SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT CAPACITY WITH AMENDMENT ..~. --. .... I 1# (o?.l ''- .!J A GR E E ME N T THIS AGREEMENT, made this Jt. ~day of November, 1953, by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, a duly incorporated municipality in the State of Florida, Pinellas County, hereinafter referred to as "City", and SOUTHLAND DEVELOPERS, INC., a Florida corporation, here- inafter referred to as "Developer." WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND ($8,000.00) DOLLARS to the City in hand paid by the Developer the above date, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and in fur- ther consideration of mutual covenants and agreements herein con- tained, and other good and valuable considerations, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: l \~. 1. That the City agrees to furnish to the Developer, sewage disposal plant capacity in amounts sufficient to service the following described property belonging to the Developer, and to fur- nish a lift station for the purpose of pumping sewage from said property to the sewage disposal plant: SKYCREST TERRACE SUBDIVISION, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 33, Page 47 Of. the Public Records of Pinellas County~ Florida, and the following land of which SKY CREST TE~RACE SUBDIVISION is a part: The land specifically described in a replat of all of the First Addition to Marymont as "Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 12-29-15, run North along the section line 1327.5 feet, thence South 89 deg. 43' West 2704.1 feet, thence South 0 deg. 10' West 1329.75 feet, thence North 89 deg. 42' East 670.2 feet~ thence North 35.0 feet, thence North 52 deg. 54' East 100 feet, thence South 37 deg. 06' East 75.0 feet thence South 35.0 feet thence North 89deg. 42' East 1862.8 feet to POB, containing 72.514 acres ,exclusive of streets as platted" as same appears of record in Plat Book 19, Page 93, of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, less that portion of Block thirty-eight (38) described as fallows: Begin at the Southwest corner of Block 38 run northeasterly one hundred (100) feet along the south line of Tampa Boulevard, thence Southeasterly 75 feet to a point on the north line of Drew Street and 125 feet East of the said Southwest corner; thence Westerly along the North line of Drew Street 125 feet to point of beginning, and LESS and except that portion of a replat of Marymont First Addition as aforesaid, which lies South of Tampa Boulevard. ~. rP6 :!!!2:J -OtJ ~~' 6) ',.1. -. I I ~. ~ 2. The Developer will pay to the City the pro-rata cost of the sewage disposal plant capacity necessary to serve the above described property, which cost will be figured on the same basis as the cost for sewage disposal plant capacity necessary to serve the several units of Skycrest Subdivision. The Developer will pay said cost to the City in full immediately upon the first connection of a sewer line in the above described property, two trunk lines served by said sewage disposal plant. FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS of the foregoing figure of EIGHT THOUSAND ($8,000.00) DOLLARS is a deposit by the Developer with the City toward this cost, and operates as a bond for the faithful performance by the Developer of this portion of this Agreement. 3. The Developer will pay for the lift station the exact cost thereof, and will pay the amount of the cost thereof to the City by installments, as respective payments become due by the City to the contractor constructing said lift station. THREE THOUSAND ($3,000.00) DOLLARS of the foregoing figure of EIGHT THOUSAND ($8,000.00) DOLLARS is a deposit by the Developer with the City toward this cost, and operates as a bond for the faith- ful performance by the Developer of this portion of this Agreement. 4. The City shall install in the above described property a complete system of sewer lines at an approximate cost of SEVEN THOUSAND ($7,000.00) DOLLARS, and shall construct the mains necessary to connect said sewer system to the present sewer system of the City at an approximate cost of ONE THOUSAND ($1,000.00) DOLLARS, and that the total cost of these two improvements shall be assessed against only that portion of the above described property which is embraced in the above plat of SKYCREST TERRACE SUBDIVISION. -2- j' "'1 t I>- , I I ~.~ .'. .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereby set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. ~,- ,/ /" , .-- CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA . ....,. . -1",," : "'- Counters. ned: /~ yor-Comm sioner Atte'st: erk Witnesse as to execution by City of Clearwater: '~::~::::::s: -~{o~~~-V- SOUTHLAND DEVELOPERS, INC. ~IIJ. J-~ President Attest: I ~~.~ r re ry itness:s as to execu Sout d Dev 1 -3- . /- "'..... .1 I I dl /[/'/ AMENm,'lENT TO AGHEEIJ:ENT I'J.. , : HI S A~TIlND!mNT TO AGREHTIlNT. made t hi s 1S',l/; . day 0 f ~ , 1954, by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of -r,1 0"";..-1 ~ ,-1 sOP'TUrT" 1'"'" D.....PEI OYJE' R~ It'0 ..l _". 'J.. ...:_ '. ~.3, , .:;.tn. .-," . '"_ _l... 1 .l.....l i"\. ,:..J ~ D \: _ .J 1 '':'' ".J, .:. \ \J. , a Florl"da Cornor~t~c~ . .J! au_.., the parties to the foregoing Agreement of l'(ovember 16, 1953.. WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the return of (!,,~ oon 00 f "I,J) , \.. .. ' _ rom the City to the Developer, the above date, re- ceipt of "\"1:1ic11 is hereby acknowledged, and in further considera- tioD of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and otter good and valuable considerations, IT IS r";UTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PAHTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Agreement of November 16, 1953, be amended ~ by deleting from the sixth and seventh lines of the first page of said 3;:';r'8eD18Ylt tL,;:; lI'lOrJs and fiG"J.re~), "EIC]T ':.'!:OeSA~m (::!,p, 008..00) DOLLARS", and snbstituting therefor the words and figures, "TEN (tlO.OO) DOLLARS". 2. That said Agreement be amended by deleting fro~ paragraph 1, page 1 of said Agreement the following words: "and to furnish a 1 ift station for the purpose of pumping se,.,age from said property to the sewage disposal plant~" 3. That said Agreement be amended by deleting the following words and figures from paragraph 2, page 2 of said agree- :7';]cnt: "FPrr THOUSA}:D U~"5, 000.00) DOLLARS of the foregoing fiE'Jre of EIGHT THOUSAND (~8, 000.. 00) DOLLARS 1s a deposit by the De1;elcpc::.' v!ith the City toward this cost, and operates as a bond for the faithful performance by the Developer of this portion of this A!!ree!1lent." <..~ ,~ ,'" . ... " ,...-' ~i'i_ ,. I I 4. That said Agreement be amended by deleting paragraphs 3 and 4, page 2, of said Agreement, and by substituting therefor the following paragraphs: "3. The Developer hereby agrees to construct the follow- ing improvements at its own cost: A. A lift station for pumpin~ sewa~e from the above property to th8 SeVlaE8 Disposal Plant.. B. A complete system of sewer lines.. C. A system of mains necessary to connect said sewer system to the present sewer syste~ of the City. The above improvement shall be constructed according to the plans and specifications furnished by the City, a copy of \'Thich is attached hereto anJ is bJ' reference made a part hereof.. The City Engineer shall conduct periodic inspection for compliance with the said plans and specifications. '4. In the event that other users desire to connect to or use any portion of the capacity of the lift statlor. to be constructed by the Developer, the ~eveloper shall have the right and privilege to charge said user or users for the use of said lift station a share of the cost of constructio~ of said lift station represented by the relationship between the portion of the capacity to be used by the said user or users to the overall capacity of the said lift station. ~he City hereby relinquishes any and all right it may have or ever have to refunds or pro-rata reimbursements of any nature or p3.T,,,mts for ;J:3C of' ~.:.he sa.:i.d lif'tstatio1'1." -2- Y' ~ I I . ~ ....-' ..~- .,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereby set their har;ds-e:n'0.'se~ls the day and year first above w".itten. ~'/ /- ", ....- . -' - ... CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA .' .,', . ........ "' Attest:- _~ Countersign a: y~~.~ layor- ommJ.sSJ.oner Approved as to form and correctness: ~\ r+- ~.~./. .; ~ ci~i, orney ~ SOUTHLAND DEVELOPERS, INC. - ". :.- ~E~ U r sidert '- ^. ......J._ ':) ('.l.t- .,"-. '..- J.~L!v,~~Q'!. ~ 401. 'oJ 7//. -T-:;J~ Secre ry vVi tnesses as to execution by Southland Developers, Inc. ~/1-fhJ J rx!J1A'~ -Ii( ~. " ~-- -- -)-