6220-97j ORDINANCE NO. 6220-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, SPECIFICALLY CLARIFYING ITEMS RELATED TO ESTABLISHING A' RESIDENTIAL RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM; AMENDING SECTION 32.352, CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO REVISE DEFINITIONS FOR RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM; AMENDING SECTIONS 32.356, 32.359, 32.360, 32.361, 32.363, 32.365, 32.366, 32.365, 32.369, 32.370, 32.371, 32.373, 32.374, 32.375, CREATING SECTIONS 32.381, AND 32.382; AND AMENDING ARTICLE XXV(3) AND (4) PUBLIC WORKS---FEES, RATES AND CHARGES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 32.352, Code of Ordinances is amended to read: Sec. 32.352. Definitions. r"? •'•, _ r (1) Backflow prevention device shall mean either a reduced pressure or a double check valve assembly_that-protects _th_ the city public potable water supply at the service connection bx isolating within the customers' premises actual or potential pollution or contamination due to cross-connection. (-14M Cross connection Customer shall mean the actual user of reclaimed water. (24U4 Department shall mean the public works department of the city. (3)U5,? Director shall mean the public works administrator or his/her designee. (4)L61 Distribution main € two single +adepe 6. (6)m Duplex RM Dwelling unit (8)u FAC (9)JI01 Nose bibb 4%L111 TndustriaUcommercial reclaimed water use means reclaimed water that is Z Ordinance No. 6220-98 t . bi pFevideel-afld used by the customer for non-potable purposes usee other than irrigation and other residential No-applications. The director shall determine industrial/commercial reclaimed water use applications, which shall be metered. 444L121 Master control valve shall mean the city-installed and maintained manually operated valve which controls the total reclaimed water flow to the customers property. 0-2}(131 Meter 03)11-41 Multi family (151 Non-notable water shall mean water that is not intended for drinking or bulin6!Y t { purposes. (44)LL61 Open space 17 Pervious area {?% t 8 Point of delivery or service connection 11-91 Potable water means water that does not contain objectionable pollution, contamination, minerals or, infection and that Is considered satisfactory for domestic consumption:-In short, suitable for drinking gurposes. ,roe, I 20 Pr Rerfy_owner shall mean the owner of property receiving w.?t reclaimed water service. t x. 474 21 PVC pipe 464L221 Reclaimed water shall mean water that has received advanced waste at least sesendafy treatment with high level disinfection pursuant to Chapter 17-610, FAC. 40)JL31 Service line Shutoff valve means a required, manually operated valve provided, installed and maintained by the customer downstream from the paint of delivery that controls the reclaimed water flow to the customer's own system usinn reclaimed water. 25 Single family (244L261 Transmission main (22}i27} Triplex (23) 4unk-main pumping station of tFaRemisslen main to a #tien-maw Section 2, Section 32.356, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read. 2 Ordinance No. 6220-98 Sec. 32.356. Availability of service r The existence of a reclaimed water main adjacent to or near the premises of an applicant for the service does not necessarily mean that service is available to the location. Generally. Nno taps will be made to reclaimed water transmission tn."* mains- unless approved b the department, Service in areas where only transmission tfw* mains exist will normally require the installation of a distribution main for service. The-availability Of Feslairned-watef sMll be deteFmined by the . Section 3. Section 32.359, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.359. Identification All reclaimed water pipes and ground level or above appurtenances accepted by the C shall be adequately identified by color, being -a ced- The Gcoloration standards-for reclaimed water svstems is Pantone Purple 522C. shall-be-as-spesi#ed by?the-PUWI . Section 3. Section 32.360, Code of Ordinances is amended to read: Sec. 32.360. Minimum sized reclaimed water mains and service lines. 3 The minimum size of reclaimed water system mains shall be four inches in diameter. Service lines shall be at least one inch in diameter. The customer shall determine the exact size of service line reguired_ sublect to approval of the director. Section 4. Section 32.361, Code of Ordinances is amended to read: Sec. 32.361.. Extension approval. Reclaimed water system extensions shall be accepted by the city upon the appropriate approval of the director. Applications to install reclaimed water extensions shall be submitted to the engineering department for approval prior to construction. Section 5. Section 32.363, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.363. Hydrants. Hydrants may-shall be installed on reclaimed water mains constructed within the city at such locations as deemed appropriate by the director. Section _6. Section 32.365, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.365. Maintenance by the customer. The property owner and the customer shall be responsible for the proper connection to and maintenance of all private reclaimed water systems irrgatlopAines downstream of the city's point of delivery on property served by the city. The city reserves the right to disconnect service to any property on which an irrigation system or other use system of reclaimed water is not properly maintained. In addition, should the customer require reclaimed water at different 3 Ordinance No. 8220-98 pressures, or different quality, or In any way different from that normally supplied by the city, the customer shall be responsible for the necessary devices to make these adjustments; provided, however, that such devices shall require the prior approval of the director. Section 7. Section 32.366, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.366. Tapping and connection. (6) Liability for service. The liability of the customer shall begin on the day the customer's line is connected to the city's service line and shall continue thereafter unless disconnected for non-payment or of other cause or until written notice is given the city by the customer to terminate the service. Section 8. Section 32.368, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.368. Same--By customer There shall be no fee for discontinuing reclaimed water service. A-Fegaest-te ent-at-t dissentin,-atiea All current bills shall be paid by the customer including a bill for the use during the current billing period prior to discontinuation of service. When reclaimed water service is discontinued, an availability charge shall apply to non-com mercial/indu_ strial accounts except for ,. open space service on the mainland.. Section 9. Section 32.369, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.369. Service interruption. (1) The city reserves the right to tereperariiy discontinue service to any portion of, or the entire, reclaimed water system as deemed necessary by the director. (2) The director shall have the authority to establish schedules which restrict the use or the reclaimed water system at certain times In order to reduce maximum pressure demands on the system and to regulate usage during periods of limited reclaimed water availability. Section 10. Section 32.370, Code of Ordinances is amended to read: Sec. 32.370. City_ responsibility-. potable water. (4) Upon the exlensien of the Fer-4aime -waters'tem-int issentfnued- (24 The city will reasonably attempt to deliver an adequate supply of reclaimed water of good quality at all times. However, no assurances or guarantees shall be provided to customers or to others regarding the quantity or quality of the water due to circumstances beyond their control. Section 11. Section 32.371, Code of Ordinances is amended to read: 4 Ordinance No. 6220.98 Sec. 32.371. Applications for reclaimed water service. Applications for reclaimed water service shall be tiled in the utility customer service office of the finance publicwerks department, upon forms to be provided for such purpose. Section 12. Section 32.372, Code of Ordinances is amended to read: Sec. 32.372. Location. The location of reclaimed water service lines and points of delivery to private propeAy shall be determined_by_the city.-but in-no instance shall be closer than five feet from the potable water service line. The normal location of the reclaimed water point of delivery (Including meter, when required) is behind the right-of-way line on the property-being-served. Appl , f-t#?e requested stien-peFM4- Section 13. Section 32.373, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.373. Customer responsibility. (1) No hose bibbs shall be included in Aany irrigation system provided by the customer Q? shall Gensist of an undefflFOund system with permanent! gFGt4a d hose bibs reenta ifled-a- No system with across-connection to the potable water system shall be approved for connection to the reclaimed water system. TerepeFa Customer systems shall not include devices, abeve-gFeURd faucets, or other connections that could permit the reclaimed water to be used for any purpose other than irrigation unless such uses and systems have been approved by the director. (2) All new private reclaimed iFigatien systems constructed in areas where the city has determined to make reclaimed water available shall require a permit and shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications and regulations established by the c-4kester. The owner shall provide the city with a schematic drawing of the iRlgatiea system, when required. (3) Reclaimed water service lines to single family customers may include a special hose bibb connection installed by the city downstream of the master valve and below ground in a lockable meter box. The customer shall assure that any consumption from the hose bibb is used for non-potable purposes. The director shall determine appropriate non-potable uses for reclaimed water. Section 14. Section 32.374, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.374. Meter requirements. (1) The city will shall not normally require meters for residential reclaimed water customers or golf courses and other open space recreational facilities, Ordinance No. 8220-98 do so by an arAeRdment to this ir-le at a late€-date- However, the director may reauire_mter installations at any location where Industrial/commercial reclaimed water use is determined. (2) Appropriately-sized meters shall be required for all commercial and industrial uses as determined b the director. (3) Ail mMeters for the reclaimed water system, if required, shall be installed by the city and shall remain the property of the city after installation. An erflmate feF the Installation costs will be prepared by the director and paid by sabm+ttedtG the applicant #sF PaYMePA prior to installation, installation to epsyFe that the appll e-aGtual rest ofiAst tion: Section 15. Section 32.375, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 32.375. Cross-connection control. (1) In all premises where reclaimed water service is provided, the public er-mate potable water supply shall be protected from actual or potential cross connections by a backfiow prevention device assembly. All such devices ARCi Fnate0a16 shall be provided and installed by the city, and shall remain the property of the city. Where any cross-connection is found, it shall be disconnected. Refefa pes bility-e# fe estle be, or and-installed-at-the-sl '6teaR8r'6 -eXPeRse. Section 15. Section 32.381, Code of Ordinances, is created to read: Sec. 32.381. Process use. Reclaimed water service may be provided as a source of water for cooling and miscellaneous process applications. However, reclaimed water may not be piped into-any building used for residential purposes. All applications for service _shall _be reviewed by the director who shall approve such service. Any effluent reclaimed water from cooling. and/or process use must be discharged to the sanitary sewer _and_must _meet all city, state and federal discharge regulations. A sewer change for rocessin of said discharge will be a lied in addition to the cost of the reclaimed water. Any discharge to the city's sanitary system must meet the city's minimum pre-treatment standards. Section 16. Section 32.384, Code of Ordinances, is created to read: Sec. 32.362. Run-off control. Customers shall be responsible for the operation of their private reclaimed water systems in -a prudent manner to ensure that neither ponding nor run-off_from _the system occurs. Section 16. The reserved section numbers are amended to read: Sacs. 32.384-3--32.390. Reserved. 'j Section 17. Appendix A, Article XXV, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: 6 Ordinance No. 6220-98 XXV. PUBLIC WORKS--FEES, RATES AND CHARGES (3) Rates: ******* (f) Reclaimed water rates. The monthly rate for the use or availability of use of the reclaimed water system shall be as follows: Each Service Availability Connection Only Provided 2. Multi-family (per dwelling unit not 3.89 4.72 to exceed the open space rate poF for one acre at-site} 3. Commerdiallindustrial-1 Btffed a. Irrigation only ---- 18.00 b. Metered Service out of municipal limits; Accounts outside of the corporate limits of the city shall ,. be-subject to a surcharge equal to 25 percent of the month) char es. *Rate to be determined by public works administrator iF19eF. (4) Miscellaneous additional charges: (a) Applicable during normal working hours: 1. Turn-on: Water meter/reclaimed water connection, per meter/connection .......................................... 20.00 2. Special reading ............................................... 15.00 3. Collector fee (for each collection attempt) ............. 5.00 4. Check reading (if correct reading has been made)... 15.00 5. Read for change of account ................................ 15.00 6. Reset meter-Water ......................................... 50.00 7. Water meter test if meter is correct: a. Less than or equal to 2-inch size .................... 50.00 b. Greater than 2-inch size ............................... 100.00 8. Dishonored check service fee. See section 2.528 9. Turn-off, water ................................................ N/C 10. Lawn meter removed ...................................... 70.00 11. Duplicate bill preparation for payments (mailed in or customer walk in) .................................... N/C 12. Water meter downsize or upsize (no new tap needed): 7 Ordinance No. 6220-98 if a. From 1-inch meter or to 1-Inch meter..,,,,.,..., 60,00 b•. From 1-112-inch meter to 1-1I2-inch meter,.... 110,00 c.` From 2-inch meter or to 2-inch meter.....,....., 160.00 d. From 3-inch meter or to 3-inch meter,........... 330,04 e. From 4-inch meter or to 4-inch meter............ 385.04 f. From 6-inch meter or to 6-inch meter... ,........ 400.00 Any combination of downsizing and subsequent upsizing or upsizing and subsequent downsizing for the some service, pr meter, will not be allowed more than once every three years. 13. Leaks, water ................................................. NIC 14. _ Reclaimed water re-inspection _(no_char_, ec?for initial_ or first re- inspection), 35.00 Section 18. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. - PASSED ON FIRST READING DercmUr 6 - 1297 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL January 15, 1996 READING AND ADOPTED _ /l- Approved as to form: John Carassas, Assistant City Attorney Rita Garvey, Mayor-Co ' inner Attest: Cyn E. Goudeau, City Clerk E ordinance No, 6220-98 ?r ORDINANCE NO. 6221-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, ` FLORIDA, AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF BAYSIDE BOULEVARD WITH ST. JOHN'S PARKWAY, CONSISTING OF SECTION 16-29-16, M&B'S 21.16, 21.17 AND 29.18, WHOSE POST OFFICE ADDRESS IS 1 NORTH McMULLEN BOOTH ROAD, FROM RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 5.8 TO RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 7.5; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the amendment to the zoning atlas of the City as set forth in this ordinance is found to be reasonable, proper and appropriate, and is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following described property in Clearwater, Florida, is hereby rezoned, and the zoning atlas of the City is amended as follows: Pro e r> See Exhibit A attached. (Z97-09) Zoning District From: Residential Planned Development 5.8 To: Residential Planned Development 7.5 Section 2. The Central Permitting Director is directed to revise the zoning atlas of the City in accordance with the foregoing amendment. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED ON FIRST READING PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED December G, 1997 January 15. 1998 Rita Garvey, Mayor-Comyi?§sioner Appr9ved as to form: Attest: - Y Asst. City Attorney Cyn is E.. Goudeau , City Clerk Leslie K. Dougall-Sid K ordinance Mo,6221.90 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at the Northeast corner of the said Northwest % of said Section 16, run thence South 0°37'03" West 1250.57 feet along the North-South centerline of said Section 16; thence North 89°27'56" West 50.00 feet to the West right-of-way of Bayshore Blvd., for a P.O.B.; thence North 89°27'56" West 619.05 feet along the North line of John's Parkway Sub. as recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 41, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida to a point on the West boundary of the East Y2 of the South Y2 of the Northeast % of Northwest %; thence North 0°37'03" East 95.07 feet; thence North 89°27'56" West 400.00 feet; thence North 0°37'03" East 165.07 feet; thence North 89°27'56" West 219.05 feet; thence North 0037'03" East 165.07 feet; thence South 89°27'56" East 619.05 feet; thence North 0°37'03" East 165.07 feet to the Southwest corner of Crystal Heights Unit 1, as recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 64, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida; thence South 89°27'56" East 619.05 feet to the Southeast corner of said subdivision; thence South 0°37'03" West 590.29 feet along West right-of-way of Bayshore Blvd. To the P.O.B. i Less that part conveyed to Calvary Open Bible Church, tnc. by deed recorded in O.R. Book 5158, Page 247, Pinellas County Records, further described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of the Northwest '/ of Section 16, Township 29 South, Range 16 East, run thence South 00°37'03" West, 1250.57 feet, along the North- South centerline of said Section 16; thence North 89°27'56" West, 50.00 feet to the West right-of-way of Bayshore Blvd.; thence North 89°27'56" West, 619.05 feet, along the North ,.:.; line of John's Parkway Sub., as recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 41, of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida; thence North 00°37'03" East, 95.07 feet; thence North 89°27'56" West, 400.00 feet; thence North 00°37'03" East, 163.07 feet; thence North 89°27'56" West, 169.05 feet, to the East right-of-way of State Road 593; thence North 00°37'03" East, 60.07 feet, along said East right-of-way line, for a P.O.B.; thence continue North 00°37'03" East, 105.00 feet along said East right-of-way line; thence South 89°27'56" East, 569.05 feet; thence South 00°37'03" West, 105.00 feet; thence North 89°27'56" West, 569.05 feet, to the P.O.B. AND LESS that part conveyed for right-of-way for State Road No. 593 (also known as McMullen-Booth Highway) in O.R. Book 3841, Page 478, Pinellas County Records, further described as follows: A 50 foot parcel of land lying West of and adjacent to the following described line: Start at the Northeast corner of the Northwest % of Section 16, Township 29 South, Range 16 East, and run South 0037'03" West 660.25 feet; thence run North 89027'56" West 569.05 feet:; thence run South 0°37'03" West 165.07 feet; thence run North 89°27'56" West 619.05 feet to a Point of Beginning; thence run South 0°37'03" West 165.07 feet to a Point of Ending. AND LESS that part conveyed for right-of-way for McMullen-Booth Highway (also known as State Road No. 593) in O.R. Book 4804, Page 1545, Pinellas County Records, further described as follows: EXHIBIT A Ordinance N0.677I.94 C The West 50 feet of a parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of the Northwest % of Section 16, Township 29 South,, Range 16 East, run South 0°37'03" West along the north-south centerline of said Section 16, 660.28 feet; for a Point t of Beginning; thence run North 89°27'56" West, 669.05 feet; thence run South 0°37'03" West 165.07 feet; thence run North 89°27'56" West 619.05 feet; thence run South 0°37'03" West, 165.07 feet; thence run South 89°27'56" East, 1,258.10 feet to a point on the north-south centerline of said Section 16; thence run along the centerline North 0°37'03" East, 330.14 feet to the Point of Beginning. AND ALSO LESS that part conveyed for additional right-of-way for John's Parkway in O.R. Book 3841, page 479, Pinellas County Records, further described as follows: A 10-foot parcel of land lying North of and adjacent to the following described line: Start at the Northeast comer of the Northwest % of Section 16, Township 29 South, Range 16 East and run South 0°37'03" West 1250.57 feet; thence run North 89127'56" West 50.0 feet to the West right-of-way line of Bayshore Blvd,, for a Point of Beginning; thence continue North 89°27'56" West 619.05 feet to a Point of Ending. 1''• j . 1; r 1 ' S ' 1 1 .? t t ?F.h3ltci?:?Cf,?5?3?:1ru•?'; i;'.t i;'? ,.. .. . Ordinance No,6223•94 r ?f 1.- 2 i OS PROPOSED REZONING OWNER: Bricks Management and Real Estate Z: 97 09 Development ADDRESS: 1 N.McMullen Booth Road PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Sec. 16-29-16, M&Bs 21.16; 21.17 and 21.18 LAND USE PLAN ZONING FROM: Residential Urban RPD 5.8 TO: Residential Urban RPD 7.5 ACRES: 9.6 RIGHT-of-WAY: None ACRES: -LAS PAGE: 292A SEC: 16 TWP: 29 S RGE: 16 E pI:ANNING;AND,.ZONING .BOARD Navember,.'i,8, 1997::::' ':.CITY'COMMISSION': December.:A97 Ordinance 6221-98