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(1& ~. ,);41/t8 ClEl,~^Te~. fl 1J518 T:JIi.t:JB5n-l',.-,.,.'I!'W.."1f............... · 1- .-....-.......-----...............................-x::..............------.................~~~... .... ...~~......................... ...LI .h _..................................IIIIIf,............_............... ' ,_____....................................................~_ A:t'fAcHtta f{lfi1St ~-l:U,l(,l{'~U ~tJ~I~~.l!'J8J) ~tlO,"10J(JsaU ~-24:1~hHB2. tlU02.jUlflSt JU O<.l 0,. Hl"1ti4.) , tj. 0'1 2 f\;: 516 >> '.- ;:H;Mf 01 ""1} GH. ANOfi (31 n ______.__............,t.. GENr O~-24-b4 CM~~l ~~J.16~2 ~ ~=~ ~ American StIes Insurance ~ompany American Economy Insurance Company INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA I Form 9-2321 (10-81) BUSINESSOWNERS AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT Form 9-2321 (10-81) ~ This endorsement modifies such insurance as is afforded by the provisions of the policy relating to the following: SECTION I - PROPERTY COVERAGES 1. EXTERIOR SIGNS Coverage is provided for an aggregate amount not exceeding $500 in anyone occur- rence for loss to exterior signs, the property of the insured, which are attached to or made a part of a building insured or a building containing insured business personal property, for direct loss caused by the perils insured. 2, PERSONAL PROPERTY AT NEWLY ACQUIRED LOCATIONS When a limit of liability is shown in the Declarations for Coverage B - Business Personal Property, this policy also covers the business personal property of the insured for not exceeding $25,000 while at premises owned, leased or operated by the insured, other than those described in the Declarations, but this coverage shall cease sixty (60) days from the date of acquisition of such premises or on the date values at such locations are reported to the Company or on the expiration date of the policy, whichever occurs first. 3. VALUABLE PAPERS AND RECORDS The insured may apply up to $1000 to cover direct loss in anyone occurrence by a peril not otherwise excluded to valuable papers and records consisting of books of ac- count, manuscripts, abstracts, drawings, card index systems, film, tape, disc, drum, cell and other magnetic recording or storage media for electronic data processing, and other records, all the property of the insured at designated premises. This Extension of Coverage covers only the cost of research and other expense necessarily incurred by the insured to reproduce, replace or restore such valuable papers and records. The total amount payable in anyone occurrence under this Extension of Coverage shall not exceed the limit specified above, regardless of the number of premises designated in the Declarations. 4, BUILDING GLASS Such insurance as applies to loss to glass constituting a part of the building shall include the cost to replace with safety glazing material when required by ordinance or law, subject to the Limit of Liability, if any, stated in the policy. SECTION II - COMPREHENSIVE BUSINESS LIABILITY I. ADDITIONAL INSURED It is agreed that the Definition of Insured includes as an insured any state or political subdivision, subject to the following additional provisions: 1 . The insurance for any such insured applies only with respect to such of the following hazards for which the state or political subdivision has issued a permit in connection with premises owned by, rented to or controlled by the named insured and to which the bodily injury coverage applies: (a) the existence, maintenance, repair, construction, erection or removal of advertising signs, awnings, canopies, cellar entrances, coal holes, driveways, manholes, marquees, hoistway openings, sidewalk vaults, street banners or decorations and similar exposures; (b) the construction, erection or removal of elevators; (c) the ownership, maintenance or use of any elevators covered by the policy. 2. If property damage coverage is not otherwise afforded, such insurance shall nevertheless apply with respect to operations performed by or on behalf of the insured in connection with the hazard for which the permit has been issued subject to the limits of liability stated in the policy. All other provisions of this policy remain unchanged. III , -. , when this endorsement is not prepared with /hen the effective date differs from the policy. Eff.: GENERAL L1ABI L1TY AMENDATORY EN ADDITIONAL DEFINITION This endorsement modifies such insurance as is afforded by the provisions of the policy relating to the following: GENERAL LIABILITY BUSINESSOWNERS POLICIES SMP L1ABI L1TY INSURANCE MULTIPLE LINE LIABILITY INSURANCE (ISO G L 00 19) that the following definition is added: unloading", with respect to an automobile, means the handling of property after lace where it is accepted for movement into or onto an automobile or while it is i or while it is being moved from an automobile to the place where it is finally del . unloading" does not include the movement of property by means of a mechar a hand truck) not attached to the automobile. rms of this policy remain unchanged. ~c:: L -n-> ~ Preside 5 American States Insurance Company ~ American Economy Insurance Company :rn INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA jby Authorized Agent Secr eta I I , V. BU 01 34 (Ed. 1083) The following is added to COVERAGE B BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY, Page 2 of 23 in the SPECIAL BUSINESSOWNERS POLICY: DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS FROM THEFT. BURGLARY or ROBBERY: This policy also covers loss (except by fire or explosion) to (1) that part of the building and (2) equipment pertaining to the service of the building in that part of the building occupied by the insured and containing property covered directly resulting from theft. burglary or robbery (including attempted theft. burglary or robbery) provided the insured is liable for such damage. In no event shall this coverage apply: (1) to glass (other than glass building blocks) or to any lettering or ornamenta- tion. (2) to building property or equipment removed from the premises. The following paragraph IS added to COVERAGE C LOSS OF INCOME. Page 2 of 23: MEDIA FOR ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING: The Company shall only be liable for loss of Income resulting from destruction of media for, or programming records pertaining to, electrorllc data processing or electronically controlled equipment, including data contained on such records for not exceeding (1) 30 consecutive calendar days: or (2) the length of time that would be required to rebuild, repair or replace such other property described as has been damaged or destroyed: whichever IS the greater length of time PROPERTY SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS, Page 3 of 23 In the SPECIAL BUSINESS- OWNERS POLICY IS amended as follows Revise the beginning of the second sentence to read Except for loss caused by (a) fire, lightning, Windstorm, hail, explOSion, smoke, aircraft. vehicles. riot, civil commotion, and leakage or accidental discharge from automatic fire protective systems: and (b) vandalism or maliCIOUS mischief With respect only to items 2,3 and 4 below: (Applicable In all states except Maine. Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina and Virginia). Condition "4. TIME OF INCEPTION," Page 16 of 23 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS is replaced by the follOWing: The time of inception and the time of expiration of thiS poliCY and of any schedule or endorsement attached shall be 12:01 A.M. Standard Time. To the extent that coverage in thiS policy replaces coverage in other policies terminating noon standard time on the Inception date of this policy, coverage under thiS policy shall not become effective until such other coverage has termi- nated. Condition "7. SUBROGATION." Pages 16 and 17 of 23 of the GENERAL CONOI- TIONSis deleted and replaced by the following: 7 SUBROGATION. (a) In the event of any payment under this policy, the Company shall be subrogated to all Insured's rights of recovery against any person or organization and the insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights. BUSINESSOWNERS AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT I. II. III. IV. Copyright. Insurance Services Office. Inc., 1983 BU 0134 (Ed. 10 83) Page 1 of 3 : I C (bl This insurancJ shall not be Invalidated should the named insured waive in writ- ing prior to a Idss any or all right of recovery against any party for loss occurring to the propert* described, (c) The insured s~all do nothing after loss to prejudice the Company's rights of subrogation, . VI. The following excitJsion is added to SECTION I-PERILS AND EXCLUSIONS. Page 5 of 23: l i caused by volcaniqeruption unless direct loss by fire or breakage of glass or safety glazing material ensues. In this event. this Company shall be liable for only the direct loss to the proped,~y insured caused by the ensuing fire and if an insured peril. the ensuing breakage bf glass or safety glazing material. Volcanic eruption means the eruption, explosion or effusion of a volcano. VII. EXTERIOR GRADIE FLOOR GLASS. Page 6 of 23 in the SPECIAL BUSINESS- OWNERS POLlCY,is amended as follows: Replace the second paragraph with the following: The following ~o not apply to thiS optional coverage: 1 Under SE(tTION I-PROPERTY COVERAGE, the PROPERTY SUBJECT TO L1MITATlqNS provision and, 2. The PERILS AND EXCLUSIONS prOVISions contained In this policy. except the Section I-War Risk, Governmental Action and Nuclear Exclusions, VIII. The SPECIAL BUSINESSOWNERS POLICY is amended as follows: A. The following additional coverage IS added to SECTION I-PROPERlY COVER- AGES: Additional Coverage-Collapse This poliCY In 'ures against risk of direct phYSical loss involVing collapse ofa building or an part of a building caused only by one or more of the following: a. fire: light Ing: Windstorm. hail, explOSion, smoke: aircraft: vehicles; riot: civil com otlon vandalism or maliCIOUS mischief: breakage of glass; falling objects: eight of snow. Ice or sleet water damage: all only as insured against In i his poliCY I b. hidden decay: c. hidden In~ect or vermin damage d weight of ~eople or personal property e weight of Jain which collects on a roof f use of def~ctlve materials or methods In construction remodeling or reno- vation If tHe collapse occurs dUring the course of the construction, remodel- Ing or ren~vatlon ThiS Compan~ shall not be liable for loss to the follOWing types of property, If otherWise cov~red In thiS poliCY. under Items b, c. d e and f unless the loss IS a direct result of the collapse of a building _ outdoor rqdlo or teleVISion antennas, including their lead-in wiring, masts or towers: awnings: gutters and downspouts: yard fixtures: outdoor swimming pools: fenc:es: piers, wharves and docks: beach or diving platforms or appur- tenances:retaining walls: walks, roadways and other paved surfaces. Collapse does not Include settling, cracking. shrinkage, bulging or expansion. ThiS Additional Coverage does not Increase the amount(s) of insurance provided In thiS poliCY. B SECTION I-FlERILS AND EXCLUSIONS 1. PERILS INSURED is deleted and replaced by the following: This policy insures against risk of direct physical loss unless the loss is excluqed in Exclusions below, subject to all the provisions contained herein, Qopyright. Insurance Services Office. Inc., 1983 au 0134 (Ed. 10-83) Page 2 of 3 2.1 The following is ~dded to the EXCLUSIONAection: This policy does not insure under Section I for loss caused directly or indi- rectly by any of the following exclusions in this policy. Such loss is excluded regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any sequence to the loss. a. Ordinance or law; b. Power, heating or cooling failure; c. Earth movement: d. Volcanic eruption; e. Flood, surface water, waves. tidal water or tidal wave, overflow of streams or other bodies of water, or spray; f, Water which backs up through sewers or drains: g. Water below the surface of the ground; h. War Risk and Governmental Action; i, Nuclear Clause and Nuclear Exclusion. 3. The following exclusions are added to the EXCLUSIONS section: a. The Company shall not be liable for loss caused by collapse, except as provided in the Collapse Additional Coverage. If a peril not otherwise excluded ensues on the described premises, this Company will pay only for loss caused by the ensuing peril, b, The Company shall not be liable for loss caused by any of the following. However, any ensuing loss not excluded or excepted in this policy is covered. (1) Weather conditions. However. this exclusion only applies if weather conditions contribute in any way with any of the following exclusions in this policy relating to: (a) Ordinance or law: (b) Power, heating or cooling failure; (c) Earth movement: (d) Volcanic eruption: (e) Flood. surface water, waves, tidal water or tidal wave, overflow of streams or other bodies of water. or spray; (f) Water which backs up through sewers or drains; (g) Water below the surface of the ground; (h) War Risk and Governmental Action; (i) Nuclear Clause and Nuclear Exclusion; (2) Acts or decisions. mcluding the failure to act or decide, of any per- son. group. organization or governmental body; (3) Faulty, Inadequate or defective (a) plannmg, zoning. development, surveYing. siting; (b) design, speCifications, workmanship, repair, construction, ren- ovation, remodeling, grading, compaction: (C) materials used In repair, construction, renovation or remodel- Ing: or (d) maintenance: of part or all of any property whether on or off the described prem ises, 4. Exclusion "6,(d) faulty design, materials or workmanship" is deleted. This endorsement must be attached to the Businessowners Policy Change Endorsement when issued after the policy is written. Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1983 BU 01 34 (Ed. 10-83) Page 3 of 3 $@ I I BU 00 03 (Ed. 05 81) BUSINESSOWNERS NON-OWNED SNOWMOBILE ENDORSEMENT Under Coverage E-Business Liability Exclusions, Exclusion 2(b) is replaced by: (b) the operation or use of any snowmobile or trailer designed for use therewith (i) owned or operated by or rented or loaned to any insured, or (ii) operated by any person in the course of his employment by any insured. BU 00 03 (Ed. 05 81) .... <m I I BU 02 01 (Ed. 11 75) , . BUSINESSOWNERS FLORIDA AMENDATORY CANCELLATION ENDORSEMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS-2-Cancellation by the named insured: The Cancellation Condition of this policy is amended as follows: 2. If the named insured cancels. the return premium due the insured shall be calculated on a pro rata basis in accordance with the following procedure: (a) The annual policy premium shall be reduced by a minimum earned premium of 10%, and (b) such resulting premium shall be multiplied by the unearned pro rata factor. BU 02 01 (Ed. 11 75) , . . I I BU 00 04 (Ed. 0484) BUSINESSOWNERS EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT Under Coverage E - Business Liability Exclusions, Exclusion 9. relating to bodily injury to any employee of the insured is deleted and replaced by the following; This insurance does not apply; (a) to bodily injury to 'any employee of the insured arising out of and in the course of his employment by the insured for which the insured may be held liable as an employer or in any other capacity; (b) to any obligation of the insured to indemnify or contribute with another because of damages arising out of the bodily injury; or (c) to bodily injury sustained by the spouse, child, parent, brother, or sister of an employee of the insured as a consequence of bodily injury to such employee arising out of and in the course of his employment by the insured; This exclusion applies to all claims and suits by any person or organization for damages because of such bodily injury including damages for care and loss of services. ~Thi~exclaslondoe'5 not apply to liability assumed by the insured under a contract. This Endorsement must be attached to Change Endorsement when issued after the Policy is written. BU 00 04 (Ed. 0484) Copyright, Insurance ~ervices Offices, Inc., 1983