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IlUflK CU~Cll.i I (lOUR"
~,2008921 .
?d. ~R~1P~ PAGE40J101 ~
} /7- 7:2-
Jaa .Z I 4 25 l)K 'lZ
THIS AG1U:D1ENT, made and.. cl1te~c:d ir~to, this ?-/~~(JY of . ~"-_, 197.?-;"
by and bct\.}(~en the CITY or CLl::Am'}f\'l'ER, FJ-,~nD^)..dB )!\':W~:LC 1 )Lll c~.o-r:J:'.a~tt))..9)l, ..
h~l"'cinaftcl' referred to as "Cltyll; and ~..IL~JL -I- --zk~ (!
hCl."'c:i.nafter rcfyrred to as "O\.mcr'";" " . b,' . .'. ~de-
\vITNESSETll ~ I .
HHEREAS, the Owner' o~,}'ns .the follO\vinc,: described real pro~crty situLlted 1:-:
City of ClearHater,PincllLls County, Florida:
"4/9.. . v JJ t'.' ,U. .' 0 /7.1/ 9 x::2u,,'"~/ff: ~
Jt:) 7. . -r's- ~
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires that all land tl1at abut~
a .public pight, of \'/o.y, "lhich is to ne\.] construction on it, eithcr' fol'"
residential, commercitil, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks
constructed by the ownrir on> across or adjac~nt thereto; and
WHEREAS, tlle Owner is erecting' certain new constl"'uction on said property
and has requested the City at this time not .to require the immediate installa-
tion and construction of sidewalks in connection thel"'ewith; and
\oJI1ERE^S ~ i~hc O",mer has agreed that if in the future the City) J_n its sole:
.discr-c.tion) dete~:'ITi-\ne? that it is advisable and ncccessary to have such
sidewalks installed~ tho.t the Owner will,. upon notification by the C1.ty) have
side\valJ~s immediately installed at his ex'pense, and if he should fail to db sc-
then the City mo.)' have installa,tion made -and impose a lien again$~t:':the
descr~bed real property for the cost thereof.{.-----:-,
NO\<], THEREFORE ):i.n consideration of the foregoing ppcrnises and othcl" goc::=
and v~luable conSideration between the p~rtieS5 piceipt of which is hereby
.aclcnowledged, the parties hereto covena~t and agrei a~ follows:
.1~ The City will not at this time ~equire the installation and
construction of sidewalks as Dart of the erection of the building and
improvements by the Ownel'" ~ri ~he,above de~cribed ~cal property. -
2_. The City nay at any time in, the future notify the O\.mer', his heirs)
per~9n~1 representatives, successors or as~ighs that the City in it~ sole
discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessary to have sidewal}:
installed in connection with said described real property.
3. The Ownei or his heirs, personal represenative~, successors or aSSl~:-:
shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci~::
have.sidewalks installed for said described real property in accordance with
City specifications and standards as established.'
. .
~. If the Owner or his heirs, person~l representatives, successors or
assir,ns shall faD. side\'lalks installed for the described reell propc::nt::
in accordance with City sDccifications and standards within ninetv (90) days
from the notification by the City, then the City !'lay lwve the sid~\'lell](s -
installed and ~ssess and impose a li~n against the described reo.l p~operty fo~
the cost of the\~Ork.
5. This agreement is to be re~ar~ecl as a covenant running with the land~
regardlcss of wllether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds or convcyanCQ:
subsequently executed, and this ar,reer:-:ent shall.he hinding on all partics) .::~.
heirs, personal representati~es, successors or assigns.
G. All notices pursuo.nt to this a~recment shall he furnisherl to the
rcs'Pcc:tive Pilrtiesa.t the folIO\.Jin;:. C1ddresse~;, until receipt of Ylrittcn
instructions, notifying the other party of a: differc~nt address:
Ci ty: O\'ll1cr:
Hr. 11errctt R. S'tier'heim
City 1-1anaf',cr
P.O. Boy. 117118
CICclP\'lathc.r). l'lori.cli1 33~lO d b
T lIS ms1rument was prepare y:
.HERBERT lVI. BHO\VN, City Attorney
City of Clearwater, p, O. Box 4748
Clearwater, Florida 33518 -
$t9/1Jt/e,L (! (/#I'l/#G/1,4.7/2
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C)~ec\lLcd the d;lY and yedl- 1,\s1: llbove \"Il'.ittcn.
. .
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C01:'X'cctness :'
.............:;t~ .~~
Deputy' Ci ty>!~~er~k ,.:
. ~ ,;. .
. '1ca~~
As to Clty
*Lucille Bell ** Deputy' ~
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this 21st day of January ~ A.D. 197-2 ,
before me appeared l1e:r-'rett }~. Stierherm:---rrerbert !'L BpQ';.m';--
*R-. C. 'dL~ .I.::~E~lC.J.Cl- and H. Everett Hougen, r'Gspecti vcly City Hanager ) City
AttOl:-'ney, "ti ty Clerk and Hayor-CoJnmissioner. 'o.f the Cfty of Cleap\-JateJ' >
a municipal corpopation existing under the 'la'ds of the State of rl012~id<l,--to
. me knOwn to be the individuals and officers'described in and ~10 executed the
. foregoing Agreement and severall:-l ackno'\-1ledged the execu.tion thereof to be
theh'" .free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; cmd th0i::
. the official seal of said municipal corpor~tion is. duly affixed theret~, and
i:he said agreement is the act and deed.of said corporation.
. \rHTNESS my signatUl""e and official seal at Cleal"Hatei'" in the County ,of
Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year las~ 1-l~,~~;n.!.Ju' ,',
~.' ____ . . ' .~~~y"i~,fic-av~
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My Commission Expires:
~otary Public, State of Florida at large
My Commission Expires Sept. 29, 1973
RnnrlArI R" Am.uirAn "FiCA R. r;o<;II;:lhy (""
. I>~
-.. ;:
,Before m~' personally appeare,~t:t.u.",u...i."l){! jlki-A-( ~ d~
1:0 me "ell knol-ln and !<no"n to me ~o be the 'individuals' descrih~'-& an'o'\./1,o
executed the foreGoin~ agree~ent and a~knowledred ]lefore me that they
executed the same for the purposes therein expressed '.""'"''''''
WITHI:SS my hand alid official se~l thiS~ay tif' ..::.j;'~:~~.:)97 J.-.-;--
. , :'- --:;.: '.'" ....J;, I I...~:: _ :;' '~,._ .
Not' 2~liC. State ofFIo'?ld~'~ ti.OOt
. .I Csmmi.tsion ~()fclg'l
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