LEASE AGREEMENT FEE MAY-26 ~4 ;a~ Rrm/J-C\\;\.f"\ '. . THU 16:25 . TEL:Sl!H725-9749 I Ma~ 26'94 I P.02 16:20 Nn.llfl' P.02 THiS LiAS! AOGSM&Nt, mid. mi. 24th day 61Mq, 1.9-4 b~h ~y'I '" Tabcmacle, lne" hen:ina.fter referred 10 u the pany ofthC 8TSf put. and The SalvltionAnny, ClellWlt., 'lcrid, hereinafter rctelftd to Ii tilt PartY oCelli MCOnd part . WITNBSsaTJol: WHl1\BAS, lhl parcy or the ICeOnd pan desires to "se the tacnltiet ofth. part)' oyth. it,1t r<<tt . knewn u Bvoryboc!tl Tabernacle, 1t\o. .~ \04:&~ It \ '20 )I. BtUy lAH. Clllll'W&tct. Ploti&k. tbt 'h. teJ. bet'leflt I1I'ld =,icymcnt orcho patey oft!1e ~ part and itl m&mben, AND WHlgAS. tbe pq oftl1e Iltst 1M'" doslres and ..... to m&ke .....au. to the party or the ,-2)(1 pan. itt m~ JUo,t. and.lAvhu lite abOVe memlOMd premiM. ANt) WHE1\BPOl\B, In GOnitdcr&t1on atm. priuile.. aracI UBI 1MttlnIftet It=Eccl to the 'PIftJ .1 " D1''lhe Itc<<ad plft b)1 tho part)' ofth. &It VIll1. *'" ptnY ottlte IeOODd. ... to '&110 file PInY ..,e W= ftm pan ~ bl tbe amoum ttSt.OO per)'ell' pI)'QIe la advance. 'NOW THEJUZPC>>.I. 11\ ~~. OCthe 00VtnIIIII n ...... ~ oontIWd, II J. Q.utU&ll)' aarec:d ftI me IDClvt IUctioDtd preniIeIlhAll be use.t ud malctaa.l ~ the pirty or the leCond part, its memben, IUISU _ inYit_ ~ to the roUow.. tenDS_ oonditiona: J . Tlttl UtldtrSIsned wttl u" tJ1e pnm!1OS fOr the purpose or Operatllll homeIeu ... and "0 oCher P1JI1'a.. . , . mTA\Tt:I ..... CIa 4UNV m n.t -.GOt ~I. Ctl~ 811ft t$/t:190 ;OO/rGO tJ MA.....-26-94 ~a I. r1r"'ll\\-1,.. J UI ,t- L . . T H UiC.t ~~lK-1~~-'::H4~ -, I May 26''94 1 1 b :"/.1 NLI. I \ \ --I'" ~ 1)"3 - ha.2 2. The W\dnane4 apell tbat whfte the p_- 1ft _ 'Y cbAm, chey,.,m be .. tIG,on.fol. to. any dam... '0 ,he premllot.iu ~ btUNI Of Otber acewuemtJltt Jtom In)' CIUse wh&tSOlYtl'. 1h, ~.td t\uther IIftleJ rhtt the)' wUlllOt "...at my penon a.u.o&;i&tecl with their ute ortht prtm1Ma . op4Nta & IIlOCOt vebiole OD the growl'" otIw thaft in the.. spedW tor 110I1III'-. The ~ fUrther qAc' chIt.dlcy WI) ~ for any ~et anti"' N otthll \AN ~f"" ~ 3, 1ft NCCIGleloftotthe tact th..~ T~ lDG. If. aaa-prolt ~n makin, the pt._lvail.lo tar ,be ~ or_ uad'niaMd, the ~.... to ave harm1ess Everybody'l T....oI.. 1M" ita """- 0.... ad IDIIIINn. tom MY Ulbith7 tbr ~ry ta pertODl or property adUa he.. c:I\III wbatMr iudDi the Ide crfae lhftlMt ~1 do udnped, "' resull of" ., ad 1hftbtr ... fA dc6nd IftY 11Ift brOUSht aplntt ~ Tabwuolt. ~..ltllrutt_, o6MrJ lftdIor 1I1tIftNn. u & telUlt of' or ~t_1 aacit liability. 4. ierorepnilliOI\ ean be aMn for VII OftM AciGIy proottW "lImisbed te Iv.-,bodfl Tabetna;te, ItlC. ofeomMWrtM pubIIa UU;Utr Ia~ ... '*- obtaimd at tho ... otdlt lII\der......-tor.. ...... .... wbIch dill qricIMni is in ~ prayWla" pmecdoa ro .~4)'I T~le,. Jna. u uad uditJouI h.aur.a. Ift<l provldina u. otlabllty 01 001_ .. SSQO.OOO,OO i$ary 10 laY GIe pcrIOI. '500,000.00 .11 HIblllty WinB tam fII'/ OM Itddlc of'iIxrWIDt, II1CI - _ .~ -r ~ 1IJ.YlltVWlO ..~.. biG JUt~ TiS '1'14 980' it. tlt~ oc:tt tG/;r/IO lao/tool - MAY 26 94- ~<31 ,Mr~\" 1 hi. t': THU 1i:27 I t:.L: 1"'- r ~~-~ (~9 I Mal:l ,to'':I4 .l.Q'~. I-'IJ. ',," , r-- . ""..... r I v... 1 ~~p. .lpU~. 'II Page 3 $100,000.00 proptl'tf damap. ... S. 1ft Ib, IVtnt that, ,nor to ODe month Wb,. the eo~ ottbt above l'1nW r>eri.od, the pt1ty of tNt Int p.n lUll cletamino tbd its 0lV1l ospnladoDll needl tt'Qwre "'to otdw -bow prend"J tor all or pNt oftM Ibo'it ~- .at period. the I'IftY ofti!' firIt put W1I have & rlPt co ~cel thll qreedl. without bel", liable tD the p~ or the IeCOftd put tar III}' dt.ma.. tkat Ie lDiIht ..... . NOOUDt f:l MIdi. eIIlOtllatioD. 6. !itbet pllfty may C8IlCeJ lid, ~ apoll t&irt)' clap written notice o. to .. Qt!lflt. 7, 'l1U ,.,. .......l. OCDtinpal upon Tbe SalVIilOIl MAY II Clarwlter. Florida reoeMns IpprO\laJ tG operaCe the homelta ahtltet proaram &ftCI noeMnaUeqult1 6.aadlDa to Opet'llt 1M homeless shdw PfOII'Itn. I. 1'N. leue aareltMftt (COlltbta-t upon anide iMft)'" btaIft October 1, 1994 u4 be m efbX lOr & period atoM JIIf lO ItCpite Oft Se,ttmber 30, lt9S...nth 1ft o.oa fot ra\ewaJ. IOO/toO t1 _~&lIV'oi\10 ....~ biG AIM' m Yi.I . 8eOt rIG tIt.. n:n tS/;CIIG - ~. MAY-26-94 ~a ~ H r m ~ -1: r \JJ , I- L THU 1~ =f:7 - T~~.~l -725-9749 I . . " LiASB..AQJl~ · fU ,,'c 4 M.~ ~O'~~ ...0..... 1''-'. . p :..t;g 5 I .bcv, wri... -. IN WITNESS WRBREO'. the pani. htreto havina ~ this qroomctnt. tM clay and year ~s: ~~rZ~ WITNESS: . da4c. IJ O~ r . . . . -,. ~~~:mc. .. mvAVa"t) ...~ Dn .".., 1V.-v;r- UOt ue CliO fC:tt t8/1Z/fO uo/toOI! I I CONTRACTUAL NON-CONTRACTUAL orps or S.A. Unit for: Advisory Boards' & Councils' A roval a. Corps or S.A. Unit for: Advisory Boards' & Councils' A roval b. ~ for: Divisional Commanders' & Div- isional Finance Coun- cils' A roval b. c. Terr. Social Services for: Review & Com- ments c. Terr. Soclal Servlces for: Review & Com- ments d. Terr. Program Secy. for: Review & Pre- sentation to the Bd. of Trustees d. Terr. Pro~ram Secy. for: Revlew & Pre- sentation to the Chief Secretary e. Board of Trustees for: Approval & Ex- ecution e. Chief Secretary for: Approval ~ f. Terr. Social Services for: Recording & Transmittal f. Terr. Social Services for: Recording & Transmittal g. DHQ for: Recording & Transmittal g. DHQ for: Record1ng & Transmittal h. Corps or S.A. Unit for: Presentation to Other Entity h. Corps or S.A. Unit for: Authorization to Be in Pro ram i. Secy to the Board of Trustees for: legal Record of Contract 7001 7003 7008 7103 7104 7201 7203 8008 8103 8104 8105 8016 8201 8301 8401 8405 8409 8413 8503 8601 8607 8701 8702 ,8704 8706 8802 8805 8904 8906 8916 9001 9402 9692 I THE SALVATION ARMY CLEARWATER, FLORIDA OPERATING BUDGET 10/1194 - 9/30/95 EXPENSES Professional Salary Clerical Salary Other Salary Medical Insurance Pension FICA Taxes Other Payroll Taxes Professional Fees Program Expense Food Unifonns Office Supplies Telephone Postage Local Rents Utilities Property Janitorial Supplies Furnishings Printing War Crys Local Travel & Meals Auto Expense Auto Insurance Auto Revolving Special Meetings Conferences Statewide Service Welfare Regular Welfare Seasonal Dues World Service (Missionary) Support Service TOTAL EXPENSES I $ 298,941 119,432 116,707 62,546 13,476 38,920 26,924 1,800 29,700 42,200 600 10,800 14,500 31,900 6,000 95,500 65,085 8,750 41,520 101,700 8,800 12,075 21,350 11,500 18,000 18,300 13,400 15,588 201,000 160,000 1,650 55,000 156.819 $1,820,483 ACCOUNT # 4001 4002 4003 4004 4051 4052 4201 4601 5001 6201 6401 6501 6502 6901 6902 I THE SAL VA TION ARMY CLEARWATER, FLORIDA OPERATING BUDGET 10/1194 - 9/30/95 INCOME ACCOUNT NAME Unrestricted Donations Seasonal Appeal Salvation Anny Church Offerings Salvation Anny Church Tithes Restricted Donations Gifts in Kind Fund Raising (Special Events) Salvation Army Chuch Groups Public Funds Program Fees War Cry Donations Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds World Service (Missionary) Sundry TOT AL INCOME I BUDGET $ 659,706 115,000 15,000 180,000 51,700 56,000 17,132 27,000 150,000 102,531 7,000 115,000 184,414 55,000 85.000 $1,820,483 I I THE SALVATION ARMY CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ADVISORY BOARD Robert A. Burwell Member 200064 Gulf Blvd #4 Indian Shores, FL 34635 Edward Dillabough 221 Ocala Road Belleair, FL 34626 Member Charles W. Finegan Member 322 Belle Isle Ave Belleair Beach, FL 34635 Sally H. Foote 312 Glenwood Ave N Clearwater,FL 34615 Vice Chairman John H. Graham Member 1336 Highfield Dr Clearwater, FL 34624 George Greer 801 Evelyn St Clearwater, FL 34624 Member Leon Hammock Member 1683 Robinhood Lane Clearwater, FL 34624 Mack Hart 915 Victoria Dr Dunedin, FL 34698 Member Joseph K. Huenke Member 306 Harbor Dr Indian Rocks Beach, FL 34635 Robert E. Jones 3001 Crest Dr Clearwater, FL 34619 Member William G. Justice Member Hayes L. Kennedy Member 1912 Cleveland St 2264 St. Charles Dr Clearwater, FL 34625 Clearwater, FL 34624 Clark M. Lea, Sr. Member George L. Mallory Member 5 Ambleside Dr 304 Eastleigh Dr Clearwater, FL 34625 Belleair, FL 34616 Harlan D. Merhige 1472 S. Hercules Ave Clearwater, FL 34615 Member Bert F. Munro 440 Poinsettia Road Belleair, FL 34616 Member ~ . I Gilbert B. McArthur 433 W. Druid Road Clearwater, FL 34616 Lee B. Savage 2843 Cedar Run Court Clearwater, FL 34621 James S. Watrous 501 Palmetto Road Belleair, FL 34616 Peggy Word 1657 Cleveland St Clearwater, FL 34615 I I Treasurer Jay S. Rhodes, III 1519 Seabreeze St Clearwater, FL 34616 Member O. Stephen Thacker 1876 Brentwood Dr Clearwater, FL 34616 Chairman Timothy Wooten 1731 Brentwood Dr Clearwater, FL 34616 Secretary Member Member Member _ l I ~~par.mer ~ )f the Treasury r.~~~.~~~.-s::~:oo.'~:w;~ N.Yt 1cn:a . -.....-. ~ .-:!~\~.~r~e.~,,-~~~C9 . .. . ,;:,- . . ... . ," . . . ,Ci~trl= ~ : Ofro=( " . . The 541 V2 t.!ou A..-=1. _' 110-1.30 Yes: E'ou-:-:eeaQ St::'eet: Nev York, New Yor~ 10011 PffSCIft to Conuc:: Z. Davenpor-e T el.~hcn. Numb<<: (2.1.2). 164-1079 Refor Reply to:' X:'r:1399 ~ May 14; 1979 R E eEl V :: 0,. MAY 2 J 1919 1W'TOR.U. Qfl!r ss:::c..~~ .' ~ '.. . ce:i :l de:: : Re.fer~ce i.s aude to you: requ~: far Ter'-=!.:.at:!.a: of ~e ta::: ex~~ . .1'~ ~ of IJ:J~ 0=6"".1 -a tiou. Ve 'U'et:m&ble to f:::::r.:Uh. yeu 1Zi~ & copy of :!:Ie ori~ det~t:!.cu 01: 'r.1ling ~et-:er Q.&t "4.S 5:~~ed to yoer:: a:&~~4 --..at:!.ou. Keve'Vc, ate -recc1:cis ~c..a:e, tha.t. ex~t:.:U..~ g:au~ed. u Sh~ belove ' .. . . A decer.::z:i:&l:icu ar ming lel:-:.er !..1.sued to at:. ~tio: ~:i:& e::~d.t;"Q; ,und,-r the I:1ce..~ ~eY'e:::ue Code of 19.54 en: u:::.de: a. ~rl~ or sub~equent: levmue Act. r~.t!!~ i::. "~~ee: tm~ exe::pl: .s~t::Ls b.a..s bee::. ~:ed, revoked ~ =~H' ~'!.ed. , . .~ "e. Cu:' :'ec01:d.s !..::.d.ic.a.t:e e!:.&e thc:e' W bee:. :c c:.!::.mie !:. ycr:::: 01:~:ic:a.'.s e:xe::t' e s ~t::Ls. ~e::el7 "J.{J~.., ~ r1 ~,,_ rT- ~. :w-~ D!.s t:"..c: D!.:ec::a:: . . Name of Or&sui..:a t:iau: . 'the S4J. T& t:i=. A...-=t' . ~I:e- of .tx~ti= .!.4t:~C': Oc.:.::oer la, t9~ " !x~tiOCl, ~a:c4d t'~e = 19S4 <:ode see:io: SOlCc)' ,~) or!.::.s ~n:edec:a*~l: Code see::!.=- :;; Yound&~Ql1 ~.!:i.:ic:.:d.=- (~~ .1P91icable): l"..1bllc 70uada t::!.= tmdcr Sccti~ L10(b) (1) (a)(l) '. ~ $...L.VAneN ,It.Z.M"t... .... ~ CCueuslc.."N ~~ ~. e. ~A"t'. N. E.. -'-A~..a.: ,",~"~oA"~ INtnNAL UVENUe SCJtVTC! NO. 58-0660607 .~ . . .-- 'tAX !Du,...: J.c:.\1"ICR' ~ .r , . '. :...~:rulT.:....~ ::eceral. Stjra (16J1012D825 -. I I THE SALVATION ARMY POLICY STATEMENT ON RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS The Salvation Army in the United States works cooperatively with many groups -- governmental, social service, civic, religious, business, humanitarian, educational, health, character building, and other groups -- in the pursuit of its mission to preach the Christian Gospel and meet human need. Any agency, governmental or private, which enters into a contractual or cooperative relationship with The Salvation Army should be advised that: 1. The Salvation Army is an international religious and charitable movement, organized on a quasi-military pattern, and is a branch of the Christian church. 2. All programs of The Salvation Army are administered by Salvation Army Officers, who are ministers of the Gospel. 3. The motivation of the organization is love of God and a practical concern for the needs of humanity. 4. The Salvation Army's provision offood, shelter, health services, counseling, and other physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual aid, is given to persons in need simply because they are in need, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or handicap. Organizations contracting and/or cooperating with The Salvation Army may be assured that because The Salvation Army is rooted in Christian compassion and is governed by Judeo-Christian ethics, the provisions of its contracts and agreements will be strictly observed. Commissioners Conference: February 1993 I I CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence FROM: Alan Ferri, Director Economic Development TO: Pam Akin, City Attorney SUBJECT: Signatures on CDBG Subrecipient Contracts COPIES: DATE: January 4, 1995 We have the signed contract from our subrecipient, the Salvation Army, to be executed by the City. We ask that you sign in the appropriate place as to correctness on all four copies. They then should be passed on to the City Clerk and City Manager for their signature and date prior to the fully executed contracts being returned to our department. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. AJF/pdf 3. CITY CLERK FOR SIGNATURE PAMELA K. AKIN CITY A TTORNEV ~~ 1(),,,1-Q</ - --------- 1. CITY MANAGER 2. MA VOR - - / ,.? <,A