SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (52) t!."r".rl'~ ., ~tf~\H':l"rc~_ \~~M~~ ~\:,. -... li::i ,-"."'/ . ~ \ sr"2 =. ~~ \~ - - ~~ ~~ --==- ~l '~~ I I .;..vp- CITY o F CLEAR\\TATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 3351 B CITY ....ANAGER November 15, 1983 ~rr. Victor Kingdon Vice President Sun coast Fairway, Inc. P. O. Box 1036 Safety Harbor, Florida 33572 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Reference: Lot 17, Block 1 of Knollwood Replat 1413 Laura Street Dear Mr. Kingdon: In accordance with Section 133.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installa- tion waiver. - Since there are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the above-referenced property, you meet the requirements as set forth in the aforementioned Code section. Therefore, I am pleased to inform you that a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement is granted on the above-referenced property. Should it be determined that a sidewalk is required at this location in the future, it will be installed by the assessment process. cc: Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager William E. Tripp, Acting Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic EnginevringDirector Lucille Williams, City Clerk\! RECEIVED HOV 23 1983 CITY CLERK ~ "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" rJ(Q!-3_~ .0 I CITY OF CLEARWATER I APPLICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER Fee _ $ ~J.7S u Date Paid ! I ~I 0 -J '3 Receipt No.,bu ~}S %70'- #, (Sidewalk Location) --L1.\ 3 ~~ ~T. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, Subdivision) ~OT /) /Jwck I oP k/t/0LLUJoob RE~h~/ NAME 'S -.IN CoM -r ~~lY'I I N 1:....., PHONE ") 2 ~-/2 Z- I , Po ?50,X (03(0 SAfF{~1 HPrrR Bo r2. Q ~~[fr- 33 s /2- I I REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS REASON FOR REQUEST 7/lCiJ'tF AI'P6 A/C? ()7?7L5i? 7114-'714/ZP/iJ . ;SI be; Lu&6-K....'3 / A./ . ",.-, Section 133.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that. abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, conunercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of said sidewalks. t/.P u/ '0/ 6~ I IDate -"...-0:- ~Lbn~> ., 19.$3. . 4A ~.I~~~ {/~~~'{~liC >> ~ CcJ ., ; /./ t?? LJ .;7 5---- / /- /0 .c-/ :3 //7 ,~ /6:3 Y' 7J~---' c - , Rev. 6/83 ~~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this j>ztday of ..., ....... - ~. -.. - '- ,.~- - '- -... ~: comnTi~sio.tf Expires: Nb~~v .p..... '. -'. . - 'oJ .....IIe, Stlil'te of FI . My tcmrrii"'~i;' :, . , . onda at large R [)(~" t::,; MARCH 24, 1984 1910-62 -, ii\. # I C I T Y 10 F C LEA R W ATE R Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Mrs. Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager Keith Crawford, Director of Traffic Engineering Bill Tripp, 'Acting Director of Building Department ~ < " .. TO: FROM: COPIES~ SUBJECT:Sidwalk Waiver- 1413 Laura Street - Lot 17, Block 1, Knollwood Rep1at DATE: . November 14,1983-. .: I have reviewed the above location in the field and found that there are no other sidewalks in the area, thereby qualifying this location for a waiver., It is IIJ.Y recorrmendation that the waiver be gra ted. ". !QY. "'5 !rl0'., " ~ l~~_ '< . /' '..,' " ~ j.' ,-" ~:': .. -;~; ~~~ "', :r. -, '-_ ~.to. _-~" . ".f -. .y'"