SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (110) ;';'- Ir . IV _ 4 I ~l022952 I ~I)T[J /h-d . .? ~/ .1/ 3 95 PAGE 5 1,8~ O,R_ ......'. . A G R E E l.t I: N T TillS AC:REI]'IENT, I11:1U(' <lnd entered into thi~; /7 day or >> , 197 J, by [lnd be-!:IIl'cn the CITY OF CLEI\lU~i\TEI\, FL()IU~A, .1 lllunicip.11 corporati.on, IIC'H'in.1ltt'l'- nd:elTeu to as "Ci ty"; [lnd _ 6l1-mt/ E L. CAmfJ/I"tfjf,l/9-~1? /9/1/;; ,1/ e/(2),\. (Ej hcrcina[t{!l' referreu to as "O.vl1er"; I v ;"{("S t.iS iF .0 WITNESSETH: \~HERE^S, the CA'.'11cr o~.,1ns the follm,,'inG de~;cribed real property situated in the " City of Clear""ter, Pi.ncllas County, Florid" ffi 'to, 7r1~ ~ &J. €'4 /Uf ~~. .:'," ,'/r and HllEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires tl1at all land that abuts a public right of "'.:1)', \-}hich is to have ne,'1 construction on it, either for residcntiDl, cOI11Jncrcial, indus trial or other purposes, shall hove sideualk" cons truc ted by the owner on, across 61' adjacent thereto; and :>, .. Q) 00 :>,;:1"i' .o::;t- ..;:;~ "d ~, 00 Q)<~r-4 ;1 f2._~' WHEREAS, the O,mer has agreed that if in the futut"e the City, in its f;ol(~ dis..,' ~' 0 cY:l cretion, clcterrnincs that it is advisable and necessary to have suel1 :d.dcHalks z'b"':S installed, that tllC O;-mer Hill, upon notifieCltion by the City, l)[lve sidewalks p ~ P-i_,S iuu11cd:L<"lt:ely installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then the City ::;'. c.? -8 ~ may llDve said installoU.on lllO.de and impose a li('n a~ainst the described real property ~ t.] ~~~ 5:J~ for the cost thereof; S :-'"~ ~~ ~ -t ~~ ~ E NOH, TllEnEFO]m, in consic1crQtion of tl1e fon~going premises and other r,ooc1 2nd U]'--':~~ .'. . ,". .~l C< q-; ~ valuable consH1eratlon bet'i-H:en the pm:tl(~s, recelpt of: uhich is hercby acknO\llcc1ged, U] ~i ~ U the parties llCreto covenant and <lgree as follo\'1s:' ;B~-C E-i ~Tl U ~ HHERE^S, tl1e CAmel.' is ci-cctinz cert<lin ne\.,1 construction on snic1 property and has reql1C'!;tC'c1 tbe City at tbis time not to require the ilru11cdiate installation and construction of side,'~alks in connection there\~itl1; and of on 1". Th~ sic1cHalks the above City \071.11 not nt this time require the instnJ.lation and c'onstruction <1S part of the. erection of: tbe. building and improvements by the o...'llel: described real property. " 2~ 'l'he City nwy at any tillle in tb"e ftlture notify the O;,mer, his beirs, personal . . represent<ltives, successors or ,lSsir,ns thattllc City in it.s solc~ discr.etion 1ws determined thClt it is advisable and ncceSSQry to have side,,'alks installed in connection with said ~cs~ribcd real property. 3. 'l'he O,mer or 11is heirs, personal rc~presentotivcs, successors or assir,ns shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have sidei.Jlll1\s installed for said described real property in accon1anee \,1ith City . s~ecifications and. standards as established. 4. If the O;-111er or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or <1ssigns shall fail to _hove' sidc\'.'.11ks installed for the dcserihe,d real property in accorcl,mcc ",ith City specifications and st<mcl<l1~cls \"}ithin ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City r:wy have the side,'.'Dlks installed <Jnd assess and impose a -lien against -tl.1edescribecl-Fcal prope,r tyfor-thc cos t oftheworJ< ,--- ---- 5. This Dr,rcement is to' he. reg<lrded as a covenant runninG \-lith the land, regardless of \-!hcther it is specific.111y mentioned in any ,deeds' or conveyances subsequently executed, and this agreement sh<lll be bincJinl3 on all parties, their heirs, personal representatives, succcss6rs or assigns, 6. All notices pursu<lnt to tbis ngrcC'ment shall be f:urnishc:d to the rc':;pective parties at the follO'..Jin~ <lddre.sse~;, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a different addrc:ss: City:'., 1-11'. J,lcrr.c tt It. S t ier11<: im City Jl<1n;lf,er. 1'.0. Box 47/j8 Clc m-\.J<l tc r J Florida 33513 , r' I t ~ ..... . r, i~, ..,'i qRIOt. Ht.~~~~L~elH~uOREI CloER" O\.Jncr: 41S?l-\'-H. ~. If?! 6 ~ ~ ;/~, "~ft 1. " 1.- (j'\ o7~-oO 2.-: ) - _ J -I I Q.R, 3495 PAGE '6 IN \HTNESS HIIE1~EOF, the pnrtics hereto hnve caused ther,e presC'nt.s to be executed the dD)' nnd yenr l3St nbovc \-lrittcn. , FLORIDA correctness: /' 197. Hitnesses: ... OI,'11er ". WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clcan~Tatcr in the County of Pinellas an.d State of Floridn, t.he day [ll1d yco.r 1ast above m~ittcn. ~... .......,/. -~c ~:eLL-. }tv COl11mis9-ion r':ni-res: Notary 1't:':,I:!, ,:,\;:~:' 01 1iot!(la at Large . My (IJi1E..ijj,;;l t;;;;n;s O.t. 22, 1974 Bonded by American fire & Casualty Co. r STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) Befor6 me personally appeared to lI1e Hell l~nO\vn emu kno\-.'n to me to be tlJe divic1u.:.:.ls dc~;cd.bcc1 in cl11c1 \-Ih Cxccllted the foregoing agreement Dncl ac:knoHledgcd before Jl\e tl1nt they executed the sam? for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS illY hand .:l11d oHic,bl seal this /~ day 1971, -, By COllunfsdon Expires: N~I:;~.t"~ Pub..it" Notary.)I~:;:.~t~ti'{'dt' FIGri;,.1 ;' ~ ! "w My Comm;z,~','k~:l Exi:!ircsOct. 30, is/:J Bonded by Tttil~sMnCilCa Irl';urar:ce Co " --.---.