BUSINESSOWNERS POLICY RE THE COLONY LTD. o 4 BUSINESSOWNERS POLICY ...E.CONOMY CUSTOM I DECLARATJONS '- l"t DELUXE In consideration of the premium, insurant. . provided the Named Insured with respect to those J Uses described below, and with respect to those coverages for whicn a specific limit of liability is shown, except where otherwise indicated. subject to all the terms of this policy including forms and endorsements made a part hereof, Coverage is provided by the company designated by entry "X" before the company name. Royal Indemnity Company Newark Insurance Company . (A New York Stock Company) {A New Jersey Stock Company) CO SYM, POLICY SYMBOL & NUMBER . YR 13 34 . Globe Indemnity Company . (A New York Stock Company) 'Safeguard Insurance Company . (A Connecticut Stock Compeny) NAMED INSURED AND ADDRESS 'lhe Colorrl Ltd. Stiff (\ TIrauer lEA: 33 !:.jorth Ft.. Hattiscn Cle:m,1ater. Fl. 33515 PRODUCER POLICY PERIOD U Partnership Other: X Royal Globe Insurance Company (An illinois Stock Company) 905 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 150 WILLIAM STREET NEW YORK. N,Y. 10038 American and Foreign Insuranc.e Company (A New York Slock Company) - ~ ~ --... !he Vet;.ltt.e AgJ!!.ot:f P.O. Dox 1560 ~.an'mb.!r. Fl. 33517 " Noon Standard Time (12:01 A.M. in California and Oregon) at the address of the Named Insured stated above. Individual Corporation DESCRIBED PREMISES LOCATION 1 421-25 C1e,,"'C.1and St. I Clenn-mter. Fl. LOCA nON 2 SECTION I ...,... PROPERTY COVERAGES Coverage A BUILDINGS Automatic increase in insurance. Coverag~ A Building(s)shaU be auto- matically increased by ~ at the end of each period of t, three months after the inception date of the policy. . Coverage B BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY . Coverage C LOSS OF INCOME - Note: This coverage is included only when policy type "CUSTOM" or "DELUXE" is indicated(gJabove. Coverage D MONEY AND SECURITIES- Note: This coverage is included only when policy type "DELUXE" is indicated (gJ aboVEl:' . ON PREMISES, OFF PREMISES. SECTION II - COMPREHENSIVE BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGES Coverage E BUSINESS LIABILITY - The limit ofliability with respect to Druggists' and Advertising Offense Liability (if included), completed operations and prod- ucts hazards combined is an aggregate limit for all occurrences during the policy period. .... ...,.... ....,. .............,., .,. ....."....,.,..... ,. ...... ..........,.,........,. .,...... ... FIRE lEGAl.lIABILlTY - Note: This coverage is included only when pol- icy type "CUSTOM" or "DELUXE~' isindicated (gJ above, ..,.............,....,...,.. CoverageF PREMISES MEDICAL PAYMENTS REPLACEMENT COST COVERAGE is applicable only when designated by an X in one.of the following ~.P.Cl.xl:l~:~ -'-, .._._~_~._._c~. .'..-,..---...... Form 82980 - with 80% Coinsurance X Form 82598 - with No Coinsurance LIMITS OF LIABILITY Location 1 $ 650,000. $ $ $ Actual loss sustained not exceeding consecutive months. $10,000 $ 2,000 $10,000 $ 2,000 $ l,roJ.Oro Each Occurrence $50,000 $ :l~\' .. $ 10,000.. Each Occurrence Each Person Each Accident . .OPTI()foJAL COVEFlAGES -The following optional coverages are afforded under this policy oryly when designated by an "X" in . - ... ' fhebox(es) shot~m~f~~~iabil~c~--- .'- . - -' ,u--Li~it~ of Li;bilitY . Each BURGLARY & ON 10% of Coverage B EMPLOYEE DISHONESTY $5,000 Occurrence' ROBBERY PREMISES- Except for Money & Securities - $1,000 EXTERIOR GRADE FLOOR GLASS Included under Coverage A or Coverage B Note: This optional coverage is available only when policy type "ECONOMY" or "CUS- TOM" is indicated (gJ CObOV9. Money & Securities Only - $1,000 EXTERIOR SIGNS $ Included Under Coverage BOILER AND AIR CONDITIONING UNIT A or B and, if applicable, C POLICY FORMS 8. ENDORSEMENTS ATTACHED AT INCEPTION OFF PREMISES- TOTAL POLICY PREMIUM '$ 3.107.00 I INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS First installment payable upon policy issuance. Total premium includes an addia lional charge 01 $ charge $ ,Nt~EiJft>l?!!tt.~tR!lt1~fil~A&ffc1en1'1~t~ 4'}J CL:\.T21.."'11d St.>> C1carw3ter>> FL 33516 i.2 Hr..t Cl'..lrCil of exist f,ciE'~"1tist 210 ~.. Turner St.. Clc8rw.ater, fl. 33516 PLA~E . ,~ DATE COUNTER- 1.,_';:~nIi",'.Tter. fl.. (/11 ;;,1 SIGNATURE AUTHORIZED AGENT for each iEeNmment JUN 23 1981 :--) , ,\CL(.-". ..- ~- ~-- d:~' '---", '-..\1 ( PRODUCER'S C 83189 Q ~gn- CLERK 5'