SPUR TRACK EASEMENT _[,'..-J'~'.; ~ I 1 EASEMENT FOil AND Of CONlmSUTlON of th. .Vim of 011. Dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paW to It, u....c.lpt 0' wltleb ... her.by ackaow1e..... anel the 'be..flts to be d..wel .....from. CITY OF CLEAIt. W.A TEll. FLOllIDA. a mUldelpal corpora.... ....".1'.'" 'rant.... CODvey to the SJ:ABOAJU) COAST LINE MILa...>> COMPANY, &Il e..s.m..t oWl'. UDCl.r..u acro.. the foUowill, ".e"'''. laaMI.ly.... &a. 1M la, .ltuau fa th. COllDty of Pta.l1a., St&t. of rlorida. to wit: From tile M......' COhe'.' IAt 11 01 Clpl'W&ter lIMbaaul&1 Pu.. &Cco.....to.. ma, o...a,&t th.l'eof ..s reeorelect.. Plat .00 ... pa,. "., of th. Public Ilecol'd. of ,'...s C_t" J'l.rWaI na th.ac. S OOOI'SO" ....... ". E..t u.. 0' .&t4 Lot. 406.41 f..t to a ... of ""._1'. ... beila, the Point of a.,bmia'l .... c_tta.. I 0005 '30 U E to tb. .CNtIa llu of .aidL.' Ila ..... I'D S 7Z056*17"1: aloa, the SoutJa u.. of.W Lot to dM .......t co...... 01 Lot 15; daeaee _ .-' .. e....... .. tII. ri,bl. ba.,.. e..tl'al &D,I. of S ""S'lS" _, cllo.......riq N ZS.OZ'06. 5" W, , ab...d l_~,.".IO. 19 f..t to.. AD al'C 4lataa.. of 469. 17 f..t aloa, "sEa.terI, lot 1... of .alel LOt 11 to .. Point of ..at_t.,[:,LaII daat pol'd_ of bib... .........t a. .bowa OIl af.....w Plat. Thi. .a.em.-t IMtaa lor ..taUaU. aU maSa.....o. of a .,.1' tl'ack. Th. CITY OJ'; eUAa WATEa. FLOamA. her.by .xplicitly I'...rv.. the l'l.ht to tal1&U _$I ,ma...... allY ..e....IT_lltf o. '..... 1.... &Mw, "'low 01' al-. .......u..... h'ack _"1' ... to have ace... at all u..e to .~14 ,..opel'ty .........' ~ tIiH ......at '.1' .. ,........ .,. ...1'...... "1'." to" '1'0"", I."'.*- tile .......... ... ., ..I.MI.... ... i....,... i IN wnU.......UOJ'. tM "I'ty h...... haa ca_eel th... ,......u to be clu1y e..nte4.:"'lu "'0"1' ......... tHr_to &utbori...d .... i.. ....1 to ... ...e1Udo all.... tIlil 10th clay of Italy, 196.. CITY OJ'CUARWATER. FLOllIDA Cout.r.ip.ct: Is/ H. Everett Houi~n, ..yor-Commi..,.... Approv.. .. to fo.....cl cor...e....: By I s I Merritt R. Stierheim City ........1' .Atte.t: Isl R. G, Whitehead .Clty C1.l'k I s I Herbert M. BrOWn City AttClnaey Sip.el, ....l.d ......llvel'ecllD the pn...c:. of: I s I Lucille Bell I s I Kathryn C. Green tJ5 - 01 V-pO .z I , STATE OF I'LOB.lDA ) >> COUNTY OF PINJ:LLAS ) 1 HEUB Y CElt TII'Y, that.. thi. 10th ..., of J\&ly, A. D. 19'8. kfor. m. ,...oaan.,.,,....ectW.....,":a.. Sti...helm, He.."" M. a...... R. G. WWM:Ma4 --.tH. EYe.. H...... r..,.cttvel,cttyMaDa..... Cltr AU.....y. CltyC:l...k... Mayol'-Collulld...i.....of tJa,. City of Clea..watet. FlorWa, a mwcl,..lco......tloa.to lB. bowato be the iadlvWual. aael ollic.r. cle.cl'lH4laalMl who .xec.... the lor...... Ea..m.Dt, aad ..v.rally acbowl.c1... the .acutt.a tMHol to be th.t.. f..... act .... d... a. 8uch odleer. OM..... tily .....ria.dl .... that tlaeOUicial....l Of ..... mulctpal eOl'po..atioD i. duly afftxe.the...to.' &ael the .aW ea..rneDt i. the act anel d..d 01 .aid corpozoadon. WITNUS my .1......... ..ea'clal ...1 at CI..nater in t1ut COUllty of P,lulla. &ad State of Florida. the day aJUl y.al' Jaatabov. written. My Commi..10R Eapb..t Aug. 1, 1970 / s / Betty A. Russ ell Notary ~ubl1c, ,'tate 01 J"lol'icla At La..,. f""" ,-, ,. '" "~: ~' . 'J. ~ ,~, .': f, .."