LETTER TRANSMITTING 11-13-1968 AGREEMENT B. B. VAUGHAN SUPERINTENDENT r ~I. SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY Operating Department Tamps, Florida 33601 April 23, 1969 File: 1306918 Mr. R. G.Wh1tehead City Clerk Ci ty o't Clearwater P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida Dear Sir: I attach 'tor your records the duplicate-original o't agreement dated NoveJlber 13, 1968, with the CitY' o't Clearwater, covering installation o't a 6-incll natural gas pipe line beneath our right o't Yfq and track 2,500 'teet northeast o't Mile Post ~876, and a 4-incl1 natural gas pipe line on our right o't Yfq 'tor a distance o't 515 'teet cOJllllencing at a point 2,583 'teet northeast o't the mile post, near D1medin, Florida. Yours Telj" truly, ~ @