SIDEWALK AGREEMENT WAIVER (6) r FROM: C Ilf Y 0 F C LEA R W ATE R Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Anthony L. Shoemaker, City Manager ~~ Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manage~ I TO: COPI ES: SUBJECT: Request for Waiver of Sidewalk Installation - Odums, Sidney Eugene and Mattie - 1420 South Madison DATE: March 5, 1981 Recommendation Sign the attached waiver of installation of sidewalk and initial the attached memo order. Background See the attached memo order. , I i /Ii ....." 1 . ~J ,"~i\ ~ Cr · ~-~v ~ 13'.O~ . OlD\~ 0\ ( ~) 7"" V .. :~~ :.' . :-rWS AGREEUENJ-c-, rnad~ and cntcred into thi\ 5th day of March .' ," 19 1 , by aDd b, tween the CITY OF CLEAR VrI~ TER, FLORIDA, a P.JUIllCl?ct A_ D 'ora~creinafter rcferred toas "City"; and 'Sidney.-Eugene Odllms and corp . h'. d t "Own" Hat'tie Qdllm!'; ereina...fter re[crrc 0 aB er ; '-, WTTNESSETH: 8104452.2 'o.R.5 165 PAGE 2 1 1 8 WHERE:--\S, the CPwner owns the follcTwing describe~ ~,~~ki:~,ifl?~~erty tbe -City. of Clearwater, Pinellas County. Florida, to wit: .,INt:.~L.,',S Ci/i::"t'OfUDA ~~-f). .'-<02 "'"; klt..:"i':MiJ Lots 1 and 2, ~LFP~D ENNIS Sl!BDIVISION CLER~ CfRCU ....' ,~. W 1420 South Mad1.son .', ,c"y " Al... IT COURT ~ ..... ". 13. <><:J .....1II 4 015 P1".7/ d~e2'I- Id .:'lime>. ted l.TI and" .~, ~"\,. 13.iXJ;./:J WFIEREAS. Section 7 -6 of'the- -c'ode--of Orr1;T1;;>nces of the City reqUlres th3.t :<,_l~ 12-nd that abuts a public right-of-way. which is to have new co:c.strTIction on it. eitbe~ ior re sidential, comrnerci2.1. industrial or othe r purpose s. sh2.11 have side-waL\::s constructed by the Owner all. across or adjace:!:1tthereto; and WE:EREAS. the affected propert-f o.....-ner has ;::_ppe2.led requesting a teTI~pora.:;:-y --;val ver of tbe siae-~"a.l.-1c Bstalla tion requir eme:!:1t; and W-.t-':EREAS, the City Manager purs~t to Section 7 -6 (4) (a) ha~ found ~~e following conditions e:x:ist. as 5 et out in his iindi::tg s a.ttached her eta a~ E.I.hibit A, such a:3 V.'C..:~:T2.TIt the gra:!:1t:i..::lg of a temporary wc..i ver; and WBEREAS. the o-wner of the property de~c:I"ibed herein underst.2.Ilds that tbe :Wc.lver granted herein is only temporary in character and.that this agreeme::J.t ;nust provide a reason.a.b~e period of time for the waiver to be effective; NOW. THLREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and otber good and valuable consideration bebrleen the parties. receipt of which is hereby a ckn.oV71edged, the parties herei:o coven.2!1t and agree as follOW's: . L The City in light of the facts found is set forth in Exhibit A attacbed her do a.:.::ld made a part her ein as if. fully rewritten, grants to the Owner a tempo::-o. 'i.; -;vaiver of the sidew-alk inst2J.1ation requirement L-rnposed by Section 7-6 of the Code of Orciinance s of the City of Cleamter. 2_ The ter:c.porary~~~i'g:r~tedii;haJl commence on " ' and rc..n until the condition ~r reason for gra:::1ting the ~i ver as 1.S re.rnovcd or otherwise ch2.nged. 0/ I Y/ fj J . set out in Exhibit A 3. -:'be Ow~cT UIlders~ds and agre:es that the -=<U.ver granted herein is te:rr..porary in cha:r-acter L::Jd that it does not exc.J.se tD.e ~er or successors in ir.terest fram tbe E;:.dew-aIk requirements imposed by Section 7-6 of the Code of Orciir...:a..nces of Clearvwa.ter. The Owner.fu........-tller agrees ~at ahould tbc condition ~ct out in :S.xhibit A -.;:;rhicb prese:!J.t1y e::C.sts on the ~roperty a.:::\d 'Which "W'as 511~-Scie=.~ to =-arra.=:t grdLting the --=aivcr be cor::-ec:1:ed Gli.TDg tbe perioQ of this ~i7er. tben the 0-:;-ne r w-ill i..rru:ocruatcly cOI:::l:?ly "": tb the :r equir c..IT1e~ts oi Section 7 - 6 a 5 it rcl2.te:s to :side~ u:;'.:'lt2llaEon.... ~ _. li tlJ e: 0 ~ era r hi ~ be i ::- s, per ~ C::l <U r e p r c :s en t :a. ti v c: :5. ~ U C C c S s 0 r:'l 0 r :l.. ~ 5 ~ SU:!J ~ b..all f:a. il to b...:a. v e sid e =-2.1 k:s in 5 ~ c: c. for the de:s crib cd r e :a. 1 p r cp c ;.-t y in :a.ccorda.;:}cc =-itb City Bpc:cificLt::.ODI5 L:Jd 1\~c.ard:5 'W'itl:.i;:t ~ety (90) cUY5 from t~c :!J.ati.fic:x.bon by tl::.c City, Wen tbc City may have: 6e: l5ide-;:;"alk~ in~tillcd AIld :l..:S ~c ~ ~ 2.:J.d ir:n po l! e: 4 lien 'a gain:s t the c.c:,15 c~ibe d r e a..l pr ope rty for thl": CO:5 t of tbl": ~ork_ 5. '!'bi:5 agreement if! to be: ~cgarded :l..~ a cove:::l.2nt D,......"'i.g w-itb the lane rcg;n--dlc:S15 'of 'Whet~cr it i~ lS?ecilicaUy me!)no::H:d in d-..ny Cc.eG:5 or conveya::::cc :)ub- - :5equentlyexecuted. <l.::ld thi~ agreement sh~ll b:: binclU1g on ill parlie:s. the bei:-:s. per:'loDal reprellc.!J.t:ati.ves. succcs::;or::s or a:s:)ig-::::s: ~~~,y;1,'tmTURN T~:' ." 'CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 41"48 iC!JEAR'NA'T'1(H. f'LA ~~35:t. Tt. . ,.118 mstrnnl ",.l 'FlIT)' or L,f'".t. '1;"" " or ,.1"1./\.8 A BP"" t'r' O\'i. ',~ _ "j' . . 1....," .':.' (~'!+."';,~,l, f,~). l"J: of Cle'l"'''''' ~. ') .fife!)1'Y, ",0 ~-..l.Vl'C\L<~\::':' p O'~-. -....,~"'..~ 'C'ca- -",J., ., ~" '- . cr:-nv It or 0' 9;. 0\ (: ).. "'V;'cU'" Ti" ," "",' '. $5--- _ _' <7 .> " jn"j-"! - . ,(;) n_, .l..:.t:, ,~~\ - . . ~...:..) . . . . I I D.R.5 1 6 5PAGE 2 1 1 9 --" ... . . f . , . 6. All noti~cs pursuant to this agreement shall be furnished to the respecuye pai-ties at the following add~es sea, .until receipt of written instructi.o-.:J natiiying the other parly of a diife;ecl address: CITY: City Manager PO Box 4748 Clea:rw2.ter, Florida 33518 OWNER: Sj.dneyEUgene Odu;n}~ 1149 Alma str.eet Clearwater, FL 33516 'IN WITNESS WEEREOF, the parties herdo hve caused these pres ents to be exeCuted the day and 7ear la:st above ~itten. ~Signea, , ~yor_;o!::rn1;o~~ correct:::c.e s s: a:I gfiJ-... '/ \J ji ..' J ,. Attest: :' ~~~../ '~"t;fi'C ' ',.;, '< .. ~ Q -~. ,>i Iv l~. '~." ,,~ ~cl,~~" W~~~~X COt f r'l..l... k /, / I :' '. 1 Y" ,"",<<-.yoI" :;;':"':' ,: t \-1. iI.. j ,,\~'''' 'e,..." -" 'i ,.( j .".;'~ r~'D"': \~". ," I j I ~ I J) r1, \ \:_. I.' 1... ) \,.0 WU~J . Q ',""~~ ~~.~~ . -As to City CITY ',! ~... \. \,', -... ~,'.. ....,..... ~ ~~_~EAL) ~.uct'd./;J2A (SL<\.L) OvrNER . STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) I HEREB Y CER TITY, that on this 17Th day of March , 19 81 before me person..ally appearedAnthony t Shoemaker J Thomas A BlI"Tin Lucille Williams <U:l.d Charles F. LeCher ., respec ively City Ma:J.ager, City Attorney, Cit~- Clerk 2..Dd Mayor-Com..L:J.issianer of the City of Clear-;:;-ater, a municip2.1 corpora::: c..:risting under the lawS of the State of Florida, to me ba<;:;rn to be the indiviGuzls a:::ld officers described in and 'Who executed ~e foregoing Agreeme:!J.t and ~ever;!~o' ac.'c::J.o"\;;"'ledged the execution thereof to be their free ad: and deed a.55uch officers thercU:J.to duly 2.."..ltbori.zed; and that the official 5 eal of said mumcirl CO:LpO:i'"ahc=, duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreement i:'l the act ~d deed o'f s~id co:::-?orc.::: -"':',\\."\\ ;,:: :_: I i11// WITNwS my signature and official l5 cal at Clear;;7a~.e:!,J1:fD.~'.~~~ty of Pinellas and State of Flori2..a, tJe by a::ld year la5tabov~/~:::itt~!f1./rl '~;_:':' :;.-. '/j clJ:: Mli Commh,ionErpire" :3:~: -( ::; 2 olary Public, State of Aorida at Larqt P1:.t b ~ c .J.. 0 N ..' '-> ,{ My Commission Expires Oct. 31, 1983 ~, '_, , .....i'"J -~.' "on-.-. A ~("..... .. , ," ~ ... ""..y m.rlCtlln filA &~ ("........Ity C~IAII'fI}I <'/,'::./ 't-'-( t ,) :, \~'" ~i....", . I,..;;" I ~ ,.' ,t,,", \\\..- I 1._.'. \' -2- ~~ , .. .'~ ....P.l> '-.- ., I I O.R. 5 1 6 5 PAGE 2 1 20 . .' . . . - -. .j .... - STATE OF FLORIDA ) coUNTY OF PlNELLAS ) . .' . . -Befor'e ~e per30nally appeare~-d~~t ~.IC~\JIII~(('~. to me ~e~ known C!-Dd known. to me to be the indi!vid~S dC3cribed in and who executed the foregoio.g agrcement and ac...1cnowledged before me !:.hat they execut'cd the same for the purposes therein expre3sed. WITNESS rI?-Y hnd <UJ.d official seal this fJiL. dayof~~ . .',' i' . My Commis sian EXpiTes: \ \ ~ \ \ III i i j ! , . ,," 'o' \ I ~J '.,. i' . I '~t I , ,,' \ ,l...'. · \..;, .' 'I."., , ,/:. ,........, - V;~~':~" .. -t ~li(;, ....,~ . ., l~,/. ,,'~ .~~ .:~ ..~ ~ iA.".,' _ .~'oJ~ i..-.. -~', ~ 'J -t C/17J. 'j...", .,~"';:;' tJ>'4&j.!J '. \;,~":~~, ',0 '~'.;;: ;'.: .::':....i;.{~~i 195{ ~P7 ;;?fz" ,,/7tf-z-' / ' ! r '. . ,~ \.. ~ I O.R. 5 1 6 5 PAGE 2 1 2 1 March 5, 1981 FROM: AnthonyL. Shoemaker, City Manag~ MEMO TO FILE COPIES TO: Sidney Eugene and Mattie Odums - 1149 Alma Street 33516 Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Roy Ayres, Building Director Lucille Williams, City Clerk SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER - Waiver of Sidewalk Installation Sidney Eugene and Maggie Odums Lots 1 and 2, AL~RED ENNIS SUBDIVISION 1420 South Madison In response to a request from Sidney Eugene and Mattie Odums for a waiver of requirement for installation of a sidewalk at the subject property in con- junction with new construction as required by City of Clearwater Code, I have examined this property and the following are my findings: 1) There are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the property, and this is the last lot to be developed in this area. 2) A sidewalk on this property, at this time, would not form a part of a route leading to a school; and 3) The absence of such a sidewalk would not present a pedestrian hazard. In my judgment, the above findings meet the conditions prescribed in the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances, Section 7-6 and therefore a waiver of installation of a sidewalk at this, time is granted. "Exhibit A"