LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN-ATTACHMENT 1 TO RESOLUTION 00-14 ) I CITYOFC LEARW A TER State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program L 0 C A L H 0 U SIN GAS S 1ST A NeE P LAN (LHAP) State Fiscal Years 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03 Attachment I to Resolution 00-14 BACKGROUND: This Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP)i sets forth the three year outline through which the City of Clearwater Commissioners will implement the provisions of the Florida State William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act adopted on July 7, 1992. The legislation includes the creation of the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP), which is designed to provide for: (i) a sharing between the State and local governments a portion of the revenue collected from the documentary stamp tax on deeds, (ii) the establislunent of public-private partnership to build. rehabilitate and preserve affordable housing, and (iii) maximum flexibility to local governments to determine the use of funds to better meet the responsibilities for affordable housing as set forth in the comprehensive plan. All city and county governments in Florida meeting the eligibility requirements will receive SHIP funds. Each government will receive at least $350,000. Allocations higher than $350,000 are determined by population. The SHIP allocation to the City of Clearwater is $854,299, as estimated by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC), for each fiscal year 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03. SHIP requires that the cities and counties prepare a Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) which must be submitted to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC). The City of Clearwater, as an eligible municipalityii, has approved and adopted Ordinance No, 5410-93 providing for a local housing assistance partnership program containing the following provISIons: · Creation of a local housing assistance trust fund as described in s.420,9075 (5) · Adoption by resolution of a local housing assistance plan as defined in s.420.9071(14) to be implemented through a local housing partnershipiii as defined in s,420.9071(18). · Designation of the responsibility for the administration of the local housing assistance plan. Such ordinance provides for the contracting of all or part of the administrative or other functions of the program to a third person or entity. · Creation of an affordable housing advisory committeeiv as provided in s.420.9076. This Local Housing Assistance Plan meets the following requirements of the F.A.C. Title 67-37 rules: · at least 65% of the SHIP funds be used for home ownership activities · at least 75% of the SHIP funds be used for construction, rehabilitation or emergency repairs · at least 30% of SHIP funds be used to very low incomeV persons and 30% of SHIP funds be used for low income personsvi '. that the average sales price or value of units be affordablevii to the target populationviii ,} J if'" <- Il,r, I' '. , I. (~).: , , \ .-' ' I I . as evidenced in the "Certification to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation" the Local Housing Assistance Plan is consistent with the City of Clearwater Comprehensive Plan and wi th the Housing Element of that Plan. · The City of Clearwater Housing Partnership will expend funds received from the State of Florida in accordance with the strategies set forth in its Local Housing Assistance Plan, Housing Incentives Plan and the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program s.420,907- 420.9079 F.S. The City of Clearwater will implement the local housing assistance plan to make affordable residential units available to persons of very low income, low income or moderate income and to the special housing needs populationlx · The City of Clearwater, its agents, contractors, sub-grantees, municipalities, non-profit organizations or for profit entities will not deny assistance to or exclude from participation any person or entity on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, age, sex, marital status, familial status, national origin or handicap s,420,9075(2)(c) · All agents, contractors sub-grantees of the City of Clearwater under the SHIP Program comply with the guidelines, in, s420.9075(2)(d) and includes language in each contract and subcontract to contractually commit each agent, contractor and sub-grantee to compliance · If, at any time, during the term of the Local Housing Assistance Plan the City of Clearwater or any agent, contractor or sub-grantee is unable to comply with any provision of this Local Housing Assistance Plan, the City of Clearwater will notify the Florida Housing Finance Corporation immediately for guidance, direction and assistance, PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: Locally designed strategies have been determined through the Citizen Participation Planx which encourages all citizens, including minorities and non-English speaking persons as well as persons with disabilities to participate in the development of Local Affordable Housing Plan and housing programs, with particular emphasis on persons of very low to moderate income. Information and records relating to our proposed use of funds is made easily accessible to the public for review. The Citizen Participation Plan established an affordable housing advisory committee referred to as the Neighborhood Affordable Housing Advisory Board (NAHAB) consisting of nine appointed residents of the City of Clearwater all of which engage in the professional services related to affordable housing and those who are advocates of affordable housing. The committee includes one citizen who is actively engaged as follows: · in the residential home building industry . in the banking or mortgage banking industry · a representative of those areas of labor actively engaged in home building · an advocate oflow-income persons . a for-profit provider of affordable housing · as a not-for-profit provider of affordable housing · as a real estate profession · serves on the local planning agency pursuant to s.163.3 174 and . resides within the jurisdiction of the City of Clearwater All meetings of the Neighborhood Affordable Housing Advisory Board (NAHAB) are public meetings, and all records are public records. Staff, administrative and facility support to the Neighborhood Affordable Housing Advisory Board (NAHAB) has been provided. 2 ,.f.:\ ) I The Neighborhood Affordable Housing Advisory Board (NAHAB) reviews the established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations and the comprehensive plan of the City of Clearwater and recommends specific initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciate in value. Such recommendations may include the modification or repeal of existing policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations or plan provisions; the creation of exceptions applicable to affordable housing; or the adoption of new policies, procedures, regulations, ordinances or plan provisions. The Neighborhood Affordable Housing Advisory Board (NAHAB) makes recommendations on affordable housing incentives in conjunction with the Affordable Housing Incentive Planxi for the City of Clearwater in the following areas: . The processing of approvals of development orders or permits, as defmed in s.163.3164(7) and (8), for affordable housing projects is expedited to a greater degree than other projects, . The modification of impact-fee requirements, including reduction or waiver of fees and alternative methods of fee payment for affordable housing . The allowance of increased density levels for affordable housing . The reservation of infrastructure capacity for housing or very-low-income persons and low- income persons. . The allowance of affordable accessory residential units in residential zoning districts. . The reduction of parking and setback requirements for affordable housing . The allowance of zero-lot-line configurations for affordable housing . The modification of street requirements for affordable housing, . The establishment of a process by which a local government considers, before adoption, policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provision that increase the cost of housing. . The preparation of a printed inventory of locally owned public land suitable for affordable housing and . The approval by the advisory committee of the local housing incentive strategiesXii recommendations were made by affirmative vote of a majority of the membership taken at a public hearing The Neighborhood Affordable Housing Advisory Board (NAHAB) reviews the Local Housing Assistance Plan and programs that improve the physical environment and lifestyle of low to moderate income persons by assessing neighborhood needs, formulating neighborhood goals and objectives, establishing priorities for projects, within neighborhoods, monitors and evaluate programs and make recommendations to the City Commission regarding such programs. The City of Clearwater holds public hearings and meetings to obtain citizen views and responds' .' to citizen proposals and questions about proposed activities and program performance. Citizens and other partners emphasize the need for a broad range of opinion in the establishment of goals, objectives, projects and priorities and in the application, monitoring and evaluation of funded programs. Public hearing and meeting dates are advertised by way of public notice in local newspapers of general paid circulation in and about the City of Clearwater at least 15 days in advance. 3 ;/J I I The availability of funds will be advertised yearly at least thirty days before the beginning of the application period to the public by way of public notice in local newspapers of general paid circulation in and about the City of Clearwater. An advertisement which provides notice that application are being accepted for homebuyer assistance and homeownership rehabilitation will be published. Eligible sponsorsxiii, by means of the City of Clearwater Consolidate Plan process, are considered by application and evaluated by a point system, Points are granted based on the economic feasibility of a project, timeliness of completion, past experience, commitment to expand affordable housing opportunities to very-low, low and moderate income households, to eliminate slum and blighted areas, to preserve the housing stock, to increase property values and to enhance community image in a targeted area. Each applying sponsor is visited by members of the City Commission and the Neighborhood Affordable Housing Advisory Board who evaluate both the sponsors facilities and their applications. Eligible personsxivwill be served on ftrst come ftrst served basis, with priority given to those of the special needs population and households in need of emergency repairs, until all available funds are allocated, SUPPORT SERVICES: Clearwater Neiihborhood Services Division ofPlannin~ and DevelOJ;)ment Services To strengthen, stabilize and improve City of Clearwater neighborhoods the City Commission established the Neighborhood Services Division, empowering residents to enhance their quality of life and to develop a partnership for progress between neighborhoods and other divisions of City government. In a regional metropolitan such as the Tampa Bay area, citizens have many residential options, many of which are in new housing of planned unit developments, Clearwater desires to recognize the unique quality of its neighborhoods, provide associations with the tools necessary to improve and to gain a reputation as a diverse, safe and enjoyable place to live. The Neighborhood Services Division assists neighborhood residents at varied levels of their development through technical assistance, liaison with City departments for problem solving and coordination of meetings to publicize City projects and activities. The Division has developed a phased approach for neighborhood planning that target neighborhood districts immediately surrounding the downtown area of the City. The district approach to neighborhood planning will be expanded to six other districts as the Division' s staff is expanded. The Neighborhood Services Division has recognized that most property in the City of Clearwater. .' is residential and a component of a larger neighborhood unit. The maintenance and values of these areas must be a priority on a continuing basis. Absent signiftcant attention, property values will fall and services costs will increase, leading to severe budget constraints and private disinvestment. Home Ownership Counselini Services Home Ownership Counseling for ftrst time homebuyers xVis currently being provided by the staff of the City of Clearwater Housing Division of Planning and Development Services and eligible sponsors approved through the City's consolidated plan process, This counseling program 4 .""1] ) I contains course materials addressing pre-ownership and post-ownership issues including but not limited to: · Credit repair · Preparing for home ownership · Shopping for a home · Obtaining a mortgage · Closing a home purchase transaction · Meeting fmancial obligations after home ownership · Financial benefits of home ownership · Home maintenance issues · Household budgeting · Foreclosure prevention The established and accredited course materials are acceptable and consistent with those of local lenders participating in City's housing programs and the Multi-County Mortgage Bond Program offered through the Housing Finance Authority of Pin ell as County, Florida. The home buyers counseling and education program is made available to all flrst time home buyers of all income levels with a special effort to include the disabled, elderly, those with special needs and especially those of very-low to moderate income. No recapture provisions are proposed as homebuyer counseling and education is a requirement of the City of Clearwater's down payment assistance program and of participating lenders. Clearwater Homeless Intervention Proiect (CHIP) The City of Clearwater's Plan Forecast of Needs adopted effective October I, 1995 and effective for five years determined that emergency shelters have a high priority need level for our community. At a public hearing several homeless service providers addressed their concerns and identified four priority issues: · emergency and transitional housing availability . employment services · transportation to and from work and · supportive services. The Clearwater Homeless Intervention Project center was constructed in 1997 funded in part with Community Development Block Grant and provides an emergency overnight shelter facility for individuals and families to begin to improve their lives. Each homeless client must' participate in the Salvation Army's Homeless Intervention Program which includes case worker review and management. The average stay at the emergency shelter is eight days; then the client is placed in a transitional housing facility. The unique aspect of including a community policing substation at the site adds security for both the clients and the neighborhood. The Clearwater Police Department and St. Vincent de Paul Society has established a registration program at the soup kitchen on site. This registration program requires all persons to provided personal picture identification and information. Anyone refusing to comply cannot return to the Soup Kitchen for any services, including meals. 5 ~ I I The intent of the Clearwater Homeless Intervention Project, the Soup Kitchen and the Clearwater Police Substation located in a targeted community will produce fewer homeless persons camping and loitering and further reduce the associated misdemeanors and property damage. Homeless Emergency Project (HEP) The Homeless Emergency Project (HEP) serves the homeless, the lowest-income and least educated population throughout the City of Clearwater, by offering training and direction toward self-sufficiency through educational programs and large group workshops that effectively and comprehensively address the needs of the homeless and fmancially disadvantaged, leading to greater chances of self-sufficiency and maintaining family continuity. With funding from Community Development Block Grant the Homeless Emergency Project (HEP) has expanded the emergency, transitional and permanent housing in the community for homeless and very-low income individuals and has taken the following steps towards meeting the housing need of the City of Clearwater: · In 1999, HEP renovated four (4) houses to continue utilizing the houses as transitional housing for the homeless. · In 1998, HEP completed construction of 16 new apartments for families created 76 additional beds. · In 1997, HEP completed construction of a four-bedroom home and renovated two (2) additional houses . In 1996, HEP completed renovation and construction of an expanded emergency shelter for the homeless. . In 1993, HEP received a grant for $100,000 from the State of Florida to renovate and construct eight (8) apartments for homeless families, Beginning in 1964, until present, HEP has maintained and rehabilitated over 30 houses, used to house the homeless in emergency and transitional housing, in the targeted areas of the City of Clearwater. Partners in Self-Sufficiency (PSS) Partners in Self-Sufficiency (PSS) assists very-low income families referred by the Clearwater Housing Authority's Section 8 and family public housing programs to achieve economic self- sufficiency"vi within a contractual time period. Goals are accomplished through safe, affordable housing, long and short term goal planning, one-to-one case management to assist participants to meet job training, education, employment, and homeownership, financial assistance funds, life" skills training, holiday adoption, advocacy with local social service agencies through well defined agency partnerships, an earned income escrow fund and an intensive home ownership program known as Home Ownership Opportunities to Maintain Economic Self-Sufficiency (HOMESS). As a result of HOMES families are no longer in need of governmental assistance and are able to become partners in the economic growth of our community: . In 1999 twenty-nine (29) families achieved economic self-sufficiency 6 ~ I I · Eighteen PSS families have become home owners in the past three years . These families added to the tax rolls of the City of Clearwater, thus furthering the economic development of our community Religious Community Services (RCS) Religious Community Services provides the first step of services to the homeless, shelter, food and other material necessities, along with tutoring for children and physical and mental health care for families for an eight (8) week period of individual counseling and guidance. Counseling helps clients: · Stabilize amid their current crisis . Learn how to prioritize their own needs and set achievable goals · Obtain entitlements and services from other agencies The goals of Religious Community Services is to take homeless families off the street, provide them with a safe, drug-free and supportive environment, and create a smooth transfer in their return to self-sufficiency by providing them with emergency shelter and essential support services and supplies, allowing the families to accumulate earnings for their move into permanent housing. Family Resources Established in 1970, Family Resources, is a private, not-far-profit corporation with a demonstrated commitment to at-risk, runaway and homeless youth. The agency's mission is to provide: · relationship crisis in families through education and advocacy . immediate twenty four (24) hours response when crisis develops . transitional services to assist children, youth and families during a family relationship crisis . linkage for those children, youth and families needing long-term assistance and support Family Resources provides effective prevention, intervention, advocacy and treatment services for youth and families. Services provided include: . runaway/youth runaway crisis shelters . youth development programs · out-client counseling . in-home counseling and case management · family and group counseling · truancy Court . in-school suspension alternatives · education services The Kimberly House The Kimberly House established an emergency transitional housing project for homeless pregnant women and vastly improved the condition and appearance of its facility in keeping with the efforts of the City of Clearwater to redevelop the downtown and surrounding areas 7 !~ I I bringing the structure into compliance with health safety requirements and an esthetically pleasing home in a blighted neighborhood.. The Kimberly House provides low income pregnant women with the opportunity to gain a self-sufficient lifestyle and secure future for themselves and their children and offers housing for the entire length of pregnancy or as a smooth transitional solution prior to long term placement. Pinellas Opportunity Council- Chore Services Prowam (POC) Pine lIas Opportunity Council assists elderly persons to maintain their homes in a safe and sanitary condition, allowing the elderly to remain independent and to avoid pre-mature institutionalization. POC offers Chore Services to unduplicated elderly persons residing within the City of Clearwater who are no longer able to perform such work for themselves or who are unable to afford to pay for heavy household cleaning and yard work. The project will remove discarded appliances, furniture, cans, bottles, overgrown shrubbery, and accumulated debris from targeted residences. As a result, the cleanliness, safety and security of the of individual homes, as well as the neighborhoods in which they are located, will be significantly improved. The Mustard Seed Foundation - The Turnini Point Prowam The Turning Point Program addresses the Clearwater Community Development Objective by expanding and improving community services to person of low and moderate income. The greater benefit of the Program is helping clients break the repeat pattern of substance abuse and returning to the streets. Those with substance abuse problems, mental illness or both are especially at-risk for repeated homelessness; the Turning Point Program serves as the first step to help these persons reconnect to needed health care, substance abuse and mental health treatment programs and needed social services, and help clients begin their plan of action toward achieving housing as an end goal of the long rehabilitative process before them, The Turning Point is a (501<0(3) organization and is licensed as an "Substance Abuse Intervention Program" by the State of Florida Department of Children and Family Services with goals to: . Identify homeless clients and provide supportive services, referrals and placements in local alcohol/drug treatment programs or appropriate transitional housing programs to help the client begin to rehabilitative process toward achieving permanent housing, . Provide short term intervention for problem inebriates who would otherwise be on the streets. . Serve as a referral source to assist homeless men and women suffering from alcohol and drug addition to access needed community services and treatment. .. . Assist the local community by freeing up law enforcement officer's time, and save valuable and costly bed space at local jails, hospitals and de-tQx centers. City of Clearwater Community ReSi'onse Team (CRT) The City of Clearwater for many years has been providing community assistance through several redevelopment programs, community policing programs, neighborhood services, and other proactive community action groups and services, The City of Clearwater Community Response 8 f!J I I Team involves having inspectors walk through the neighborhoods and perform door to door surveys. This approach offers several advantages and: · creates an open dialogue between the citizens and the inspectors · allows inspectors to educate citizens on city codes and standards · permits a routine inspection of the property · allows distribution of free smoke alarms, water saving devices and house numbers, and · creates an opportunity for the City to offer financial assistance through State and Federal funding sources · conserves existing areas that are in good condition · preserves existing housing stock through rehabilitation · community redevelopment The ultimate goal of the Community Response Team is to achieve voluntary code compliance through education, communication and cooperation, decreasing the number of non conforming residences, reducing the decline of housing values, increasing the investment potential, and enhancing the overall community image. PARTNERSHIPS: The City of Clearwater through established local housing partnerships and resources increase the affordability of housing through down payment and closing cost assistance, low interest rate mortgage loans, grants"vii and other direct subsidies that make market rate housing affordable to lower income households. The affordable housing incentives plan has directly reduced the out- of-pocket expenses of builders. Special interest rates, product pricing structures, special programs and other incentives offered by lenders and real estate professionals enhance affordability. The current City of Clearwater housing partnership involves a cooperative effort of the City of Clearwater and: · other local municipalities · the State of Florida · the West Central Florida SHIP Steering Committee · the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development · Federal Housing Administration · Veterans Administration · Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac · Florida Housing Finance Corporation · Pinellas County Housing Finance Authority · Clearwater Housing Authority · varying community-based organizations · builders and developers · lending institutions · providers of professional services relating to affordable housing · support service agencies, and · organizations representing the interest of persons with special needs. 9 ;x1 I I Each respective individual and/or agency in the partnership has brought forward varying levels of understanding and viewpoints on affordable housing, The partnership has identified local needs and provides for a cooperative effort in the production and maintenance of safe, decent and affordable housing in our communities. The City of Clearwater's Loan Pool (CLP) Program allows designated community based organizationsxviii to partner with the City of Clearwater to provide a variety of housing development related activities. CLP provides funding for down payment and closing cost assistance, acquisition and rehabilitation loansxix, disabled retrofit loans and a revolving fund for small single family residential developments, individual single family rehabilitation projects and single family in-fill housing. The goal of the CLP program is to strengthen our community by facilitating affordable housing developments resulting in increased home ownership and rehabilitation opportunities for the City's low and moderate income families while improving the housing stock and stimulating further community development activities in targeted neighborhoods. The CLP will draw its funding from two sources: · the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) provided by the State of Florida · Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) provided by the Federal Department of Housing and urban Development. Each fund source has specific requirements that govern its use, SHIP funds will be used as described within specific planned strategies. Home Ownership HOME fund will be used for the residential development loan program. To access the CLP, the eligible sponsor must first be a designated participant, Once per year, during the City of Clearwater's sub-recipient application period, eligible sponsors will have the opportunity to apply to be included in the loan pool. Funds from the loan pool will be made available on a first come, first served basis. Preference will be given to projects proposed within the low and moderate-income census tracts of the City of Clearwater. Participants are not limited to territories within the census tracts. The designated participant prepares an application which contains, a project proposal, pro-forma, project budget, financial analysis, site information, zoning information, proof of clear title, and proof of environmental assessment. The designated participant must plan to complete the project within eighteen (18) months. Larger, longer-term projects may be proposed outside of the loan pool, as funding is available. Incentives to designated participants will be granted to those organizations to facilitate local housing assistance strategies."" The goal of the City of Clearwater is to provide high quality housing to its program participant~ . at an affordable price. The City of Clearwater will provide fmancial incentives and awards""i to . designated participants and partners who assist in the achievement of these goals. STRATEGIES: Down P~ent and Closing Costs Assistance for Construction of New Units and Purchase of Existinl1 Units The City of Clearwater, through its affordable housing programs and through eligible sponsors shall provide and allocate a portion of SHIP funds to provide down payment and closing cost 10 ;tJ I I assistance to income eligible first time home buyers of very-low to moderate income. Exception will be given to those individuals who have been displaced through divorce proceedings with evidence of relinquishment of title to primary homestead property. Individuals must not have, in the past three (3) years, owned any other property other than that homestead property and: · Is an adult · Has not worked full time or part time, for a consecutive period of time, in the labor force for a number of years but has, during such years, worked primarily without remuneration to care for the home and family · Is unemployed or under employed and is experience difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment · Is a single parent who, when married, owned a home with his or her spouse or resided in a home owned by the spouse, and who has been displaced as a result of a divorce. Funding for assistance to first time home buyers may be used by the borrower for down payment and/or closing costs, including prepaid items. A maximum of 3% of the sales price of the unit may be used for closing costs; the balance of the assistance must be applied to the down payment. Funds cannot be utilized to payoff debts, collections, or past due amounts and will not be provided when excessive fees or above market interest rates are being charged. The City of Clearwater nor eligible sponsors will assist flISt time home buyers who are charged more than two percent (2%) discount and one percent (1 %) origination fees or other out-of-pocket fees or closing costs considered excessive. A first time homebuyer must contribute a minimum two percent (2%) of the sales price to the purchase transaction. The contribution must be from his or her own ftmds and, cannot be a gift. Payoff of debts and collections, or ''paid outside of closing" (pOC) items which are paid by another party or credited back at closing will not be included as part of the two percent (2%) contribution by the first time home buyer. In some cases, the participating lending partner may require a larger contribution on part of the borrower. To be eligible for assistance, the household income of the first time home buyer must not exceed the income limits, adjusted for family size""ii as set forth by the income eligibility criteria in compliance with the State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP) which is based on the current applicable definitions of median income, for the area adjusted for family size published from time to time by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (Exhibit I). The first time homebuyer must, also, be a citizen of the United States of America or a permanent.. . resident alien possessing a "green card". Eligible properties are classified as an existing property or newly constructed property that is publicly or privately held for sale to a potential homebuyer and meets the following requirements: . Is a single family residence . Is a condominium unit . Is a townhouse . Is a cooperative unit 11 4J I I . Is a manufactured homexxiii . Is owner-occupied . Meets the Section 8 Housing Quality Standards (HQS)XXiv . Is not occupied by a tenant""v · Is built prior to 1978 with no evidence of chipping, peeling or chalking paint · Does not exceed ninety percent (90%) of the median area purchase price the maximum sales price limits as determined by Revenue Proclamation 94-55 of the United States Department of Treasury (Exhibit II) · Must be located within the City limits of Clearwater Loans will be available to first time home buyers for down payment and closing cost assistance with the following stipulations: · the loan term is not to exceed 30 years · the loan will be secured by a note and subordinate mortgage security instrument, approved by the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and recorded in the public records of Pin ell as County, Florida until satisfied · repayment of the loan will be deferred for a period of five (5) years; on the anniversary date of the sixth year the loan, monthly payments of principal will commence as follows: DEFERMENT AND REPAYMENT SCHEDIJl.F. Loan Amount Deferment Period Rqlayment Period Maximum Payment $1,000 or less 5 years 24 months $41.67 $1,000-$1,500 5 years 36 months $41.67 $1,501-$2,000 5 years 48 months $41.67 $2,001-$3,500 5 years 60 months $58.33 $3,501-$5,000 5 years 86 months $58.33 $5,001-$7,000 5 years 120 months $58.33 · The repayment period of the loan will remain fixed · The actual payment will be calculated at the time of loan closing, and will vary based on the final loan amount . No extensions will be granted · Loans will allow for repayment of principal in full , or in part, at any time without penalty · If the monthly payment is not received in full within the fifteen day grace period a late fee,.. will be charged · Structure shall comply with the definition of an affordable unit as defmed herein · Maximum combined loan-to-value shall not exceed one hundred five percent (105%) · Applicants must obtain first mortgage financing for purchase through a private and/or public lender · Families or individuals receiving assistance shall satisfactorily complete an approved housing counseling and training course and provide a copy of the certification of completion with application for assistance · Adjustable rate mortgages and/or mortgages fmanced by the owner/seller, or mortgages with above-market interest rates and/or excessive fees are not acceptable 12 4IJ I I · Gifts or costs paid by the seller can be used in conjunction with assistance, provided the borrower has made their minimum contribution and is documented . Cash back to the seller is no permitted · The borrower may be approved for assistance for down payment prior to locating and contracting to purchase a property · Assistance loans are not assumable, the entire principal balance of the loan is due and payable in full: · Upon sale or transfer of the property · The property is vacated and/or is no longer the primary residence of the borrower · The property is converted into a rental unit · Refinancing or assumption of financing the property DEMOLITION WITII RECONSTRUCTION The City of Clearwater recognizes that the housing stock in its older neighborhoods is declining, Homes found to be \D1Safe will be identified through the assistance of non-profit housing providers, code enforcement, local fire"districts and City inspectors, Homes found to subject to condemnation will be referred for consideration of replacement. As a result of condemnation, however, homeowners may be caused to experience displacement, SHIP and/or CDBG funds will be made available to assist with relocation of the homeowners during the construction period. A portion of SHIP funds will be used for the demolition and construction of a new home, replacing the dilapidated single family structure, The City of Clearwater will provide for the replacement of housing units for eligible very-low and low income persons. The City of Clearwater shall loan funds to demolish and reconstruct and/or develop affordable owner-occupied housing that is found to be code deficient to the point that rehabilitation is not economically feasible. The assistance may remain in the unit as an amortizing reduced interest rate loan (mL) or as a deferred payment loan (DPL). The amount of mortgages and Ilens, including the amount of SHIP funding assistance shall not exceed one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the after constructed loan-to-value. All units will be financed to remain affordable to the borrower. Structures must be located within the City limits of Clearwater, Structures or property with the most immediate threat to the household, public health, safety and welfare will receive priority consideration. Applicants must make an attempt to obtain maximum loan financing through private and/or public lenders, other than SHIP. Proof of applicants attempts to obtain such fmancing must be evidenced by either: · Lender approval letter for maximum qualifying loan amount, or . Denial letters from two (2) lending sources 13 fl1J I I ACQUIsmON WITH REHABILITATION In addition to down payment and closing cost assistance the City of Clearwater will use SHIP funds to assist a fIrst time homebuyer with purchase and rehabilitation of a single family structure that may be in need of repair or modernization. The City of Clearwater will provide for the rehabilitation of housing units for eligible very-low and low-income persons. The City of Clearwater shall loan funds to purchase a dwelling and the land on which the dwelling is located and rehabilitate it. The assistance may remain in the unit as an amortizing reduced interest rate loan (IBL) or as a deferred payment loan (DPL). The amount of mortgages and liens, including the amount of SHIP funding assistance shall not exceed one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the after rehabilitation loan-to-value. All units will be fInanced to remain affordable to the borrower. OWNER-OCCUPIED REHABILITATION The City of Clearwater, through its affordable housing programs and through eligible sponsors shall provide and allocate a portion SHIP funds to provide for rehabilitation of existing owner- occupied single family residences located within the City limits of Clearwater, Loans shall be made available to eligible very-low, low and moderate-income households. The assistance may remain in the unit as an amortizing reduced interest rate loan (IBL) or as a deferred payment loan (DPL) or a combination of both. The amount of mortgages and liens, including the amount of SHIP funding assistance shall not exceed one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the after rehabilitation loan-to-value, All units will be financed to remain affordable to the borrower. The borrowing homeowner for housing rehabilitation as follows may use funding for assistance: . Correct housing code defIciencies . Eliminate incipient housing code violations . Eliminate conditions having a demonstrative blighting influence on surrounding properties · Connect a residence to public utilities . Adapt residence to meeting accessibility needs of a handicapped family member . Alleviate an overcrowded situation After rehabilitation, the property, including all accessory structures must meet the City 0(.. Clearwater Housing Code Standards. No application for rehabilitation assistance that has the effect of extending a nonconforming use shall be processed. The owner nor the property can have any restrictions or encumbrances that would unduly restrict the good and marketable nature of the ownership interest. The owner as his/her primary residence (homestead) must occupy the property. 14 M I I EMERGENCY HOME REPAIR A portion of SHIP funds will be allocated toward emergency repairs. In conjunction with the housing rehabilitation program the City of Clearwater will grant funding for emergency repairs that may jeopardize the health, safety and welfare of the household. Conditions that may be considered as an emergency concern are as follows: · Structural components that show signs of imminent collapse · Inoperable heating systems during winter months · Water leaks in walls or foundation · Inoperable toilet or hot water heater · Roof leaks causing electrical hazards, ceiling collapse or structural damage · Inoperable exterior doors and/or windows, preventing emergency egress · Exposed bare wires or other imminent fire hazard . Collapsed or inoperable chimney or flue · Falling ceiling . Lead based paint DISABLED RETROFIT SHIP funding will also be made available for the retrofitting of homes occupied by disabled persons. Funding may be used to retrofit both owner occupied or rental units and will be provided in the form of a grant to the eligible household. Improvements should be limited to infrastructure and should not include purchase of personal items such as television sets, computers or telephones. Improvements may include: . Wheel chair ramps . Widening of doorways . Lowering of cabinets . Installation of grab-bars . Visual queuing systems for the hearing impaired MUL TIF AMIL Y HOUSING Funds may be used to support the acquISItIon and rehabilitation or new construction of multifamily housing including single room occupancy, transitional housing or the housing portion of a mixed use facility and mixed income projects, Funds may be used as a match for U, S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's HOME program. ADMINISTRATION: The State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) administration allocation of "not to exceed" 10% will be expended as follows: IS ,q..1 I I SHIP Administration E"Penses 1 0% of Annual Allocation Fiscal Year 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 Salaries & Benefits Operating Equipment Travelrrraining Supplies Membership Dues $85,430.00 $85,430,00 $85,430,00 TOTAL $85,430.00 $85,430,00 $85,430.00 HOUSING DELIVERY GOALS: See attachment' A' "Housing Delivery Goals Chart", attached hereto and made a part thereof TIMELINE FOR EXPENDITURES: See attachment 'B" "Timeline for expenditures", attached hereto and made a part thereof CERTIFICATION PAGES: See attachment 'C" "Certification", attached hereto and made a part thereof. The City of Clearwater will continue to use SHIP funds to provide the local matching funds/credits required for Federal and State affordable hosing programs. Endnotes i "LRAP" means concise description of the local housing assistance strategies and local housing incentive strategies adopted by local government resolution with an explanation of the way in which the program meets the requirements ofss.420.907-420.9079 and cOIporate rule ii "Eligible Municipality" means a municipality that is eligible for federal Community Development Block Grant moneys as an entitlement community identified in 24C.F.R. Section 570, Subpart D iii "Local Housing Partnership" means the implementation of the local housing assistance plan in a manner that involves the applicable eligible municipality, lending institutions, housing builders and developers, real estate professionals, advocates for low-income persons, community-based housing and service organizations, and providers of professional services relating to affordable housing. The term includes initiatives to provide support services for housing program beneficiaries such as training to prepare persons 16 ~;jJ I I for the responsibility of homeownership, counseling of tenants, and the establishing of support services such as day care, health care, and transportation. iv "Affordable Housing Advisory Committee" means the committee appointed by the governing body of a county or eligible municipality for the purpose of recommending specific initiatives and incentives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing as provided in s.420.9076 v "Very Low Income Person" or "Very Low Income Household" means one or more natural persons or a family that has a total annual gross household income that does not exceed 50 percent of the median annual income adjusted for family size for households within the metropolitan statistical area, the county, or the non-metropolitan median for the state, whichever is greatest. vi "Low Income Person" or "Low Income Household" means one or more natural persons or a family that has a total annual gross household income that does not exceed 80 percent of the median annual income adjusted for family size for households within the metropolitan statistical area, the county of the non- metropolitan median for the state, which ever amount is greatest. vii "Affordable" means that monthly rents or mortgage payments including taxes and insurance do not exceed 30% of that amount which represents the percentage of the median annual gross income for the households. However, it is not the intent to limit an individual household's ability to devote more than 30% of its income for housing. viii "Sales price" or "value" means, in c~~ of acquisition of an existing or newly constructed unit, the amount on the executed sales contract. For eligible persons who arc building a unit on land that they own, the sales price is determined by an appraisal performed by a state-ccrtified appraiser. The appraisal must include the value of the land and the improvements using the aftcr-construction value of the property and must be dated within 12 months of the date of construction is to commence. The sales price of any unit must include the value of the land in order to qualify as eligt"ble housing as defined in subsection (8). In the case of rehabilitation or emergency repair of an existing unit, sales price or value means the value of the real property, as determined by an appraisal performed by a state-certified appraiser and dated within 12 months of the date construction is to commence or the assessed value of the real property as determined by the county property appraiser, plus the cost of the improvements, ix "Special Housing Needs Population" means persons or families of handicapped, disabled, homeless, mral fann workers, elderly, persons with aids, persons living in unsafe structures and victims of domestic violence - "Population" means the latest official state estimate of population certified pursuant to s.186.90 1 prior to the beginning of the state fiscal year, x "Citizens Participation Plan" adopted ordinance #5770-95, 4120/95 by City of Clearwater Commission creating an housing advisory committee xi "Affordable Housing Incentive Plan" was accepted by the City of Clearwater Commission by Resolution #94-43 June 16, 1994 as recommended by the Affordable Housing AdvIsory Committee on June 17, 1993 xii "Local Housing Incentive Strategies" means local regulatory reform or incentive programs to encourage or facilitate affordable housing production, which include at a minimum. assurance that permits as defmed in s.163.3164(7) and (8) for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects; an ongoing process for review oflocal policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption; and a schedule for implementing the incentive strategies. Local housing incentive strategies may also include other regulatory reforms, such as those enumerated in s.420.9076 and adopted by the local governing body. xiii "Eligible Sponsor" means a person or a private or public for-profit or not-for-profit entity that applies for an A ward under the LHAP for the purpose of providing Eligible Housing for Eligt"ble Persons xiv "Eligible Person" means or "Eligible Household" means one or more natural persons or a family determined by the eligible municipality to be of very-low income, low income or moderate income according to the income limits adjusted to family size published annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development based upon the annual gross income of the household. xv "First Time Homebuyer" means, in general, someone who has not owned and occupied their principal place of residence whether in the United States or in any other country) for a period of at least three (3) years from the anticipated closing date of the property being fmanced. xvi "Self-Sufficiency" means being off of all federal government entitlement programs, including subsidized housing, and ultimately to become a home owner. 17 'Il I I n;i "Grant" means an award from the local housing assis1ance trust fund to an eligible sponsor or eligible person to partially assist in the construction, rehabilitation, or financing of eligible housing or to provide the cost of tenant or ownership qualifications without requirement for repayment as long as the condition of award is maintained. .viii "Community Based Organizations" means a nonprofit organization that has among its purposes the provision of affordable housing to persons who have special needs or have very low income, low income or moderate income within a designated area, which may include a municipality, a county, or more than on municipality or county, and maintains, through a mm;nulTn of one-third representation on the organization's governing board, accountability to housing program bcncficiaries and residents of the designated area. A community housing development cnpnmtion established pUlSU8Dt to 24 C>F>R:> part 92.2 and a community development cOIporation created pursuant to chapter 290 are examples of community-based organizations. .i. "Loan" means an award from the local housing assistance trust fund to an eligible sponsor or eligible person to partially finance the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of eligible housing with requirement for repayment or provision for forgiveness of repayment if the condition of the award is maintained "" "Local Housing Assistance Strategies" means the housing cons1ruction, rehabilitation, repair, or fmance program implemented by the participating county or eligible nuln;cipsility with the local housing distnbution or other funds deposited into the local housing assistancC trust ftmd. lllli As a condition of receipt of an award, the eligIble sponson or eligible penon must contractually commit to comply with the affordable housing criteria provided UDder ss.420-907-420,9079 applicable to the affordable housing objective of the award, The plan criteria adopted by the City ofC1earwater prescnbes the contractual obligation required to ensure compliance with award conditicms. llllii "Adjusted for Family Size" means adjusted in a ID81IIIer that results in an income eligibility level that is lower for households having fewer than four people, or higher for households having more than four people, than the base income eligibility determined as pIOvided in subsection (19), subsection (20), or subsection (28), based upon a formula established by the muted States Department of Housing and Urban Development. xaiii "Manufactured Home" means a home that contains a Department ofCotwmmity Affairs (DCA) Seal, must be built after 1978, must be permanently attached to the foundation and the buyer must have fee- simple title to the land on which the manufactured home is situated. .,.;v To insure compliance the borrower must provide a property iDspcction report (ASH! inspection is recommended) to verify that these standard have been met. ""V The City of Clearwater nor its eligible sponsors can finance properties currently occupied by tenants who will be displaced or required to vacate so that the sale can be finalized 18 /1.) I I CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSmp (Smp) PROGRAM LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN STATE FISCAL Years 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03 EXHIBIT I INCOME CERnFICA TION CHART Effective March, 2000 INCOME ELIGIBILITY LIMITS " 2000 Household Median 50% Median 80% Median 120% Size Income (Very Low) (Low) Median Income Income Income 1 Person $ 33,300 $ 16,650 $ 26,600 $ 39,900 2 Persons 38,000 19,000 30,400 45,600 3 Persons 42,800 21,400 34,200 51 ,300 4 Persons 47,500 23,750 38,000 57,000 5 Persons 51,300 25,650 41 ,050 61 ;575 6 Persons 55,100 27,550 44,100 66,150 7 Persons 58,900 29,450 47,100 70,650 8 Persons 62,700 31,35"0 50, 1 50 75,225 GROSS (UNADJUSTED) MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME - $47,500.00 III I I CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SIDP) PROGRAM LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN STATE FISCAL Years 2000-01,2001-02 and 2002-03 EXHIBIT II * 900/0 OF MEDIAN AREA PURCHASE PRICE LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEW EXISTING Daytona Beach MSA 106,365 71,686 Fort Lauderdale PMSA 124,187 108,726 Fort Myers - Cape Coral MSA 121,536 102,242 Fort Pierce - Port St. Lucie MSA 92,644 95,682 Jacksonville MSA 106,017 92,490 Lakeland- Winter Haven MSA 87,121 57,535 Melbourne - Titusville - Palm Bay MSA 110,749 90,846 Miami PMSA 119,439 113,418 Naples MSA 106,365 118,264 Orlando MSA 95,838 101,707 Punta Gorda MSA 106,365 79,463 Sarasota - Bradenton MSA 106,711 94,995 Tallahassee MSA 106,365 90,055 Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater MSA 88,679 83,491 West Palm Beach - Boca Raton MSA 134,040 107,949 Monroe County 135,714 124,875 - ' Other Areas 106,365 98,523 . *Source: Revenue Proclamation 94-55. U.S. Department or Treasury to 1 i CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROGRAM LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN STATE FISCAL YEARS 2000..Q1 EXHIBIT I - A 2000 - 2001 A VERAGElMAXIMUM AWARDS Strategy #1 DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION & PURCHASE OF EXISTING UNITS Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$ 9,946.25 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$20,000.00 proposed 2000-2001 maximum cost per unlt....................................$20,000.00 Proposed 2000-2001 average SHIP cost per unit...............................,$ 9,946,25 Number of households assisted..... ............... .................................... ....... .16 Strategy #2 DEMOLITION WITHRECONSTRUcnON Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$65,000.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$65,000.00 Proposed 2000-2001 maximum cost per unit ....................................$65,000.00 Proposed 2000-2001 average SHIP cost per unit...............................$65,000.00 Number of households assisted............................................................... ..4 Strategy #3 OWNER OCCUPIED REHABILITATION Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$21,866.67 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$30,000.00 Proposed 2000-2001 maximum cost per unit....................................$30,000.00 Proposed 2000-2001 average SHIP cost per unit.............................. $21,666.67 Number of households assisted..... ............ .... ........... .............................. .....9 Strategy #4 ACQUISITION WITH REHABiliTATION Proposed average cost per unit.. ..... ................ .............................. .$1 0,387.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$10,387.00 Proposed 2000-2001 maximum cost per unit................................ ,...$1 0,387,00 Proposed 2000-2001 average SHIP cost per unit,..............................$10,387.00 Number of households assisted.. ........ ....... ......................................... .........2 Strategy #5 EMERGENCY REPAIR OF EXISTING UNITS Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed 2000-2001 maximum cost per unit....................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed 2000-2001 average SHIP cost per unit.............................. $ 2,550,00 Number of households assisted.... ....... .................. ............................... ... ..29 ifJ I I 2000-2001 A VERAGE/MAXIMUM AWARDS Page -2- Strategy #6 DISABLED RETROFIT Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$ 5,000.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$ 5,000.00 Proposed 2000-2001 maximum cost per unit................ ,...................$ 5,000,00 Proposed 2000-2001 average SHIP cost per unit...............................$ 5,000.00 Number of households assisted.. .... ..... ...... ... ......... ... ...... ........ .... ... ..... ...... ....2 /11 I I CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROGRAM LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN STATE FISCAL YEARS 2000.Q1 EXHIBIT II - B 2001 - 2002 AVERAGE/MAXIMUM AWARDS Strategy #1 DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION & PURCHASE OF EXISTING UNITS Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$ 9,946.25 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$20,000.00 proposed 2001-2002 maximum cost per unlt....................................$20,000,OO Proposed 2001-2002 average SHIP cost per unlt................................$ 9,946.25 Number of households assisted................................................................16 Strategy #2 DEMOLITION WITH RECONSTRUCTION Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$65,000.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$65,000.00 Proposed 2001-2002 maximum cost per unit ....................................$65,000.00 Proposed 2001-2002 average SHIP cost per unlt..............................,$65,000.00 Number of households assisted............................................................... ..4 Strategy #3 OWNER OCCUPIED REHABILITATION Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$21666.67 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$30,000.00 Proposed 2001-2002 maximum cost per unlt....................................$30,000,OO Proposed 2001-2002 average SHIP cost per unit.............................. $21,666,67 Number of households assisted.... ...... .............................................. ...... .....9 Strategy #4 ACQUISITION WITH REHABIUTATlON Proposed average cost per unit. .... ...... ...........................................$1 0,387.'00 Proposed maximum cost per unit.... ..........~......................................$1 0,387.00 Proposed 2001-2002 maximum cost per unit.....................................$10,387,OO Proposed 2001-2002 average SHIP cost per unit................................$10,387,OO Number of households assisted.......... ............... ... ............... ...................... ...2 Strategy #5 EMERGENCY REPAIR OF EXISTING UNITS Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed 2001-2002 maximum cost per unlt....................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed 2001-2002 average SHIP cost per unit.............................. $ 2,550.00 Number of households assisted..... ..... ................................................... ... .29 I~ I I 2001-2002 A VERAGEIMAXIMUM AWARDS Page -2- Strategy #6 DISABLED RETROFIT Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$ 5,000.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$ 5,000.00 Proposed 2001-2002 maximum cost per unit....................................$ 5,000,00 Proposed 2001-2002 average SHIP cost per unit...............................$ 5,000.00 Number of households assisted.......... .... ... ... ......... ......... ... .................. ..... ....2 (l<1 , ' I I CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROGRAM LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN STATE FISCAL YEARS 2000..01 EXHIBIT III - C 2002 - 2003 AVERAGE/MAXIMUM AWARDS Strategy #1 DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION & PURCHASE OF EXlSllNG UNITS Proposed average cost per unlt......................................................$ 9,94&.25 Proposed maximum cost per unlt...................................................$20,000.00 proposed 2002-2003 maximum cost per unlt....................................$20,000.00 Proposed 2002-2003 average SHIP cost per unlt................................$ 9,946.25 Number of households asslst.d................................................................16 Strategy #2 DEMOLITION WITH .RECONSTRUCTION Proposed average cost per unlt......................................................$65,000.00 Proposed maximum cost per unlt...................................................$65,000.00 Proposed 2002-2003 maximum cost per unit .................................._$65,000.00 Proposed 2002-2003 average SHIP cost per unlt...............................$65,000.00 "lIl11tJEtr (If I1CJlIllttl1olcl!l IUSllllrtecl............................................................... ..~ Strategy #3 OWNER OCCUPIED REHABIUTATlON Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$21666.67 Proposed maximum cost per unlt...................................................$30,000.00 Proposed 2002-2003 maximum coSt per unlt....................................$30,000.00 Proposed 2002-2003 average SHIP cost per unlt.............................. $21,666.67 Number of households assisted..... ...... ........... ..........~. ~............... ............. .....9 Strategy #4 ACQUISITION WITH REHABIUTATlON Proposed average cost per unit.......................................................$10,387.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit.....................................................$10,387.00 Proposed 2002-2003 maximum cost per unlt.....................................$1 0,387.00 , Proposed 2002-2003 average SHIP cost per unlt................................$10,387.00. . . '__ _ - Number of households assisted. ............................................. .... ..... .... ..... ....2 Strategy #5 EMERGENCY REPAIR OF EXISTING UNITS Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed maximum cost per unlt...................................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed 2002-2003 maximum cost per unlt....................................$ 2,550.00 Proposed 2002-2002 average SHIP cost per unlt.............................. $ 2,550.00 Number of households assisted..... ... ........ ......... .... ... ... ........... .......... ........ .29 tIJ I I 2002-2003 A VERAGEIMAXIMUM AWARDS Page -2- Strategy #6 DISABLED RETROFIT Proposed average cost per unit......................................................$ 5,000.00 Proposed maximum cost per unit...................................................$ 5,000.00 Proposed 2002-2003 maximum cost per unlt....................................$ 5,000.00 Proposed 2002-2003 average SHIP cost per unit...............................$ 5,000.00 Number of households assisted.... ... .... ......................................... ................2 IjJ I ATTACHMENT 'A' HOUSING DELIVERY GOALS I FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION HOUSING DELIVERY GOALS CHART STRATEGIES FOR THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR: Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER Please ChK. applicable box, & if Amendment, enler numbr, New Plan: 2000-2001 Amendment: Fiscal Yr. Ooseout: I Available Funds: 1$854,299 YES 2000-2001 A 8 C 0 mleg,Mlt: :::::::::::::::::::::lm!::::::::::? :::::::::sijJl!:$i~::::::::::::::::::::::'Sf.iilftlliiiali::: ............,............... ..................h........ ............................. ............................. ........ ..... ... .. . E F :::,:::l~~~r::::mm!L :(@#i~~:::@@:r:) ::(::r)fiQ.M~:QWN~~~w:(ri " '."):r:$olAttCt~~)):::))::))::: " .......................... .. .. .................. :::jij~~;M@m:r :=:::=:::::1t:::::::::::::::::M~i=SHip:" "Mf:::?:Ji!#:f.~~!r: ., :::~;~:))r :,ai;j~:::::::: ::::::)::::g::))? ::::W~::::i rrr:;;;p:: m::::I~mtffli~~ffr::::::f~mm~t::::: :::::::)::)mi:Wil~i~ ... ,:: .:::::r~I.W:!ffl'~W?m Down Payment & Oosing Cost Assistance New Construction 2 $ 20,000,00 2 $15,000,00 2 $ 5,500,00 $ 81,000,00 histing 5 $ 7,814,00 5 $ 7,814,00 0 $ - $ Demolition & Reconstruction 3 $ 65,000,00 1 $65,000,00 0 $ - $ 260,000,00 Owner-occupied Rehabilitation 4 $ 30,000,00 5 $15,000,00 0 $ - $ 195,000,00 Acquisition with Rehabilitation 1 $ 10,387,00 1 $10,387,00 0 $ - $ 20,774,00 Emergency Repair 15 $ 2,550,00 14 $ 2,550,00 0 $ - $ 73,950,00 Disabled Retrofit 1 $ 5,000,00 1 $ 5,000.00 0 $ $ 10,000,00 - Subtotal 1 (Home Ownership) 31 29 2 $ 341,000,00 $ 299,724,00 $ $ 81,000,00 9,50% $ 78,140,00 9,10% $ 260,00000 30.40% $ 195,000,00 22,80% $ 20,774,00 2.40% $ 73,950,00 870% $ 10,000,00 120% $ 718,864,00 8410% 78,140,00 78,140,00 6 10 4 9 2 29 2 62 - , Subtotal 2 (Non-Home Ownership) Administration Fees Admin. From Program Income Home Ownership Counseling ..-........................ ............................ ........................... ...................................................... .......................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ........................... .. ............... ............................................. ............................................ ...................... ...................... ....................... ':':':':':':':':';';,:':':';0;':,:':':';';';' :?t:::::::::::::::::~:i:::::::::::::~~t:::::::::t~~:ttt::::~:~:::::~:::r~r:r;tt:t~t::~~:~::t::::::::::~~::t:~::~:ttt:~~:~:::~::t:~~~t::::~:::~:::::::::::~::::t::::n::::::::::~:~::t::t:::::ti::;~:::::~:~~~~:::::~::n:~::~::t:~::~~:::t::ntttt::~:t::~~~t::~:~:~~::::~~~:~~:~tr:~~~:~:::t~~:~:n~~$ 50,005,00 1 0,00% ::::t:~::::::t::::~~~::~~~~t: -, ~jl~~1~jj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~t 85,430,00 rffI1tt~1~tj~rt~~tm~1~~~1~rmt~j~~~~~~;~~~~1iji~~~~~~~j~~~~;~~~~~;1;fj~~~j~j~jJItt~~~~~~~j~j~~~~~~~~j~~~~t~~~~1~t~~~~~~~~f~~~tt~~~j~~m~~~mtj~j~j;~~~~j~~~~~j~~~~j~jJ~~~~~~j~;j~j~~~r;~~;;;~~~~;~!;~;~~~;~;~~~;~~~~~~j~1;~~j;j~~~;~~~;t~~j;~~~~~~~~m~~r~~~j~~~1~~;1r~j~~}~j~j~1~~~m~~~~~m~j~~~;~~~~j~j~j~~~~~~;~1~~~~~;~;~~~~~~m~~~~~j;~ ................... ...................................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ..................- GRAND TOTAL :r:::tttt::r:::::r:~:~:::~:::::::rt:::::::::::::~:tt::::f:::::::::~:~:~r{:}::::~:::~f:::~:::rt:::t:::@::::i::::rrr:@::r::::::::rrr:~:::::ttt::::t~::r:::::::::::::::::r~:@:::::::::~::r:H:~:ttHi:::~::r::rr:::::::::::~:~::rrr:::::::@::::mrrr:::::::::tf:~r:::~::::i$ $341,000.00 $ 299,724.00 ~ 78,140,00 100% 5 90% ,',','....,',',',',',',',',',',',',',' ................... . ~:~;;;~;~;ff~;~:~:~~:::~:~:~:~: 62 Add SUbtoIaIs 1 .1. ,....aII AdmiL . HO CouIaIeIiha 31 1:1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::1::1:1::1:::1:::::::1:1: 2 9 ':::;:::;::~:::~::;:::t::;~:::::~:::::r ....................... : ~:~;~; ~ ;~;: ~;f~:;: ~:~:~: ~:~;~:~; ~;f ~; ....................... ...................... . ..- :::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::~:~:::::~:~:::::::::::::;:~:::::::::::::::::::f~::::::::::::::::::::::t:::::::~:::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::;::::~:::::~::::::::::::::::;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::t::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::f:::::::::::fff:::::;::::::::::F::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::;::: Percentage Construction/Rehab Maximum Allowable Purchase Price: 2 :::::::1:::::::::1:::1:::::::::1:::1:1:::1::: ... ............ Calcul.te ConstrJRehob Percent. by ilddinc Grond 1otol Columns A&B,lhen divide by AnnuiII AIIocatioo AmI. :::;:::::::::::::::;:::::::;:::::::::;:::::::::;;;:;:;:::;:::;:;:;=;:::;:::::::: ........................................ ........................................ .......................-................ ........................................ .......................-.-.............. ........................................ ._........................-............. ........................................ :::::::::::::::::t::::::::,::t::t:::::ttttttttt::::::::::::t::::::::tt:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::t::tt::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t: New $ 88,769,00 EXisting I $ 83,461.00 Allocation Breakdown Amount % Very-Low Income $447,707 52.4% Low Income $260,157 30.4% Moderate Income $ 11,000 1.3% TOTAL $718,864 84.1% Projected Program Income: Max Amount Program Income For Admin: I Projected Recaptured Funds: Distribution: $ 854,299 Total Available Funds: 27-Mar-OO 12:29 PM FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION HOUSING DELIVERY GOALS CHART STRATEGIES FOR THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR: PInM ch<<. ..,lit_Ie bo., ... if A_dmr,II, IKIlpr nUmMr New Plan: 2002-2003 Amendment: Fiscal Yr. Closeout: Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER I Available Funds: 1$854,299 ii::"i:i,iil,i,I,:i'i,l:iiIIIIIIIIIJ:I:I::ii:i~~::iii::~il:ii:H::::::,'I::'i,:l,l,I::~:i,:III,,:,.il:I,:,i,:Illi:::f:~,i,:jlrdl.I::il:: ABC D E ::;::,,:::;:::,:i:,.::~:r.~:j,:~l:j Ij:jl:jii,:~Ii.i::i:i:,:i :I:i::::ill~':,:,~::i illl~.~~::I::,~:::llli~lj::I:i::: :::i:l~il:i Down Payment & Oosinc Cost Assistance New Construc:llon 2 $ 20,000,00 2 $15,000,00 2 $ 5,500,00 $ 81,000,00 Edsting 5 $ 7,814,00 5 $ 7,814.00 0 $ - Demolition & Reconstruction 3 $ 65,000,00 1 $65,000,00 0 $ - $ 260,000,00 awn.r",ccupied Rehabilitation 4 $ 30,000,00 5 $15,000,00 0 $ - $ 195,000,00 Acquisition with Rehabilitation 1 $ 10,387,00 1 $10,387,00 0 $ - $ 20,774,00 Emet'Jlency Repair 15 $ 2,550,00 14 $ 2,550,00 0 $ - $ 73,950.00 Disabled Retrofit 1 $ 5,000,00 1 $ 5,000.00 0 $ $ 10,000,00 - Subtotal 1 (Home Ownership) 31 'f~j~tIIffrtltlrt: 29 ~tltm~~t~[~~tt~[jj~{: 2 [jII~~~~1~~1~~t~;jI~~r:l~1: $ 341,000,00 $ 29?,724,00 ........................... $ 78,140,00 $ 81,000,00 9,50% $ 78,140,00 9,10% $ 260,000,00 30.40% $ 195,000,00 22,60% $ 20,774,00 2.40% $ 73,950,00 6.70% $ 10,000,00 1,20% $ 716,664,00 84,10% $ 78,140.00 1'lllliiill'iil'll:llilil:i::'::iillllJi:t: ", ,..._.-' ':"'~:::.. ::::::: '.:.:.:.:.: ......E;J._.. YES F ,::::::m'~~E:::, :}:::::::tIlilt$:::", 6 10 4 9 2 29 2 62 - Subtotal 2 (Non-Home Ownership) ~r~$::~~~~i~~p.~;~~1~~t til~~~~~lilfl~ l5:!fZ@f:f Administration fees .m~~=-f:.w.::t_:e,t~~~f:~1~tt~;If:~~~~~f:~~~1~l:m~~~t~f:j~*m:::+:<<.:::~ ..:...:.~x~J~~W:tf:~~~it.:..<:;;;.~,::,. .'. ..' *1:_mtf.fm~~1J.*;~if:r:f:1~m1f:mtfft:t~:1 s 85,430.00 10.00% 1;~~J;fm-m;*; Admin. from Program Income :~~m:~~.~~: ~..~:. w ..~~f:~~~~l~lt~~l~f:im=!g_mmtt~::~(~:~. . . :..:'::::;:;:1:::: '>~... ." .~..~* ..., .... .~.~::~:.:,;~iWf:~rJff:~i~~r:~f:~~~~m%f:~li.f~j ~~;~~~~~~~~~~i1f:1~&~1~~ 5~~:_~'::;'~~~~::: Percentage Construction/Rehab Calculate Conslr JR...... Percent. b, addilll era'" Total CAlI....... Mol, then dI.1de b, Annual Allocation Am\. :::::::::i::::::ii:ii:i:iiii::::IiiM;im;JitHi: Allocation Breakdown Amount 'lI. Very-Low Income $447,707 52.4" Low Income $260,157 30,4" Moderate Income $ 11,000 1,3" TOTAL $718,864 84,1" Projected Program Income: Max Amount Program Income For Admin: 1 Projected Recaptured Funds: Distribution: $ 854,299 Togl A.ai....ble Funds: 17-Mar-OO 01 :49 PM - FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION HOUSING DELIVERY GOALS CHART STRATEGIES FOR THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR: "~ase ched .,licable bok. a. if AnmMfment, en1.... nurnfMor New Plan: YES 2002-2003 Amend......t: Fiscal y,. doseout: Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER I Available Funds: 1$854,299 ABC 0 :,r:::ff'r:'rflQMM;~WN~~!1~tfffffff:ff\Mf:r M*~'$.!ii...':"" "'Ii ," ..~ mlp::' :':"w':':',":':Ejjjiii" """l!4lM.~"" "..tiIii~ir."" ~~~;;U~IM ....,TOW.."".., E F :::::::ttgf"t:::::: ::r:'1mM:::r'. r:~~:f)f,:w.!ii:':::r Down Payment & Cosine Cost Assistance New Construction 2 $ 20,000,00 2 $15,000,00 2 $ 5,500,00 $ 81,000,00 $ 81,000,00 9,50% 6 Existing 5 $ 7,814,00 5 $ 7,814,00 0 $ - $ 78,140,00 $ 78,140,00 9,10% 10 Demolition &: Reconstrudion 3 $ 65,000,00 1 $65,000,00 0 $ - $ 260,000,00 $ 260,000,00 30.40% 4 Owner-occupiod Rehabilitation 4 $ 30,000,00 5 $15,000.00 0 $ - $ 195,000,00 $ 195,000,00 22,80% 9 - Acquisition with Rehabilitation 1 $ 10,387,00 1 $10,387,00 0 $ - $ 20,774.00 $ 20,774,00 2.40% 2 Emersency Repair 15 $ 2,550,00 14 $ 2,550,00 0 $ - $ 73,950,00 $ 73,950,00 8.70% 29 ~isabled Retrofit 1 $ 5,000,00 1 S 5,000.00 0 S S 10,000,00 S 10,000,00 1,20% 2 - Subtotal 1 (Home Ownership) .........'.'...........'.'...'...'................... ............................................. :~:;:::::::::;:::;:::::~;:::::::::::::::::: $ $ 299,724.00 S 78,140,00 $ 718,864,00 84,10% 62 31 ...................................................... 29 ............................................. 2 341,000,00 ...................... !:~!:~:~:~:~:~:!:~:!:~:~:~~:~:~:~:~:~r:!:~:~:f ....................... ............................................. ...................... ...................... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ...................... ....................... ...................... ...................... Subtotal 2 (N on-Horne Ownersh ip) ~:~;~:;:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:;:~:~:~:~:~: ~~~ij~~~~~~i~~t~~~~~t~~~~~~~~tf: .::~,':~,;::,':~,':.~,?,:,~,.;,:,~,~,',~,:.:~,i,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,.;,:,'.~~"~,::,<,::,::,:~,~,.~, ~::I~.e~~.ls;:aom~~.:~~Fi~P ~a: ~:clominge ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:':':':';.:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':' 2 ,::::';:':::,::::::,~:::::::,:,~:'~:::::::::::::::::,::::::::::::'~',:~::,::::,:::,:::::':,'~::,:::,::::,:::,:::::,:::,:::::::,::::,::;:'~::,:::,::::,:",:::.,::'::::',:",:::'::'::",:::., $341 ,000.00 I $ 299,724,00 $ 78,140,00 1 :1:OO::0I:~2 ::,t:f:::.:t:,t'f::::f:::K:f::::':::::::::::::::::::::::f:t::::,:.:.,tf.,tit'ittf'::'f:'::':::::r::::':::::::::'::::J:l::Wm:llMl:::::l:lf:'f,.:t:frtf::r,':::'::f:::,.::::::tt,.t:::':r:::"t:::::.:::::.:::::::~t:::::::If::,:r::tt,',rfrt::t:t:::::'t.:. $ 85,430,00 '" fi~i~~~~f~~~~~~~~~jl~~~~f~~~~I~ilim~~~rmIjtili~t~j~r;~~~r~t~j~jttII~j~tti~~~~~t~~j~~~j~~~~~~~~~~t~j~1;;~J~~jlj~~~~j~j~m~~j~j~~~~f:?:;~~~~~~~;;f:~~~t:!~~~~t~~r~~tj;~~~~~~j~~~r~~jIi~jt}~~~~r~j;j~~ij1ft~~~~~~tj~j~~~m~~~1~~~~~~ili~~~~1~~~~j~~I~~j~~~~~;~f~~~~~;~~~~m~~~t~1~~;~t~~ttt~Ifrf!~/~~i~~~j ?...::t,?,,::,:.t::"l,:::':rr:::::::l:ft::f:::::?::::l::::::t:::::::r:::::::'::::::::f:':::::'::f:::::t:::::::::::tmllt:tttlt::::::::m:::::::::::::::???::':"::':::.:??::.t:::.::::::tft:.:'::tft:t::':::':l::'::f:r::~H:,:r':::t'l::::::'::t:tt::::'f::::::::'f:::' $ 50,005.00 GRAND TOTAL 31 .........................., 29 '.':,::"::'::,.,:,:::,::,:::,::,'::,',:.:,::::,::,':,:::,',:,':,:::,':,,':,':"::,::':,':,::',::',':',':,'::,:::,,:,::,::,::,.:',':,::::,::,::,::,::,,:, ~ Sublot.lllll .2, ,.. d A4IniL . HO ~ .~!~,~~,!j,!,:,:~:.:j,:,~~~,'~~,~~,~,1,1,~,f,~,~j,j,l,!,~,ij,:,~f,:,~~,1,f,,1j,~,~~,1,~,~,1,1,~,~,j,1,'i,'~,:, .:::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::.:.:.:::::::::::: ""}:::t..""":,..:.....:.""::"",:,:"",,,,,,,:,"""""",:,;:"",,':""::"':':::':"::f:::':'"...:.....:,..:.:..,..:,:,:".:.:.:.:,.:..".,,::::,::,:.:"",:::",:"::,:"::",,,:,....:.:.},t,,.:,:,:...'{"",:"":::""::"":::"::::,:,,,,,,:,,,:,,,::::,:;:;,.":.,::::..,,,,::.:..,:...:,.:........,,:.,.:,....,:...,.,.,.,.,m,:"..:..".."",:..".,.::,.......:.:.,.:':::':,""":"''=i:'':'':'::':':''::'''::;:;':':':"':',,..:~.,:.:.:.n.:.',":':':':':':"':""""::':"'::":"":",:"::}",:,:::,tttt.}.":"",,,::,,,,W:,""":",',l.{..,....:....,.:..H:""""'"""""",,,""",...':1,"":':':""""':;:;"":"':'::'" ........................................ .................,...................... ..........................-.-...._..-... Percentage Construction/Rehab Calculate Conslr JRehab Percent. by adding Grand T otaJ Calumns A&Il, then divide by Annual Allocation AmI. ItIIIH:::::::::::::::::::::::":::::::::f:::::: Maximum Allowable ~, Purchase Price: Allocation Breakdown Very-Low Income Low Income Moderate Income TOTAL Amount $447,707 $260,157 $ 11,000 $718,864 % Projected Program Income: Projected Recaptured Funds: Distribution: Total Available Funds: Max Amount Program Income For Admin: 52,4% 30.4% 1.3% 84.1% $ 854,299 27-Mar-OO 12:31 PM I ATTACHMENT 'B' TIMELINE FOR EXPENDITURES I TIME TABLE FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER Advertise A_ 01 Funds x ApplIcaIion Period (eon..,BIdII X . X X Appfocalion PeriDd(On-Golngl X X X X X X X X X X X X . X X X X X Stall Pl1lGram V.., X Annual RIJIllII X X X Mld-V...II_/~ : X End-V..___ . X X E_~ X . ExDendILnt ~ X FInaIP__ X - -, Directions: Type In th. .ppllcable y.... _the top line. List Prog..m Ac:tIvIlln down left hand 11de. Type In an "X. on .ppllcllble .ctlvlty line und.r month and y.ar the .ctlvlty will be Initiated or completed. At . minimum the following .cllvllln lhould be lnc:Iudecl: 1) Advertls. availability of fundi .nd application period 2) Encumbrance of fundi (12 months following end of State Fiscal Year) 3) Expenditure of fundi (24,months followlng end of State Fiscal Year). 4) Submit Annual Report to FHFC (September 15th) 3IH TIME TABLE FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER [irr~~ i~; X~~~~~i~::;~ ~~~Jfrf~, ~. f '~.: :~:: :'1',:, .> l!.~~~~1ttf.~~~~~:.: ~', -, ~~,~ " ~ ~~~:~ -~Q _: ~ :~>> y ,~' _- ':7~~~~t:fi!~~ J';-: ~~= ~'7 ': W-';J ~i'''<<?'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~:!::; '~~~~ l~..~:-~ " n ~~;:J- ft." ~_ '[:."'''-- . H ~~ r~ ~:,~~;~~~ ~ - ~~ ~'.~;I\~~~'t~:'iJ['~r.'.~~d~~ ,:~~~: '^:~~~~r~' ~~( ~'~~:~~~:};~7~~~~~~~"1~1 ~:.;;<<'I\! '" J Jt'''hJ,~lffi_",_.,..~.J, ,~, "t;.n..",.j;~."..'t;J;.""..{f"i\..,~,';l"'B'" (, i ' ,t , tJ,~u';,j ,t ~ ~~ .11.h _'l~' ~h'" .. " " _ ~ "l'.~.~:h~~*,~"\~ fj:>.1 ~ ,>.rJ"..?ih",t,.., 'i-/ i-,",,;;"'~-YP;~.~4j:..~ol~ US\d1\;!.tJ~.iJ':r~ Acl_. "_01 F..... x __IComa.BIdII X X X X _P X X X X X X X X " X " " " x " " x X StarlPI1llIIIIRV_ " _R_ x x " _V__............... " : End-V__............... " " " EncunInnce Deadline " ExpendiIure De_ " FNlPmatam RevIew " - -, Directions: Type In the applicable years _I the top line. list Progmn ActIvities down left hand Ilde. Type In an "X" on applicable activity Dne under month and year the activity wiD be Initiated or completed. At I mlnlmum the following activities should be Included: 1) Advertise avalllblllty of fundi and IppUcltlon period 2) Encumbrance of funds (12 months following end of State FIScal Velr) 3) Expenditure of fundi (24:months following end of State fiscal Velr). 4) Submit AnnUli Report to FHFC (September 15th) :WI TIME TABLE FOR STATE RSCAL YEAR 2002-2003 Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER , Adver1ise Av_of FI.IIdI x I_POItxlIComD,_1 x . x x IAl>PIIcation POItxl(On-Golnal . . . . . . x x x x x x x x x x x x Slarl program y_ . AnnulI R_ x x x Mlcl-Y_RovIowI~ x Eftd.YwRovIowIAd_ x x x E............ Deadh x ExMnlIlbn ~ x FlnaI__ x - -, Directions: Type In the appllcable yea.. a_ ....lOp Une. Ust Program ActIvities down left hand side. Type In an "X" on applicable activity line under month and year the activity will be Initiated or completed. Ata minimum the following actIvlllas should be Included: 1) Advertise availability of fund$ and application period 2) Encumbrance of funds (12 months following end of Stale fiscal Year) 3) expenditure of funds (24 months following end of State fiscal Year). 41 Submit Annual Report Ie! FHfC (September 15th) "I I ATTACHMENT 'c' CERTIFICATIONS I I I CERTIFICATION TO FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Local Government: City of Clearwater, Florida (1) The local government will advertise the availability of SHIP funds pursuant to Florida Statutes (2) All SHIP funds will be expended in a manner which will insure that there will be no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, sex familial status, handicap, religion, or national origin. (3) A process for selection of recipients for funds has been developed. (4) The eligible municipality or county has developed a qualification system for applications for awards. (5) Recipients of funds will be required to contractually commit to program guidelines. (6) The Florida Finance Agency will be notified promptly if the local government (or interlocal entity) will be unable to comply with the provisions of the plan. (7) The Local Housing Assistance Plan shall provide for the expenditure of SHIP funds within 24 months following the end of the State fiscal year in which they are received, (8) The plan conforms to the Local Government Comprehensive Plan, or that an amendment to the Local Government Comprehensive Plan will be initiated at the next available opportunity to insure conformance with t he Local Assistance Plan. (9) Amendments to the approved Local Housing Assistance Plan shall be provided to the Agency with 21 days after adoption. (10) The trust fund shall be established with a qualified depository for all SHIP funds as well as moneys generated from activities such as interest earned on loans. (11) Amounts on deposit in the local housing assistance trust fund shall be invested as permitted by law. (12) The local housing assistance trust fund shall be separately stated as a special revenue fund in the local governments audited financial statements, copies of the audit will be forwarded to the Agency as soon as available. .(X) w I (13) An interlocal entity shall have its local housing assistance trust fund separately audited for each state fiscal year, and the audit forwarded to the Agency as soon as available. (14) SHIP funds will not be pledged for debt service on bonds or as rent subsidies. (15) Developers recelvmg assistance from both SHIP and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program shall comply with the income, affordability and other LIHTC requirements, Similarly, any units receiving assistance from other federal programs shall comply with all Federal and SHIP program requirements. (16) Loans shall be provided for periods not exceeding 30 years, except for deferred payment loans or loans that extend beyond 30 years which continue to service eligible persons. (17) Rental Units constructed or rehabilitated with SHIP funds shall be monitored at least annually for 15 years for compliance with tenant income A:men~Sj~~Ulmmenl Witness V MIchael J. Roberto City Manager &2-_2~~ Witness 4/J / hO Date I I Attest: - Z. .t