SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (168) \,' v I ?JD 740491'0 AGH. EE ~.IENT I D #' (1t? ( J . /?' -'7 - '1(- 3'.;) U. R. 4158 PAGE 185 -,;;;.....- THIS AGREEMENT, rnade and entered into this ? 7Th day of }1arch 19 74 by and between the CITY OF CLE~RWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City"; and SELIGMAN HOMES (A FLORIDA CORPORATION) hereinafter referred to as "Owner"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Owner owns the following described real property situated in the City of Cleccrwater, Pinellas 'County, Florida, to wit: Lot 2 Block D , Crest Lake Subdivision 1505 Grove Street and WHEREAS, Section; 7-6 on. the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-0!-way, whic:!ih is to have new construction on it, either for resi- dential, commercial, incra.stria1J <Dr othe:r pU:11"JPoses, shall have sidewalks constructed by the owner on, across lOr a,/tljjacenrti: there1to; and 'WHEREAS, t:tn.c 0)\",me:r i::s \:eree':tJ::ng c.;:errib1i:m n~~! construction on said prope rty and has request.ed the City ait i11o,is; ftiifTJ.e :(tkdt tn )l"e,g[uli:~':\e the i:XTU;'l1ediate installation and co nstruction of side~lalks in conne,cno!'llJ 'itlne:a:-:e:w1ilth;; ,aand WHEREAS, iUhe iQ-wm..er .\h:ia$ ag,lr:em tiliraJlt if :art\ 'i'illace future the City, in its sole discretion, determines that it :1,s; :ID.td~i!1&abLe,a_!I1l~'C':e$8a.a:-Wih::~ 'iln;:l;-:e ,such sidewalks installed, that the Owner will, upon n.cJltt:iCfU(:;:;.'iJ:f:EonJDw!illn.e tCllitw, 1!.lJ.:aJ.sYlte $cirl{e'walks immediately installed at his ex.. pense, and if he slilcoxaill,dlIaiIT t@ dke>EOltJhlremJ. tllJre Ciit;yJ1r!);aL'f have said installation made and impose a lien against the oles'czr1ffuxe<ll :reaJl :(pl:rope,ri:y :Ew.cr t.rr..(~, ct.:.(;st hereof; NOW, THEJPt'iEFC(ffi{!E" n:1!!: .r:xoo.sitdJreJratiom of lfhe fnregoing premises and other good and valuable considera::tiiJcma ])le!bw~e!ID iHbu:~ paufuies, n'(f~cerpt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto coveJrlliamrt a31J1rli ag1/:'(I:~1f' as fQllllows~ 1. The Cit:V 'WJ:irJ1 r-.il<<l1t at t!1hriis tiIr~1e require the installation and construction of sidewalks as part -of'l[h-e e::rediOIDl (of fh~ l!miIr.1;ilT'~ 2J1'.-;[ irnprovemcnts by the Owner on the above described r(ea] ::p.:;rope:!rty. ;l. The Ciit.]' :i.'TIay a1i any 1:-hne in the future notify the Own.er, his heirs, personal representatives, Ssmceesso:rs or 3ls:signs that the City :Un its sole discretion has determined that it is; advisable and! ne;cessary to have sidewalks installed in connection with said described real property. 3~ The Owner .or his, heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall at his expense within ninety f90) days from. th,e n.nt:iJfication by the City have sidewalks in- stalled for said described :real property in acc:oJi'd.ance with City specifications and standards as established. 4. If the O"rD.er or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall fail to have sid~wa!ks installed for the describ-ed re;'11 property in accordance with City specifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City may have the sidewalks installed and assess and )mpose a lien against the described real property for the cost of the work. 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant running with the land regard1es s of whether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveya;1.ce subsequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns. 1>> ...... Q) 00 'i>. e ~ 6. All not:ices pursuant to this agreement shall be fu:rn" shed to the respecti~j>~~es at the following addresses, until receipt of written instructionr. notifying the other :P~~~ ~ 00. . Iii1 >.~ CQ of~ dIfferent: address: ~~ . C't) ~ "",UO cO ~ Poa."d lclOIiHIi!O Z ~ 'i:: ," ..... ~ < City: "NILUS go. FLMtpa Owner ; ~ t> 0 ~ g ~ ri City Manager ..aL...........~J....\ Seligman Homes ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PO Box 4748 ILiMCi"CUlTCOUAr 12945 Seminole Blvd. ~ ~ ~ ~ .... =~ Clearwater, Florida 33518 Largo, Florida 33540 ~~ ~~ ~~ .8 ill .4 JO"':'. ~~_ ~ 1.1.1 H 0 -< ~ ... ~ ~ 0 ~. g:;U .t;> ~~'+-<~ ~~ -~ou 9 -I. Q7D/3 o~j~6 I have caused these prcscntcdto be u. R.4158' PAGE 186 .... .....- .. Witnes ses: By F Ij.:)~1i>A .: \'j .' d " f<J .- ''t: . -, , 'II \ \q,.. I ~-t (.~ \!, t, ~">,I i/ll " "//"~ ~ (/ ) '"", ~ '. ',\,,\' ,.. j( t ~...' H . , .- . , ',~ 14.: o '. '- .... ....-1 .. ','J . 'tt I '.J ~ -; /l'?': t Approved as to form '_ correctness: ~~~. I \ "\... '! , UtJu' rn. ~~ ,-J~ <>,/{)dJg As . . O\WITcr' f- h Owner ..,.. STATE O;F FJL\ORIDA )1 COUNTY OF J?1lIl'NELLM )) I:HlERlElffiY C, EJB.']'W, Y ~ that on_ this day of , 19 7,)L Y I befolr'e m.repe:rr'$:CCillIlaUw 'OJ.}jI~ared hl,. t5-: ~:.~ and, ;-I, ~ [~ respectively City anager, City Attorney, City Clerk and ltxffiayodr-CoJltwmniss:iorr" of the City of Clearwater, a n1Unicipal corporation existing under the Laws ,'(j}ff' thr<:~ 55tate zdr :rrrDorida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and wiho execute-d) the foregoing Agreement and severally ar;knowledged the execution thereof to be their free alct and. deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of saidllTIUlllicipa1 corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreement is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my sigp:ature and official seal at Clearwater in the and State of Florida, the day and year last above written. ~~b~c C ounty~ \ 1Plf 1I]:;>,i;t}; e lla s ,~~\ ...:. V ., 1(, .;-';:" <:),;.l' I I- 'If ;..~. ~ _,,~.';.UCi'~lIit7'"' v I~, ...'fi. ."C...- . .ita _\' ",. .. *' '...I.: l.iI[ \;~ > '''. .g '" '. ,,~. :, .. . '.)1 : ..~-=' :~ =, i ':.1 : h( " 1.1' ~ ()J .-: t"1.l~.. ~~ f I ';' ct '. ..!. 0 '~ ' \(,,? lil."a '. ..:.:;,. ~...-, ,-... ,.,..- -~ '... *'1 ..,.... ,; . " ;, ;. ;I 'i\.~1 ,'l. ,...__.... j/I'/~ lJ^:, \ ~ ,..." I , ~ , . . I . Ii 4 . \ \ ~ \ Ii I My Commission Expires: Notary Public, State of Florida at large My Cemmission Expir.s Sept. 29, 1917 Bonded ~)I Ameri,an Fire .. Casualty Ce. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) .f.. . Before me personally appeared WA YA/ ~ IT! UtJ,t'r - BES/I)EAJT to me well known and known to me to be the individuals descrjbed in and wh~~i.~.~~t:ltht7ld the foregoing agre~ment and acknowledged before me that they exccut~d the ~~~'~~~~~~.:)1:''''''~ purposes thereIn expressed. "'1 ",,:,.- '",Y>\~;. . . ;:: ,;;".1/" ~-, '\..../' ~ ~ '~'1.: ).;" ':- c ., ~ -::. '/I , . A/J ... ~::",. ? : ~~ WITNESS my hand and official seal this ,17~ay of '-/A~; l~L~ . " ~,~ W1 ~"J; \.,; _~' .,;-#..;:,~ ~ -:;-~;..-..~ ,',C.::" .,." .-- ,- ",.- ".::.~~ ':t.-'~~~',~-# . , ....':.'.-..",$ ~>:.<~~.__... ;- ~'V'. .-.... "It.~~ ,~, .:,,""",",.-\':: ~_'11 ~ ... .'l!J'r;."; '4l~ '\~\~ My Commission Expires: hc" ":,iil.I\' , NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF RORIDA AT LARGE M~ COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 25, 1977 .t')",I'I-':' 7"fIW ':;ENI-RAI, IN~"1J~ "!rF ""'I'IFDWIII'IIS -2-