LETTER AND BUSINESSOWNERS SPECIAL POLICY ViE hie g AGENCY I I INSURANCE BONDS INVESTMENTS Jack Vegl'ite Bruce Veghte Daniel Amend Cheryl Hall Marilyn Lebo Charles Rosser AUQust ... "-J ~ 1986 City Clerk P.O. Box i.t7i.t8 Clear'water" ~ Fl .3.3518 Owner: The Colony LTD Pr'opertj: '-12 i -29 Cleveland c+ ut.-.. Company: USF & G Polk:! #: BSP08145768i.t Effective Date: t'/9/86 PcUc:y Ter-fn: 1 year- enClosure: P;u=dnessowner'~~ ~;pecial The enclosur'e noted above protects your interest in the above proper.ty in accordance with the policy provisions. Please advise if any corrections are necessary. Slncer'ely. THE VEGHTE AGENCY ;{7 '....., /.., .,', J21 ::~_", ~ - I / / .". / /I.,. .; ,:' . (, /Ip /) t>",. /. ,-[c4' ,'-'-.._ Y-VLA---J:::..".....7 1.__, Diane Helland' Cammer'cia} Lines Department .. - ',' r ", '!) R Eel:. ,I. \7 ,i~, .i.' AUG 1 5 lS8b "1'-1''\7 (-"Lc~::n( ~"_,'-, i., ~.__:f,,,.-~,..-., IlEGHif,) 601 S. LINCOLN AVE.. 813447-3483. P.O. BOX 1560. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33517 RENEWAL OF NUMBER i~ra&n.o.u, .Atat~knd EACH A CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY ,ge.,fG, ~n~iJa.J~.foiicy to "the Company" or to "this Company" mean the Company designated above by the letter X. UlS~4:) fts". DECLARATIONS This Declarations Page with Forms and Endorsements at- tached completes the Policy indicated below by the letter X, .1 BUSINESSOWNERS STANDARD POLICY ,.~&- ~UN~TIED ST A lrJES FiDELIITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY \.@ 0 FIDELITY A~~D llUIARANliY iNSURANCE INDERWRllrIERS. liNe. lEMORANDUM OF BUSINESSOWNERS POLICY No. BSP New 1. Named Insured and Mailing Address The Colo,ny LID C/O Sttff & Brauer P.O.80x 2817 Cleantater.Ft 33519 2, Policy Period 6/9/86 (No" Street, Town, County, State & Zip Code) ~ BUSINESSOWNERS SPECIAL POLICY InceptIOn Expiration Beginning and ending at 12:01 AM, Standard Time (12:00 noon in Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia) at the location of the described premises, ",.n :c!: -.. -- c '" ..- -'- .g:5 ~'i -.. -u "'c ",,,, .",.", c~ :!8 .:~ c "',- "'c .", c ~B r;:~Qi ,- u "'c ~'" ~u .",.", ..c ~'" .. .c_ ga; cE c ~.~ '" -'" >- '" ~.,;- Cc Cl... ",E -.. :E5 .", '" c -:;;.. =~ '" ~:a .c~ ..= UU ~.s :1_ "'u .: .!!., _.c c:I -'" U'" Eo- ->- Cu c'- Uo ",Cl. -.", c.- c'" on '" ;~ '" ..Cl. ~E c co c <..:l c.. ~fS '" E:;- .e.", c" ,- :I ~::: 02'- "'c ,- .. E~ :I .",,,, c'" ~.c:: E= ..'" E~ .~:e .c:: .. .... U fi/918"l 3. The Named I nsured is: Ii Individual 0 Corporation II Partnership n Other: 4. Mortgagee's Name and Address Republic Bank P.O. Box 7010, Clearwater, Fl 33518 city tlerk. P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Fl 33518 5, Location of Premises (Enter "Same" If Mailing Address is also Location of Premises) . Business of the Named Insured [. 421.. 29 Cleveland Street, CleU'Water, FL o fft ce 2. 3. 6, In Consideration of the premium, insurance is provided the named Insured with respect to those premises described above and with respect to those coverages and kinds of property for which a specific limit of liability is shown, subject to all of the terms of this policy including forms and endorsements made a part h~reof: (Specify) ] SECTION COVERAGE LIMIT OF LIABILITY Bldg. No Bldg No. I PROPERTY COVERAGE COY. A-Building(s) Automatic Increase in Insurance. Coverage A-Building(s) shall be automatically increased by 2% or 0 %, which- ever is greater, at the end of each periodof three months after the inception date of the policy. II COMPREHENSIVE BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE COY, B-Business Personal Property COY, C-Loss of Income -Actual Loss Sustained, not exceeding 12 Consecutive Months. COY, D-Money and Securities (APP,licable only if Businessowners Special Policy is I on Premises indicated above,) off Premises COY, E-Business liability. The limit of liability with respect to the completed operations and products hazards combined is an aggregate limit for all occurrences during the policy period, Fire Legal Liability COY. F-Medical Payments $ 7 0 . IC each occurrence $I ,OOO,QOO each occu rrence $50,000 each person $ 1,000 each accident $10,000 JPtlona oyerages The following coverages are afforded under this policy only when designated by an "X" in the box(es) shown below: limit of liability 0 Employee Dishonesty each occurrence $ 5,000 0 Exterior Signs each occurrence $ iJ Exterior Grade Floor Glass Replacement Cost 0 Burglary and Robbery Refer to Pages 6 and 7 of Form (Applicable only if Businessowners Standard Policy is indicated above), BU 00 01 0 Boiler, Pressure Vessels and Air Conditioning Equipment Replacement Cost 0 Other (Specify) 8. Pol icy forms and endorsementsattached at inception: BU0201 (11-75 ) , 9, Total Policy Premium $3,105. BUOO02(5-76).BUOO04(4-84),Gen.170(8-78),FirelOl0 (9-81) ,IlO928(6-85) (Initial Annual Premium if Item 2. (Policy Period) states Expiration to be "Until Cancelled") Countersignature Date OW 7/28/86 Agency at C1 urwater, Fl The Veghte Agency Agent. Fire 84~ (5-76) Printed 1/85 ,,:~ tj L ' $ BUSINESSOWNERS FLORIDA AMENDATORY CANCELLATION ENDORSEMENT BU 02 01 (Ed. 11 75) , ~ , . ' . BU 02 01 (Ed, 11 75) GENERAL CONDITIONS-2-Cancellation by the named insured: The Cancellation Condition of this policy is amended as follows: 2, If the named insured cancels. the return premium due the insured shall be' calculated on a pro rata basis in accordance with the following procedure: (a) The annual policy premium shall be reduced by a minimum earned premium of 10%. and (b) such resulting premium shall be multiplied by the unearned pro rata factor, SEE POLICY IN FILE