CERTIFICATION I J CERTIFICATION On behalf of City of Clearwater , I hereby attest to (Name of local entity) the following for state Fiscal Year 19~-~: · Eligible persons or eligible sponsors receiving SHIP assistance have complied with income, affordability, and set-aside requirements of the SHIP Program. · All SHIP funds were expended in a manner which insured no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, sex, familial status, handicap, religion, or national origin. · All recipients of SHIP funds were selected according to the approved selection criterion of the Local Housing Assistance Plan. · All recipients of SHIP funds have contractually committed to abide by SHIP Program guidelines. · Florida Housing Finance Agency will be notified promptly if the local government is unable to comply with provisions of the Local Housing Assistance Plan. · All SHIP funds will be encumbered by December 31, six months following the end of. the state fiscal year in which they are received, except for first year of Program. · All SHIP funds will be exoended by December 31, eighteen months following the end of the State fiscal year in which they are received. · Rental units constructed or rehabilitated with SHIP funds shall be monitored at least annually for 15 years for compliance with tenant income and affordability requirements. herein is true Date 11/10/93 or Designee ...1,",... ~- Wi'tneltg ~~~.Jb.: Date 11/1~/'1.3 . . / "- /- / /' (; j ,I / FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Housing Delivery Accomplishments for SHIP Funds 1, Name of Local Entity: City of Clearwater 2, Name of Strategy: Home-OwnerRehab FORM 1 s.420,9075(8)(a) 3, State Fiscal Year: 92-93 4, Allocation Amount: $28,350,00 C 0 STRATEGY ONE INCOME CATEGORY TOTAL VERY LOW LOW MODERATE -- 5, NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS SERVED PERSONS (Per All Households): 6, BY AGE 0-18 0 . III; 19 - 25 0 26 - 40 0 40 - 64 0 ---,- 0 65 and over 7, BY RACE --- White, non Hispanic (\ Black, non Hispanic n Hispanic 0 Asian 1 Pacific I slander 0 American Indian 1 Aleut 1 Inuit n Other 0 . _on 8. BY FAMILY SIZE ~l 1 person 0 -------_._-~- 2 - 4 people 0 5 or more people ------o-~--j -----~ 9, SPECIAL NEEDS POPULATIONS Rural residents 0 -- - F arm workers 0 Elderlv -- 0 Mentally 11I1 Disabled 0 Handicapped 1 Physically Disabled 0 Homeless 0 Other (Enter below) : n .A B FORM SHIP - AR STRATEGY TWO INCOME CATEGORY TOTAL VERY LOW LOW MODERATE 5, NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS SERVED PERSONS (Per All Households): 6, BY AGE , 0-18 0 19 - 25 0 ..... 26 - 40 n 40-64 0 65 and over 0 7, BY RACE White, non Hispanic 0 Black, non Hispanic 0 Hispanic 0 Asian / Pacific Islander 0 American Indian / Aleut II nuit 0 Other 0 8, BY FAMILY SIZE 1 person 0 - 2 - 4 people 0 - 5 or more people 11 9, SPECIAL NEEDS POPULATIONS - Rural residents 11 Farmworkers 0 Elderly 0 Mentallv III/ Disabled 0 Handicapped / Physically Disabled 0 Homeless 0 Other (Enter below) : 0 . A B s.420,9075(8)(a) 3, State Fiscal Year: 4, Allocation Amount: C 92-93 $28,350,00 o FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Housing Delivery Accomplishments for SHIP Funds 1, Name of Local Entity: City of Clearwater 2, Name of Strategy: Homeownership FORM 1 FORM SHIP - AR FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Housing Delivery Accomplishments for SHIP Funds 1. Name of Local Entity: Ci ty of Clearwater 2. Name of Strategy: Homeownership STRATEGY TWO INCOME CATEGORY TOTALS & VERY LOW LOW MODERATE AVERAGES 5. Units Produced 0 6. Distribution of Units (PercentaQe) 0 7. COST a. Total Production Cost 0 ,~veraQe Production Cost 0 c. SHIP Funds Used n d. AveraQe SHIP Funds Used I Unit 0 8. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES - NEW CONSTR. a. Number I Strateav -cJ b. Combined Sales Price 0 -- c. Average Sales Price I Strateav 0 d. 90% of Area Median Sales Price - New Homes **** **** **** 0 9. SINGLE FAMIL Y HOMES - EXISTING a. Number I StateQV 0 b. Combined Sales Price 0 c. AveraQe Sales Price I StrateQV 1 0 d. 90% of Area Median Sales Price - Existing **** **** **** 0 -. -- 10. RENTAL UNITS Aff. Rent Aff. Rent Aff. Rent I - a. Number of No BR Units 0 b. AveraQe Rent 0 c. Number of 1 BR Units 0 d. Average Rent . n e. Number of 2 BR Units 0 f. AveraQe Rent 0 g. Number of 3 BR Units 0 -- h. AveraQe Rent . n i. Number of 4 BR Units 0 j. AveraQe Rent 0 A B s.420.9075(8)(b), (c) 3. State Fiscal Year 4. Allocation Amount : C 92-93 $28,350,00 D o FORM 2 -FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Housing Delivery Accomplishments for SHIP Funds 1. Name of Local Entity: City of Clearwater 2. Name of Strategy: Home-Owner Rehab FORM 2 STRATEGY ONE INCOME CATEGORY TOTALS & VERY LOW LOW MODERATE AVERAGES 5. Units Produced 0 6. Distribution of Units (Percentaoe) 0 --- -- - - 7. COST , -.-- a. Total Production Cost 0 b. Averaoe Production Cost 0 -,- - 0 -- . .---- '~SHIP Funds Used n_ d. Average SHIP Funds Used I Unit n -- 8. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES - NEW CONSTR. --. a. Number I Strategy 0 b. Combined Sales Price 0 c. Average Sales Price I Strateav 0 d. 90% of Area Median Sales Price - New Homes **** **** **** 0 9. SINGLE FAMIL Y HOMES - EXISTING a. Number I Stategy n b. Combined Sales Price 0 c. Averaoe Sales Price I Strateov 0 d. 90% of Area Median Sales Price - Existing **** I **** **** 0 -. ~ RENTAL UNITS Aft. Rent Aft. Rent Aft. Rent a. Number of No BR Units 0 b. Average Rent 0 c. Number of 1 BR Units 0 d. Averaoe Rent 0 e. Number of 2 BR Units 0 f. Average Rent 0 g. Number of 3 BR Units n h. Average Rent 0 i. Number of 4 BR Units 0 i. Average Rent 0 A B s.420.9075(8)(b), (c) 3. State Fiscal Year : 92-93 4. Allocation Amount: $28,350,00 C D - -, FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Housing Delivery Accomplishments for SHIP Funds 1, Name.of Local Entity: City of Clearwater 2, Name of Strategy: . Home-Owner Rehab STRATEGY ONE FORM 3 s.420,9075(8)(d), (g) 3, State Fiscal Year 92-93 4, Allocation Amount: $28,350,00 A B C o INCOME CATEGORIES TOTALS & VALUE VERY LOW LOW MODERATE AVERAGES 5, Number of Units Produced 0 6, Combined Appraised Value 0 7, Average Appraised Value 0 FINANCING 8, SHIP Funded Direct Loan Mortgages a, Number Served I Strateav 0 b. Combined Mortgage Amount 0 c, Average Mortgage Amount I Unit -.--.- 0 d, Rate of Default (Enter as Decimal) 0 9, SHIP Funded Deferred Payment Loan Mortgages a, Number Served I Strategy 0 b, Combined Mortgage Amount 0 c, Average Mortgage Amount I Unit 0 d, Rate of Default (Enter as Decimal) 0 10, SH I P Funded Grants Number Served I Strategy -~ a, 0 b, Combined Grant Amount 0 c, Average Grant Amount I Unit O----~ - --. 11, Recap of Total Financing a, Total SHIP Funds I Strategy 0 b, % SHIP Funds . 0 c, Total Public Moneys I Strategy 0 d, % Public Moneys 0 e, Total Private Funds I Strategy . 0 f, % Private Funds 0 g, Total EQuity Participation I Strateav 0 h, % Eauitv n i, Total Development Cost I Strategy . 0 (Should Be The Same as the Appraised Value) **** **** **** **** j, % of Total Development Cost I Strateav 0 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Housing Delivery Accomplishments for SHIP Funds 1, Name of Local Entity: City of Clearwater 2, Name of Strategy: Homeownership STRATEGY TWO FORM 3 s.420,9075(8)(b), (c) 3, .State Fiscal Year : 92-93 4, Allocation Amount : $28,350,00 A B C o ... INCOME CATEGORIES TOTALS & VALUE VERY LOW LOW MODERATE AVERAGES 5, Number of Units Produced 0 6, Combined Appraised Value 0 7, Average Appraised Value 0 FINANCING 8, SHIP Funded Direct Loan Mortoaoes 0 a, Number Served I Strategy 0 b, Combined Mortgage Amount 0 c, Average Mortgage Amount I Unit 0 d, Rate of Default (Enter as Decimal) 0 9, SHIP Funded Deferred Payment Loan Mortgages a, Number Served I Strateov 0 b, Combined Mortgage Amount 0 c, Average Mortgage Amount I Unit 0 d. Rate of Default (Enter as Decimal) 0 10, SHIP Funded Grants a, Number Served I Strategy 0 b, Combined Grant Amount 0 c, Average Grant Amount I Unit u 11, Recap of Total Financing a, Total SHIP Funds I Strategy 0 b, % SHIP Funds 0 c, Total Public Moneys I Strategy 0 d, % Public Moneys 0 e, Total Private Funds I Strateov 0 f. % Private Funds 0 g, Total Eauity Participation I Strateav 0 h, % Eauity 0 i. Total Development Cost I Strategy 0 (Should Be The Same as the Appraised Value) **** **** **** **** j, % of Total Development Cost I Strategy 0 ,-- I I FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Housing Delivery Accomplishments for SHIP Funds Name of Local Entity: City of Clearwater FORM 4 s.420,9075(8)(e), (f), & (h) Fiscal Year 92-93 Allocation $59,684 s.420.9075(8)(e) 1, Attach a description of the implementation of the affordable housing incentive plan and the resulting reduction in housing costs, The Affordable Housing Incentive Plan has not yet been adopted, s.420,9075(8)(f) 2, Attach a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of affordable housil"!g provided by local programs. See attached s,420,9075(8)(h) 3, Attach such other data or affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by the reporting county or eligible municipality, Not available to date 4, Attach copies of all SHIP Program loan documents and I or other agreements with eligible persons and I or eligible sponsors, Not available to date 5, Attach copies of any and all advertisements of availability of SHIP funds for the applicable SHIP program year, Indicate the date and paper or publication in which the advertisement appeared. Has not been advertised to date City of Clearwater Fiscal Year 92-93 S,420,9075(8)(f) I I Form 4 2, Supportive Services - The Housing Authority has not committed funds as of 9/30/93, There are, however, supportive services provided on a routine basis by the following agencies: Community Service Foundation - Provide budgeting classes, housekeeping classes, information and referral throughout Pinellas County, Clearwater Neighborhood Services - Construction or acquisition and rehabilitation of housing for sale to very low and low income households in the North Greenwood area of the City, Tampa Bay Community Development Corporation - Down payment assistance, deferred second mortgages and budget counseling throughout Pinellas County, FORM 5 FOR STATE FY 19-2.2-.2l.. AS OF SEPTEMBER 30. 19_ NAME OF LOCAL ENTITY: City of Clearwater -- 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. St SHIP E d' Units SHIP P d dEb SHIP Proposed Units E rategles : xpen Itures ro uce ncum ranees ncumbered Proposals Units - --- -- Homeowner Rehab () () II II 0 11 -- Homeownershin 0 0 () () II /. -- HOME OWNERSHIP COUNSELING () II II II (\ () ADMINISTRATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS -" SHIP Moneys Expenditures 0 Encumbrances 0 Proposals 0 Total Allocation For Year $59,684 SHIP Units Produced 0 Encumbered 0 Proposed 15 Total Est. for year 15 Attach a brief description of how your SHIP plan will meet the-required homeownership, construction, and income set - asides, I I Form 5 Supplement Brief description of how SHIP plan will meet the required homeownership, construction and income set-asides: Households to be served Owner-Rehab Households Very low-income Low-income 11 6 5 Average household size Persons with special needs 3 6 Homeowner Households Very low-income Low-income 4 o 4 Average household size 3 CLE.lRW A TER HOUSI NG AUTHORII-V INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Wright, City Manager Deborah Vincent, Executive Director ~ FROM: COpy TO: File HVr'" SUBJlECT: SHIP Annual Report DATE: November 10, 1993 (:1:: :1 ~ ';, t , . '''1-':1,lY .' ""~. The SHIP Annual Report is due November 15, 1993, I have prepared same and enclose for your signature on the certification page, I have also enclosed a narrative report to give you my progress to date, Please sign the enclosed and forward with the cover letter provided. I have also enclosed a copy for your files, Please call if you have any questions, Thank you, DV: j j enc l,rrT~'-''''''',,, ,I'" \\ 0 U SIN .:;-~ " <l. ...~---..: v -:. II <y"'/ .....11" ,I~/, \ ,~... ~ "'t'1,-') I / -~\S~ ~ S ~- fflrr':I: ~ ~ c,.==-_ ~ " 0:: --,-=-=:- a ~ " do ----- ~ \ '::.v-I~. -c- ..... \\ ':::.. ,,> ------ ... 'y II ~..} -----/ ~ I -- >t- -...... ~ " ---_ 7 9 t\ '\ 1111/ ""./J.r".F,rJII C[EJrcoatE"L dfou1-ing c4utfuJ"Lity P,O. BOX 960 210 EWING AVENUE CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 34617 PH: (8131 461-5777 - FAX 446-3462 November 10, 1993 Ms, Beverly Cliett SHIP Program Administrator Florida Housing Finance Agency 2574 Seagate Drive, Suite 101 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-5026 Re: SHIP Annual Report Dear Ms, Cliett: Enclosed please find the SHIP Annual Report for the period ending September 30, 1993, You will note that little activity has occurred as our agency has recently begun administering this program. We expect a much greater level of activity this next quarter, If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact my office, Sincerely, ~~~ Deborah Vincent Executive Director DV : j j enc Serving many of Clearwater's finest families BARBEE TOWERS - 1100 Druid Road East - Tel. 446-1045 · RICHARDS TOWER - 211 South Prospect Ave. - Tel. 461-5777 CONDON GARDENS APARTMENTS - 2990 Tanglewood Dr., So. - Tel. 797-7700 · CHESAPEAKE VILLAS - 3001 Chesapeake St. - Tel. 797-7700 HOMER VILLAS - 1884 N, Betty Lane - Tel, 461-9434 · FULTON APARTMENTS - 1610 Fulton Avenue - Tel. 461-9434 THE HAMPTON - 1099 McMullen Booth Road - Tel. 726-8861 ...0:.... , ' TO: CLEIRWATER HOUSING AUTHORlv INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Michael Wright, City Manager ~ ) Deborah Vincent, Executive Director~ FROM: COpy TO: Jim Polatty, File SUBJECT: SHIP Report DATE: November 10, 1993 On October 29, 1993, the Florida Housing Finance Agency forwarded instruction and forms for the completion of the SHIP report due November 15, 1993, This first report will show no progress, however, I did wish to advise you of the actions taken to date, As you know, the Agreement between the City and CHA was executed on October 8, 1993 and all files were received from the Community Development office, The remainder of the month of October was spent reviewing all of the available information on the SHIP Program including two updates recently received, I had a productive meeting with the Hernando County Housing Authority who are administering this program for their county, Although their area is primarily rural, I was able to learn a great deal about the actual workings of the program, Also in OctOber, I met with Greg Schwartz of the Tampa Bay Community Development Corporation to become knowledgeable about their role in the community and how SHIP funds could benefit their existing program, Likewise, I met with Isay Gulley of the Clearwater Neighborhood Housing Services with the same mission, Both meetings went well and both agencies are anxious to have a role in this program, I also had the opportunity to meet with Jim Polatty who provided insight into the thoughts behind the development of the plan and provided some recommendations regarding the commitment of the funds, In addition, I met with Darlene Kalada of the County Community Development office to get her opinion on the best use of these funds, Finally, on November 1, 1993, I met with Jeannie Fewell, from JacksonVille, who is the SHIP Program Consultant to the State of Florida, We were able to spend about four hours together and she was extremely helpful regarding the development and implementation of the plan, ~ ~ - . I -2- I I am now in the position where I am knowledgeable about the program and understand the regulations and limitations, The next step is to commit the funds to the agency or agencies who can best deliver the desired services, In an effort to make the right decision regarding this, I have called a meeting for November 12, 1993 to discuss the master affordable housing plan with the City Planning staff, NHS, TBCDC and the County, It is my goal to have the meeting conclude with a consensus from the group as to where the funds should be directed to provide the biggest impact to the City of Clearwater, I expect to have proposed sub-contracts to your office next week for your approval, I am excited about the possibilities this affordable housing program in Clearwater, input, Please do not hesitate to call me need further information, program brings for the I welcome your advice and if you have any questions or DV:jj