SIDEWALK WAIVER (5) ~. .' ' ,tllfTIl.l:l"',,<.. ,I'" ~\.~ .' ''''r6~~ \\.c..4..~~~ ~~, ,-, ~c...i ,d,/ ~ "'l ~ ' \ c-2___ ~_ :':=,,: ,!C(~ ~f-r'\ =~ '. t::::::j~ ~~~I~~ ~''''''LIII.1 I -CITY OF CLtARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 CLEARWATER,FLORIDA 33518-4748 CITY MA!'\.iAGER October 9, 1984 RECEIVED OCT 1 () 1~84 CITY CLERK Spectrum 2000 Realty, Inc. 1250 South Pinellas Avenue Tarpon Springs, Florida 33589 HAND DELIVERED Attention: Lindon F. Lane, President Reference: Lot 31, Block E, Eastwood Terrace 198 Fernwood Dear Mr. Lane: In accordance with Section 133.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installa- tion waiver. Since there are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the above-referenced property, you meet the requirements as set forth in the aforementioned Code section. Therefore, I am pleased to inform you that a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement is granted on the above-referenced property. Should it be determined that a sidewalk is required at this location in the future, it will be instal y the assessment process. cc: ~lizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager' cdward V. Bethel, Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director vtucille Williams, City Clerk .. F qua I F m p I 0 )' m l' n' and A f fir m a , i ,. l' A c , ion F m p I 0 .v e r " I 0 7o~'8 oo((q) 4 '~ I CITY OF CLEARWATER I APPLICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER Fee $ JC.o Date Paid '1/rIM Receipt 71{ 1-- ~!!Jc.f ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) 198 Fernwood & Drew street LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, Subdivision) Lot 31 Block E Eastwood Terrace OWNER'S NAME Jo Spectrum 2000 Realty. Inc. PHONE 938-2403 ADDRESS 1250 South pine lIas Avenue Qibt'. Lindon F. Lane TarQon Sprinqs. Florida 33589 REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS 1250 South pinellas Avenue, Tarpon Sprinqs, Florida 33589 REASON FOR REQUEST As to the waiver alono Drew Street: Al Large drainage ditch runs along S. side of Drew Street, therefore, it is impossible to locate walk l' off of the property. ~ B) There is presently no walks along Drew Street due to1- the above, however, there is a bicycle path. C) Area along property line is built up to form retention area, as required. As to the waiver along Fernwood: A) City has bad drainage problem which requires this property to be higher than normal to avoid flooding and washout. B) This property is located in an "older" subdivision without sidewalks. Section 133.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructeg by the OWner qn6 acrQS,S or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9J';fY / ate /1...daY Of~L. ,19~. {/~ ~~.~;9~/~~:;/~./ My ~ssion Exoi~~~~ "Notary Public, Statl) 01 fl!m .a My Commission Expires Nov. 27, 1987 Dtlnu\;:J . lilt. ......, .~'" J !:Jr. C ' - -- ./. . ~ /' ./ ' " ,/- -- ". ...:' - ...... -- . ..;.,-- '. ", ~,. . 1910-62 Rev.6/83 ... V' ;.'~ () 1. ' .. " .~J:e , I FROM: r ., Eliz~beth _Haeseker, Asst. CitY,,"~anager , ~l. ", I .; : " ~~'" .,' . KeithCrawford, Traffi'c E~gineering Director :,.~:~ -;:-:"~':' -,.' '~'.""', -'-"-':'i:<'~~;,l ,'" '-'.~ .:" Ed Bethel ,Bui,lding Dept. ,,Director '"" ,:v:,~ ..' ;; _::.~. ,/l~~,~~,j~t;~'f~~~~rtt::>i,l:,,~;,~~~:,~t',f{(~~~'~;~~,_ ~ ~".", Sidewalk Waiv'er: ,~ 98 Fernwooc(<L, ." . -." , . CITY bF CLEARWATER Interde8artment Correspondence Sheet .~.,4> TO: " COPIES: SU BJ ECT: DATE:'" . ;',,;' ,[c: ;. Ocr;"', ,," ,". . . ",~'91984 .. .' ..' October 8, '-' ~, I have reviewed the above location on site and found that there are no sidewalks within 200' of this location on Fernwood, and there are no sidewalks on Drew Street in this area.,' Additionally, the' one on" Drew Street would be difficult to build because of the drainage ditch along the south side of Drew Street. Since this location meets the requirements rn the Ordinance for sidewalk waivers it is my recommendation that one be granted. KC/sn -: Attachment (Original Application) , . : --\,\ . ~ ,,',1: ,: d;,',~.~l~~OO~;i~;:: '.. .t.~_... >;f'__ t, ,,'+.. . ,of ~t'. ~ l""l~ ,~.. , ;~~~r:.~.;;.'.~;~. .:,"-'~~f" .:" L"! - -,'i ~::. ., .~., ',' '"r ;; . '- ,~ .... ',! ,.,. ^ ",.'~..,. - " "...... , 1;,,;,....+0 "'''' "'""', ~~^