CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (12) The Vegh~e Agency P.O. Box 1560 Clearwater, FL 33517 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES I , f.J-'~"-1_~_ COMFANV LETrfR A B C o E COMPA~ ' LEn ER American Econom Ins. Co. COMFA~' L fTTER NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED The Colo~y, LTD c/o Stiff & Brauer 33 Noruh Fort Harrison Clearwater, FL 33515 COMP,u.I\'y IF FEil COMPANY LETTER This is to certify that policies of insurance listed,below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. Notwithstanding anY~I(~!Jl. t~tr c of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertam, the insurance afforded by the policies descr~ l'eteiIJis ~' terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies, limits of liability in Thousands (000) EACH I .----, OCCURRENCE "'Y-PE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER 1'0 L1CY ,'"PIRATION DAfE COMPANY LETTER GENERAL LIABILITY For>llY INJL!I,Y A. GCOMPREHENSIVE FORM o PREMISES-OPERATIONS o EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARD o UNDERGROUND HAZARD o PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD o CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE o BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE o INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS o PERSONAL INJURY 02-BP-044463-1 6/9/85 PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED $1,000, PERSONAl INJUli'f AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY o COMPREHENSIVE FORM DOWNED o HIRED o NON,OWNED BODILY INJURY (EACH PIRS')'" BODILY INJURY (EACH ACCIDEN'[ I PROPEfHY DfI.MA,CjF BODILY INJlJliY AND PROPERTY DAMAGFC COMBINED $ EXCESS LIABILITY o UMBHFCLLA FORM o OTHEHTHAN UMBRELLA FOflM BODilY INJURY AND PROPFRTY DAMAGE COMBINED WORKERS' COMPENSATION and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER Property 02-BO-044463-1 6/9/84 $650,000. Building A. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES Fire Legal Liability $50,000. Medical Payments $i,OOO. Each Person $10,000. Each Accident Money and Securities $10,000. On Premises $2,000. Off Premises Loss of Income - Actual Loss Sustained Not exceeding 12 Consecutive Months Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail ...l.O...- days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDEH Clearwater City Clerk's Office P.O. Box 448 Clearwater, FL 33518 Attn: Susan DATE ISSUED: \ Jack Rice