rOI. ._....".Ad I" ~..,....f..... ......CD............ ...... ........0(..... '.'r-~ ...-- oAAU .,"~ loW ~. .... ~ ~ ..... ....,....,. ..... .... .f .., ,..... .....;1 ",,1..41 oU "...s..... , .-1. D. 1988 26th day of January Beh\'een THE BABCOCK COMPA.'\-Y 2431 Estanc;a Blvd., Clear~ater. FL 34619 a l'orporatiorl existing under the lau's of the State of Florida party of theftrst pllrt. and PINELLAS COUlITY. a political subdivision of The State of Florida, ~ith offices at 315 Court Street Clear"a ter. Florid a 34616 (R/W) parly 0' tl... .<<cUI,,1 pari. "\Yi;~es~eU:, /I"d liz, .,,,id flarh) ~i Ihe jir.<1 1""1. f'" "",{ in c"".,;,{,.,."/i'," "' Ill' .<"'" "f /P," "0""'1" A...'" "T"'../I"......, Ccu,.:!>PUi7tC:U J . _ . P'. '1,"", ill hand pI! id by I he said pa rty of I Iz e s econ d pa rl, I Iz e rf eel pi ,..Ii e reo I I.' "r rel.y ,... kH',.,-I- ed 21"d, has rl"'" i.<ed, relecLScd all d qui/cia imed, all d by III e.<e pre.I" it I.' d "I"S n "".<1". rei", He all d 'I" i tela i", ,ado I Ii e sa id pa rly of /lze .<ee~" d IXlrt aU II,.. ri gM - Ii 1/,': ill I rl:esl c/,dlll alld demalld ,ddeh Iltp said party of Ilze pr.1 IXlrl lIa.' tIl alld 10 Iii, ,ull'","," g de.eribed lot ,piece or parcel of land, sil".le Iyin? alld being ill lite County uj Pinellas State o[ Fl-orida, to u'it: Lands described in "Legal Description" attached hereto and by this reference maje a part hereof. As consideration. a ~aiver fro~ side~alk construction on McMullen-Booth Road is hereby granted by Pinellas County ior Si~e Plan of Babcock Cow?~~Y C~ t~e N0rt~we5t corner of M~~ullen-Booth Road and S.R. 590. In ;;-i:~~e:,,~~~-:ler?!Ji. the said party of the fin:t p~lTt has caused these presents tu be si~lIed in its name by its President. a nd its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its the day and year above u:ritlen. ,-;.f .' . ....l. '. (Corpora t.e ,. Seal' .. J .' ....6 ,. . . ~Wo,', t)/n-;~L)L{)~ ~ ._f:~,~.. . n^';:~~.:',~ ~:r;::~ w~-f:::::,~ I COK"'1ERCIAL DIVl.. I I II \ ~ II I' II ': ~ I~I[P I~:L? !JIiY"nf~~.' .hr Cu"n,' ..0 Sla" I, \1-- __I::: --- - .- 1:-11 ~ '. ~. ,.. ~ I I' ( . I . './ : \ I .,' , ~ r> .. . :- . ~ ,. . : .: \