COPY OF INSURANCE BINDER NAMEA-"'~ AODRE5S0F~GENC'lf. ~ =-- O%;'~ Rteaf.. iS~iates ._.~::~13080, S.....Belcher Rr:i. c;.;' ""''''''';."=O_"",.-f;"o'''''=.r;...,..,.~_..~....,.. .~-~;-FL --33543 ...- ----~,-...----------._. ~;.,- Effective '.. Description of Operation/Vehicles/Property 'lb:!.' ColOny Ltd C/o Stiff & Brauer PO Box 2811 Clearwater, FL 33519 7 Office COrrples 421 - 429 Clevelard Street Clearwater, FL Type and Location of Property Coverage/Perils/Forms Amt of Insurance Oed. 421- 429 Cleveland Street Clearwater, PI. Building Coverage H!placesrent COst Exterior Glass 585,000 250 -..-- ,~_~._:""'- --_.~-- -~.--_ -.......- 1_~ ...-__4__...., 't,.. .."..,........"'. ~."';' .u',\!~ "'~. _~ j. ,~;;', ~ '.,....' Coverage/ Forms o Sched~l~d F~;m._'..~.:-.,~ ~l-c'o;r;pretlensive Form" [J P~emi;ElsJOheratio'ns-- .. ,,-.. .,"'.:~'~~- o Pr;;du6ts'ic~~pl~ted' .O~~~~tions . ".. . -0 Contractual Other (specify below) Med, PaY~.$ 5000 Per Person - c Personal Injury Bodily Injury' """",,-; -li...- Property Damage BodiLY Injury & Property Damage $ Combined 1,000,000 DB. 0 C Personal Injury Limits of Liability Bodily Injury (Each Person) Bodily Injury (Each Accident) .'c'" ~::rr;:-c' j=" ; $ Per Accidant o liability' .0 Non-owned. 0 Hired o COf11prehens;ve-Deductible $ DCollisiOn-DeduGtible . .. $ BO..... .... . .~.....;i~i~;:~f&i~~~:~t~~f:~~:tt_~.'..:~~~~;;ii~<:,c!;:~_ f~:~ NoFault(specify): . >,..- . ... . ._-.. - - - - --- [J Othei(speoify):.__~