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A G R E E }I E N T
THIS AGREE}IENT, made and entered into this I J-- day of , 197_,
by and betHcen thc CITY OF CLEAH.\o.WIER, FLORIDA, a munici.pal corl? 'c lion, 11C'l"cinaHcr
refcrred to as "City"; and ~1f744 e.44"1/'146/r/l,f #e~H ~a"'1u~a..c}1-l.
hereinafter refc'rred to as "Cli'J[1erll; :; ,I /I ~
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HHEREAS, the ();,'ner o~vns the follm,'ing described real property situated in the
City of Clean;.ter, Pinella. County, Florida: fisI ,:3.;:L. ,'~~~.~.4:
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HHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires that all land that abuts a public
right of ~,'ay, 'dl1ich is to have neH construction on it, either for residential,
commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sideHalks constructed by the
owner on, across or adjacent thereto; and
\.JI-lERE^S, the O;-mer is erecting certain neh' construct.ion on said pl'operty and
has requci>ted tllC City at this time not to require the immedi.ate installation and
construction of sidewalks in connection therewith; and
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~lEREAS, the O~ner has agreed ~lat if in the future the Ci~y, in its sole dis-'
cretion, determines that it is advisable and necessary to have such sj.dcwalks
installed, that the O;.,rner ,dll, upon notification by the City, have sidewalks
immediately installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then tbe City
may have sai.d installation made and impose a lien against the described real property
for the cost thereof;
NOH, THEREFORE, in consideration of the fonc;going premises and other good and
valuQble consideration b(~t:\"een the parties, receipt of lihich is hereby ackno'dledged,
tbe parties hereto co~enant and agree as fol1.o~vs: '
1. The City Hill not at this time require tllC installation and construction
of sicle\'lalks as part of the erection of the building and improvements by the OiVllcr
on the above described real property.
2. The City may at any time in the future notify the Oivoer, his heirs, personal
representatives, successors or assigns that the City in its sole discretion has
determined that it is advisable and necessary to have sidc\wlks installed in
connection with said aes~ribed real property.
~. The Ovmer or his heirs, per sonal repre sentoti VC' s, successors or assigns
shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have
sidewalks installed for said described real propcrty in accdrdance with City
s~ecifications and. standards as established.
4. If the Oi-lner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns
shall fail to have side,laU:s installed for the described real property in accordance
Hith City specifications and stand<1rds Hithin ninety (90) days from the notification
by the City, then the City may have the side,.l.:JJ1~s installed and assess and impose a
lien against the described real property for the cost of the Hork.
. 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant running wi th the land,
regardless of whether it is specifically IDcntioned in any deed~ or conveyances
subsequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, their
heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns.
6. All notices pursuant to tllis <12;TC;ClTlcnt s11.:11l be flJ}:"nishcd to the respective
parties at the following addresses, ~ntil receiPt of written instructions notifying
the other party of a different address:
Mr. Merrett R. Stierheim
City Nnnagcr
1).0. Box 4748
Clearwater, Florida
rEI II . 4 16 PH'11
O\olner: / // //~_.L, G,
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IN HITNESS HIIEREOF, the p"rties h0reto h"ve caused these
executed the day and year last above written.
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I HEREBY CERTU'Y, that on this 9~_day of A. D. ~,
before me personally appeared Berrett R. Sticrheim, Herbert H. Bra n, R.G.HhiLehead
and H. ,Everett Hougen, respcctivelj City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor-
COJmnissioner of the City of Cleanvater, a municipal corporation existing under the
Imvsof the State of ~lorida, to me knmvn to be the individuals and officers described
in and who ex(~cuted the foregoing Agreement and severally aclcnowledgc~l the execution
thereof to be tl)(~ir free ac t Llnd deed as suc1! o[[iccn; thereunto duly. Duthori2cd; and
that the official seLll of said municipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the
said ngreenent is the act and deed of said corporation.
\HTNESS my signature and official seal Llt Clean,rater in the County of Pinell as
and Stat~ of Florida, the day and year last above written.
- -
. Notary Public
My, COHnl1ission Ey,Qire.s:
tlotery Public. State,ot FIoTit!a d Large
fv\y'Coinzr;;;\i"n Expire, C::L 22, 1374
Bn-Mo'd 'by Amer~caJ1. firo &. Casuall)' Co,~
Before me personally appeLlred
. WITNESS my hand and oHic,ial seal this
JJ- d
day of
F . Notary Public
By COlmdsfiion Expires:
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