SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (307) 10~,~' - \,., , t ~~~~~~ O~.~\,~.U. 1.4104 PACE 275 ~TmS AC:mSMENT, made and entered into this .:z/, _day of ~~, 19 ~ by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a rnunicipal corporation, her: inafter referred to as "City"; and Terry Sanders & Ruby C. Sanders (His Wife) hereb.lafter referred to as 110wnerll; 'w 0 ." _ r- Z .,.,.. "' ;z ,... n ('C .... = ?~ .... .... ~m Lot 3, Pleasant Ridge Estates Subdivision ..... g ~o l:: ~ 2111 Pleasant Parkway, Clearwater, FlOJ/' da.."...- ..;:llJ' 0 "1 ,,")( / .I \ ........... 0"- cY t ~ / ~~ ...., WHEREAS, Section 7-6 of thte Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, wh.;jjch is to have new construction on it, either for resi- dential, con~mercial. ind"l1:strial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the owner on, across or adjacent iiliereto; and WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Ow'ner owns the following described real property City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, to wit: and V,'fIP1ERE,~$, ~tJi1l.c O'w7Jn,e:r ii.",: I.fiTireting certain Hew construction on said property and has requested:the Gm~r art thiffitinlle "m1t'llID require the in~mediate installation and co nstruction of si<Clew;au}..'S in iC'{l'llilCillJeICt]i""tnlthe:i!'(t\\.-';iiif!o;; and WffilERJE:XlS" !the ;J3wner Eras a:gpreed that if in the future the City, in its sole discretion, determine:s thai'!: ithr ad'rigable andl:!l'lre'cessary to have such sidewalks installed, that the Owner wi:In, up0n m({)tifica:tiiion by thxe City, have sidewalks imrrlediately installed at his ex.. pense, arncl if he slhnuldff;iiliJ} to do :rolihen the City may have said installation made and impOSE a lien agarrnst trre (illescr:iifhott: real pu~~ty for the cost hereof; I\IJ(Q)W, TEE'JR.lEFC)1PJE. iF.! cfa.n:siideration of the foreguing pren~ises and other good and valuable iC<Dusid:e'ra:.ii:ii@l;1 Thl.d:barecJm(fu{(, :lJIElIties, receipt of which is hereby acknowle<lged, the parttij~s boe'!'eto <<ovem;atlIJl~. e<;(inttl agl!~,:e: a>9i follows: L,,[,h<e, <C:J!ty wvill m:;ft at fuln's itiime require the installation and construction of side\i1i>alk'5 Ci'S p~antD[ ~J1e ~rr'.ectiQQ~ QtJ: t'..fue building and improvenJents by the Owner on the above desc:rribe.'11 treaJl pr op~'1!ty. 2. TheiC'i'ty may at any tin~e in the future notify the Owner, his heirs, pel"sonal represen'tafjives,; successors or assigns that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it. is 3..cllvisabl:e and! necessary to J!1ave sidewalks installed in connection with said described :teal property. 3. The Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have sidewalks in- stalled for said described real p.roperty in accordance with City specifications and standards as established. 4. If the Owner or hiG heirs, personal representc.tivef3, successors or assigns shall fail to have sidewalks installed for the described real property in accordance w;.th City specifications and standards' within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City may have the sidewalks installed and assess and impose a lien against the described real property far the 'fost of the work. 5. This agreement is to !be regarded as a covenant running with the land regardless of whether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveyance subsequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns. 6. All notices pursuant to this agreement shall be furnished to the respective parties at tche following addresses, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other party .... of ~ different addres s: c<:l ..~~< O~~~ r-ori1~~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~uO~ ::J~~ri1 r-o .E-< ~~O~ ~uc.:t3: ~ ~ riJ ~ U This h!st::~ll~1':"t Y\',','~ p'e:):~~ccl by: City: HERBERT I,I. m~Gi"l':, c.ty Aaorney City Manager City of Cleal"v;,~U;r, P. O. Box 4748 PO Box 4 748 ~learwat~r, Florida 33518 Clearwater, Florida 3:' ~~ 18 Owner: Mr. & Mrs. Terry Sanders 2111 Pleasant Parkway Clearwater, Fla. 33515 -1- 0"1 ~DdO-cdJo) f:'- . I .0. R.4104 PAGE 276 ca1.1sed thc~)e presented to be ~ I IN "\VXfNE.SS \\- IH~:)~.,EOF, tbe p~U'ties hereto have executed i:he cLey and ye;.l;' last above \vritten. '.'~ ~l By -' "r .~\ -.' -.'" 'Ii . , . ~ ~ . '" " I' , : I J' ~f~ y~~c.4~ (SEAL) (SEAL) r---- Owner As to Owra;er STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF :lPLNELLAS } I :HlEREBY CER TIF"t" that on this 15 day of _._Now.mhpl" ~ ' 19 73' before mepers<<pnally appe.a1!'ed Picot B. Floyd, Guy L. It"ermedYt Jr. .R.G. Whitehead and H. Everett Houien " :respectively City Manager ,:City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayo:-r-Com:l1rmiss:iioner 0,:[ the City of Clearwater, a municiJ!al corporation existing under the la'ws or: the State of Florida, to me know'll to be the indivickals and officers described in and who execuited the foregomg AgreeInent and severally ar;kllcrwledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly al.;thorized; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreement is the act and deed of said corporation. My Commission Expires: seal at Clearwater in the COl1~yc,QiJ~inellas . . >~.~......~ ;: hf It"", above wrItten. , .~.'" ~\~ ' .I..~, '~' 'II ,,,,~C',v ...".t"jtlil'.~IIIC ~.' ,; (,'.:" J .....,. "'e-" ~-'" .' ,r" ",- '?" , . ~ .6- ..... "".~ 1"'; I: .~ n:04.;..:Io . ~,J" . C I ,~ '':''J '\" , t! ';j) : O;/(J; ~'O" , ;: :l; ~ ,U ~i .. :':~,~ ~ .{ .: ~~'>\ <117' l 0 \~.,:'~ ~~ \) ~'" ~.J .",';." .t...." ; .' '." V_I.~ .... ~.' '10,' " V ..,f, / ~"I.. 4t ~ !' ~..::'" \ "il~ '" . . "t. , I 'i I "\ \ ~ ' ~~c- Not yPubhc WITNESS my signature and official and State of Florida, the day and year last NotarY Publle, State of FlorIda at Leor!!_ My Com;mission Exoirer. ~ppt ?Q lQ77 Bonded by American Fire & Casualty CO. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS Before me personally appeared '7ELLY e ~#.Pc~..s '" ~ ev,8y'h:ii~~EA! r to me '.vell known and known to me to be the individuals described in and \V.h'(5'~xe~\a;ed the ',. '.'.' " ,...: . j'/ I foregoing agreement and acknowledged before Ine that they ex'c,cuted th.e'> St~.d'e~'f<91{':l;}';:~: purposes therein expressed. ~: ~."" ,,~. :;..~~~ . , r ~r. { ;:.;- ,; ~~.~ ':: ~ WITNESS my hand and official seal this ;1r;.. ,/-/ day of Oe ~~~..; ,~~ 1 t ~1 ~~~>:,t... <. .~~. ,::;"~~.r ~tlC''' i"'''-:rA~\''''': '.i' .,-z.,.", ".,' ::;;.: !N~;l.oo "';\' " f ' I~. ' , ' . \ ' ' ',I, . My Commission Expires: ~~cPc NOlAk) PuBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE M) COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 25, 1977 IlONDtD fHkU GEN~RAL INSUI{ANCE UNDERWRITERS -2-