INSTALL AND MAINTAIN A LINE OF 12 INCH DUCTILE IRONE PIPE I ~ CITY tF CLEAR;;;'TER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: City Clerk FROM: Director of Public Works COPIES: SUBJECT: Agreements with SCLRR - Your memo of February 5, 1982 DATE: April 19, 1982 original Attached find/Agreement with SCLRR for Resolution 80-95 for pipe line installation at Northeast Coachman Roado The Agreement for Resolution 80-96 for sanitary sewer and storm sewer at "D" Street was forwarded to your office on November 17, 1981. (copy of memo attached) 1JtMJ MGB:wjs:j Att. .. I"', ""'?'.m~ ,;'J ~lc~j;, . ->\ ,~,' :_~=;J.~4' ~f:.. . ~ 1") ....-., &.... .ATY {::~ J ?S -O!tJ-60fJ t,) TO: FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: I CITylOF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Max Battle, Public Works Direct~{~ Lucille Williams, City cle~vf' Agreements with SCLRR February 5, 1982 In reference to our memo to you on 11/16/81 regarding the following agreements with SCLRR, our records indicate we have not received the originals. Have you found anything in your file? If not, we would like to request that you contact the railroad regarding these agreements. / I z.. if L<.J J:tT8L LINE \IRes. 80-95 Pipe Line, N.E. Coachman -- 'Res. 80-96 San. Sewer - Storm Drainage, "D" Street ---- LW/SL/ss '< / .r , C 11~e~rrme~ ~o~e~p~n~:CeTs~e~ 1.13y. Battle, Public Horks Di::cf\t~ Lucille Williams, Cit~ . TO: FROM: COPIES: Agree~ents with SCLRR SUBJECT: DATE: November 16, 1981 A ch~ck of our records indicates we do not have executed copies of the follo~ing agreements: San. Sewer, Fr2~klin & East Ave. Pipe Line, N.E. Coachxan San. Sewer - St:;rm Drainage, liD" St,reet - Res. 79-97 p.~s. 80-95 - Res. 80-96 \~e will appreciate your contacting the Railroad to obtain signed copies for our files. Thank you. L\ilSL/ss r'_'::' W \\ '.' :\: 1~; ,~" r -I \ \", , L: ',\',~:l 0::',\1 [ '(Ij JjC r' :.: C o TCJ C: :{CS [J i) G B o J'.VR o :':J :\l o :;-"~GB __,~-'] OlH ;1 :\'1V'-1\: L' i; !", ... .. [J j '" o o A V :,1 o f_:\1N un:ER FILE U CG __________...___..u~.._.__.._.-.-. -.--..----..- -- TO: Lucille Williams, City Clerk FROM: W. J. Shepard, Engineering In answer to your above request - we have found Agreement on Res. 80-96, which is attached. We are still searching for the ~wo others requested. c:: CJ'! I 1 is:' Thanks. \'JJS : cg Att. ~ TO: FROM: COPIES: SU BJ ECT: DATE: ~ '::>' C ~ CITVeF ClEARWAT(-/[.-" Interde~a n ment Corrrspondence Sheet :':)~ :~attle, Public \':or:-<:3 Dire~tor Lucille \'Jilliarns, Ci t:y Clerk ~ ~.J.l' Agreesents with SCLRR Decer:ber 18, 1981 Plc:ise let 'JS r(nmJ l:he status of our reque5L: contai::-.ed in cur :,c~,c of :;o"'e~::'er 16 ~ :1981 relatinf to -::'le a,('rCE.:,f);,S i:i tr,"':::c.."-ce.ro. Coa';tli,le ?2.ilroad. i...'...' I S L I .3 S DATE; TO; FROM: Dec. 28, 1981 Lucille Williams, City Clerk W. J. Shepard! Engineering In answer to your request - we have attachei duplicate- original of Res. 79-97 San. Sewer, Frankli~ & East Ave., which we just received today in the mail. v We will continue to search for the other o~e requested. (Res. 80-95 Pipe Line, N.E. Coachman WJS:cg Att. [)/~ c1n4Y ~,; DEe 2 ?. \93\ ,- ::.O.W. ~ ~ . -. . r L ... a)[0~\'3-- ~ ~ .D. _~:v. . -\ , , '-. ------.- c: : ,0,: -' ll.L':': ----' _.__~__4__ c::::: ~~ JACK CHERRY, JR. SUPERINTENDENT e . SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY ~L~7qI3g-1 Operating Department Post Office Box 191 Tampa, Florida 33601 (;,,/\ " j,,' ,,/~ ,_,'C 1(1:.' ,~ \, l'~ (,~f P Ii.' e> ;f~~ \ < ..,,~~ ~,,' \ September 25, 1980 (z) 13-13157 Mr. Max G. Battle City of Clearwater P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 ~-" 'f Dear Mr. Battle: I attach, for the records of the City, the duplicate-original of agreement dated July 31, 1980, between the Seaboard Coast Line Rail- road Company and the City of Clearwater, covering installation and maintenance, for the purpose of conducting (potable) water, of a line of 12-inch ductile iron pipe across the right-of-way and underneath the main track of the Railroad, at Northeast Coachman Road, State Road 590-A, at a point 1,006 feet northwest from Mile Post SY-870, at Coachman, Florida; which instrument has been drawn without contract fee or an annual rental, but contains in Article 7 our insurance provision. Inasmuch as the agreement has been properly executed and the required Certificate of Insurance furnished and approved, it will be in order to proceed with the work a.f'ter contacting Roadma.ster D. S. Blair, Cleal'Water, Florida, telephone number (813) 446-1391, and Supervisor- Communications and Signals J .M. Altman, Tampa, telephone number (813) 626-4027, seven days in advance. Very truly yours, ~~,'() '-w,. Superintendent ~"'~' \vl A JcL'i ~~'^ l, \") -I" ",\ \ \ '\ vD -tv -/.>(. Cy- Mr. w. Q. Duke, Project Representative Briley, Wild & Associates, Consulting Engineers & Planners 406 South Prospect Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33516 Correspondence No. 1313157. tUJ1' ~ [~I B r~~~~g g :;~~v. ~ [J MV'l,I( 0 p, s. lJ AVliI [] Jim [J ENV, l] AMN 0 UnfER :FILE ____________:____.__...___._________.___________ .' e . ----'~ Fonn 11 [j SEABOARD COAST LUfE RAILROAD COMPANY ~PPLICATION FOR PIPE LINE cnOS:'JNG UNDER PROPERTIES AND TRACKS PInna for proposed instnllatIon shnll bG submitted to and meet tho approval of the Railroad Company before construction is begun. Material nnd lnstnllatIon are to be in strict accordance with specl!JcnUons of the American Rnllway Engineering Associa- tion and requirements of the Seaboard Coast Lino Railroad Company. Original and eleven copies of this form shall be submitted, accompanied by twenty-two prints of a drawing showing plan, elevation section of crossing from field survey, locatlonin respect to Mile Post, width or Railroad's Right of Way, location of adjacent structures affecting crossing, and all information N- quired in Figures 1 and 2 of A.R.E.A. Specifications, Part 6-Pipelines. If open cutting or tunneling is necessary, delailB 01. sheeting and method of supporting tradcs or driving tunnel shan be shown. 1. Correct Nament App1icanL--~f Clearwater, F /orida 2. Post Office Address~' O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33518 8. Partnership - Name and Initials all Partners, Women - Given and Surnames before marriage and pre8en~A,___ 4. If Incorporated, Name of Stateinw'hlch Incorporate~nicipal corporation, State of Florida 6: Locaticm _-IQQ.$ Feet' NW (Direction) from nearest R-R. MHe Post .a;zz- .5'1- $ 70 6. Nearest Rajlroad Station Clearwater County Pinellas state Florida 7. Within limits of Public Highway NameNE Coachman ~County No. S-590A I 8. Temporary track support or rip rapping required ( ) Yes ( X r No - Describe 9. Wires, poles, obstructions to be relocated ( ) Yes (X ) No - Describe 10. 11. 12. Product to be cqrJveyed Max. Working Pressure Location of shut-')ff valve~ potable water Flammable ( ) Yes (X 55 PSL Field Test Pressure each end of crossin~ ) No. TemperaturA 100 PSL Type Test hydrostg!i~ 13. PIPE SPECIFICATIONS: ------1'.-- Ma terial Material Speciuc"tions and Grade Minimum Yield Sl rength of Material :rSI Mill Test Pressure, PSI Inside Diam(;ter ; Wall Thickness Outside Dimneter Type of Seam Laying Lengths Kind of Joints Total L:n);th \'nthln ,RR R/W VENTS: Number, 1 SEA1~S: Both enda -yes- BURY: Bl'.se of rail to top of casing BURY: (Not beneath tracks) BIDlY: (Roadv,ay dikhes) None CATHODIC PROTECTION: ( ) Yes (x ) No PROTECTIVE COATING: ( ) Yes (X) No CARRIER PIPE .ducti Ie iron .du ctj Ie iron 42,000 psi 500 12"nom/12 .5.8 act. 0.31" 13.2011 SE"omlec;c; ?O' ~asketed 140L.F. CASING PIPE _ste~__________ per ANSL2..1,.51_8.sIMA2.L~, 45 ,000 psi 150 23-1/4 0.375 2411 None ~ -welded 140 L. F . Size One end -=-=- 611 Hgt. above ground 21 --------~ 4 ft. ft. ft. 6 ---'-0' in. in. in. Kin<L- Type, Size Hnd SpClcing of In.s114tors or SUJ?ports _bllA 14. 1fethod of InstR.l!dion boring and iackin~ within limits shown_~__ If aPl'Ucntion is Hl'proved, applicant agrees to reimburse the Railroad for any cost incurred by the Railroad inci,:.."i to installation, mailitenance, and/or supervision necessitated by this pipe line installation, and further agrees to HSSllme all liability for Bc,jdents or injuries "hich arise as a result of this installation. __June,JQ",_L<L$O~_ Date City of Clearwater, Florida '~/Y/ A _ Rt1~__,_ / / ~~~r~~~f OfiJcer. Signing AppliC1ltion Max G. Battle, Public Works Director \~.\~)S'i . '. e F.3530-Sheet 1 Revised Nov. 1979 RE-1081 t '" THIS AGREEMENT, Made this 31st day of July, 1980, by and between the SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, a Virginia corporation, hereinafter referred to as Licensor, and the CITY OF CLEARWATER, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter styled Licensee, W1TNF~;SETH: That Licensor, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to it in hand paid by Licensee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter made and contalnedon the part of the Licensee to be kept and performed, hereby grants unto Licenl;ee the right or license to install and maintain, for the purpose of conducting (POTABLE) WATER, a line of 12-inch DUCTILE IRON pipe across the right of "'11Y and under the main track of Licensor at NORTHEAST COACHMAN ROAD, State Road 590-A, at or near COACHMAN, FLORIDA, at a point 1,006 feet northwestwardly measured along the center line of said main track from Milepost S',:-870; as shown in green on print of Licensee's Drawing, undated, and preparl'd by Briley, Wild & Assoc., attached hereto and made a part hereof; as also described inForm 115, Licensee's Specifications for said line of pipe attached hereto and made a part hereof; Licensor's right of way being as ~lidicated on said print. .. And Licensee hereby covenants and agrees in consideration thereof: 1. 1.i_censee shall install and maintain said pipe at its expense in a manner satisfactory to the Division Engineer of Licensor and so as not to interte'Fe '.lith pipe or other structures now in place. In the event the said pipe shall require repair or renewal, Licensee shall make such repair or renewal at,its expense; and upon the failure of Licensee so to do, the said Division Engineer of Licensor shall give written notice to Licensee, and upon the failure of Licensee to make repair or renewal within thirty days after such no tice, Licensor may make all n~cessary repair or renewal at the:cos t of Licensee, uhich cost Licensee hereby agrees to pay on demand. 2. Ucensee shall install and maintain, above ground and in a manner and at such locations as may be designated by said Engineer of Licensor, markers to plainly indicate the location, depth at which installed and ownership of said pipe. Licensee will, at its expense, at any time, upon thirty days' written notice given by Licensor, change and alter the locatIon of said pipe to conform to any changes or improvements that may be made by Licensor in its tracks or roadway at said location, or to permit the utilization of Licensor's right of way, or other lands, for the construction of tracks, buildings or other structures. 3. Licensor shall not be responsible in any manner fOJ:" loss of or damage to said pipe and the contents thereof from any cause whatsoever; and Licensee sl all and does hereby assume, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless tl~e Licensor, its successors and assigns, trom and agains t all loss, costs, expenses, including attorneys' fees, claims, suits and judgments whatsoever in connection with injury to or death, of any person or persons or loss of or damage to property caused by or in any way connected with the installatiun, maintenance, use or presence of said pipe and appurtenances on said premises, howsoever caused. 4. Licensee will pay to Licensor, on bills rendered by Licensor, the full amount of all costs and expenses which may be incurred by Licensor in . " e FO. 3530~Shee t 2 Revised Nov. 1979 }. I protecting its track or tracks and maintaining traffic thereover by driving piling or by other means while said pipe is being placed thereunder, or during any repair, renewal, relocation or removal of said pipe. .l 5. It is expressly und~rstood and agreed that Licensee shall be prohibited, incident to the installation and/or maintenance of said pipe on Licensor's property, from using explosives of any type wi thout the express written consent of Licensor; in the event such consent is extended, a representative will be assigned by Licensor to protect Licensor's interests and Licensee, in addition to all other costs to be borne by Licensee as herein set forth, shall reimburse Licensor for the entire cost and expense of ~urnishing said representative. 6. In consideration for the right or license hereby granted, Licensee hereby agn~es that the Licensor shall not at any time or in any manner be assessed~ith the cost or any part of the cost of the installation ~nd maintenance of said pipe and appurtenances thereto on Licensor's property. I 7(a). During the installation of said pipe the Licensee will, if it is to perform the installation, or if the Licensee is to have a contractor perform tl~r~ installation, require said contractor to,' at its sole cost and expense, procure and keep in force Workmen's Compensation and Employers' Liability 'Insurance, and Public Liability Insurance and Protective Public Liability Insurance, including automobile coverage, providing for a limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 for all damage arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one person, and subject to that limit for each person, a .total limit of $1,000,000.00 for all damage arising out of bodily injuries to or death of tvo or more persons in anyone occurrence, and regular Property Damage Liability Insurance, and Protective Property Damage Liability Insurance; 'including automobile coverage, providing for a limit of not less than $1, 000,000.00 for <ill damage ar~sing out of injury to, damage or: destruction of property in anyone occurrence. (b). The Licensee shall furnish certificates of insurance evidencing the above coverage and the fom of the policy, the carrier and the amount of the coverage shall be subject to the prior approval of the Licensor. Such Lnsurance shall contain a contractual liability endorsement which will cover the obligations assumed under this agreement and such other endorsement or endorsemeqts as, in the opinion of counsel for the Licensor, may be necessary or advisable to fully protect and indemnify the Licensor. In addition, such insurance shall contain notification provisions whereby the insurance company agrees to give 30 days' notice to the Licensor of any change or cancellation of the policies. All of these endorsements and notice provisions shall be stated on the certificate of insurance which is to be provided to the Licensor. Provided, however, that notwithstanding any of the provisions of this agreement with respect to insurance, it is understood and agreed that the liabil.ity assumed by the Licensee shall not be limited to the insurance coverage stipulated herein. 8. The portion of said pipe under said track 'and roadbed thereof shall be encased by and at the expense of the Licensee in 24-inch (O.D.) steel pipe conduit and placed at a minimum depth of 66 inches below the hase of rail of said track, or not less than 36 inches below the bottom of Licensor's roadbed ditches, or not less than 48 inches below ground surface - whichever depth may be the lower - measurements being to the top of said conduit. e f/; Fe! 3530-Shee t 3 Revised Nov. 1979 It is understood and agreed that tltis agreement shall not be binding until it has been authorized or ratified by a proper ordinance or resolution of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, a certified copy of which ordinance or resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof. IN Wl';'NESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement in duplicate! {',he day and year first above written. Witnesses tor Licensor: SEABOARD (L . S . ) 1/J~ !J'J~ ~~~ .- By .(z:~ (~ ' ~ \u'\..S\G_'-' C~, r--.'" ~, B Witnesses!lor Licensee: (SEAL) ~-' /' Co te~~igned: L '. N IE" R~ru~N ~ 5C~UN ".VENT Y,.,';" , (? '( \(.. .. ~~ NORTJ-/EA5T CC~CJ-JM,.:'!'J POA.D .c' Hoff ".., 7 I ~---1 AS~~ 31 .5<# , ~ /IoU r . p.p. 40ft' IJO SCALE Klw I ~~~- .~, \~ ~ ~ I rR/CKO ~ '-l R,ftY I llJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I,j II?NlD :e L.J / ,~'/\.. ,j." =- --=- -=-=- 24' C, p--=-=---= () 12. o'/.P. C4,P.P./ER. CA51NG "75' 25' SEIIL e/o./DS WITH CONe, 7'5' ----- .--- IN~TALL CA51NG BY I!OP.ING JACXING yYlrHIN THESE: LIMITS I . I~O' t.~' Tunl'" A I 'rlf..n~ C'C ~T:I/U I .~j!-L.IVIV AlO SCAL~ .. ; . P;''c.PAfU/J By l!RIL e Y. IV/tO , 115SO<!. CoNSuLT/AlG cN4/JlEERS (Pl.ANNc~ ORMtJNf) BEACH - CLeARWATER, FLtJRIO.ll TO A~COMPA^,Y AI'Pl/C-4T/(),v 7lJ SEABOARD COASTliNe RIlIt.Rr:MO /JY' CITY ar CLEARWATER, FlORIIJA ., 'i. . ~ . . . >. . , ' e . RESOLuTION No. 80 - 95 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF CLEARWA TER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY FOR INSTALLATION OF A WATER LINE. WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has found it neces sary to install and maintain for the purpose of conducting potable water, a line of l2-inch ductile iron pipe acros s the right-of-way and underneath the main track of the Seabo,ard Coast Line Railroad Company at Northeast Coachman Road, .. at or near Coachm.an, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Railroad has prepared an agreement to that effect for formal execution by its corporate officers, as well as the prqper municipal officials of the City of Clearwater; and WHEREAS, the Railroad has requested a resolution be adopted by the . City, formally approving said agreement and authorizing the proper City officials to execute same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEAR WATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARL Y ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Mayor, together with the other appropriate municipal officials of the City of Clearwater, is hereby authorized and empowered to exec'-7-tea certain agreement with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company. bearing date of July 31, 1980, in connection wi.th the installation and main- tenance of a potable water line of 12-inch ductile iron pipe at Northeast Coacr'.....'nan Road, at or near Coachm.an, Florida. 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its pas sag,~_..~___,__ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of September, A.D,. 1980, Attest: I s I Charles F, LeCher lvlayor- Commis sione r I s I Lucille Williams City Clerk ... , . . e . I, LUCILLE WILLIAMS, duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Clearwater, Florida, certify the foregoing to be a true and , , I correct copy of Resolution No. Commission on the 4th day of 80-95 adopted by the City September , A. D., 19~. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Clearwate r, Florida, this ~Jh day of September , A.D., 1980 . oe.~ L~ City Clerk