SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (111) A. v.,! tj ~"...... (~"t !f:JP -fr '*t;7;) I O.R, 3494 PAGE982 TillS ^GJ~EEHENT, made and entered inlo lid!; /1 dny of U by [\n(1 be-lI.Jc'en lilc' CITY OF CLI:A1U'!J\TElZ, FLOIUDA, .I 1111lI1i;f)p'1l corpol-aqOI1, refelTcd lo ,J" "City"; and Sl"7ttJl/E L r:. 19rVl(If.JItII!- '/1-/1/4 /I (?~, It. hereina:!: Lc'r referred to .IS Ill}"mcr"; ... J 71022946 A G R E E 1-1 I: N T , 197 I II (' r L' i n.t [- l~' r-' (1_ ;liS i&:~.( WITNESSETH: /;;~~ ~ the follm,,linlj described rcnl property situntecl in the. ~rJ County, Florida: /r-/ /tJ;2- 771~ U' &.-f7 d. r _ ~, : - /~ - ~ ...' \~HERE^S, the Oi'.'l1er Otvns . City of ClearHater, Pil1clL.ls and HllEREAS, Ckdinance No. 1219 of the City requires tlJ.:lt all land that abut!; a public right of VL1Y, \'lhic11 is to lwvc 11et-l construction on it, either for residentiol, commercinl, industrial or other purposes, shall hnve sideunlkr. constructed by the owner on, across 6r adjacent thereto; and HHEREAS, the Oimer is ci-ectin8 certnin nc\ol cOl1struction on s[lid pl'operty clOd has reC]uc!;tc~d tllc City at this time not to requirc the il11il1ec1iate installation and construction of sidc\'?<11ks in connection thcre\vit!l; and WHEREAS, the O,mer has ar;reed tllat if in the future tbe City, in its sol(~ elis..,' cretion, determines that it is advisablc :md necessary to have su(1) sidc\-lalks installl'_d, that the O,-lner Hill, upon notific<.ltion by the City, have side\Valks >. innl1cdi<.ltely installed at his expense, and if he slloulcl fail to do so, then tl1C City i E.~ may lwve said installati_on made and imposc~ a lien ilgainst the described real property -8"<1' for the cost thereof; '1::j ~-, 00 Q)<t;~'t""'4 ;.., 01.0 CIl >.i=Q ~ NO,.l rr1117f'lE'CO;)J;' )"'11 COJ'<'l'cle)-,-,t;on or. t11" fOJ'''o[')'Jln ~~ . co 1\) J.I...,...\._..J. J\......., "'LJ ..:... -"- 1. C ".\.':"c)J.. () I-< U 0 ~alu3blc consi(kralion bcLt-lcen t11e pm:ties, recidpt of: Po. on ' . m ~"; 0.; .;!-he parties hereto covenant and agree as i:ollm'Js: fJ;"?- ...0 ~ !-.~ . .-c () .i;j rr.. ......;) t.,-....f-) ~j ri~ ~ jf S ,~~ ~ ~n :::i f"':"~ Q) ~ tl~Q~'1 .S ~ ~ 6J 2~ The City DWY at any time in tb'e future notify the O;'lner, his heirs, personal :2~.b rcprcscntiltives, SUCCC.SSOJ:S or assif,n~; that the City in its sole disc~etion 11<18 8~a ,detel-mil:ed t1:Clt it.is.<Ic1vi~>,')l>le and necesS:1ry to have side\.;ral1cs installed in connectlon wlth saId descrlLed real property. premises and other good and tlhich is llCreby aclmo\lledged, L The s icl C\.w 1 k s th c ;ll)(lve City will not at this time as part of the erection of described real property. require the instaJ.latiofl and c'onstnlct.ion the building and improvements by the O;.mcr 3. '111C O.,mer or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall at. his expense Hithin ninety (90) days from t11(, notification by the City havc ~idcio]all\s installed for said described real property in acc6nlance \'lith City s~ccifications and,standards as established. 4. If the O.-1I1er or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall fail to .lwve side\"L1l1(s installed for the describc,cl real property in acconbnce "1ith City specifications and stand<1J:cls \'lit11in ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, thcn the City Day have the side'i,]alks installed ~md assess and impose a ol~efioag a ins-t.t~Te ..0 d-es-e-r-ibeur -e-al~p"J;Gp e~ty-:Lo l:-the cn5t~_0 f__the.~ \>,QxJ~._~ 5. This Dgrcement is to' be regarded as a covenant nmning "Iith the land, regardless of ,.,hethe1' it is specificDlly mentioned in .:Iny .deeds' OJ: convcynnces subsequently e):ecut:cd, and thi!; agrcefilent 5h<lll be binding on all parties, their llcirs) P(~)~SOt131 rc~prc5c~(:ntives, ~ucc(~ss6)-s or ;15~;i~n~. " 6. All notices pursui1nt to tllis ()grec'lI1ent shall be furnished to the rC'~;pcctivc parties at tIle following addresses, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a different <lddrc~ss: Ci.ty: Hr. ~1crrett H. StierlMlr Z 4 1~ PM '7\ City l'l:J\wgC'r A 1'.0. Box 47118 C 1. (~ :I n,l ~ll (' 1', F lor i d .1 " o.mcr: ' .'~Ji;~ ~~A. ~ 33518:. r. ~~ 1, c, "I ~ E\\-~S : lL : "l..lJ RIOt. HA'ROLO'"MULI..trWI,HtE, CLoER" -1- (1) 07- 00'2-- : ,--.. ~ ...., J ~ , O.R, 3494 PAGi. 9'83 IN \HTNESS HI1EI~EOF, the p~rtics hereto h;1vc caused thc[;e pre[;ents to be executed the <lny nnd ye<1r l:1st nbove \.,1rittcn. Approved as to form & correctness: --/~~- - City Attorney Hitnesses: ./ / ' / / ~ ();,1Iler STATE OF FLOR IDA ) COUNTY OF pmELLAS) ~~~~ /~,~/'~ . Owner ~ . . I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this J~ day of _~~_, A. D. 197..1-, before me per50n<111y appeared. l'lc.rrett R. St:ierheim, Herbert: H. l\rOi-ll1, R.G.hThitcheac1 and H. .Everett Hougen, respectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor~ COjmnissioner of the City of Cleor\"ater, a municipal corporation existing under the lm"s of the State of Florida, to me knm-ll1 to be the individuals and officers described in and \"ho e>:ecuted the foregoing Ap,reement an(l [;c.vc)~ally aclmoHledgecl the execution thereof to.hc their fH~e act and clec(l as such officers theL'eunto duly, 8uU,lOrizcc1; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation is duly ,affixed thereto, and the said.0r;r.<-:,el;;}erftiis the act 'and deed of said corporolion. ~-~" "~'-~/>,,y ':.: .' W;# ~;:tlW' s i g n a t 1J)~ c and p,t;Vc of. Florida, the ,~,f~"::_ . and official seal at Clcan:,'Clter in the COUllty of Pinellas day and year last above Hritten. ":1",-' ./..' >.:.:: Hy Corin:nission E};pires: No"''! n,,'_:;, I::~.'" 0' rr.~'l'.l. ,t tar". ..J,l.. k"'l...r.,~..\" -',._'_ "-" ~ t 'l~......~ (;; \I My Ccmm::;i.'i1E,:):';c; e,L 22. i974 Rnnd.A bv Alpericnn fire }J. (.IICit.lt)' l:o STATE OF FLORIDA ) \I COUNTY OF PINELLAS) /\ X:~~~ Notary Public Before me personally appcarcd~ to me \-1ell knO\-ln and J<nO\Vl1 to me to be the :i! divicluals d('~;cribcd in and \1ho ex. tlted the foregoing aijrC'eillcnt .:md ac:knoHlcdged before Tile tho t they executed the sOllie [or th~ purposes therein expressed. WITNESS illY hand and offic,iul seal this J~?f '~?f Hy COllllnb;don Expire's: day 197 I -,