SEWER LINE CROSSING ':" .;:' I I SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY Operating Department Tampa, Florida 33601 B. B. VAUGHAN SUPERINTENDENT October 8, 1968 File: 13-6868 RECEIVEC ;. OCT 9 196$. ~ITY ClDJ( Mr. R. G. Whitehead, City Clerk Ci ty of Clearwater P. O. Box 4747 Clearwater, Florida. 33518 Dear Mr. Whi tehe a.d: I attach for your records the duplicate=original of agreement dated August 20, 1968, with the City of Clearwater, covering installation of a 30-inch reinforced concrete sanitary sewer pipe line beneath our right of way and track 2,067 feet west of Mile Post SY-870, near Coachman, Florida. Yours very truly, l~if oS -()! () - CC (J) I I. Iller/via ,(JeT 9 '968 CITy Cl.ERK AGREEMENT FOR MUNICIPAL PIPE LINE Form 3530 Rev. Jan. 1962-Sheet 1 .. ~~ . J RE-2S292 THIS AGREEMENT, Made this20th day of Awzust ' 1968 . by and between the SEABOAHD COAST LINE HAILHOAD COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as Licensor, and the CITY OF CLEARWATER, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida , hereinafter styled Licensee, WITNESSETH: That Licensor, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to it in hand paid by Licen- see, the' receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter made and con- tained on the part of Licensee to be kept and performed, hereby grants unto Licensee the right or license to install and maintain, for the purpose of a sewer llDe, a line of .3Q..inoh re1nf'oroed ooncrete pipe aaroas the right at wq am UD1emeath the main track at Lioensor near CoaohlM.1a, Florida, at a point 2,067 teet vestw8rd1y', measured along the center Une or said main track, from Mile Post SI-870j as shown in green on print of Lioensee I a tmdated mi 1.mt)1]tnbered drawiDg attached hereto aD! made a part hereof'J said right of vq being SO teet wide on each side at said center l1rJs. . And Licensee hereby covenants and agrees in consideration thereof: 1. Licensee shall install and maintain said pipe at its expense in a manner satisfactory to the Division Engi- neer of Licensor and so as not to interfere with pipe or other structures now in place. In the event the said pipe shall require repair or renewal, Licensee shall make such repair or renewal at its expense; and upon the failure of Licensee so to do, the said Division Engineer of Licensor shall give written notice to Licensee, and upon the failure of Licensee to make repair or renewal after such notice, Licensor may make all necessary repair or renewal at the cost of Licensee, which cost Licensee hereby agrees to pay on demand. 2. Licensee shall install and maintain, above ground and in a manner and at such locations as may be desig- nated by said Engineer of Licensor, markers to plainly indicate the location, depth at which installed and ownership of said pipe. Licensee will, at its expense, at any time, upon thirty days' written notice given by Licensor, change and alter the location of said pipe to conform to any changes or improvements that may be made by Licensor in its tracks or roadway at said location, or to permit the utilization of Licensor's right of way, or other lands, for the construction of tracks, buildings or other structures. (J) I I I Form 3530 Rev. Jan. 1962-Sheet 2 , 3. Licensor shall not be responsible in any manner for loss of or damage to said pipe and the contents thereof from any cause whatsoever; and Licensee shall and does hereby assume, and agrees to indemnify and hold harm- less the Licensor, its successors and assigns, from and against all loss, cost, expense, including attorneys' fees, claims, suits and judgments whatsoever in connection with injury to or death of any person or persons or los.s of or damage to property caused by or in any way connected with the installation, maintenance, use or presence of said pipe and appurtenances on said premises, howsoever caused. 4. Licensee will pay to Licensor, on bills rendered by Licensor, the full amount of all cost and expense which maybe incurred by Licensor in protecting its track or tracks and maintaining traffic there over by driving piling or by other means while said pipe is being placed thereunder, or during any repair or renewal of said pipe. 5. ~ peril. of aa1d pipe 11Il8 1Dlezo.$.4 track aM l'OIIdbe4 thereat shall be ....M4 1:0" ud at. the ~.. of the L~... 1a .a 48-Deh ateel pipe OQDdu1t u4 pJ_oed at a '11I4",4... ct.pth at 17 teet below the Due of nU of add traek, .. Dot let. t.bq 36 1Dob8. bel_ tbe bottca fit t,1oeDaGrtl l'OI4bed ditch, or DOt lNI tba1&j6 1D&d>>. be1cIr the ...... ..,... - vblobnel' depth ., be tM 1.oIMt - ....... JDea1i8 'beJ.ag to the top at 8d4 oe1u:lt. 6. Uoeue...... to ,.,. to Lloeucr, 1D add1t1cm to all other ocma1dorat1aDl ~ _"!a, the .. at $U.OO to PG't1a1.1T "~h add !.l~ tt:Jl> tbe 00Itta of oW .."r, ud otJItr ....,.. ......,. to tba _....~ of thI.a ~. 7.. The pipe UD8 "ear:lbed beIe1n 1a looated em ~ in poIaeaa1CIJ. or 1'J..08JUIClr bT v.lrtue of an .1111 at dated April 1, 1~! as ~Dted,betveen 1WIpa & Qult Ccut Ba1J.rc:8! 0-..., u:l the Seabaed Air I4ae Ba1J.rc:8! ~, DOlI Seabaed Cout L1De Ba1J.rc:8! ~, ad 1IDleaa IJOCID8J' teftd.Dated, as prov1ded -.... thU ......I'lt Iha1l 0CIltJ.nue 1D ettect .0 101J1 as Lioemaor aball oontJ.Due to opeIate tba ra:Une4 .. of TaIIpa & 0II1t Oout Ra1l.Jtoed ~ 8111 shall torJd,... J:II1te upon 00 ,sat1ac. ot euoh operatlcm b7 L1oenaor. IoteHZli'he f"oll~,. obqes wre Il8lle 111 tb1a ~nt prior to the aeoutiOl1 thereof': Articl.. , - 7; Added. It is understood and agreed that this agreement shall not be binding until it has been ratified by a proper ordi. nance or resolution of the ct_ ~ fit t.IIa Qlw ot m.....ua+.a. naP.i4L. , a c~tm'ed cC)p'f"O!'"W1tre1i resolutron or ()"fQinance~i'B'"atraClieQ1fefeto ana~ part of this agreement. IN WITNESS.WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement in duplicate the day and year first above written. Witnesses for Licensee: .....~~.....7$~................ AP~.~~i;;;r~;~~'~:"'. '---(L City Atto ,{ey (L.S. ) .. _.. 0 "', L1P-.... - -- .... ----.-...- __ __0. ._.. '_--0 .. -- _..._-- -."--." ---- ------ --------_. ------ _.... -'.. ---.. ---- .-.--- !/ ". ...-....._,-- -- --.-, " ~ ~5- ITh t I " I j,f; " -- -, r ,1, I !i t '; I t ,~- ;- t ~ T -n; ... t ~.. .:. I -BE) \ t ,~ .... I -ffi- \ k- "". ! r ---. --- ,- --\: :7-:--- {- -L --- - - ~-- .---- _.~.-.-.,---._-- ------- .----.-.- ---- ---- () ..... 1-- ""-- "- --- r J ~. _. - .!, ~ = ... \ ~ ~- -- .-- ----_. I _-t--,_ - -=Yl?i! ';;.--;:;"7 ~7I-..8-'-J: ii.I~ 1,---;'; ~'l5- -- -..--- "1.;-- !J-- -.----- - r ~~- ~ "1------ -L._ -- - - - -..-. -. _..- ~- ~ ----- ..- --- ----., . "- -.... I='~" in .. .. .-..,-----. - .- . ,,- o. 'h '. ~rg~":'r.~~- ~_u_ ~ ,h.- I l ~. "~ I~ " I I ~~ ;e;c;-1.3r=-= ;.'f" " . -~B.?I ',u I ~ -- -~.,,~/ N ,I I -f-- - -----,-,- 1 I , - y , .. -- .. I " I '\\]" ~ . .~. ..-....---..- S e.c t ~ --.- - ..- ---'.- 1:0 n ... ---_.-.-. 0'_ __ 'See;') Ie - . ._~ . -_. .- . ... .-. , I, ""._J -. ~ J \ . ;ffl:51a': /3 ~ ,.3/' . .~ .. ! t- I l' " I . ~I--.-. !!i: - ~ IJ , ~. _ CO' .50' .I~ J \.. ~ ,',\I.:~ 'I-.J.E: , \) .~: , "" i~ I \) Q:ol1 . ~~~ U'~.' ~ .q'~ , 'l> :f: ~ ~'~ ....::::j \/II;)' , ~'ti.t: ,t.J.~ ..;: " , II ,U ()VIi1 ~~If> ffl".8tiJ: IS1''10~ I ;~.I .;. " z.s' h. \I \I~ . \!-qj I, \. I I' I 2-d' ') Iv h . 1'1 \ I I' ' , I \ \ .I. 0, ,i- , (J ~ Ph;JI'''.1tHJ .fd" ,Ie, C, PI,Pe, 'b~ ~ '~, 'JI tjl t.) :=~:.- P"I a n :.Fl"o/,!olDed 5zJnitory -:C:J~;;lIlroDd Cross/'n'} S ewe 1'.:'::=_ , '-. -2.5~r '.,3 p. .. H Ie a II fa 0 d. C"06.ln~ c:Jerail.... r'. ::>-0' HOYt) rw 5'~ Vad - :.. fA ~ .. .".~ . I I Fonn 3630 Rev. Jan. 1962-Sheet 3 i I Extraets from minutes Clearwater, Florida ot meeting or the City Commission ot the City of held on the day of . 19 RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the City Commission of the C1 ty of Clearwater, Florida in regular meeting assembled that the 'City Manager of said City be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agreement with the SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, and to sign same on behalf of said C1 ty ,whereby said Railroad COIDp8Dy grants unto said City the right or lioense to install aM maintain tor the purpose at a "ewer line, a line or 30- inoh reintoroed ocmcrete pipe &Or08S the right of wq and UDierneath the main traok at said Railroad Company near Coachman, Florida; as more particularly de- scribed in said agreement, which agreement is dated August 20, 1968, a copy or whioh agreement 1s tiled vi th this Ci t;y Commission. I certify the above to be a true and correct copy. ..............................................................................Cierk........ (